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It’s official — Apple unveils the iPhone 5

The long wait is finally over as Apple announced the latest iteration famous of the iPhone, the iPhone 5. Sharing the spotlight with the iPhone 5 is the new A6 chip which would run the show under the hood and iOS 6 which will be face of the new iPhone.

The new iPhone will have 4-inch display which has the same width as its predecessor but only taller. The scree will have a 1136 x 640 resolution and a pixel density of 326ppi. It is also mentioned that it’ll have a 44% better color saturation thanks to its full sRGB rendering.

Along with the iPhone 5, Apple has also unveiled a new processor which will power up the new iPhone. Dubbed as the A6, the new chip is said to be 22% smaller than the A5 but has double the amount of CPU and GPU power and more power efficient. Speaking of power efficiency, the iPhone 5 is said to have 8 hours on 3G/LTE talk time or 10 hours of browsing over WiFi.

In terms of connectivity, it’s confirmed that the iPhone 5 will have LTE support along with the other wireless options like HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA. FaceTime over cellular network is also a welcome feature so users can take advantage of the super-fast internet speed. That said feature is just one of the many new things that the new iOS 6 brings to the table. It’s also said that the new Apple OS will be rolled out to three previous models of the iPhone (4S, 4 and 3Gs), two iPads (New iPad and iPad 2) and iPod touch starting September 19.

In addition to this, the A6 chip-iOS 6 tandem will responsible for the operation of the iPhone 5’s 8MP f/2.4 iSight camera. The new processor is said to increase the snapper’s ability quickly to shoot photos by up to 40%, enhances its low-light performance and lessens the image noise. The chip is also mentioned to enable the camera to shoot stills while recording a video and improves the video stabilization.

The iPhone 5’s 7.6mm thin body which only weighs 112g is 18% thinner and 20% lighter than the iPhone 4s. When asked why they decided to go for this design, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that “We designed the phone to fit perfectly in your hands.” Another new thing about the iPhone 5’s design is the smaller connector, 80% smaller to be precise.

This new feature may come as bad news for some, especially for those who built their entertainment system (mostly speaker docks) around the bigger iPhone connector which dates back to 9 years. But it’s not all that bad as the smaller connector, which is called Lightning, is now reversible and would Apple has decided to go for the usual black and white tone with the iPhone 5, only this time the phone will feature a different back depending on the color. The black one will sport a black anodized back side while the white will feature an aluminum posterior.

Apple will start taking pre-orders for the iPhone 5 starting on 14th and will start shipping the goods by the 21st with 9 countries getting it first including US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore followed by 20 other countries (hopefully including Philippines) next month.

Ronnie Bulaong
Ronnie Bulaong
This article was written by Ronnie Bulaong, a special features contributor and correspondent for YugaTech. Follow him on Twitter @turonbulaong.
  1. Apple won Billions of Dollars from the lawsuits and this is all that they can offer?


    • Wag ka magreklamo Mark. Wala ka nam pambili. Nyahahaha.

  2. Per Apple website Philippines won’t be included in the second shipment and there’ll be 22 countries on that batch.

    • til your patience expires, will u still wait until December for new minimal features?

  3. How many cores ung A6 pati clock speed?

  4. i actually liked it. i personally like the black one! can’t wait to get my hands on these!

  5. Quite good. NOTHING revolutionary.

    However, the design is not bad, and the metallic accents are great additions to the glass panels.

    I just don’t see the point why it has to be nano sim.

  6. asan ang specs?

  7. The only advantage of Apple right now is its ecosystem. Nothing else. This should’ve been called iPhone 4SS. Nothing revolutionary.

    PS: No, Apple fans. A new connector isn’t revolutionary.

  8. Now i can breath. Kaso maski small improvement bebenta at bebenta pa din yan. Waiting for BB10. BlackBerry FTW!

    • “Waiting for BB10. BlackBerry FTW!”

      Hahaha. Natawa ako dito ha. Let’s see if you’ll be saying the same thing a few months from now when BB finally goes bankrupt.

