yugatech x infinix

First Leg of our Challenge: #ExploreBeautiful

We start our #ExploreWorldwide series with a quick look at the past and how we changed thru time. While technology has allowed us to easily reach our potential, each individual has gone thru some kind of change or transformation.

The beauty is not how we changed our look but our outlook; not on where we’ve been but where we want to be – beauty is a state of mind.

Our first challenge is about #exploring our potential. Show us a photo of you between now and at least 10 years ago (baby pics if need be) and tell us what has changed. Post on your social media accounta and share with friends using the hashtags #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide. Leave a comment with a link to your entry.

Here are some samples from our editorial team:

When I was a kid, I had trouble speaking in public. I overcame that fear growing up and can now stand before a crowd with confidence.

As a kid, I spent most of my time playing with my Lego set or outdoors with friends. Now I play with gadgets and attend tech events for a living.

I guess what has changed thru the years is my weight? haha kidding aside, I was really clueless on how I would end up being before. I thought of following my mom’s footsteps and be an entrepreneur, but my love for art during High School flourished. If not for that, I guess I wouldn’t be here right now.

Show us your before (babypic) and after photos and tell us what dreams you’ve realized or goals you’ve accomplished.

Submission starts today and ends November 21. We will have two (2) winners which we will select from the pool. Our prize is an Acer Liquid Jade and a dinner together with Toni Gonzaga or Paul Soriano.

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. When I was a baby, I spent most of my time sleeping but now I spent most of my time studying and doing stuffs related to my course which I think could be a good thing for me as a full-time student.

    #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  2. https://twitter.com/ventocoseuss/status/52436072811*****92

    More power!

  3. http://instagram.com/p/uZ3f5WoYCh/

  4. In everyone’s life a spirit of bravery is just sleeping. Just like when I was a child, who can’t stands on my own. But all of that changes as I grew up and dream that someday I will be a champion, a man who can on his own feet and with God on his side. Yes, I believed that everyone of us has planted a seed of greatness and in due to time it will show up and nothing can hinder it! We Filipinos are destined to be on top! It is only a matter of trusting yourself and placing our faith to the One who is above all!



    • Elijah Santos
      In everyone’s life a spirit of bravery is just sleeping. Just like when I was a child, who can’t stands on my own. But all of that changes as I grew up and dreamed that someday I will be a champion, a man who can stsnd on his own feet and with God on his side. Yes, I believed that everyone of us has planted a seed of greatness and in due to time it will show up and nothing can hinder it! We Filipinos are destined to be on top! It is only a matter of trusting yourself and placing our faith to the One who is above all!
      Acer Philippines

  5. Elijah Santos
    In everyone’s life a spirit of bravery is just sleeping. Just like when I was a child, who can’t stands on my own. But all of that changes as I grew up and dream that someday I will be a champion, a man who can on his own feet and with God on his side. Yes, I believed that everyone of us has planted a seed of greatness and in due to time it will show up and nothing can hinder it! We Filipinos are destined to be on top! It is only a matter of trusting yourself and placing our faith to the One who is above all!
    Acer Philippines

  6. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=786244821437432&set=a.373442779384307.86871.1000015*****734&type=1&theater


  7. Here’s my entry…Hoping to win


  8. Here is my entry. Thank you.


  9. You can go through life and make new friends every year–every month practically–but there was never any substitute for those friendships of childhood that survive into adult years. Those are the ones in which we are bound to one another with hoops of steel.
    ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?


  10. When I was 16, I had lofty dream of becoming a great writer. I’m talking Jane Austen, JK Rowling calibre. I was in the awkward “teenage” phase, no longer a girl, but not yet a woman. I have not traveled outside of my hometown and was very naive about life.

    At 30, I am a registered nurse in 3 countries (Philippines, US, and Australia). I have 2 kids and although I may have filled up in some places, I am fully confident in myself. I have traveled overseas by myself and am no longer scared of the unknown. One thing remains the same: I still dream of becoming a great writer.

