Max points out to a nice tip from Steve Outing in Poynter’s E-Media Tidbits about tagging emails if they are bloggable or not.
Very neat tip for emails and I have been, on many occasions, wondering if an email exchange that I had would be safe for blog. Most of the time, I refrain from doing so. My rule-of-thumb here is “when in doubt, don’t”. I just couldn’t bring myself to asking if it’s fine to blog about our discussion.
More than likely, if the other party is okay about me bringing our discussion into public domain, he’d more or less say it. Which makes the above mentioned tip a really neat one.
Still, there are cases when you’re just chatting over IMs or maybe talking about it on a meet up or something. In that case, I’d tell them off-hand that I’ll blog about it. If they won’t say otherwise, then I’m off clicking the publish button.