  9. Apple will still sell, lalo na kung magiging siyang affordable in the long run.

  10. I’ve made my choice NOTE 2 i choose you.

  11. I like the back part. Haha, yung likod lang nagustuhan ko. :)

    No thanks, Apple.

  12. Soon you will be mine. :P

  13. may bluetooth na pala ang iphone5, what a enovation….

    lumia 920 or galaxy s3

    • I don’t like the new iPhone as much as the next guy but come on, kung mangba-bash ka ng product, wag naman yung mas fail ka pa kaysa sa bina-bash mo XD “a enovation”?!

    • I go for S3 kung mapera ako, kaso wala eh. lmao

  14. iPhone 5 – iOS 6
    Galaxy Note II – Android ICS/JB
    Lumia 920 – Windows mobile 8
    And BB10 next year, gonna be a great year for cellphones XD

    • nothing is new on apple..next year can be the rise of lumias, galaxy and maybe bb10

    • I only meant that we have a lot of choices this year :-P
      different OSes, different experiences for everyone. Yes, iOS and the iPhone 5 may be disappointing but we all know it will still sell @-@

      Anyway,I prefer the galaxy note 2 or the motorola razr maxx hd, though lumia looks it has a lot of potential

  15. Hintayin na lang natin ang iPhone 5S, ganyan naman sila kukuha sila ng input sa iP5 para maglabas ng iPhone 5S.

  16. Nice, but be practical.

  17. Lumia 920

  18. Mark and Jabroni don’t say anything in here….. File all you complaint to APPLE, not on this blog….. If you have iPhone 4S or apple products, you merely see the difference from other brand. It’s quality, performance and style. IT IS SIMPLE but ELEGANT. No other Mobile/Computer company can able to do that, only APPLE.

    Apple still the BEST brand among all due to its SIMPLICITY and ELEGANTNESS with matching BETTER PERFORMANCE EVER, starting from MAC/iMac…… Anything you can say?

    NOTE: I am not an Apple die hard user, but when I started having it, you can’t get a away with it.

    • walang word na elegantness. elegance pede pa.

    • Sorry po…. na excite lang sa mga nasasabi……… Ferpect ka ba?….. Heheheheheh

    • Sorry po …. na excite lang sa mga nasasabi ……… Ferpect ka ba?….. Heheheheheh

    • I’ve been an apple fan back then, but as of now they’re struggling with real innovation, iMac? there’s zenbook, iphone 5? s3,camera?nokia lumia and more better specs. Without using it. It’ll still be the same old ios feel, nothing has changed significantly to alter user experience. Only the design makes me drool.

    • “ELEGANTNESS” mag tagalog na lang kasi kung d naman ganun ka bihasa mag english, kaya lalo nababansagan na social climber. yung pera na pinambili mo ng iphone sana nag hire ka na lang ng english tutor..=)

    • “NOTE: I am not an Apple die hard user, but when I started having it, you can’t get a away with it.”

      -yes you can.. when you start experiencing crashes, seeing features of other platforms (e.g. bluetooth file transfer, file explorer, drag and drop file transfer, etc) and the same old interface used since iphone 1st gen.

    • And what do you mean by, “best performance ever starting from MAC/iMac?” How much does the least expensive iMac cost? $1300? Even more than that in the Philippines? Do you know what kind of PC you can configure with that amount of money?

      And if your definition of simplicity and “elegantness” is a sleek, non-cluttered industrial design… there is the One S/X, GS3, Lumia series, Experia S, etc.

      And to computers, haven’t you seen any ultrabooks? Vizio AIO’s? HP’s Omni 27?

    • “Do you know what kind of PC you can configure with that amount of money?”

      I know you can get a decent PC with that amount. But at the end of the day, it’s still the buggy, virus infected Windozzze…

      Nothing takes away the user experience you can get at Mac OS X. And yes, I have used BOTH. Have you? :wink:

    • LOL @Lion. It’s 2012 and you still get infected by PC viruses? pebkac na yan. and yes, I’ve used both and don’t give a sh*t what others use. natawa lang ako na virus ang nirereklamo mo.