  11. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide This was me on my 7th Birthday and 15 years later. I was so shy then and wasn’t so sure of what I want to be. As years passed, I explored a lot of things that made me confident and fulfilled. I am now a happy, self-employed wife!!


  12. My first attempt to speak on stage was 24 years ago. I never thought that exploring my strengths and capabilities will eventually help me become what I am today. I am now a proud High School Teacher and a Boy Scout Leader, inspiring and motivating the youth!

    #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

    LINK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=775544582491481&set=a.333932769986000.74895.1000010*****684&type=1&theater

  13. My first attempt to speak on stage was 24 years ago. I never thought that exploring my strengths and capabilities will eventually help me become what I am today. I am now a proud High School Teacher and a Boy Scout Leader, inspiring and motivating the youth!
    ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?

    LINK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=775544582491481&set=a.333932769986000.74895.1000010*****684&type=1&theater

  14. My first attempt to speak on stage was 24 years ago. I never thought that exploring my strengths and capabilities will eventually help me become what I am today. I am now a proud High School Teacher and a Boy Scout Leader, inspiring and motivating the youth!
    ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?

    LINK: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=775544582491481&set=a.333932769986000.74895.1000010*****684&type=1&theater

  15. When I was a toddler I love to wear hats & dream of travelling around the world! Little did I expect that I could travel not only by air but I could also go cruising Asian waters thru Starcruises for FREE since I won in one of their restaurant promo “88 days Around The World” #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

    • Here’s my entry:


    • Here’s my entry:

  16. Here’s my entry on Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/uamgCFqfJr/

  17. When I was a kid all I do is play, no one cared how I dressed, we were all friends and we all could be ourselves without being judged. But now that I’m already a lady, I’ve already matured, I know my limitations, I have goals in life. I learned that life is too beautiful we should explore it. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  18. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1577938539092540&id=1000062*****087&set=a.1392071284*****4.1073741825.1000062*****087&refid=52&__tn__=E

  19. Here’s my entry YugaTech, I hope I will win this time :)


  20. when i was young up until now, nothing has changed sirena pa rin ako

  21. Having parents who are both musician developed my love for music.. I grew up with music all around me and I dreamt that I’d like to be a musician someday.. that dream has not been very easy for me because being fat made me so insecure and so afraid of people that I didn’t think I could ever perform on stage with ease at all.. but with the help of my friends, I learned to trust what I can do and gained confidence in me.. Now, being on stage doesn’t fright me anymore but makes me even more proud of who and what I am.. ;)

    #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  22. Here is my entry:

    I used to dream of becoming a princess someday with a prince charming beside me all the way.
    Someone who embodies the character not only of a royal blood but that of my father.
    Years had passed and countless more heartaches
    I was about to give up what every princesses would only want
    Until he came, my knight in shining armour, the man of my dream — my Prince Charming Joel!


  23. I’ve post my entry here: https://www.facebook.com/aprilvillanueva2003

    hoping to win!!!

  24. When I was a kid, my Dad and siblings said that I really loved playing with the other kids in our neighborhood. I would always act as a teacher and the other kids were my students. Everyone thought I would take up education in college like my Dad and my siblings but growing up I had different career paths that I wanted to take. During my graduation in kindergarten, I told everyone that I wanted to become a nurse; in elementary I wanted to become a teacher; in high school I dreamed of becoming a journalist. To make the long story short, I ended up finishing Master of Health Social Science at De La Salle University. I realize that all roads led me to my dream profession. One must not give up on his/ her dreams…they do come true when one is willing enough to work hard to achieve them. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  25. Life sharing entry.



