yugatech x infinix

Contest: Show me your oldest photo!

So here’s another giveaway to our readers, courtesy of our sponsor i-DigiWorld. The prize for this round is the 14-megapixel GE X5 digital camera we featured yesterday. Our theme this time — show me your oldest photo!

Sounds simple right? Here’s how it works:

  • Find the oldest photo you can get with you in it. Use any photo sharing site, your blog, Twitter or Facebook account. The photo must be visible by the public.
  • Leave a comment below with the photo*, a short caption, place and the date the photo was taken. As an option, you can blog about it and leave the URL here (link back to this page so I’ll know it’s a new and official entry). That’s it!

Here’s an example for your reference (as it should appear in the comments section).

Photo: My high school graduation at the Iloilo National High School taken in Iloilo City. I’m the 4th from the left.
Date: March 25, 1995

Some simple guidelines.

  • Maximum size is 500 pixels* in width (no height requirements). This is maximum width of the comments section below so I want the picture to fit just right.
  • Use the IMG html tag when posting the photo in the comments so it shows up automatically. If you don’t know how to do this, don’t worry as we’ll fix it for you so just leave link to your picture.
  • Post only one photo per comment entry. We’ll also limit one qualified entry per email.

Here’s our grand prize — the GE X5.

How do we pick the winners?

The fastest and easiest way is to pick it randomly so the grand prize will be drawn in random from all the entries submitted.

We’ll have several consolation prizes too but those will be a surprise. So be creative but take it easy. We have lots of prizes to go around. Contest ends next week, midnight of the September 30. Will announce winners within 48 hours after that.

Don’t forget to send our prize sponsor some love — check i-DigiWorld out at GirlTeki.com and follow them on Twitter or Facebook).

If you’re not in yet, follow YugaTech on Twitter or add us on Facebook too to get first dibs on more giveaways like this.

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. I can foresee baby (pics) boom.

  2. Easy! LOL!

    Here’s my entry:

    Caption: Four decades ago. I was too innocent then. Not thinking about the next Apple product, or iOS update, etc. :-)

  3. Ops! It didn’t work.


  4. http://iamarrenzjay.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-photo.html

  5. I lost almost all (except 2 baby photos) because of Ondoy :( Baby pictures gone!

    Anyway, good thing I still have these two photos left from my Nursery days. :) Anyway, the photo I’m submitting here is my Bee Picture. (see link here: http://everydaysweetnotes.blogspot.com/2010/09/writing-fiction-again.html)

    I wrote this blog entry prior to this contest but I edited it to announce this contest. :)

    Anyway, this photo was from my nursery days back in 1992. It was taken after our annual children’s play in school where I played as one of the Bees. It was pretty hard to sit with this costume since I had a huge stinger at my butt area. Haha.

    I was one of the extras in this play and funnily, I got left in the stage when the curtain closed at the end of the show. The curtains closed behind me! My friend told me she has a picture of this funny scene.

    I don’t know how to put the photo here so here’s the link to my open photo album in Multiply: http://smarla.multiply.com/photos/album/136#photo=14

  6. say a 30year old guy posted his baby pic (1 yr old) taken 1980 and a 20 year old guy with his pic (1 month old) taken 1990. Which do you consider older?


  7. My kinder class picture taken around 1980 … :)

  8. oooppps!@ here it is …


  9. My kinder class picture taken around 1980

  10. sorry..I’ve tried several times but IMG tag doesn’t seem to work here in the comments.

  11. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=446474&id=1000000*****498&ref=fbx_album

  12. The oldest photo of me I can find:


    Photo: This is our class picture when I was in 2nd grade back in 1994. I’m the one sitting in the front row, fourth from the left =)
    Date: March 11, 1994

  13. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2490205&l=3674ed8cc1&id=704064057

    Taken March 23, 1962 during my Kindergarten graduation in San Pablo City, Laguna

  14. [url]http://simplenggago.blogspot.com/2010/09/yugatech-contest-show-me-your-oldest.html[/url]



  15. http://simplenggago.blogspot.com/2010/09/yugatech-contest-show-me-your-oldest.html


  16. http://simplenggago.blogspot.com/2010/09/yugatech-contest-show-me-your-oldest.html

  17. my entry po hope you like!


    taken when i was 6 years old

  18. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=41176&id=1636220864&saved#!/photo.php?pid=1160556&id=1636220864&ref=fbx_album

  19. Photo: My First Birthday
    Place: Bislig City, Surigao del Sur. Date: January 26, 1988


  20. Here’s my entry:

    My very first solo baby photo, taken at our old home in Navotas City (how I miss that place).
    Taken around the 3rd week of November 1980, a few days after my nanay was able to take me home.
    My nanay can’t remember exactly when this was taken and there was no date on the picture.

    I also blogged about this:

    Thanks for this cool giveaway!

    By the way, since you said 1 photo only per email, that means we can submit more entries as long as we use different emails? I’m planning on posting another one on my other blog.

  21. [img]http://twitpic.com/2qioo3[/img]

    photo: just one of my morning rituals taken inside our kitchen ( oh crap!:D )

    date: taken around 1986 during people power!

  22. This is my entry
    Dirty Old Human


  23. Here’s my entry to the Show me your oldest photo contest.


    Taken: Jan. 19, 1964 in front of my grandma’s house at Lazi, Siquijor.(Formerly Lazi, Negros Oriental)
    I’m in the front row, 1st from left with the saxophone.

  24. here’s mine http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs312.ash2/59239_149970081710509_1000009*****772_236541_5181876_s.jpg

  25. Here’s my oldest pic: http://twitpic.com/2qirb5 (haha I don’t know how to use img html ags…so link na lang :)) )

    Photo: It’s my baby picture for my Baptism invites…How nostalgic. I have always adored my baby pic. :) I cannot fully recount my infant memories but I deem it was silent yet fun lol..

    Date: I was born December 1994 and I think the picture was taken some time during APRIL 1995 (I haven’t really asked my parents on when they took this photo but I do know that I was baptized Apr 1995…I’m only 15 right now :D My infant memories are so vague :))

    P.S. I edited it a little using the Photoshop Mobile App on my iPhone 3GS…(e.g. border etc.) …wala lang…I felt like sharing :)) Good Luck to us Guys!!! :D

  26. Sorry, I forgot to include the place on my 1st post… So here is my official entry…

    Here’s my oldest pic: http://twitpic.com/2qirb5 (haha I don’t know how to use img html ags…so link na lang ) )

    Photo: It’s my baby picture for my Baptism invites…How nostalgic. I have always adored my baby pic. I cannot fully recount my infant memories but I deem it was silent yet fun lol..

    Place: Quezon City

    Date: I was born December 1994 and I think the picture was taken some time during APRIL 1995 (I haven’t really asked my parents on when they took this photo but I do know that I was baptized Apr 1995…I’m only 15 right now My infant memories are so vague )

    P.S. I edited it a little using the Photoshop Mobile App on my iPhone 3GS…(e.g. border etc.) …wala lang…I felt like sharing ) Good Luck to us Guys!!!

  27. Swagats – Sangam Biryani and Murgh korma – SARAP! down it with some Rose flavored Yogurt!

  28. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs312.ash2/59239_149970081710509_1000009*****772_236541_5181876_n.jpg

  29. http://www.facebook.com/YugaTech?v=wall#!/photo.php?pid=236541&fbid=149970081710509&id=1000009*****772&ref=nf

  30. hi sir abe pwede b multiple entry???

    heres my old pics.. a blast from the past


  31. No thanks to the 1991 flash flood that destroyed all of our photo albums… I only have this baby portrait that I was able to save.


    Photo: I got pierced ears at 3 MONTHS OLD!
    Place/Date: Taken in our living room, circa 1983

  32. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30735573&l=ec71f15ca2&id=1282286025

    This was taken in late 1984. Yep, typical scenario when you’re the “panganay”. My parents were just starting to raise a family and we didn’t have any household help that time. So they would tag me along wherever they go, like WHEREVER. In this case, I’m caught here boozin’ with the big boys in our old house in QC! My dad taught me early haha! Ironically, I grew up to be a non-drinker.

  33. Sir Abe, sa Iloilo National High School ka pala nag-graduate at batch 95 din? Nasa tawid lang ako na school (WVSU) and batch 1995 din (I know a few people sa Special Sci dyan sa INHS before).

    Anyway, here’s my entry:
    Photo: Me taking my regular daily dose of sunshine when I was about 1 year and four months old at the Rotary Plaza near Fort San Pedro, Iloilo City.
    Date: July 23, 1979

    Thanks and more power!

  34. Here’s my entry…


  35. http://www.facebook.com/YugaTech?v=wall#!/photo.php?pid=236541&fbid=149970081710509&id=1000009*****772&ref=nf

  36. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs312.ash2/59239_149970081710509_1000009*****772_236541_5181876_n.jpg

  37. Tucking what would be an iBook. LOL

    Photo taken at our old house in Naga City
    Date: not so sure of the date since there is no date embedded on photos back then, probably between 1982 and 1983

  38. Now here’s one from the ancients. We still had the PMT in high school then. Don’t laugh now, this is all for good clean fun. Winning would be fine though. hahaha!


  39. [reposting]

    Tucking what would be an iBook. LOL

    Photo taken at our old house in Naga City
    Date: not so sure of the date since there is no date embedded on photos back then, probably between 1982 and 1983

  40. Here’s my entry for the contest…

    My blog post for my entry:

    Kudos for the contest! I badly need a new camera!

    More power Yugatech and GirlTeki.com

  41. Here’s another entry:

    My last photo with my Lolo Pedro.
    This was taken in April 1983, a month before he passed away. (gosh)

    More detailed story behind the photo:

  42. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs355.ash2/63492_149973385043512_1000009*****772_236544_2748345_n.jpg

    here it is, final na! haha
    sana tama na to

  43. eto na lang pala wala kasi caption yung isa haha

  44. Left this out in the post for the entry:

    Sto. Tomas is in Davao del Norte, where I spent high school in Maryknoll. These were the pioneer private high schools in the Davao provinces starting in the 60’s, run by the American Maryknoll Sisters.


  45. oh yeah. that’s me. 2nd from top right. circa 1988


  46. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs264.ash1/19151_312199688820_535848820_3461625_6928856_n.jpg

    I was turning 1 1/2 y/o. Photo taken year 1989 with my ninang in it.

  47. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs190.snc3/19751_257907358820_535848820_3263425_7931282_n.jpg

    I was 5. Photo taken year 1993.

  48. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs165.snc3/19245_1011858*****010_1000006*****564_32138_6670042_n.jpg

    This photo was taken when I was 19 (year 1980) in my room. I still have a long hair by that time.

  49. Joining sir :)

    I posted my entry on my blog: http://www.bloggityboop.info/2010/09/my-kids-look-like-me-a-bit.html

  50. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs170.snc3/19751_257789593820_535848820_3262872_2308037_n.jpg

    I was 4 or 5 when this was taken at the beach. Was with dad, sissie and cuzo!

  51. hello sir abe, this photo was taken during my first birthday on july 11, 1981, cagayan de oro city. this photo is so memorable for me since that woman holding my hand at the back is my mom, the time when she was still strong enough to carry me around and went to different places for our bonding moments…right now seems opposite but her disability is not a hindrance for her.

    my photo had some scratches on it because mom told me before that when i was a toddler i used to play with my picture frame oftentimes. seems it’s my favorite picture of all-time.

    here’s my entry:


  52. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs165.snc3/19245_1011858*****010_1000006*****564_32138_6670042_n.jpg

    I was like 19 years of age (year 1981)
    My hair’s still long. I kinda miss that.