    • Mr. Rams bobo ka ba ha? Can you read again my posts kung may complain akong sinabi? Uulitin kong tanungin bobo ka ba? Mag-tagalog ka na lng sakit mo sa pilikmata eh.

    • Oh wow how does being 2012 change the fact that there are still viruses out there for the Windoze? So what they just can’t penetrate the Windoze system all of the sudden?? So what the viruses diminished just like that? LOL. You must have a really expensive anti-virus installed in your Windozzze machine. Good job.

      You know what, I can’t even insert my friend’s flash disk on to my PC without fearing for that autorun sh*t you can get from inserting those flash disks on to a *maybe* infected PC. But with a Mac? easy. pop those flash disks right in and you’re done. Nothing to worry about. You can even delete those viruses in the flash disk within the OS! I don’t even have an anti-virus installed! And that’s just talking about getting a virus through hardware. Don’t get me started about getting a virus/trojan/malware you can get online. ;)

    • Oh, so you’re one of those “Macs don’t have viruses!” type of people. Well, tell you what, the reason why malware writers are more prominent on Windows is because of its huge marketshare. If Mac gets more than the <10% they have right now, then you'll see more attacks from that end too. Heck, they won't put Gatekeeper on 10.8 if it's "malware-proof".

      AUTORUN?! You do know that it can be disabled, right? So pebkac, it is. I don't need a very expensive antivirus for my online use. Common sense is free. That's the best AV out there. If you don't have common sense or really need to go to the barren lands of the internet then there's sandbox.

      Also, most malwares' MO now relies on the users themselves, tricking them into running that program on their own PCs. That MO will work on a Mac user as well if he's dumb as a rock and runs everything he sees on the display. It's not an OS-specific problem, its pebkac.

      There you go.

    • I know that one of the reason Macs don’t have a virus yet is because of the market share yes. Virus developers wouldn’t make as much profit. But since we aren’t in that stage yet, Mac > Windows. I can enjoy being virus free, with peace of mind, for many more years to come.

      Oh of course I know how to deal with that autorun sh*ts you can get from flash disks. But where’s the user experience on that? I can go in to technicals but the average users won’t even have a clue on how to deal with that in the first place. Again why go too much hassle? Where’s the user experience on that?

      Mind you I still use both; I have a MBP and a PC running on Win 7. In fact, I’m writing this on my PC. I don’t have a anti-virus installed on this PC but what I do have is more common sense than you. Good thing your anti-virus is not “very expensive”. LOL. Again you can’t surf the internet or install applications using your PC without having the peace of mind. So for the user experience, it’s still Mac > Windows for a mile. Alright I’m done here. ;)

    • The only ones who doesn’t have a peace of mind when installing applications are dumb pirates. Again, not a problem of the OS.

      More common sense, says the guy who thinks disabling autorun is too much of a hassle. Wut.

    • @Lion
      Yes sir, I have used a 2010 MBP.

      Macs don’t have a virus yet? Sh#t got real!
      Heard of flashback.downloader? And there is the Olxy backdoor, Blackhole RAT version 2,Bancos,
      FakeAVZp-B,Bckdr-RID,FakeAv-DD and CVE-2012-0507.

      Last April was the hard wake-up-and-face-reality slap on all people thinking that OSX are still immune to malwares.

      Apple themselves has stopped using this myth as a selling point or feature.


      ANY device connected into a network; whether through local area, wide, RF, the internet, can get infected. It is stupid not to have any level of protection.

      Also, any decent/modern antivirus can block, heal or quarantine a malware EVEN if you have autorun enabled.

      BTW it is not the OS’s fault that there are malwares lurking in the web. Like, you can catch a flu from the person that walked pass by you today and I would not blame you or going around telling everyone it’s your fault you got infected.

  19. Flagship iPhone 5 is not revolutionary anymore… but I’m getting that tasty new iPod Touch to replace my 3rd gen.

    Lumia 920 for me this year and a jellybean tablet.

