If you know a friend who is looking for work or seeking greater career opportunities, just refer him to JobsDB.com. If he completes his online resume in JobsDB, then you get to enter the raffle draw. The grand prize is a trip to Bangkok and some iPod Shuffle.
1. This program runs from September 4, 2005 to March 31, 2006.
2. This is open to JobsDB Philippines, Inc. members who are residents of the Republic of the Philippines only.
3. Members must be 18 years old and above.
4. Raffle draws are system generated and will be held on January 2006.
5. All winners will be notified via e-mail.
6. Prizes are not convertible to cash.
7. All JobsDB staff are not eligible to join this program.
To start sending referral invites, click here. (No mass spamming, ok? Just send them to close friends.)
need to change jobs and work location, but missed the train