  53. oops… it didn’t show so I’m posting the link to the photo:


    Caption: Our family picture taken on Nov. 21 1986, at our home in Sta. Cruz, during my Kuya's 3rd birthday. I am that little girl who looks like a boy, clinging to her mom and dad

  54. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30675917&id=1404687021&ref=fbx_album

    This was taken on July 13, 1991. I was 3 years old back then at Perez Park, Lucena City with my sister. I love playing at the park in the afternoon. I miss my childhood days. :)

  55. Photo: Me, being the only boy among my cousins, was carried by my oldest cousin during a family weekend (some kind of a reunion).
    Date: There was no date indicated on the picture, but a similar photo from the same event says June 19, 1994

  56. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll21/arvs0za/30609_1287817675240_1224138022_30609520_584228_n-1.jpg

    Photo: Me, being the only boy among my cousins, was carried by my oldest cousin during a family weekend (some kind of a reunion).
    Date: There was no date indicated on the picture, but a similar photo from the same event says June 19, 1994

    (The img tag didn’t work so please disregard my first comment :) anyway, that’s a resized version of the photo. The link for the non-resized one: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll21/arvs0za/30609_1287817675240_1224138022_30609520_584228_n.jpg )

  57. Photo: This is a scanned photo of me when i was only 1 year old at my grandmother’s house at Bacoor, Cavite.
    Date: No date is indicated in the photo. My birthday is Sept. 15, 1984, so that must mean this was taken around 1985.


  58. This is my entry:

    [Photo from our baul] :)

  59. Reposting ’cause the first post didn’t work.

    This is my entry:

    [Photo from our baul]



  60. here is my entry :

  61. This is my entry to the contest!


    This was taken on my first birthday! :D

  62. here’s mine sana tama


  63. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4092/5011472410_a0ae1d713f.jpg

    My childhood picture in our home in Manila taken in 1990.

  64. http://twitpic.com/2qk7of

    Photo: taken with my lolo during our trip in baguio
    Date: around 1985

  65. [img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4101/5011510192_2914e9b134.jpg[/img]

    Photo: Taken at a studio before my favourite cousin left for Canada, I’m the boy hugging the bear.
    Date: July 1998

  66. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?id=754625225&pid=14978244

    My Grade 6 Pic

  67. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="That's the irresistible me on my grandparents' bed on our "ancestral house" at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988"][/caption]


    That’s the irresistible me on my grandparents’ bed on our “ancestral house” at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988

  68. That’s the irresistible me on my grandparents’ bed on our “ancestral house” at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988

    [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="That's the irresistible me on my grandparents' bed on our "ancestral house" at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988"][/caption]

  69. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="That's the irresistible me on my grandparents' bed on our "ancestral house" at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988"][/caption]

    The script ain’t working… Disabled for comments probably.

    That’s the irresistible me on my grandparents’ bed on our “ancestral house” at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988

  70. http://tinesabillo.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/mini-me/
    That’s the irresistible me on my grandparents’ bed on our “ancestral house” at Mayon St., Quezon City. December 1988

    This post is irking me. 1. I was 2x blocked as spam 2. The image script ain’t working for comments. Anyway. The link’s at the top :)

  71. http://tinesabillo.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/mini-me/
    script ain’t working

  72. http://tinesabillo.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/mini-me/
    script aint working

  73. Script ain’t working. Here’s the link to my post a while ago. http://tinesabillo.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/mini-me/

  74. http://tinesabillo.wordpress.com/2010/09/21/mini-me/

  75. Photo: Taken by my mom at Philippine Plaza Hotel. Yes, I was extremely young then hahahaha!
    Date: December 1987

  76. uhmm… didn’t work.

    Here’s the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rochellesychua/5010903203/
    hoto: Taken by my mom at Philippine Plaza Hotel. Yes, I was extremely young then hahahaha!
    Date: December 1987

  77. http://twitpic.com/2qkew0

    april 9, 1991, Cebu.. my first evah birthday on our first evah house with my brothers, first cousins and aunties. any time machine please? i’d like to know how it feels to be one year old– can hardly walk, and almost had no problem at all! :P


  78. Here’s mine :)
    Straight from 1990

  79. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=104745&id=1000013*****494&ref=fbx_album

    here’s my elementary photo which was taken way back 1970,

    I’m the 4th girl in the very first row with the fake fangs which I think was also made by me, I can still remember through this picture the time when I was so angry with my two classmates, and I wanted to erase their heads from our class picture.

  80. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4835367&id=550248083&ref=fbx_album

  81. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=104745&id=1000013*****494&ref=fbx_album

    here’s my elementary photo which was taken in our school in Camus Elemantary School in Malabon, July 14,1970

    I’m the 4th girl in the very first row with the fake fangs which I think was also made by me, I can still remember through this picture the time when I was so angry with my two classmates, and I wanted to erase their heads from our class picture.

  82. Here is my photo entry:


    Taken: June 28, 1983 at Project 6 in Quezon City

  83. Here is my photo entry:


    Taken: June 28, 1983 at Project 6 in Quezon City

  84. Here is my entry http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4848524&id=639384931&ref=fbx_album#!/photo.php?pid=4848524&id=639384931&ref=fbx_album

  85. Ask ko lang…

    What if hindi alam ung date?

    Okay lang ba yun?


    Will post soon.. :)

  86. http://www.facebook.com/tiffanyjessica?success=1#!/photo.php?pid=30994278&id=1402630525&ref=fbx_album

    Here’s my photo taken with my cousin(left) at our former house in proj 7 qc. I was 7 that time.

  87. oopps. sorry,


    Here’s my photo taken with my cousin(left) at our former house in proj 7 qc. I was 7 that time.

  88. Here’s my oldest ‘digital’ photo. Ironic, eh?


    I chose this photo ‘coz it reminded me of how smooth my skin was back in 1990. I’m missing that baby skin. Now I have a quite bad skin, so looking at this photo kinda reminded me that at some point in my life, I had something to brag about haha!

    And of course, no problems back then unlike now that I have been bombarded with lots that I didn’t even ask for. With a GE X5 though, at least some of my problems ‘may’ go away. :))

  89. Photo:

    Date: February 27, 1996
    My 50th day of life.

  90. I forgot to add the place:
    St. Lukes Medical Center, Quezon City

  91. Here is my entry link…


    Taken: Feb 1975
    Place: Olongapo City, Philippines

  92. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/4611/grade4section4.jpg

    Photo: Our Grade 4 Section 4 Elementary Class Picture at Don Bosco Academy, Bacolor, Pampanga, taken on August 3, 1988. I’m sitting next to the principal with rimmed glasses.

  93. August 23, 1991

    MOM and DAD were there when i had my first walk.
    When the days go by, my realizations about life become deeper. Problems get bigger. I wish, i could go back, back to the time when the only man in my life was dad, my only best friend was mom. And any pain could be healed by just a band-aid and a lollipop.

  94. photo: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=1261499&id=1035247552&ref=fbx_album&fbid=1434296530824

    My 3rd Christmas with my parents in Bonn, Germany
    Date: Dec 25, 1989

  95. Here’s my Entry: :D

    Almost 2y/o in Mac’s Studio probably in Cubao Quezon City. approximate date is May 1969.

  96. my 3rd bday in Batangas – November 19, 1990


  97. Oopps..

    here it is again..

    Almost 2y/o in Mac’s Studio probably in Cubao Quezon City. approximate date is May 1969.


  98. Here’s my entry…
    My baby pic…

    Taken in 1985, not sure of the date…

  99. http://twitpic.com/2qlan7

    Photo: My Baby Picture with my dad and Aunt’s taken in our house.. :)
    Date: October 20, 1991

  100. Here’s my entry again…
    My baby pic…


    Taken in 1985, not sure of the date…

  101. This is my entry


  102. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=280599&id=730076788&saved#!/photo.php?pid=6591941&id=730076788&ref=fbx_album

    me at the third row, second at the right side…
    grade 5, 1991..

  103. me at the third row, second at the right side…
    Grade 5….1991
    Elementary days @ Montalban, Rizal

  104. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=280599&id=730076788&l=a373ccb154

    grade 5…1991 @ Burgos Elementary School, Montalban Rizal

    me at the third row, second at the right side..

  105. My baby pic…


  106. Here is my picture when I was around 3 or 4 years old.


  107. Here’s my entry:

    This was during our family trip in Baguio when I was about 2yrs old.
    Date photo was taken, sometime in 1984.

  108. Ok here’s mine:

  109. Here’s my entry:


    This was during our family trip in Baguio when I was about 2yrs old.
    Date photo was taken, May 5, 1984.

  110. http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/2513/vic1d.jpg

    Here’s another one! Taken at 8-9months at our house. This picture was taken sometime September 1988 and that was 21 yrs ++ ago! I’m now 22.

  111. Here’s my entry


  112. abe here’s my entry.

    here’s the oldest photo i can get right now. this was taken last Saturday, Sep. 18, 2010 during the charity poker tournament at Midas Touch that you did not attend. :P

    i’m the one standing behind the ropes wearing the white Honda Racing shirt.


  113. http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/6240/002byp.jpg

    yep, another one again.. That’s me with the funny looking face! Taken around December 1988 in front of our house at the garden area with my father. I am now 22 yrs old and this picture was one of the oldest and wackiest of them.

  114. This was me and my friend when I was in Kindergarten year 1991.

  115. i guess it did not work :) here’s the link


  116. Here’s the link to my photo entry: http://bit.ly/91qN4P

    You can also find the caption there. Thanks!

  117. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1317558188#!/photo.php?pid=1685693&id=1317558188&ref=fbx_album

    This picture is about JS PROM when I was in highschool.
    I am the boy beside my friend Rejoan Caballero.

    This picture taken last January 2004.

  118. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1685693&l=5bfb338c11&id=1317558188

    This picture is about JS PROM when I was in highschool.
    I am the boy beside my friend Rejoan Caballero.

    This picture taken last January 2004.

  119. http://moby.to/f4jb7y – FTW! with my mom at home in Punta, Sta Ana dated March 9, 1981

  120. Me at my elementary graduation with pops, March 20, 1991, in Cebu city.


  121. At left, was a year old in 1970, taken at my parents home in Makati. My son’s pic at right shows amazing genetic resemblance.

  122. At left, was a year old. This was taken in 1970 at my parents home in Makati. My son’s pic at right shows our amazing genetic resemblance! :)


  123. Here is the blog post of my entry…


    Description: This is a photo of me being given a bath by my grandmother. This was taken when I was exactly 21 days old. Time can change a lot specially in the physical sense if I compare my grandma and myself today and our old photo. But I believe that even through the years some things like strong bonds never change…

    Date taken: May 20, 1978

  124. This photo was taken year 1987, photo scan by an olympus camera


  125. Hi!

    This is my entry:

    This is my oldest digital picture.
    The picture was taken on October 15, 2002 using my Nokia 7650 cellphone.
    I had the pleasure of having the picture taken with Jemal Vizcara as he was one of the cutest basketball players from UST.

    I hope my luck plays this time and I’ll get pick as the winner!


  126. [IMG]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f326/mousephotato/entry.jpg[/IMG]

    March 27, 1980 2:25pm

    Boy Balaguer

    This is my photo after I was born, I’m in nursery room my Tatay took a photo of me as his profession is a Photographer.

  127. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=755865&l=704cd3e290&id=1675466629

    This is a scan of an old pic when I had my first birthday at my grandparents’ house.