  20. Perfect upgrade to my battered iphone 3gs. Will definitely get this come Christmas time. Yeah!

  21. Nice. I’m starting to like Apple Products na.
    Hmm, I wonder kung asan na yung mga nagkocomment ng “fake!” dun sa posts re: leaked iPhone videos which turned out to be the real deal. Most likely di na sila magkocomment dito. :P

  22. nothing special sa phone and never been a fan of iphone.

    Though fan ako ng itouch nila, best music player :) baka palitan ko na ung 2nd gen itouch ko, lumang luma na eh :P

    I was hoping for an announcement regarding the IPAD MINI. I was thinking of getting that rather than the nexus 7 para atleast i have the best of both world, Android Phone + IOS tablet :) greedy na kung greedy, PEACE!! :D

    • pareho tayo ng ipod and thinking of a replacement too..one complaint on ipod touch i think is there are music players out there which produces better sound. compared to android and symbian, they produce better quality sound than the ipod. so i’m thinking now of the samsung galaxy player 5.8 which was recently announced. maybe i’ll try to compare when both devices are out in the market.

  23. I’m selling my 4S and getting this. But I will also wait for the Note 2 and Selling my note for it din. Note pa rin ang main phone ko. Im just buying an iPhone 5 to flaunt and say “yeah I can afford one”. BWAHHAHAHAH!!

  24. wala halos pinag bago.. size and LTE lang konting design, benta q na iphone4s q.. lipat na aq sa wp8 920 lumia or gs3/note 2.. pang newbie lang yang mga iphone na yan, khit jailbreak u pa wala paring kwenta.. kung hindi ka maka tech, pero gusto u maging in ka, mag iphone ka, pero kung maka tech ka, go for android ma ccustomize u pa. kung mali man spell q sorry po hindi naman po kase aq perpekto.. thanks and godbless

  25. That’s what Apple get when they are just relying on suppliers for the iphone’s parts.

    I think the OS is the only thing that Apple created on this device. Everything else where produced by Apple’s suppliers.

    Display by LG/Sharp, chips by Samsung and camera by Sony.

    Never expect Apple to bring in the best hardware for the latest iphone. Almost everything were already present in its competitors.

    I was disappointed because Apple focused on the hardware on today’s announcement instead of their software.

    • “Never expect Apple to bring in the best hardware for the latest iphone. Almost everything were already present in its competitors.”
      Are you sure on what you are talking? What competitor has produced a solid unibody aluminum case that is polished like a precious jewel, or produced a A15 processor that is more advanced than any one could produced?-(I’m talking to the A6 that Apple has integrated two ARM Cortex A15 cores. The Cortex-A15 is the next major jump for the ARM architecture, which calls the core “the highest-performance licensable processor the industry has ever seen.”

    • @ phil
      you are 100% right man!


      lg provide the best display for their Optimus g.
      Other I-phone5’s parts were made by other manufacturers :
      SHARP …

      only 8MP CAM. nothing new!!!
      almost everything were already found on s3, Optimus G. and other smartphones on the market.

      Optimus G. will kill i-Phone5 in term of PERFORMANCE !!!!!


      ONLY 1 GB OF RAM?
      ONLY 1136 x 640 resolution

      Lacks microSD slot for storage expansion

      Proprietary USB connector – have to use its cable instead of a standard microUSB

      how about the battery?

      BIG Disappointing !

      LG’s OPTIMUS G. is way better!!!

  26. Here’s the catch to those bashing on Apple’s hardware! Listen up Fandoids!!! “This is a huge deal because it means Apple beat both TI and Samsung on bringing A15s to market.”

    Previous generations of the Apple-designed chips used in iOS devices used ARM Cortex-A8 (the iPad / iPhone 4 A4) and Cortex-A9 (iPad 2 / iPhone 4S A5) processor cores. The Cortex-A15 is the next major jump for the ARM architecture, which calls the core “the highest-performance licensable processor the industry has ever seen.”

    • Because being first means they’re the best. Ever.

    • ip5’s cpu IS NOT an AMR Cortex A15 chip..

    • Yeah, my bad.

