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MSI WindPad 100 is a Windows 7 Tablet

MSI also showed their own tablet/slate PC — the WindPad 100 — a 10-inch tablet PC running Windows 7 and an Atom processor.

MSI also placed a UI layer on top of Windows to make applications easier to access and launch.

According to Engadget , the MSI WindPad tablet is powered by an Intel Atom Z530 1.66GHz processor with 2GB of RAM and 32GB SSD. The tablet runs Windows 7 Home Premium out of the box.

The 10-inch capacitive touchscreen display has a resolution of 1024×600 pixels. The specs alone looks like it’s a netbook minus the keyboard and thus shaving off half the weight down to 1.7lbs. MSI is looking to sell this tablet later this year for $499.

MSI also showed the MSI WindPad 110 which is an Adroid tablet but with slightly different design and specs.

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

22 Responses

  1. Avatar for wengweng2003 wengweng2003 says:

    guys, does anyone know when this will be available in the philippines?

  2. Avatar for Petron Petron says:

    Great Tool!

  3. Avatar for Jon Jon says:

    They should have put Android instead of Win7. That would cut down the prices significantly.

  4. Avatar for teknisyan teknisyan says:

    apple started it.. we all know it’s a weird name for a gadget… but what I don’t get is why other manufacturer are copying the “PAD” name of Apple? It always sounds like a sanitary napkin… just add the phrase.. “with wings”!!!

  5. Avatar for teknisyan teknisyan says:

    what’s in the PAD name? apple started it.. we all know it’s a weird name for a gadget… but what I don’t get is why other manufacturer are copying the “PAD” name of Apple? It always sounds like a sanitary napkin… just add the phrase.. “with wings”!!!

  6. Avatar for Efren Sy Efren Sy says:

    You second rate trying hard copy cat!

    – Steve Jobs

  7. Avatar for teknisyan teknisyan says:

    about the name… why do other manufacturer… copy the naming style of apple… does it need to have that “pad” in it?

  8. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    You’re in computex? An ad needs placing and a few more emails.

  9. Avatar for Mark Mark says:

    Its funny how they name it with the word “PAD”.

  10. Avatar for Teknisyan Teknisyan says:

    I don’t think this can utilize all the feature of Win7. However this is a create alternative to ipad but bit pricey, and I bet why…

  11. Avatar for JP JP says:

    It shouldn’t have run Windows 7. The experts at Engadget are making a mockery out of this device.

    Windows 7 for tablets? Maybe on SP2, yes.

  12. Avatar for DocAlfred DocAlfred says:

    @yuga – point taken.

  13. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @docalfred – a 32GB iPad is $599 so the WindPad is cheaper.

    @abraham – I think it can but they saved up on the Windows 7 license.

  14. Avatar for Abraham Abraham says:

    it cannot run windows aero?

  15. Avatar for DocAlfred DocAlfred says:

    For $499 its expensive.And its only 32G. I’ll still go for iPad.

  16. Avatar for abeolandres abeolandres says:

    MSI WindPad 100 is a 10-inch Windows 7 tablet — https://www.yugatech.com/blog/personal-co…

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