    My grandma told me they used to call me Bubbles, written on the cake, because of my ‘siopao’ cheeks. :D

    Date: June 22, 1983

  128. i’m joining this with a 1979 pic! :)
    blogged about your giveaway with my entry.

  129. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=386301&id=1000004*****379&ref=fbx_album

    Photo description: This was me when i was 8 months old, taken in my hometown albay bicol, march 5 1991.
    How cool to have those sanguko hair before.. haha

  130. Photo: The oldest picture I have taken around 1950’s. This is probably the only photo of me when I was a kid.

  131. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=220059&l=1943516ff8&id=1000009*****298

    link didn’t go thru. sorry.

  132. sali ako dyan,upload ko pic ko tomorrow

  133. Here’s my entry! This picture was taken when my family went to Iloilo for a summer vacation, April 1987. I am the girl who’s wearing the cute glasses. Being the eldest, my parents are fond of dressing me up, so here, works fine I believe so.


  134. Pasali na din!!! =) here’s my entry…. =)


  135. http://ninaspawprints.tumblr.com/post/1162238339/rewind-photo-high-school-graduation-party-at

    Photo: High School Graduation Party at Vivere Alabang. I’m the 4th from the left. :)

    Date: March 10, 2002

  136. Good Day!

    My oldest photo entry


  137. Here’s my entry


    i’m at the center,..sixth from the left

  138. (sorry double-post)

    Here’s my entry


    i’m at the center,..sixth from the left

    can’t remember the date,..but by the color of the photo itself,..it’s old,..no photoshop nor any post processing done…

  139. Here’s my entry and the oldest picture i had.


    Thanks for this great contest..I wish i can win coz i love the prize!!

  140. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=187966&l=9bff59cd76&id=1000003*****424

    Taken at the old house in Marikina
    Date: between 1984-1985

    wish to win this contest! hehehe

  141. Here’s my entry:

    This Photo: Me (biggest) and my brother and sisters in my grandparents’ house. Photo was taken Christmas Day (Dec.25,1984). I remember having a portrait with your family from biggest to smallest was the “in” thing back then!


  142. http://twitpic.com/2qpzt2

    Photo caption: This was me when I was 4 months old sometime in May of 1968. Unfortunately, my 72-year old mom cannot remember the name of the photographer and the exact day, minute and second when it was taken. But she is pretty sure that the baby in the picture was me and the location was my aunt’s balcony in Pasay City.

  143. Hi there,

    I’m wondering why it’s not clickable as a whole link? Let me try again. If not, can somebody help? thanks!


  144. Ask ko lang…

    What if hindi alam ung date?

    Okay lang ba yun?


    Will post soon.. :)

  145. http://amity225.multiply.com/photos/album/373#photo=1

    This is a picture with my cousins way, way back then, taken during my sister’s birthday last May 14, 1984 at our old house in Nueva. I am the smallest kid on the photo. I miss the days when cousins gather together to celebrate birthdays. Now, almost everyone has their own family and babies, and some are already in other country.

  146. Hi There!

    Here’s my entry. Thanks!


  147. We were a couple of months old when this was taken. The barong is telling of a wedding of whom I dont have the right people to ask yet. :)

    Could be late ’84 or early ’85.

    If the image above wont work here’s the FB url: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2110306&fbid=1563892333955&id=1134753306

  148. Here is my oldest photo:


    Taken during my brother’s kinder graduation day in GMA, Cavite, March 23,1996. I’m the little girl with the peace sign above my head.

    How I miss being the princess of the family. ^_^

  149. here’s mine:


  150. March 22, 1985 in front of Allegro Company in Bicutan, Parañaque City during my employment, 25 years ago. I am now a mother of 5 beautiful children.


    Would love to have this GE X5 digital camera as my daughter will be needing this for her college course.

  151. Here’s my entry:

  152. Here’s my entry:


  153. Here’s my entry:

    my blogspot:



  154. Here is my photo :)


    This was during new year Jan. 1995. Am the one wearing yellow.

  155. This is my oldest picture taken late 1989. :)

  156. Here’s the link to my picture



  157. http://digerati-gerald.blogspot.com/2010/09/posing-loco-in-our-recollecto.html

    here’s my entry..

    Posing Loco in our Recollecto :-)

  158. my entry: Posing Loco in our Recollecto


  159. Here is the link of my Picture. My entry in Contest: Show me your oldest photo!


    during my wedding day (may 27, 1972)

  160. Here’s mine :


    Caption: See that Innocent smile? This Photo was taken during my 2nd Birthday, August 12, 1988.

  161. here’s my entry:

    My oldest photo, taken June 1974, baptism.

  162. here is the link of my entry to th contest of show me your oldest photo. During my baptismal.


  163. here’s my entry :-)


  164. Here is my Link.


  165. http://members.iinet.net.au/~billeah/lilsibs.jpg

    I’m the one sitting on my mother’s lap on the left. This picture was taken Christmas day of 1958.

  166. http://members.iinet.net.au/~billeah/lilsibs.jpg

    I’m the one sitting on my mother’s lap on the left. This picture was taken Christmas day of 1958 at our ancestral home in Naawan, Misamis Oriental.

    (I forgot to include the place in my first comment.)

  167. this photo was taken last June 1901.lol, just kidding! I’m the kid on top, it was taken june 15, 1983 at the immaculate concepcion church in malvar,batangas. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs402.snc3/24392_1069924*****910_1000005*****897_134372_2175600_n.jpg

  168. Photo: My 2nd class picture ever in Grace Christian. I used to be the tallest among the boys, as seen in the pic. I’m the 6th guy from the left in the topmost row.
    Date: January 14, 1994

  169. **Trying it again, since the first one didn’t work.**

    Link: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4104/5014188472_12f5626aef.jpg
    Photo: My 2nd class picture ever in Grace Christian. I used to be the tallest among the boys, as seen in the pic. I’m the 6th guy from the left in the topmost row.
    Date: January 14, 1994

  170. here’s mine!


    Picture was taken on May 24, 1990 (I am a month and 15 days old) during my Baptism at St. Joseph Church Mandaue, Cebu. Mother held her youngest and only girl in the family (that’s me! :p ) while the priest blessed her . Although I remember nothing from this day (no doubt. hehe) I am glad that father was present during this important time of my life since nature of his work from that time till now requires him to travel and travel.


  171. picture ko ng sinoutan ako ng mom ko ng pang babae.it was a memorable one alright! kuha sa san juan manila 1987.


  172. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?pid=31110985&id=1654521670&ref=fbx_album

    that was the 1 year old me.. Year 1986.. :)

  173. here’s mine!

    my baby picture with my mama after taking a bath
    in antipolo 1980 i was so cute then..


  174. Taken year 1986, Graduation Ceremory sa East Bajac Bajac Baranggay Nursery Day Care Centre.

    Ako yung asa gitna, in blue, with matching sampaguita! XD


  175. this is my 1st shot when i’m 2 yrs. old, year 1992,

  176. Caption: This picture was taken in a photo studio in Calauag, Quezon when I was 5 months old back in July 1971. This is the only baby picture I have. Swerte ang mga kabataan ngayon dahil karamihan ng mga tao meron ng digicam which makes picture taking possible anytime and anywhere.

    Here’s the link to the photo: http://twitpic.com/2qtbww

  177. http://twitpic.com/1clmwr

    my sisters and i when we were young = headbands ☑ bows in matching dresses ☑ high socks with frills ☑.

  178. Hi there,

    Mine is probably one of the oldest photos that joined your contest…lol!

    It was taken on 1969, and I was about 3 years old then. I made a blog post anyway and share the story behind the photo.



  179. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs644.snc4/60457_163244457019424_1000000*****832_559011_6492179_n.jpg

    My very photo was taken at the nursery room of SJDH Hospital in Pasay. I am the baby from the left (I wonder why they focused the camera on the baby named Nicdao. If only I could shout and say, “Hey, I’m right here!” Haha!

    Date: 11/07/1989 (My birthday)

  180. Whoops! Sorry I forgot the word “first” it should be “My very FIRST photo.” lol :))

  181. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=291571&id=1000007*****081&ref=fbx_album

    Photo: Chillax lang at our old place in Pasig. *Are those Christmas gifts?* XD

    Date: 1983. Taken when I was just a few months old.

  182. http://showmeyouroldestphoto.blogspot.com/

  183. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=64756&fbid=1077339*****171&id=1000014*****407

    Photo: Me being cranky at my sister. XD

    Date: According to my momma this pic was taken when I was just 5 months old. I was born May 1987… So, I’m guesstimating this was taken October 1987.

    Place: Sa bahay namin. Sa QC. :p

  184. This is my entry:


  185. www.showmeyouroldestphoto.blogspot.com

  186. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=734739213

  187. hi there! :]
    this is my entry : hope you’ll like it ..

  188. hi there! :]
    this is my entry : hope you’ll like it ..


  189. OOPS… i forgot to resize my photo. here’s the resized one (still same pic used)


    My very first photo was taken at the nursery room of SJDH Hospital in Pasay. I am the baby from the left (I wonder why they focused the camera on the baby named Nicdao. If only I could shout and say, “Hey, I’m right here!” Haha!

    Date: 11/07/1989 (My birthday)

  190. hi this is my entry

  191. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1778013&id=1165329530&ref=fbx_album

    this is my entry.. hope it is valid.. thank you

  192. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5106288&l=1f5c396713&id=558376051

    my entry

  193. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=355877&l=8993f9faf9&id=1671102458

    “yup, that’s me! :)! from left 2nd to our 8mo. old brother.. cuties! SEPTEMBER 07, 1982
    at our house in Bangkal, Makati.. …

    * dnt knw if i did the instruction/s ryt.. bt i’d lyk to join.. help pls.. :(

  194. here’s my entry


  195. Me and my husband on our civil wedding: Sept. 4, 2000.


  196. hello!
    this is my entry!


  197. Here’s my entry:

    This is a photo of me during a sagala or parade when I was 9 years old.

    I also blogged about this, thought it’d be fun:


    Thanks for this contest. I sure hope I’d win.

  198. here’s my entry: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs635.snc4/59533_434029398159_699403159_5188548_3538520_n.jpg

    Taken last 1993 with my big brother and sisters in front of our old house. (L-R) My ate, younger sis, me, big bro

  199. here’s my blog with my photo entry:


  200. [IMG]http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee388/n0cturnalgeck0/YugaTech%20Contest%20-%20Show%20me%20your%20oldest%20photo/YugaTech.jpg[/IMG]

    Photo: New Year’s Eve with my mom at our old house in QC.
    Date: December 31, 1984

  201. http://i1225.photobucket.com/albums/ee388/n0cturnalgeck0/YugaTech%20Contest%20-%20Show%20me%20your%20oldest%20photo/YugaTech.jpg

    Photo: New Year’s Eve with my mom at our old house in QC.
    Date: December 31, 1984

  202. papasalihin ko grandma ko dito. hehe!

  203. Photo: with my family. taken at sm north carpark mcdonalds. Im the big brother in blue!
    Date: december 22, 1990

  204. http://www.flickr.com/photos/9477615@N02/5015779036/

    this is my 3rd year high school friends.taken at ernesto rondon high school proj6 qc. Im the guy on the right upper side.
    Date: december 16, 1994

  205. this is our class photo from sto.nino parochial school bago bantay qc taken october 10 1991. im the 2nd guy on the right side from the 2nd row upper deck.

  206. this is our class photo from sto.nino parochial school bago bantay qc taken october 10 1991. im the 2nd guy on the right side from the 2nd row upper deck.