      Prior to the announcement Anandtech speculated the iPhone 5’s SoC would simply be a higher clocked version of the 32nm A5r2 used in the iPad 2,4. After all, Apple seems to like saving major architecture shifts for the iPad.

      However, just prior to the announcement they received some information pointing to a move away from the ARM Cortex A9 used in the A5. Given Apple’s reliance on fully licensed ARM cores in the past, the expected performance gains and unpublishable information that started all of this they concluded Apple’s A6 SoC likely featured two ARM Cortex A15 cores.

      It turns out they were wrong. But pleasantly surprised.

      The A6 is the first Apple SoC to use its own ARMv7 based processor design. The CPU core(s) aren’t based on a vanilla A9 or A15 design from ARM IP, but instead are something of Apple’s own creation.

  27. Are you sure on what you are talking? What competitor has produced a solid unibody aluminum case that is polished like a precious jewel, or produced a A15 processor that is more advanced than any one could produced?-(I’m talking to the A6 that Apple has integrated two ARM Cortex A15 cores. The Cortex-A15 is the next major jump for the ARM architecture, which calls the core “the highest-performance licensable processor the industry has ever seen.”

    which was made by…………???

    • exactly!

    • “which is made by_______???? Made and designed by Apple!!!
      “You must be confused by the argument ” who manufactured what” do you think just because LG produced the retina dispaly, or TMSC manufactured the A6 processor, or Sony manufactured the iSight camera, or Foxconn produced the aluminum unibody and assemble the iPhone 5, they can claim its theirs? Or they can use to their own product? Or produced and sell it to other cellphone vendors? Apple is the sole company who can use their own designed product!

    • @Edu
      Sony has their Experia P which has an aluminum unibody MADE by Foxconn. A lot of phones are already unibody. Never heard of HTC ONE X?

      The A6 SOC is a re-branded Cortex A15 made by ARM which will also be used by HTC, Sony, Samsung, LG, etc under different names. It is available as dual or quad cores. Apple chose duals cores.

      The Iphone5’s “retina display” is 326 dpi.
      HTC Rezound(342), Nokia Lumia 920(331), E6(328), HTC One X (312) Huwaei Ascend (330) LG Optimus (329), 4xHD(312) & Spectrum (326), Samsung GS3 (306), etc.

      Apple submits their designs to OEMS for manufacturing, true. But so does everyone else. And they don’t have the best-in-class products/features/parts like they used to. Their “exclusivity” is no longer significant.

      Just the fact that it does not have NFC makes it at least 1 year behind HTC and Samsung. Not to mention wireless charging and quad core SOC. And only now they “upgraded” to 4.0″ screens?

      And this is what Blaze meant. Apple is losing their edge over their competitors. No new features in the Iphone 5 can be considered bleeding-edge and it is disappointing.

    • Qualcomms s4 chips, heared of those?

