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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

20 Responses

  1. Avatar for trouver un mot de trouver un mot de says:

    Through some combination of Gates withdrawing his influence of pride in the
    brand to the point of arrogance, and Ballmer introducing the business common sense that customers should be kept happy if it can
    be done affordably, Microsoft was able to understand how much Vista
    sucked, and how much they had sucked up until then.

    You might want to turn them on to read dialouge over other sounds
    in the game. If there’s one game this year that is screaming next-generation, it is Watch Dogs.

  2. Avatar for agapito bagumbayan agapito bagumbayan says:

    nah. yah man. hard ?

    will everybody knows about that, but what shall we do? even we comment here we cannot deny the fact that it is been done already. the thing that i can say is that do thing that can make the hackers paralysed.

  3. Avatar for t3chn1c1.0 t3chn1c1.0 says:

    hey man!
    looks like you got so many followers i need your help on reporting some sites i have hacked before some black hats could deface them. especially the website of sun cellular which i still haven’t publish on my blog.

  4. Avatar for Teenburg Teenburg says:

    i’m use WP Security Scan plugin

  5. Avatar for henryc henryc says:

    I think auction.ph hae problem right now specially the One Peso auction fever of auction.ph since December 24,2007 4:00 pm event… right now the 3 auction.ph One Peso auction.ph no one can bid..

    December 25,2007 10:00 Am MAGIC SING
    2:00 pm LCD MONITOR

  6. Avatar for Bob Maguire Bob Maguire says:

    Just wanted to add a bit more. It wasn’t WordPress or my blog that was hacked, but a different 3rd-party PHP app on a different server, just in case that wasn’t totally clear.

    For my particular hack, permissions wouldn’t have helped much as it essentially gave them as much rights as the web server process itself (which was not root, but enough to create zombies or other web-based daemons). What actually saved me was the server runs on a PPC and not X86 platform, so most of their executables they tried to upload didn’t work.

    And whether it’s PHP, ASP, JSP, or whatever, the message is still the same. Anytime to use stuff from a third-party, you’re opening yourself to potential vulnerabilities.

    Mine’s been closed for a while now, but it sure hasn’t stopped them from still trying. :)

  7. Avatar for wites wites says:

    since wordpress is built under php, there’s more to it than just upgrading to the latest version. one way of securing your blog or any websites that run php should check their php config (php.ini) for “disable_functions”

    here are some of the commonly abused php functions that should be disabled

    show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, phpinfo, popen, proc_open, allow_url_fopen

    but be warned that some client web scripts may break with some of these functions disabled.

  8. Avatar for Michael Russell Michael Russell says:

    Thanks for the link!

    Fortunately, I wasn’t hacked. A PHP hack doesn’t do much if your site is running ASP.NET. ;)

  9. Avatar for eric eric says:

    hay nakakatakot naman…

    boss abe, pwede makapa upgrade ng WP ko. pag di ka na busy.


  10. Avatar for Jaypee Jaypee says:

    A lot of blogs have been defaced recently. One notable site that was recently hacked was CSS Remix.

    That’s why it’s always advisable to have a backup of your DB offline in case of emergency.

    Good luck with the hack attacks! :D

  11. Avatar for jhay jhay says:

    I think I was hacked before when the Ploghost server that hosted the .com.ph blogs went hay-wired just before the MOA Blogger meetup.

    My blog’s DB was wiped clean! Good thing I had backups on standby, otherwise, I’d gone insane! ;)

  12. Avatar for Manuel Viloria Manuel Viloria says:

    I’ve seen that attempted on sites with the Amember membership script. It’s as if someone is trying to get hold of usernames and passwords so that they can log into the members-only folder.

  13. Avatar for sparks sparks says:

    Nakakatakot naman itong post na ito. :(

  14. Avatar for jozzua jozzua says:

    Annoying.. hack attacks. Good luck with it Abe.

  15. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    skiper, yup dude, read about it last Saturday. Wasn’t able to comment kase closed ata. but thanks for the info. :)

  16. Avatar for skiper skiper says:

    Yuga, I encountered error on your site last friday and I blogged about it..

    Check this out. This might help.

  17. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ Bob – lessons learned. ;)

    @ Dorene – I suggest 644, unless otherwise specified by the app.

    @ journeyist – yup, less is more secure. If you’re on BlgoSpot, LiveJournal or other hosted sites, less worry for you since it’s the provider that takes care of it. Plugins pose more threat because they come from varying sources.

  18. Avatar for journeyist journeyist says:

    Does this mean a blog is LESS vulnerable if it has no plugins?

    …and just curious, is this vulnerability issue via plugins also present when using other blogging platforms, like blogspot for instance?

  19. Avatar for Dorene Dorene says:

    What should be the permission code if not 777?

  20. Avatar for Bob Maguire Bob Maguire says:

    Yes, a very important warning indeed. If I could just add emphasis on the “upgrade to the latest stable version” part, that’s how I got bitten. Actually, the provider of the software that had the vulnerability in it, discovered the problem and quickly provided a fix on the mailing list, of which I was a member. However, I put it on my “to do” list where I promptly forgot about it and never applied the fix, only to get hacked a month or so later.

    So yes, keep your software and plug-ins up to date!


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