  207. This is my entry.


  208. Photo: Our 1st monthsary pic of my GF. I’m wearing yellow shirt.
    Date: Sept 15, 2003


  209. http://iamjennyholic.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-photo.html

    my entry to this contest.

  210. my oldest photo http://iamjennyholic.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-photo.html

  211. http://twitpic.com/2r0g6n
    Photo: My Best Friend’s Debut party taken in front of their house. I’m the 3rd person from the right
    Date: Sept 19, 2002

  212. this my photo w/ my mother!!!


  213. My photo was taken October 1995 during the United Nation parade at our school. I have my cousin with me as my escort.


  214. here’s the link!! =)


  215. This photo was taken on August 22, 1988, my 3rd birthday at our house. In this photo is lola’s friend, my lola, ME, my tita and cousin.


  216. Photo: I’m the one on the left with the long hair and full bangs. It was taken a day before my Best friend: Khai’s birthday at their wonderful home in Dasmarinas, Cavite. FYI: We’re still Best friends until now,21y years had passed.
    Date: January 02,1983

    here’s the link to my photo:


  217. Photo: I’m the one on the left with the long hair and full bangs. It was taken a day before my Best friend: Khai’s birthday at their wonderful home in Dasmarinas, Cavite. FYI: We’re still Best friends until now,21y years had passed.
    Date: January 02,1983

    here’s the link to my photo:


  218. I have here my baby picture taken on the day I was baptized, June 5 1990. ;)

    here’s the link to it..


  219. taken during my baptismal rites.
    date: january 15 1990.

    here’s the link to it:


  220. hi YugaTech,

    Here’s my photo entry:
    I am the birthday girl you’ll see in the photo. This was taken in October 1987 :)


    Thanks and good luck to all! :)

  221. Time to bring out the old black & white (yellowish already) photos … and wish lady luck rolls in your favor (during the random draw) …

    Good luck to everyone …

  222. Hi,

    I posted the pic on my blog. Here’s the link:


  223. Here’s my entry


  224. Hi Yugatech!
    I posted a blog entry about one of the oldest photo I uploaded (which was year 2008) in facebook. This was last May 1992 – where my cousins and I are always flower girls for several weddings in the family. and also it has our signature pose which never fades as years passed by. Check it out!


  225. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000005*****852#!/photo.php?pid=403566&id=1000005*****852&comments&ref=mf

    My childhood life is so cool i can’t remember so many funny things that i have done a very long time ago, but i do recognize that time around 1992 of march in Pura Kalaw elem. School. haha
    check out my post !!!

  226. This was my cousin’s high school graduation at Saint Joseph College, Maasin City in Southern Leyte. Circa March 1989. That makes me, 5 years old by then. I’m the girl in the front being carried by my Tita, wearing a jumper with the bunot hair. LOVE it!!!

    Also posted it on FB:

  227. “It must be good genes”, this best describes my photo. When I grow up, I’ll be a big person with big muscles! In this photo, I am with my lil’ bro. I have the biggest biceps while my bro played along and placed the balls in his chest, looking like a girl.

    Place: Jade Garden restaurant, Hongkong
    Date: August 8, 1995
    Link: http://tingkagol101.multiply.com/photos/album/23#photo=1

  228. Hi Yugatech,

    Here’s my entry:

    This photo was taken during my first birthday – April 24, 1988.

    Hope to win! I need that camera too bad hehe. thanks for a great contest Yugatech :)

  229. Oops img tag didn’t work. Here’s the link of my photo: http://photos.friendster.com/photos/75/78/5268757/32443351828466l.jpg

  230. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=597835&fbid=162549910425506&id=1000001*****352&ref=nf

    my one and only baby picture! it was taken when I was only 1year old.
    Dec. 27, 1955

  231. my one and only baby picture! it was taken when I was only 1year old.
    Dec. 27, 1955

  232. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=597835&fbid=162549910425506&id=1000001*****352&ref=nf

    my one and only baby picture! it was taken when I was only 1year old.
    Dec. 27, 1955

  233. http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/600/hubo.jpg

    This picture was taken at my Lola’s house in Los Banos Laguna. I was 3yrs old then and they’re making me do poses and stuff like a nude oblation! Who to blame? My uncles again!

  234. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=569012&fbid=163542586989703&id=1000000*****392

    my oldest photo is this… my Baptism.. the day when I became a Christian.. w/ my godparents! ^_^
    Dec. 24, 1988

  235. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=333839&fbid=154183951270842&id=1000003*****797

    Me and my Papa
    My oldest photo is this.. it was taken when I was only 2 months old!… its funny because the hair on his armpit became my instant hair do!
    july 28, 1988

  236. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=206804&fbid=148694805166841&id=1000007*****670&ref=nf

    me and my loving wife… it is my oldest photo. She was just my girlfriend in that picture. Looking at this is such a good thing because it reminds me of our sweet teen-age love story. I always remember this, because it was taken on Valentines Day
    February 14, 1970

  237. I want to win that prize! love it! Here’s my entry…


  238. I want that prize! love it! Here’s my entry.

  239. http://ginznorb.multiply.com/photos/album/7/This_is_our_picture_since_March_1997_a_year_after_college_graduation.I_am_the_one_sitting_near_the_girl_wearing_green_blouse.

    Here’s my entry..

  240. http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/3967/592154263010889*****128.jpg

    me as a ring bearer for a couple whom i don’t know lol. and please do check the plants in the pots as decorations…classic. this was taken around 1989 when i was just 5 years old.

  241. One of my favorite childhood photos:

    Me and my dad taken at our old home. I was 3 years old.

    URL: http://twitpic.com/1yfp1u

    Thanks Yugatech!

    Posted your contest in my Facebook page too :-)

    So exciting, hope my name gets drawn in the raffle cause I need a new camera.

  242. This is the only photo i have when i was 3 years old.This photo taken during the graduation of my cousin..


  243. This is the only photo i have when i was 3 years old.This photo taken during the graduation of my cousin dated April 3, 1983


  244. My oldest photo:


    Photo: Baby picture! This was me when I was just a few months old.
    Date: May 1986

  245. Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    My parents, and myself as a baby. On my dedication in Brunei.
    Taken on the 16th of February, 1992.

  246. this is my entry.. one of my oldest photo.. hope to win to grab my dream prize. thank you :)


  247. “It must be good genes”, this best describes my photo. When I grow up, I’ll be a big person with big muscles! In this photo, I am with my lil’ bro. I have the biggest biceps while my bro played along and placed the balls in his chest, looking like a girl.

    Place: Jade Garden restaurant, Hongkong
    Date: August 8, 1995
    Link: http://tingkagol101.multiply.com/photos/album/23#photo=1

  248. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=398079&id=1000004*****647&ref=fbx_album

    this is my entry,, hope 2 win my dream prize..

  249. My baby picture taken on my 1st ever birthday! Never thought I already knew how to pose a stolen shot..^__^
    Date: March 14, 1986
    Link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/emeyarkey/5017675596/


  250. This is an old photo of me(I’m the one holding the walis tambo) during a birthday, dated September 13, 1992(as seen in the picture) and taken at my Lola’s house. My cousin uploaded this pic in FB and made a good laugh out of it with my other cousins, while I didn’t notice that I was the one on the picture and was being made a laughing stock. :))

  251. Hiya,

    Here’s my entry. This pic was taken before my birthday :) hope you like it! :p

  252. looks like my img tag didn’t work.lol here’s the url: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31582897&l=d9c78ceee4&id=1154587389

  253. My link didn’t appear, thus a repost.. :)

    Link: http://clicheandordinary.blogspot.com/2010/09/yugatech-old-photo-contest_23.html

    This is an old photo of me(I’m the one holding the walis tambo) during a birthday, dated September 13, 1992(as seen in the picture) and taken at my Lola’s house. My cousin uploaded this pic in FB and made a good laugh out of it with my other cousins, while I didn’t notice that I was the one on the picture and was being made a laughing stock.:)

  254. My photo was taken September 8, 1987 at my grandmother’s house in Cavite. In the picture, I am with my 1st teddy bear, a birthday gift from the greatest man of my life, my dad!


  255. Hello Mr. Abe, here is my entry.
    This is one of my oldest photo I can find.


    Photo: “Tulo-laway na, naduling pa!” This photo was taken when I was 1 year old by my father using his Canon SLR camera. He used to be a photo enthusiast until his camera broke down.
    Date: September 1983

  256. Here’s my entry:


    our family picture way back then around 1986..(unfortunately my father was not present )..
    this photo was taken at my Grandmother’s house in San Juan.
    i’m the boy in front…

  257. Here’s my entry….


    My mother said this was my first photo taken inside a studio, shot on December 4, 1972 as indicated on the back of the photo.

    here’s the link to the back of the photo:

  258. This is me with my dad. Photo was taken on October 13, 1980, exactly 1 month after my birth. We were in my aunt’s old house in Project 4.

  259. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p40/diwata80/papaandme1monthold.jpg

    This is me with my dad. Photo was taken on October 13, 1980, exactly 1 month after my birth. We were in my aunt’s old house in Project 4.


  260. Photo: this photo was taken in our garage in quezon city while im playing around. this was take oct 4 1990.

  261. http://photos.friendster.com/photos/49/05/2585094/0_303826337l.jpg

    Photo: this photo was taken in our garage in quezon city while im playing around. this was take oct 4 1990.

  262. Photo was taken last january 31, 1983. my 2nd birthday..
    thank God the photo is still with me after all the bagyo and baha on our place =)


  263. i joined in this contest. it’s fun to look for the old photos again for reminiscing the past.

    here is my entry: http://maricarlosantas.blogspot.com/2010/09/contest-show-me-your-oldest-photo.html

    i wish to win in this contest for my coming birthday (“,)


  264. Here’s my entry :-)

    while I was looking at the picture, “AKO BA YAN” hahahaha!


  265. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=301806&id=1000003*****670&ref=fbx_album

  266. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=301837&id=1000003*****670&ref=fbx_album&fbid=149837898372481

  267. Ako din pasali. This photo is taken on July 11, 1985 at my lolo’s house. It was my mom’s bday and they are preparing the food. My sister seems to have just gotten home from prep school hehe http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=321930&l=709b44bb5f&id=1000004*****999

  268. photo w/ my friends at abs-cnb starbucks during ojt march 25 2005. im the guy on the right.

  269. sinuluan laguna back in april 1998. im the guy on the right wearing white shirt.

  270. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30899793&l=9bb0f43451&id=1375308600
    my kinder pic 1986 pag-asa child learning center qc

  271. http://eonzerimar.blogspot.com/2010/09/contest-show-me-your-oldest-photo.html

    here’s my entry taken days before the edsa revolution :)

  272. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2066174&id=1159627538&l=57d9f258d0

    PHOTO: wedding day of one of our relatives at San Guillermo Church , Bacolor, Pamapanga . I was playing with my uncle’s vintage Yashica

    DATE: March 1989

  273. Photo: My 1st Birthday Photo
    Date: May1977

  274. http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7695/002rs.jpg

  275. Hi Pre! Intra ko ha. :)

    Here’s me in my earliest cuteness, plus baby drool!


  276. HI … I just blogged this contest here:


  277. Photo: This was taken 5/12/99 in Malate Church when my cousin got married. This is the only family picture I was able to find since my mother died in 2004. http://plixi.com/p/46860800

  278. here is my oldest pic i could find in my drive..:-)
    here is the link…http://twitpic.com/2ri7pg

    have a nice day and God bless…


    STORY: My baby portrait was taken on December 25, 1988 exactly 3 days before I was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect called Patent Ductus Arteriosus. A week later, I was off to surgery to correct my defective heart. A young surgeon did not accept professional fees for my life threatening procedure. A month later, I was again laughing like there was no tomorrow.