    • @ MAU I will answer your questions and give my views on all your thoughts paragraph by paragraph. Listen Miss
      1.(Sony has their Experia P which has an aluminum unibody MADE by Foxconn. A lot of phones are already unibody. Never heard of HTC ONE X?)
      >Yes I’ve heard of the HTC one X and held it personally as well as the Experia P and you want to know my score? Experia P is Not going for the stylish look, it still look sleek although a bit on the chunky side with its aluminum and edgy unibody. Take a look on the iphone 5 so you can compare how well it was made or read this few early reviews http://www.anandtech.com/show/6283/iphone-5-hands-on-pics-and-video , The One X is made from polycarbonate – posh plastic, basically…. Still not aluminum… and one thing more…. It’s too F****** Big to hold it in one hand! There’s a lot of Phones that uses unibody but they all lacked elegance.
      2.(The A6 SOC is a re-branded Cortex A15 made by ARM which will also be used by HTC, Sony, Samsung, LG, etc under different names. It is available as dual or quad cores. Apple chose duals cores.)
      >Not The same process of Cortex A15 that used by those android phones you mentioned. Reportedly, Apple has integrated two ARM Cortex A15 cores on Samsung’s 32nm LP HK+MG process. On the other hand it is never really been about how many cores or clockspeeds with them has it? It’s always about how well it works at the end of the day, and needless extra gigahertz just to compete with the clock speed rat race over at Android camp is just detrimental to the overall performance of the device.
      2.(The Iphone5′s “retina display” is 326 dpi.
      HTC Rezound(342), Nokia Lumia 920(331), E6(328), HTC One X (312) Huwaei Ascend (330) LG Optimus (329), 4xHD(312) & Spectrum (326), Samsung GS3 (306), etc.)
      >So what is your point of enumerating all of those high PPI phones? LCDs and OLEDs are different and each manufacturer has their own unique implementation of technology these displays. Did you prove anything that anyone has used the technology that Apple had implemented to the iPhone’s Display? And wait for Displaymate’s review of the iproved retina Display of iPhone 5 so you can compare to the latest display of other phones.
      3.(Apple submits their designs to OEMS for manufacturing, true. But so does everyone else. And they don’t have the best-in-class products/features/parts like they used to. Their “exclusivity” is no longer significant.)
      > Apple has proven that they always used premium materials to build their phones. Site an example of a company that produces premium products mostly if not at all. Yes Samsung, Motorola, LG, Nokia and others has produced well built phones but it’s just a fraction of their crappy and cheap plastic phones they produced. Sad to know but that’s the truth!
      4.(Just the fact that it does not have NFC makes it at least 1 year behind HTC and Samsung. Not to mention wireless charging and quad core SOC. And only now they “upgraded” to 4.0″ screens? )
      >I quoted this from BGR “On why the iPhone 5 doesn’t have NFC, Schiller told AllThingsD, “It’s not clear that NFC is the solution to any current problem” and “Passbook does the kinds of things customers need today.” Schiller has every right to call NFC a nascent feature that has yet to have a ubiquitous presence — just ask Google (GOOG) how its Google Wallet program is doing. (Hint: Not as well as Google had hoped.)
      As for why Apple isn’t pursuing wireless charging the way Nokia (NOK) is with its Lumia 820 and 920 smartphones, Schiller said that wireless charging pads still need to be plugged into a wall and offer no real convenience over attaching a standard charging cable.” Here’s the link so you can read it http://www.bgr.com/2012/09/13/iphone-5-nfc-wireless-charging-interview/

      So what wrong about 4.0 Display eh? Phones should be held by one hand for ease of use and portability. Unless, you have a super sized hand and extra long fingers (which I Doubt you have) to easily reach all the extent of those 4.5” or bigger display used by others, then you can convince me to get extra large phones. Phones are phones and if you want a F****** Big Display, go get a Tablet..

      5. (And this is what Blaze meant. Apple is losing their edge over their competitors. No new features in the Iphone 5 can be considered bleeding-edge and it is disappointing.)
      > DISAPPOINTING? IMHO, I think a lot of Android users were hoping for NFC in the new iPhone 5 in the hope it may nudge retailers into implementing it. In that respect I appreciate why a typical Android users are so disappointed.
      Just wait till the iPhone 5 is officially released before you throw some non-sense sour grapping. Try to used it first and compare to those phones that you believe it is better than the new iPhone.
      And one more thing, don’t call me troll or iFan, because I own both iOS and Android. Specifically owned 3GS, i4S, iPad(3rd Gen), Xperia Arc and Galaxy SII. To tell you the truth, using Android phones are pain in the ass when it comes to overall performance. I’m talking to Android’s Buggy and Lagging UI, persistent app crashing, and unreliable stability. Plus the fact that it has the highest rate of vulnerability! Read it for your self http://www.bgr.com/2012/09/13/android-malware-2012-slow-device-updates/

    • never argue with a fanboy for you will never win :)

    • @Edu
      : Unibody topic – I am stating the fact that a unibody case is not a feature Apple can boast as much as they did before. Beauty is subjective. And if you think One X/S is not elegant, IMO the iphone is a brick. Slim, but still a brick. So apple doesn’t “win it” because it looks good for you.

