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Top 5 Web 2.0 sites I can’t live without

Okay, the title’s stretching it a bit far. However, if you were to choose five (only 5!?) Web 2.0 sites or services, which ones would you pick and why?

5) LinkedIn – a lot of people don’t think LinkedIn is that useful but if you’re the networking type, this gotta be the place for you. I heard of stories from officemates of friends getting hired because of their LinkedIn profiles.

4) Netvibes – this is my personal online executive assistant. She has all (almost) the information and details I need.

3) YouTube – everyone’s gotta have their own juice of entertainment and I think YouTube tops the chart for all visual pleasures. It could practically replace your set top TV.

Digg Logo
2) Digg – this guy changed the way we looked at news and help the common netizen take back the web.

1) Wikipedia – Wikipedia exemplifies that saying in the old Hackers movie “information belongs to the world!”

So, what’s your top 5?

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

17 Responses

  1. Avatar for sheng sheng says:

    i think flickr.com should be included on the list.

  2. Avatar for Jazzy Jazzy says:

    It’s hard define a web 2.0 but anyways, these are mine:

    1. maps.google.com
    2. youtube.com
    3. amazon.com
    4. movies.yahoo.com
    5. some biz and tech blogs

  3. Avatar for heart heart says:

    can i ask u something? do we have a paypal here in phils?

  4. Avatar for reah reah says:

    for a girly girl like me, twitter, multiply, youtube, shopping blogs/ebay, and wikipedia :D

  5. Avatar for Mario Sundar Mario Sundar says:

    Hey Yuga,

    Nice to see LinkedIn mentioned here. I’m the Community Evangelist at LinkedIn. Feel free to let me know if you’ve any questions on LinkedIn.

    The best way to reach me is msu****@****.*** or you can also proactively check our official blog for frequent updates: http://blog.linkedin.com.

  6. Avatar for dennis dennis says:

    Bat walang Friendster? I thought you love it Abe…

  7. Avatar for Goe Dee Goe Dee says:

    My lists :)

    1. eBenTa instead of Digg – (www.ebenta.com check why, eh) Q_Q
    2. google (search engine)
    3. youtube (vides)
    4. techrunch – (tech news)
    5. ebay – (as a seller)

  8. Avatar for Phil Phil says:

    Wikipedia, Digg, Youtube, Zooomr, and Multiply.

  9. Avatar for Eugene Eugene says:

    Hmmm… Wikipedia and Flickr are my two picks.

  10. Avatar for ralphot ralphot says:

    1. wikipedia = ika nga ni ernie baron, “kung walang knowledge, walang power”

    2. youtube = ranked only 2nd since its banning at the office)

    3. last.fm = music stuff

    4. digg = random news

    5. random blog (:P)

  11. Avatar for Jaypee Jaypee says:

    Wikipedia and Digg are definitely on my list! :)

  12. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    oh, web 2.0 He he. Yeah, well, put Quezon.ph there instead.

  13. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    Btw, uh, Inquirer?

    I’m not going to spend 25 bucks on the Inquirer. I’d rather buy a beer.

  14. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    Yep, those Altech Bluetooth speakers are going to fry your brain anyway.

  15. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ BrianB – I can’t do it the Engadget way. The international shipping alone is very expensive. Alam mo naman dito saten ‘Pinas. Besides, my entry limit is 100 only so each one has 1% chance of winning. Sa Engadget umaabot ng 5,000+ entries which has way lower chances of winning. I think my contest mechanics are much easier than theirs.

    Btw, uh, Inquirer?

  16. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    Abe, here’s how you do gadget giveaways


  17. Avatar for BrianB BrianB says:

    No direct links to these site? Come on? Do we have to do everything?

    Ok, mine is 1Wikipedia, 2youtube, 3inquirer.net, 4technorati, 5some porn site.

    Pageflakes instead of netvibes.

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