    I hope I win this camera and take a picture of myself during my graduating rites at the College of Engineering at the University of the Philippines and send it to the surgeon. The picture will serve as a testament and gratitude to the very great deed he has done in the past which has change my life forever.


  280. my photo w/ my thesis mates just relaxing at Luneta march 2006.

  281. my pic w/ s.sarmenta at trinity university of asia july 2004

  282. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3204797&l=8d5d09f403&id=772664328

    here’s my entry… i’m not so sure about the exact date, but this was during the summer vacation in 1973. i was in grade 3 at that time. look at my hair cut, di ba parang nilagyan ng bao sa ulo saka ginupitan… hahaha

  283. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2495961&l=c1bf3b2015&id=772664328

    class picture when i was in grade 6. i’m on the front row, right most student… payatot ko nuon pa.

    date: school year 1975-1976.

  284. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2537057&l=3f27e1e3ed&id=772664328

    i’m the guy on the black and white photo. awarding ceremony when i was in Grade 2, sometime in March 1972.

    caption was: like father, like son… since my son got so many medals also when he was in kinder…

  285. Hi All,

    So this was me, 20 yrs. ago. And yeah, like my dad said, I looked like an alien when I was born. heheh! :)


  286. Showing how techy and kikay I am at such an early age. This photo was taken on September 21, 1981 when I was 8 years. I was just hanging out with my sister in her room. How time flies!


    I also posted my entry on my blog. Here’s the link:


    email: gorgeous****@****.***

  287. here’s the link for my photo…hope to win the cam so that i can take more wonderful pictures…especially on my son’s 7th birthday on october.


  288. my entry for this contest. http://iamjennyholic.blogspot.com/2010/09/oldest-photo.html

  289. here’s my entry for this contest. the photo was taken Feb 1996.


    “All dressed up! and ready for my close up!!”
    Place: Our home at Panapaan, Bacoor Cavite
    Date: March 15, 1982

    [celebrating my 2nd birthday and ready to partee!! hehe. not my oldest photo but i think this is the coolest ;P]


  291. This is my entry.

    <img src="http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/7/15/1268809/My Documents/images/daryledakis_yugatech.JPG"

    Thank you!

  292. Sorry, tag wasn’t closed.

    Should this link not work, here’s the direct link. Thanks again.

    http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/7/15/1268809/My Documents/images/daryledakis_yugatech.JPG

  293. Hi this is my entry taken Feb. 1994 with my best friend. We were 15 at the time :)


  294. This was taken at SM Megamall in Mandaluyong.The date was July 2, 1991. I was 5 yrs old then. I know that almost all kids love Jollibee. Whenever I see one, I am all smiles!


    Thank you in advance for this kind of contest. For giving hope for us to have the chance to win a camera. I really hope that I will win this camera because everywhere I go, I can only think of ways on how to capture every single thing.

  295. here is my entry January 17, 1987
    i was 1 year old..
    it was my grand father’s birthday, but since i was unable to eat too much..my mom just make a very nice dish…a full bowl of milk with rice.. coz that time..there is no coco crunch ever made:)


  296. Hi there,

    I’m not really sure if my Facebook link was valid as an entry because it seems only clickable on the first part of the link.
    I tried using a photo sharing site to finally have a valid entry.

    Please review this new link:


    Btw, this was my entry last Sept.22. Let me know which one will be a valid entry (because I know that we should only have 1 entry per email)

    Khrishia replied on Sep 22nd, 2010 at 8:03 am (142)

    Here’s my entry:

    This Photo: Me (biggest) and my brother and sisters in my grandparents’ house. Photo was taken Christmas Day (Dec.25,1984). I remember having a portrait with your family from biggest to smallest was the “in” thing back then!


  297. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs412.snc3/24893_1165592478476_1787826908_317391_6356286_n.jpg

    Me when I was 5 years old.
    Location: Mexico Pampanga
    Date: May 20, 1991

  298. sorry for the double entry…just wanna make sure my link works…tnx…take care…heres my link to my photo…


  299. Here’s my oldest photo! Obviously my fashion sense wasn’t developed then. =P


  300. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=171785&id=1000012*****775&ref=fbx_album

    ito ang aking entry.. sana palarin at manalo.. @_@

  301. Heres the entry of my mom sir Abe, I just let her use my blog.


    Hope you like it,

  302. http://twitter.com/khangromero/status/25492059511

    back in the day with my bro and cousin.
    Location: Kamias QC.
    Date: December 1990

  303. My entry:


    Photo: This is me being welcomed to the Christian world :)
    Date: July 13, 1986

  304. Here’s my entry!


    What a face! Seems my penchant for making funny faces stems back from my toddler years! This was taken during a family vacation at Baguio, December 15, 1991.

  305. Here’s my entry:
    Photo: This is our oldest family picture that we have, taken after the graduation of our eldest sister in elementary. I’m the one on a pink shirt at the front row.
    Date: March 30, 1990

    Blog Post: http://caidoblogger.blogspot.com/2010/09/show-me-your-oldest-photo-yugatech.html

  306. This was taken in 1996, May 28.
    Our first family trip to Hong Kong.


  307. PHOTO: This was taken when I was just (exactly) 4 months old in Parañaque.. ^_^
    Date: June 16, 1990

  308. I was wondering why the picture didn’t show up on my previous comment..

    Here’s the link again: https://s3.amazonaws.com/twitter_production/profile_images/1131019994/baby_pic3.JPG

    PHOTO: This was taken when I was just (exactly) 4 months old in Parañaque.. ^_^
    Date: June 16, 1990

  309. ha! way back when – 1990. choose the one with the most unique facial expression. in a course dominated by males
    gushing over this gadget :)

  310. This was taken in 1996, May 28.
    Our first family trip to Hong Kong.


  311. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs322.snc4/41398_1273119470_5490_n.jpg

    October 1997, me 13 years ago.. our house in QC :)

  312. From my long-lost buried photo box…


    My 1st bday (date visible from the balloons right?).
    Oct 1980. I feel so old. hahaha. ;p

  313. treasured moments with my Tatay…

  314. treasured moments with my Tatay…

  315. Me and my mom, kindergarten graduation (March 1997). Location: Santa Isabel College. I was wearing gloves because I think it was when we performed a song (ABC I think)

  316. Me and my mom, kindergarten graduation (March 1997). Location: Santa Isabel College. I was wearing gloves because I think it was when we performed a song (ABC I think)


  317. same entry with new email :)
    (to increase my chance of winning)


    My very first photo was taken at the nursery room of SJDH Hospital in Pasay. I am the baby from the left

    Date: 11/07/1989 (My birthday)

  318. Photo: Preschool Class Picture. Fourth Girl from the right, second row.
    Date: around 1991 or 1992

    here’s the link to the blog:


  319. Taken at my grandma’s house. This is the oldest photo I have right now, Can’t find my older photos :(.

    Date: October 30 1998


  320. my 2nd birthday with my father and siblings..


  321. my entry! hope to win!!
    Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!! hehehe…
    The Little SAnta in town! i’m the one who’s giving gifts and candies sa mga namamasko.. hehehe.. super tuwang tuwa ang mom sakin before kay iyan ang damit ko that xmas.
    Date: December 25, 1982


  322. here’s my entry for the SHOW ME YOUR OLDEST PHOTO CONTEST

    taken December 1966 my grade one class picture.


  323. Here’s my fair share sir abe:


  324. Here’s my 1×1 picture from my freshman year at UP High Cebu. Date taken I have forgotten already. Taken from a photo store. Looks innocent here though.

  325. here’s my entry:



  326. Here’s my 1×1 photo taken from my freshman high school year at UP High Cebu. Date taken I forgot but this was in the middle of the school semester.


  327. My photo was taken 10 years ago year 2000. It’s not really old eh…hehe

  328. Here is my entry for the oldest photo contest:


    This was taken September 1970, I was barely a couple of weeks old here and it was my baptismal day. My dad is the one carrying me.

    uploaded at: tinypic.com

  329. here’s my entry:


  330. here’s my entry:


  331. Photo: My first baby picture at our home in Las Piñas.
    Date: October 1989

  332. Oh.. not working..

    here’s my entry:


    Photo: My first baby picture at our home in Las Piñas. I feel my head’s not proportional with my body here.
    Date: October 1989

  333. My Nanay leaving for Brunei to find better opportunities for us…
    Ninoy Aquino International Airport
    Taken in 1983

    Here’s my entry… Good luck to me!!!


  334. When Party line is still in.
    Photo taken way back October 1985 in our grandparent’s house in San Juan.
    I’m on the right side, my big brother on the left.



  335. http://regena.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/my-oldest-photo/

    Photo: This was taken at our old house in Iloilo about a month after I was born.
    Date: November 15, 1978

  336. This is my oldest ID picture alive. :)


  337. here’s my entry:


    I liked playing flowers and plants when i was a kid. i was caught in the act in this picture. Taken June 1979 in our garden at home.

  338. Back in 1975, a black-and-white picture, a superstitious bracelet and a frolic-ky pose merits an uber-cool status.


    @yugatech – is there a prize for the most *.* captions too? *grin*

  339. here’s my entry:


    Top 5 students of PPCHA Nursery Batch ’76.I’m the one standing 1st on the left. Picture taken on May 18,1976

  340. Here’s the link for my Blog entry:


    Here’s the direct link for the picture:


  341. Here’s my entry:


    Me and my younger sister… it was her third birthday that day at our grandparent’s house. Date: July 18, 1983.

  342. Here’s my entry.


    4 cuties!haha.. im the one on the right..
    October 2003 : not that old.. but i haven’t seen then in a long time na so i feel like its so old..hehe.. :)

  343. Here’s my entry.

    4 cuties!haha.. im the one on the right..
    October 2003 : not that old.. but i haven’t seen then in a long time na so i feel like its so old..hehe.. :)


  344. Hi,

    I have my entry here:
    Photo taken wayback 1982

    I also followed you on twitter & FB.


    Thanks and more power!

  345. Me and My Papa
    Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
    Picture taken about 23 years ago…

    This is, I think, the first photo taken with me and my Uncle (whom I call Papa). I grew up with him. He is my foster father.


  346. Here is my entry to the contest…

    Photo link –> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Yk6LqyG9X6w/TKHDk9pmdYI/AAAAAAAAH0I/bq8ZlVmoB9g/s400/Dave-1-day-old.jpg

    Me (Dave D’Angelo) during my first day in the world, carefree and problem free. Taken on October 17, 1977 at the Fe Del Mundo Hospital/ (forgot the place)

    I also made a blog post for this at http://yourordinaryday.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-oldest-photo-going-back-to.html

    Hope this is valid…

  347. maybe it’s just me, on the right? heheh. It is me with my brother. because I was crying that day so my mom decided to brought us to the nearest studio and whoala!


  348. Photo: Me and my Uncle Roni just hanging and chilling out on my 3rd Birthday. Nah, he was just teaching me how to drink.(Maybe that’s why I don’t drink nowadays, that figures!
    Date: January 15, 1991


  349. Hello !



    that was me , that boy in “darna pose”. haha !! It was taken in the Makati Park. i’m only 5 years old in that picture..meaning that photo was taken April 1997. I can’t remember what exact date it was taken.

  350. Hi Admin,

    Here’s my entry

    I blog it :)


    Photo: This photo was taken during my baptism at St. Augustine Parish Church, Baliwag, Bulacan.