      We agree on the Experia though. ^^

      :SOC and Gigahertz race – If you think Apple is over and beyond the Gigahertz race, then why did Apple go and used the Cortex A15? Because it sells! Apple knows that it’s not about, “how well it works in the end of the day…” because that won’t sell at all. Look what happened with WP7/7.5 spec limits. In the end of the day the restricted(mediocre) specs gave users a great experience but people were still complaining about how mediocre it is.

      They need to put that SOC there not because it needs it per se, but just to make sure it would stand out from competitors for now = gigahertz/performance race. Apple is not immune to it.
      :Retina display – I stated those devices to present that the PPI part of their Retina display is nothing new or exclusive. It wasn’t their original idea.

      Saturation, contrasts, refresh rates, etc are also big (if not bigger) factor on how the display looks. Even if the display in the Iphone 5 is the best, it wouldn’t mean that SuperAMOLED, SuperLCD and ClearBlack tech would suddenly be disgusting to look at.

      :Premium materials – Aluminum is NOT a premium material. We use it as foil FCOL.It’s the way apple used aluminum for its phone is elegant. But it losses elegance the more frequent apple uses the same design year after year.

      The older gen i-phones used plastic parts. Does that mean apple used to sell non-premium products?

      Apple of course would have s better winning-design streak than everyone else because they only have a handful of products – and only one phone. Can they blame people from saying it is starting to look like, “meh” if it’ll continue to look the same way year after year, regardless premium materials or not?

      : NFC – The basis of this argument was Apple is no longer the risk-taker/innovator it was before when it comes to emerging tech. They took the risk with Firewire, mini floppies, Thunderbolt, Wifi, airplay and SSD as standard feature set – even when they were not the clear and definite solution to the problem/field at their time. And since that the NFC is more than just for e-commerce, they are missing an opportunity to be THE INNOVATOR of other application of the tech.

      And, “Passbook does the kinds of things customers need today.” TODAY? You don’t innovate/revolutionize something for today, you do it for the FUTURE.

      So its sad.

      And yeah, you are right, personally I hoped apple would adopt NFC by now to push the market into it. Don’t you want something as great as NFC to be a globally accepted and used tech?

      :4″ display – So what ever happened to their statement before that 3.5″ is the perfect size. And why does it seems that they waited to see how people accepts the bigger screens on their competitor’s phones and see if there really is a market for it. There was no mainstream/ household use a smartphone when they announced the 1st gen iphone. But they created the market and OWNED it. They used to make the demand for something then others follow.

      And this is happening less and less. That is why the iphone 5 is disappointing. Not saying it’s a bad phone or Apple sucks, but clearly something got lost.

      And these are not senseless or baseless “sour graping”. They’ve officially announced the phone. I expect features they’ve mentioned and don’t for those aren’t.

      And believe me, if Apple was as aggressive and forward-looking as they were before, they would have said a lot more last Sept 12th. Which brings us back to the point of the discussion: Apple is not that innovative anymore if you look at what they are offering with the iphone 5.

    • I am only a fanboy or sinigang, reddit and of my wife.

      Edu does not sound like an isheep for me. He just believes that Apple is the best on what they’re doing as reflected by their latest phone.

  28. My old iPhone 4 looks the same as this new one. This is becoming boring already. Thing of you Motorola Razr HD Maxx.

  29. di kaya kapag iphone8 na sobrang haba na nung phone?

  30. HONESTLY “panget ang shape”


  31. This looks boring compared to Nokia 920. Halos di nagbago itsura. Magkakatalo yan sa OS. iOS6 vs Windows Mobile 8 vs Android.

  32. @denden

    Natawa naman ako dun baka maging bareta na panlaba na yan pag humaba pa.hehehe

  33. Goodness… Marami pa rin bang mga iSheep sa Pilipinas?! Iphone 5 sucks! Know the truth guys — watch this video about iOS vs. Android. I suggest you finish the whole 5-part videos. This is truly eye-opening: http://youtu.be/NMiY1kSTHZw

    • ^Troll, typical fandroid is on the wild

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