    Date: May 4, 1981

  351. Here’s my parents photo :)
    I like this since they are so young on this photo.


    This is a remnant photo of my Father “Erning” and my Mother “Remy” since they where on “magkasintahan” status. This was captured from a Photo Shoot Studio (which they cannot recall the name) last
    February 14, 1969.

  352. Here’s my parents photo :)
    I like this since they are so young on this photo.


    This is a remnant photo of my Father “Erning” and my Mother “Remy” since they where on “magkasintahan” status. This was captured from a Photo Shoot Studio (which they cannot recall the name) last
    February 14, 1969.

    :) :) :)

  353. Yey!!!

    My entry: http://joelicious121786.blogspot.com/2010/09/one-of-my-cutest-picture-during-my-baby.html

    A cute baby boy.

  354. Entry 354 is void.

    this is the my real entry. Sorry

    My entry: http://joelicious121786.blogspot.com/2010/09/glimpse-of-yesteryears.html

    One of my cutest picture during my baby years.
    The picture was taken at the old house of my
    grandparents (Malolos Bulacan) a day before
    my first birthday, that was December 16, 1987.

  355. I want that GE Cam! :(

  356. This is my first entry:


    Caption: Together with my tita that is taking good care with her first two so cute “pamangkin”. I am the baby on the right side, it was taken November 15, 2010 in our old house.

    Photo Link: http://i53.tinypic.com/15oc6q1.jpg


    “All dressed up! and ready for my close up!!”
    Place: Our home at Panapaan, Bacoor Cavite
    Date: March 15, 1982

    [celebrating my 2nd birthday and ready to partee!! hehe. not my oldest photo but i think this is the coolest ;P]


  358. flashback sa Baguio backyard
    new years day 1-1-1987
    …& yes im trying to fit myself into my dad’s sleeves (^_^)

  359. ADMIN please delete my previous comment. I accidentally post it wrongly. this is my official entry in this contest.. thanks.


    Christmas Celebration ’81
    Place: Lacson Compound, Pag-asa Imus Cavite
    Date: December 25, 1981

    LINK: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5226362&l=5abb96d679&id=557889102

  360. http://twitpic.com/2su6ez

    flashback sa Baguio backyard
    new years day 1-1-1987
    …& yes im trying to fit myself into my dad’s sleeves (^_^)

  361. My entry:


    Just a simple days together with my dad, his first son is so cute just like him. I love this picture. February 15, 1993

  362. My Oldest Photo Enty:


    Caption: This is my mom, cuddling and hugging me. I love her because he loves me!

    Place: Norzagaray, Bulacan

    Date: March 20, 1992

  363. Here’s mine: http://twitpic.com/2sughj

    Woah! Elementary days! Im still innocent at this picture (im on the right side) together with my cousins, taken June 22, 1997 at Tolentino Family Compound

  364. Here’s my photo entry:


    Short Caption: This is my photo, a cute little kid wearing gold-like color shirt together with my brother, and my beloved mother. I think this photo is my cousin’s birthday in my Tita’s house, dated January 03, 1994.

  365. Here’s the link for my entry:


    Wow! Handaan! Look at that young kids eating so much of the food. Yes, if there is a food in table Im always there, I will eat what I can eat! I am the one who wears white sando shirt. SO TAKAW!
    Taken on May 11, 1995 at my Grandmother’s house!

  366. Here’s the link for my entry:


    Wow! Handaan! Look at that young kids eating so much of the food. Yes, if there is a food in table Im always there, I will eat what I can eat! I am the one who wears white sando shirt. SO TAKAW!
    Taken on May 11, 1995 at my Grandmother’s house!

  367. My Entry:


    Going to church for special thanksgiving with God, my mom will take me there to see Papa Jesus again! It was April 19, 1992 at Guagua, Pampanga.

    Hope I can win!

  368. Photo:



    Ooooh! How cute me, a cute baby me! I so sexy right? It was my first 2 weeks in this world and Im so lucky to see world.

    Date and place: October 24, 1992 at Brgy. Poblacion, my hometown.

  369. just went over the mechanics again and it sez to use the IMG tag so that the image will appear right away…


    i’m at the center,..sixth from the left

  370. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3195355&l=1b034a8aa8&id=680438038

  371. Pahabol po.
    Here’s my entry:


    Photo: I was 4 years old. This photo was taken at our house at Baliwag, Bulacan.
    Date: June 23, 1995

  372. Photo: Me and my twin in our house at Quezon City. I’m the one Squeezing her!(hehehe!)
    Date: December 10, 1983

  373. Me and my twin sister aileen…I’m the one squeezing her! hehe!
    Date: December 10, 1983

  374. Me and my twin sister Aileen..I’m the one squeezing her! hehehe!
    Date: December 10, 1983

  375. My entry:


    My grade 1 class picture way back in Feb. 10, 1988. =)


  376. My entry:


    My Grade 1 class picture way back in 1988. =)

  377. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=1628402&id=1067111936&ref=fbx_album

    Phot: Me and my twin sister aileen…I’m the one squeezing her! hehehe!
    Date: December 10, 1983

  378. Hi,

    My entry:


    My Grade 1 class picture way back in 1988.


  379. Hi,

    Im surrounded with my ninongs and my ninangs. This pic, if i am not mistaken was taken in the 77 or 78.



  380. sir abe, may nanalo na po ba?

  381. Pahabol din sir:


    Photo: Me at 5 years old (2nd from top) as ring bearer at my Aunt’s wedding. Taken January 12, 1992 in Pangasinan.

  382. Oldest Photo Contest Entry


    Photo: This was taken at the lake of Burnham Park, Baguio City when I was 3 years old. I was so scared of being left alone on the boat.

    Date: July 31, 1963.

  383. Me and my sister with Santa Claus
    This one taken in Ali Mall, during the Christmas in 1990

  384. Me and my sister with Santa Claus
    This one taken in Ali Mall, during the Christmas in 1990


  385. This photo was taken in 1980, and I was barely a year old. That’s my father wearing a proud happy smile, wrapping me in his embrace :)

  386. http://web7.twitpic.com/img/169663034-7514bd38042a07f44f51a16618939d71.4ca30010-full.jpg

    This photo was taken in 1980, and I was barely a year old. That’s my father wearing a proud happy smile, wrapping me in his embrace.

  387. Opps.. the first one did not go well, here is another try using photobucket.

    Oldest Photo Contest Entry


    Photo: This was taken at the lake of Burnham Park, Baguio City when I was 3 years old. I was so scared of being left alone on the boat.

    Date: July 31, 1963.

  388. Here’s mine :)

    22 years and 11 months ago to be exact..hehe
    Two-months old baby picture with my twin brother at my father’s house in Sta.Mesa, Manila. I’m on the right side.
    Date: December 21, 1987.

    FB wall post:

    just in case you can’t access my fb post, you may also try this one–



  389. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30140013&id=1089327497&ref=fbx_album

    Caption: Celebrating 13 years of friendship!
    (And an additional 80 pounds collectively…)

    Location: San Fernando, Pampanga (my friend’s house)
    Date: 27 December 1997

  390. this is me 20 years ago and 20 inches ago sa waistline. haha! this was during our kinder graduation back in 1990. may special number kaming mga honor students. btw, ako yun naka-yellow. :p http://yfrog.com/jkcerej

  391. Here is my entry: http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/7864/grade5.jpg

    Elementary Grade 5 Class Section A, I’m the one in the topmost row rightmost spot. Date: Feb. 11, 1983

    BTW: Just in case anyone viewing the pic recognizes some of the faces do let me know specially the ones we are trying to locate. :) (My batch is trying to locate the person topmost row 2nd and 7th from the right; as well as the 4th guy from the left on the 2nd row from the top). Sorry for the shameless plug/panawagan. :) Hehe.

    Good luck to all contest participants.
    Alternate link to the picture: http://yfrog.com/bcgrade5j

  392. this is me 20 years ago and 20 inches ago sa waistline. haha! this was during our kinder graduation back in 1990. may special number kaming mga honor students. btw, ako yun naka-yellow. :p

  393. http://iamsantelmo.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-birthday-and-my-3-grandpas.html

    Photo: My Birthday @ HGV Resort in the province of Atimonan Quezon. I’m the one with the red bucket.
    Date: April 8, 1986

  394. here is my entry..

    my kindergarten class picture year 1998, sa harap ng canteen namin hihi and curly pa yun hair ko dyan,but now straight na :) ako yun nakaponytail sa isang side lang ng hair :D


  395. photo entry


    “all i want for christmas is my front teeth”

    dec. 1983

  396. I’m a PC newbie. I am urged because my apo is a better expert than I. So since I have the older pic than the 2 of us, I’m here, typing slow.

    I’m a groovy lola, and now, a teki lola.

    GirlTeki, you make we want to buy gadgets for my apo. For now, email, yuga, girlteki – next time, the world!


    on the right, the old Rizal Park, preparing for indak-indak sa daan with the coolest Filipiniana getups yet

  397. Oh, I forgot to include the date – March 1973
    Teki Lola was a single lady 30 years young, but taken and spoken for :)

  398. Date Taken: 1955
    Place Taken: Salud Elementary School, Bolinao Pangasinan

  399. Here’s a picture of my grandfather (2nd column, 3rd to the right) when he was in Grade 6 back in 1955. This was taken in Salud Elementary School in Bolinao Pangasinan.

  400. Date Taken: 1955
    Place Taken: Salud Elementary School, Bolinao Pangasinan

    Here’s a picture of my grandfather (2nd column, 3rd to the right) when he was in Grade 6 back in 1955. This was taken in Salud Elementary School in Bolinao Pangasinan.

    Here’s a link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightbattery/5035591257/


  401. With my brother before going to school, taken using a Nikon RD.I’m the one on right.

    Date:December 6,1992

  402. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4144/5036248076_632e4afd95.jpg

    With my brother before going to school, taken using a Nikon RD.I’m the one on right.

    Date:December 6,1992

    my first post did’nt work.

  403. My Entry: http://i52.tinypic.com/2jw8xc.jpg

    Details: This is my baby picture, together with some stuff of toys given to me of my favorite grandmother. Till now I have this stuff of mine, it was preserved. It was taken November 26, 1992 in San Joseph, Guagua, Pampanga.

  404. Photo link: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad226/Sanctuarian06/IMG_0010.jpg

    Story of this photo: Im so cute with this photo, not just like your ordinary baby. It was February 09, 1992 at my Tita Milet’s bedroom when I start to crawl own my own. Im excited to walk na kasi! Hehe.

    Sana manalo ako!

  405. My photo: http://twitpic.com/2t2k7e

    Caption: In this picture my mom told me, that I was dancing. I think this is a stolen shot for me when I was 4 years old.

    Date: August 11, 1996

    Location: In our old house in Bulacan

  406. Here’s my entry:


    Bonding with pinsans and my titas in Guagua, Pampanga dated July 17, 1995. Im the one who wears a green cap and a green sando (do I love green?) . Just like an ordinary day with my family.

  407. This picture together with my cousin and my grandmother at my father’s family was taken Decembember 03, 1994 at the second floor of my grandmother’s house. This is my fave part of my lola’s house! Im the baby who wears blue panjama.

    Direct Link:


  408. Information about the picture:

    Dated September 23, 1993 together with my beloved mother, it was Saturday and we’re on our way to my Ninang’s house. My mom told me that I was crying at that time so she decided to go with me, Im so spoiled kid! Hehe.

    Photo Link: http://twitpic.com/2t2lhy

  409. My Oldest Photo Entry:

    Caption: Nothing I can say Im so cute with my baby days, hope that I can maintain this cuteness even in my teen days!

    Date and Place: June 08, 1993 at Brgy. San Juan, Guagua, Pampanga

  410. My Oldest Photo Entry:


    Caption: Nothing I can say Im so cute with my baby days, hope that I can maintain this cuteness even in my teen days!

    Date and Place: June 08, 1993 at Brgy. San Juan, Guagua, Pampanga

  411. Picture link:


    Story: Who’s the cutest? Syempre ako, ang ganda ng ngiti ko oh. Im the cute baby who wears sleeves sitting on the right side of my eldest cousin. August 28, 1993.

  412. It was a Christmas Celebration, December 25, 1994 and I think everyone is busy, I don’t mind any gifts and aguinaldos because Im too innocent at that time, I just want food! Food! Food! Hehe.

    Photo Link: http://twitpic.com/2t2mrn

  413. My Entry’s Direct Link:


    Caption: I think Im still afraid to walk that time and my mom and dad wants to check it out if I can, I don’t think so what happen after I try, maybe I got fall down and start crying! July 17, 1993.

  414. Short caption for this photo:

    This picture together with my dad is taken at San Jose, Pampanga, April 19, 1993

    Entry Link: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad226/Sanctuarian06/IMG_0019.jpg

  415. So here’s my entry:


    Hope you like it!

    Short Caption: March 06, 1993 at St. Andrew The Apostle Parish Church and It was my baptismal as a Christian, Im enlighten by my God Mother and God Father.

  416. My old photo:


    Story of this old photo: See the Christmas? Feel the Christmas! It was Christmas time as you can see the Christmas tree, kasama ko dito yung kapatid ko, he was on the right side, kamukha niya si weng-weng no? Hehe. Im on the left side. December 16, 1994.

  417. hope mr. yugatech will pick my entry. :)

    soooo excited. XD can’t wait for this month to end.

  418. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30379426&l=5a5f12a1f1&id=1375308600

    photo taken nov 2006 at the hillcrest family life center qc.im wearing red on the right side

  419. The Little Drummer Boy

    Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum
    A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum
    Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum
    To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
    rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum


    December 16, 1990 xmas party ko nung kinder ako..


  420. This was taken way back nov. 1, 1992(:
    I’m second from right wearing superman shirt!haha..
    This Picture might worth a 14-megapixel GE X5 digital camera.

  421. This was taken way back nov. 1, 1992(:
    I’m second from right wearing superman shirt!haha..
    This Picture might worth a 14-megapixel GE X5 digital camera.


  422. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs362.snc4/44556_156395631037985_1000000*****191_500146_4324537_n.jpg

    This photo was taken during my aunt’s wedding on March 15, 1995 where I was one of the flower girls.

  423. By the way the wedding happened in our hometown, Naawan, Misamis Oriental.

  424. Here’s my entry.. I hope I still made it.. ><


    I uploaded it on my blog. It's a photo of me way back 18 years ago. :)

    More power to yugatech and i-Digiworld!

  425. Abot pa po ba ako? :D

    Not sure kung Sept 29th na 12mn, yung pa-30th…or yung Sept 30th na gabi mismo.

    Anyway, here’s my entry:


    Link: http://twitpic.com/2t5n5d

    Photo: Geek Squadron Leader. Start ’em young. :))

    This photo was taken when I was almost a year old. I was learning how to stand up without help from my family.

    Date: May 25, 1987

  426. here is my entry taken when I was still in high school:


  427. Here’s mine:

    Photo: solo studio picture

    Date: Around 1990’s, no exact month and date

  428. Hi Sir, reposting due to missing details. Kindly delete or ignore my previous post

    Here is my entry:


    Where: Pampanga, GNC, Elementary Grade 5 Class Section A, I’m the one in the topmost row rightmost spot. Date: Feb. 11, 1983

    BTW: Just in case anyone viewing the pic recognizes some of the faces do let me know specially the ones we are trying to locate. :) (My batch is trying to locate the person topmost row 2nd and 7th from the right; as well as the 4th guy from the left on the 2nd row from the top). Sorry for the shameless plug/panawagan. :) Hehe.

    Good luck to all contest participants.
    Alternate link to the picture: http://yfrog.com/6tgrade5j

  429. wow, when the entries rain, it pours. congrats to abe and girlteki.

    here’s my share of the downpour :)

    back in 1981, shots were taken from the rear. the photographer forgot my good side was covered by dear father priest. oh my! i can’t even find myself in this pic! help GE! :)

  430. hello Sir… here’s my entry… hope you like it… thank you and God bless! :)

    Here’s my picture during our graduation in Holy Spirit Academy in Sta. Mesa. This was taken during my preparatory level. I really can’t remember the exact date but now I am 27 years old to give you an idea… We sang the song “God is Watching Us” on this day and boy I’m in the front of the formation. The little supranos… haha :)

  431. eto ang picture ko kasama ang tatay namin at dalawa ko pang kapatid..sinabihan lang ako ng anak ko na sumali dito, hindi ko na naitabi iba naming picture dahil nasira na ang iba..tatay ko talaga ang mahilig sa mga litrato…kuha ito noong enero 1950, nagkuha kami ng litrato pagkatapos ng bagong taon, wala ang nanay ko dahil madami sya patahi noon..ako yung pinaka-malaki sa lahat.


  432. hello Sir ayaw gumana ng IMG tag eh repost ko nlng po thanks… here’s my entry… hope you like it… thank you and God bless! :)


    Here’s my picture during our graduation in Holy Spirit Academy in Sta. Mesa. This was taken during my preparatory level. I really can’t remember the exact date but now I am 27 years old to give you an idea… We sang the song “God is Watching Us” on this day and boy I’m in the front of the formation. The little supranos… haha :)

  433. picture taken 1952 October..birthday..bukas ay birthday ko din, oct. 1


  434. PHOTO: My mom and dad’s church wedding day, I’m the one beside my dad.
    DATE: December 21, 1980

  435. http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?id=23512520&owner=mamearningpt

    PHOTO: My mom & dad’s church wedding day, I’m the one beside my dad.

    DATE: December 21, 1980

  436. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?pid=5377891&fbid=431543811454&id=675141454

    This photo was taken on my 8th birthday. That was on July 9, 1992 back home in Marikina. My tatay never failed to make my birthday special.

  437. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?pid=5377891&fbid=431543811454&id=675141454

    This photo was taken on my 8th birthday, July 9, 1992 back home in Marikina My tatay never failed to make me feel special on this special day.

  438. Hello :) here’s my entry, this picture is taken during my toddler days :) 1983 :)


    thanks! :)

  439. Hi All,

    So this was me, 20 yrs. ago, October 28, 1989 (I forgot to put the date on my last post.)And yeah, like my dad said, I looked like an alien when I was born. heheh! :)


  440. This is me dancing when I was 4 years old. Taken in 1985. I love dancing and singing and love to pose in front of camera. Not a shy girl indeed…hihi!

  441. This is me dancing when I was 4 years old. Taken in 1985. I love dancing and singing and love to pose in front of camera. Not a shy girl indeed…hihi!

    My first entry didnt work…try again..


  442. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2031264&id=1588509642&l=b2c772c910

    [My entry would be the 3rd picture in this album (I don’t know how to make a single photo viewable to everyone in facebook)]

    Photo: I was being balanced by my godfather along Road 4 in Sta. Ana, Manila
    Date: This picture was taken back between 1988 and 1989

  443. This me with my twin. im on the leftside. taken from manila zoo. Dec 21, 1986.


  444. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2052947&id=1226997779&saved#!/photo.php?pid=31359902&fbid=1489853446103&id=1226997779

    Im on the left with my twin brother on the right. taken at the manila zoo. December 21, 1986.

    repost lang po.

  445. Hope I win.

  446. This was around year 1998 when my cousin came home from the USA to pay visit! :)


  447. Here is another photo way back 2000 when cousins and grandma paid us a visit and we went to Laguna to enjoy some hot spring water and swimming time! We all wear dalmatian shirts here!


  448. upper right: my graduation kindergarten picture
    date:march 21,1992

    lower right:my first ever id
    date: id when i was in grade 1, (photo) right after the graduation ceremony look em holding my diploma.

    upper left:in front of our jeepney with my two brother (+)ronnie, (/)randy i was indeed having trouble in my gift. i want some.
    date:dec. 25, 1989

    lower left:our first ever bike. wait what was the flag em holding?ilove biking until now.
    date:dec. 25, 1989

    facebook link:

    IMG code(photobucket)

    direct link:(photobucket) http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk37/troy_machintosh/30092010001.jpg

    HTML code(photobucket):




  449. “a picture that tells how a baby turn into a boy and a boy into a lad and a lad into a man and a man into a men”

    upper right: my graduation kindergarten picture
    date:march 21,1992

    lower right:my first ever id
    date: id when i was in grade 1, (photo) right after the graduation ceremony look em holding my diploma.

    upper left:in front of our jeepney with my two brother (+)ronnie, (/)randy i was indeed having trouble in my gift. i want some.
    date:dec. 25, 1989

    lower left:our first ever bike. wait what was the flag em holding?ilove biking until now.
    date:dec. 25, 1989

    facebook link:

    IMG code(photobucket)

    direct link:(photobucket) http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk37/troy_machintosh/30092010001.jpg

    HTML code(photobucket):




  450. My picture when I auditioned for the PBB Teen Edition, back then digital cameras were not that popular so it was a pictorial at the local studio and scan. :D

    Way back March 2005


  451. facebook link:

    IMG code(photobucket)

    direct link:(photobucket) http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk37/troy_machintosh/30092010001.jpg

    HTML code(photobucket):



  452. “a picture that tells how a baby turn into a boy and a boy into a lad and a lad into a man and a man into a men”

    facebook link:

  453. This photo was taken during one of our Sunday visits to my grandparents’ house


    Date: July 1988
    Location: San Fernando, Pampanga

  454. I saw this contest in Yugatech.com (www.yugatech.com/blog/contests/contest-show-me-your-oldest-photo/) and here is my official entry:)

    This photo was taken a few days after my twin sister Dyra and I were born in July 1985 either at the hospital or at homey. We were small and very thin weighing 5.2 and 5.4 lbs, respectively via CS. Since then, we can never be apart:)


    Date:July 7, 1985

  455. Just made it before deadline!

    Photo was taken at Jun’s Art Studio in Malinta, Valenzuela City on May 1998.


  456. This is me when i was 1 1/2 years old. It was taken at our front yard at our home in Mataasnakahoy, Batangas on March 14, 1981

  457. Sorry, I forgot the link….


    This is me when i was 1 1/2 years old. It was taken at our front yard at our home in Mataasnakahoy, Batangas on March 14, 1981

  458. Here’s my entry…


  459. Here’s my oldest photo:


    Direct Link:


    Place: Near Redemptorist Church in Baclaran
    Date: Sometime in 1969 (Gosh that was 41 years ago,lol)

  460. Hey Abe,

    Blogged about the contest, serves as my official entry too.

    Post URL:

    Other sources:



    Place: Juan Sumulong Elementary School, Pasay City
    Date: Sometime in 1979

  461. This is the oldest photo of me on our photo album :) It was taken at our home in Pasig City, few days after I was born (Jan. 1983) I was with my mom.


  462. http://mysmarthub.com/2010/09/30/yugatechs-show-me-your-oldest-photo-contest/

    PHOTO: Oldest photo of me. Taken at Pasig City with my mom. Few days after I was born. (January 1983)

  463. im with my 2 sister in my dads company christmas party

    face book: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1160287&l=5b21f69a35&id=1576029709

    date: december 1988

  464. hindi ako maka-comment ;(

  465. http://mysmarthub.com/2010/09/30/yugatechs-show-me-your-oldest-photo-contest/

    PHOTO: Few days after I was born. January 1983. The photo was taken at Pasig City with my mom.

  466. hindi ako maka-comment kanina pa laging spam??
    Anyways, this is my other entry;


    Photo was taken when I was 2 years old. (1985) In Pasig City at our neighbor’s house. :)

  467. Photo: Jan. 1983/ Buting, Pasig City/ according to my dad that was a week after I was born


  468. another contest na naman

  469. Co-co-come on baby~ Let’s do the twist! Taken during our field demo when I was in 3rd grade. ^___^ Alala nyo pa yung sticker call-outs na yun? Goodness! Puppy love ko yung partner ko na yun! Yihaaa!

  470. At na-strip ang img tag ko. :D Take two:

    Link to the photo: http://yfrog.com/mxl93ij

    Co-co-come on baby~ Let’s do the twist! Taken during our field demo when I was in 3rd grade. ^___^ Alala nyo pa yung sticker call-outs na yun? Goodness! Puppy love ko yung partner ko na yun! Yihaaa!

  471. http://www.flickr.com/photos/juanrd83/5038461153/

    My entry ftw!

    My baptismal in St. Francis of Assisi Parish Church in Meycauayan, Bulacan.. April 1983

    I was so cute then. now I’m even more better! ^^

  472. This is a picture of me during my second birthday. It was shot at my house in Calasiao, Pangasinan. It was taken on April 28, 1994.

    Here’s the link: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs676.snc4/61609_434757273214_644908214_5149411_3155269_n.jpg

    Thank you very much.

  473. Hi again. Sorry for double posting, here is the link to the same picture on my Facebook account, by the way:


    Thank you.

  474. My oldest photo is on my Facebook wall – http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5202733&id=624822967&ref=fbx_album

    That’s cute little me on my first birthday with my Mama across our first home in Baguio City.
    Date: August 1, 1975

    Thank you for this promo! More power to my favorite tech blog!

  475. Here I am when I was only one week old :))


    The photo was taken on March 21, 1989 at my Lola’s house in Quezon City.

  476. here’s my entry :)

    burham park @ baguio city.with my father and my younger sister.
    Date: October 1998


  477. my picture taken when im still single… hehehe


    date: sept 1974

  478. pahabol…hehe..this is my entry :)


  479. Here’s my entry:


    The photo was taken on January 29, 1981 during my first birthday in our place in Sta. Mesa, Manila. Of course, I couldn’t remember a thing about this photo. Good thing I have my mom to tell me what happened during this day. It’s good to have some walking-back-memory-lane conversations with my mom once in a while. :)

  480. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=387633&id=1618176171&ref=fbx_album

    This is the oldest and the cutest picture that I found when I was browsing my childhood album. It was taken on december 20, 1997 on our roadtrip to Baguio for a vacation. I was still an innocent little kiddo. Totoy na totoy pa. Ahh. The good times bilis talaga ng panahon. Its our generation na pala. :)

    Goodluck to all readers of this blog. More power to this blog and mr abe olandres!!

  481. This old photo was taken during summer of 1959, I was standing behind my youngest brother with his little `Bantay` on his lap. Being a 3 yr. old kid showed how scared I was posed in front of the camera.


  482. I was sure there would be several baby pictures.. So I tried to make mine a little different.


    Photo: My brother’s 5th birthday party at our home. I’m the old lady carrying the kid! (kiddin’) I’m actually the cute, chubby little baby! I was just 4months old in this picture

    It’s one of my oldest pictures, and I’m with one of the oldest people I know! My dad’s former nanny whom we also love like our own grandma!

    Date: October 28, 1986

  483. Here is my entry :)

    This photo was taken way back feb. 14, 1993
    the event was the coronation night for little mr. and ms. Mendoza Kiddie Learning Center


  484. here’s my entry for the contest…


  485. This photo was taken during a singing contest in our school held on 8 February 1985. I was in Grade 1 then. :)


  486. Hello Sir Abe,

    Here is my entry:


    Now,I can tell that my eldest daughter is my look-alike.=D

    PHOTO: Innocent me at 3 years old.
    PLACE/DATE: Polomolok South Cotabato, 1985

    Thanks for having a promo like this.
    Hoping to win, I want that camera pls?pls?
    I want to learn photography and my fave subject is my kids milestone, but my prob is a good quality camera…=P

    More Power and Goodluck to all!


  487. here is my entry:
    This photo was taken when I was 9 yrs old, I’m grade three by this time. I was born 1960, it means that this was take last March 1969..graduation to nun, honor student ako noon.


  488. sir yuga..

    here’s my entry for your contest.


    this photo was taken when i was i think 3 or 4 years old in a nearby photo studio. My mom decided to bring me to a photo studio to let say “capture the moment” because that day was my birthday. As you can see, i was beginning to be teary eyed, and you could also see the shadow of my mother in this picture.

  489. Sir,

    Seems Tiny pic website is not working.
    To see my photo entry I blogged it here:


    Thanks again..=D

  490. Sir entry ko po para sa contest. 7x na po ako ngppopost para makasali kaso laging palpak..
    spam daw sya, hindi naman. haba na ng natype ko ng una. spam pa din.


    sana ngayon makalusot na.

  491. sali din po ako.

    ito entry ko, photo taken when i was just about 8 months old. (march 1987)


  492. this is a photo of myself when i was 3 year old 18 years ago, with my bestfriend named “Buffy”. Yeah, my 1st ever dog had a name of “Buffy”.. At this age, i consider my dog as my bestfriend through the play times and the sad times.. Truly, dogs are man’s bestfriend..

  493. Sir abe here’s my entry for your contest.
    its not spam. for christ sake.
    your site always says that my comments are spam.
    tried to post 9x. hopefully this one gets through..

  494. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/378/p1020750cr.jpg

    Photo: A picture of me playing with my teddy bear. I think I was 3 or 4 years old at the time. This was taken at our old house in Quezon City, according to my aunt. :)
    Date: Sometime in 1977 or 1978. :)

  495. this is a photo of myself when i was 3 year old 18 years ago, with my bestfriend named “Buffy”. Yeah, my 1st ever dog had a name of “Buffy”.. At this age, i consider my dog as my bestfriend through the play times and the sad times.. Truly, dogs are man’s bestfriend….

  496. this is a photo of myself when i was 3 year old 18 years ago, with my bestfriend named “Buffy”. Yeah, my 1st ever dog had a name of “Buffy”.. At this age, i consider my dog as my bestfriend through the play times and the sad times.. Truly, dogs are man’s bestfriend..


  497. Hi Sir Abe! Here’s my entry:


    It’s not the oldest pic in the competition, not even the most creative one. But it was a memorable picture. It was taken April 1993, during one of my mom’s out of town trips in Baguio City. And I can say it was my first “out of the region” trip that I can remember the details clearly. It was my first time in Baguio City. I was 7 years old.

    Thanks for the opportunity! Hope I win! :)

  498. [img]http://www.flickr.com/photos/39774218@N08/5039337396/[/img]
    Photo: photo of me doing my “melting” face december of 1989. It was a regular day at my mom’s office. We needed to consume the remaining shots of a roll of film (YES FILM!!! lol) to have it developed so my dad took silly shots of me and my sister.
    DATE: December (20 something) 1989.

  499. This is my photo entry:


    This picture was taken during a “Santacruzan” for kids back in May 1965 where I was the Reyna Emperatriz. I’m the one in the middle. Those were the glory days. And up until now, the tradition here in our place in Manila still continues. Every fiesta, kids were chosen to parade in honor of our patron and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  500. Here’s my oldest photo. It was taken December 1978 in Iligan City, when I was 6 months old. :)


  501. Photo: I tried my darndest to find my oldest photo and this is what I found, was looking for baby pics but we lost most of our photo albums because of a flood few years ago. This is a class picture when I was in Grade 2 at Balanga Elementary School. I’m the girl in white dress at the 2nd row, farthest girl at the right.
    Date: Not sure of the exact date but this was taken SY 1989-90 :)


  502. This was a picture taken in the last week of August 1987, in an awarding ceremony during the “Linggo ng Wika”. We won 2nd place in a trio declamation. And from the looks on our faces, I think we didn’t expected the prize. (Or should I say we didn’t expect to be 2nd? Just kidding.)

    Anyway, I’m the one in the middle. :)


  503. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=6628179&fbid=469984149121&id=769979121

    Photo: 1st year high school picture. I’m the girl at the left side and I’m not looking at the camera and I don’t even know why :)

  504. Pahabol! This photo was taken in our house in Morong, Rizal when I was 2. According to my mom, this was taken during her birthday leave, it was June of 1993. I just find this photo cute!


  505. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30274639&l=1080e23d84&id=1375308600

    photo taken feb 2005 at the cathedral heights qc. lying on the floor w/ friends. im the other guy top right.

  506. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30341501&l=b4d54bd967&id=1375308600

    w/ cousin cha. at chef donatelo sm north april 2004.

  507. About a month or so after I was born in August 1963, my we visited my grandmother in the province. This is her in her traditional dress. She really did dress that way every day! And yeah, my head was really big :)

    Also posted it on FB here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=6711967&l=ad7778f748&id=719336114

  508. Please rescue my comment from the spam folder! :) The links I guess, did it.

  509. This is me with my siblings more than 25 years ago in front of our old house. I’m the 3rd kid from the left.


  510. The submission of entries is over, waiting for the winner. Who will be the lucky one? Godbless us.

  511. The submission of entries is over, waiting for the winner. Who will be the lucky one? Godbless us.

  512. Announcement na ng winners tom!!!

    • Hi guys!

      Thanks to everyone who joined in! We’ve got hundreds of entries already and been having a great time checking them out. We’ll pick our random winner tomorrow and also give out a few special prizes as well.

  513. kahit special awards lng hapi na ako :D

  514. there were winners who did not receive emails from your previous contest, yuga. baka eto na naman.

  515. wow, wish wish wish from the grass. please, please… let me be that lucky person. :)

  516. Haaaayyyyy, Exciting!!!! Ako na sana ang winner Yuga!!! Pleasssseeeee

  517. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2071786&id=1157405536&l=084593b584

    Old Family Pics…Me when I was 3 yrs old (wearing yellow dress).. Ang ganda ng nanay ko noh…then standing beside her is my tito then at my left side my sister jasmin and to my other side my brother..ang cute ko kulot pla buhok ko noon…hehehe

  518. wala pa po bang winners? antagal naman. huhu excited na kami hehe

  519. Oh my gulay.

    • @eman – we don’t really send out emails to winners. it’s the winners who are requested to email back.

      to all: Hi guys! Finalizing the list of winners and posting them tomorrow. Still can’t decide what special prizes to give out.

  520. excited for the winners… I hope I get even a consolation prize! :p

  521. Good luck to everyone… I hope I get even a consolation prize! :p

  522. And if I ever win in this contest, this is the best gift Ive ever receive. Malapit na kasi birthday ko. Yahoo! Im excited :)

  523. Here’s my entry:


  524. @ starrie and sanctuarian;

    winners were posted na. Sir abe announced the winners at 4 pm via his twitter on on the link below;



  525. Just want to ask panu mag joint sa contest?

  526. Okay…?

  527. My brother suggested I may like this website.
    He used to be totally right. This post truly made my day. You cann’t
    consider simply how much time I had spent for this information! Thank you!

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