    Shared to facebook:


  26. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=962641857083697&set=a.452894714725083.91255126.1000001*****440&type=1 My entry

  27. The photo on the left was taken 17 years ago. I think the great changes in me for the past years is that I maintain a long hair now because before mom doesn’t let my hair touch my shoulders! Lol! Well, looking into deeper meaning of it, I realized that as time passed by I can now decide for my own but of course still with the help and guidance of my mom. Next is my passion for food well now I am more conscious of the foods I eat but I must admit there are still times of cheat day where I am like a 7 year old chubby girl who eats what she wanted to eat. Lastly, I wish I can go back to old times when I can show off my tummy without hesitations hahaha!! (Look at the upper-left picture) Above all the greatest changes in me is how I view and value life now. It’s not like always a princess life, sometimes witches come in our way but most important thing is how you were able to fight those witches with the help of your fairy godmother (GOD) who is always there whenever I needed. ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?


  28. Dreams do come true…



  29. Here is my entry:

  30. Here is my entry :) ? http://instagram.com/p/uc0cyyFn6w/?modal=true

  31. When I was young, anything seems possible. I dreamt on becoming a supermodel, a teacher, or a newscaster, it all feels within my reach. In the picture, i was 6 years old.

    Now that I am on my 18 years of existence, im on my way to pursue my dream, and that is, to become Philippines’ next Korina Sanchez or Jessica Soho… Soon, i’ll be one of the tv’s newscaster. ?? yay!


  32. When I was young, anything seems possible. I dreamt on becoming a supermodel, a teacher, or a newscaster, it all feels within my reach. In the picture, i was 6 years old.

    Now that I am on my 18 years of existence, im on my way to pursue my dream, and that is, to become Philippines’ next Korina Sanchez or Jessica Soho… Soon, i’ll be one of the tv’s newscaster. ?? yay!


  33. When I was young, anything seems possible. I dreamt on becoming a supermodel, a teacher, or a newscaster, it all feels within my reach. In the picture, i was 6 years old.

    Now that I am on my 18 years of existence, im on my way to pursue my dream, and that is, to become Philippines’ next Korina Sanchez or Jessica Soho… Soon, i’ll be one of the tv’s newscaster. ?? yay!


  34. heres my entry.

  35. here’s my entry:-) https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=15080979*****923&id=1000073*****857&set=a.1376384625950927.1073741825.1000073*****857&source=48

  36. Living with hydrocephalus all thru my life. Reaching the age of 30 with a college degree, and being a living proof that whats written in the books isn’t always accurate.. I supassed 20 years and I’m not retarded

    here is my entry

  37. “I remember when i was a kid i’ll always want to look up in the sky to see the airplane, as i grow old i still remember the time that i want to explore to see the beautiful view up in the sky, until i got an opportunity to fly for work…,
    An awesome feelings of remembering that when i was a little boy enjoying when theres an airplane and now ive experience it, the real one and explore it…
    Here is my entry @instagram

  38. When I was five years old, my mom died giving birth to my sister. Since then, I am living independently to survive as a working student. I’ve been in a roller-coaster ride and have traveled a bumpy road to get where I am today, but those obstacles gave me strength and helped me appreciate the truly important things in life. Now, as a Finance Specialist like my mom, I carry my scars like badges of honor! #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

  39. When I was a toddler, my mother had a hard time feeding me healthy & nutritious foods because I am a picky eater. Now I love eating fresh fruits & veggies. ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide? Acer Philippines

    here’s the link of my entry https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015279*****32378&set=a.440113702377.236573.583497377&type=1&theater

  40. Dreams were uncertain 16 years ago, but now I know what my worth is. The 8th and 10th sentence may surprise yet touch your hearts also. Ihttp://instagram.com/p/udZr1Pn-gl/

  41. When I was a toddler, my mother had a hard time feeding me healthy & nutritious foods because I am a picky eater. Now I love eating fresh fruits & veggies. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide Acer Philippines

    here’s the link of my entry https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015279*****32378&set=a.440113702377.236573.583497377&type=1&theater

  42. Dreams were uncertain 16 years ago, but now I know what my worth is. The 8th and 10th sentence may surprise yet touch your hearts also.

  43. Being able to reach out to others and help them reach their goals are my childhood dreams that’s why now I am proud to say that i’m in a stage where I can be my own boss, manage my own time and touch other people’s lives as a financial adviser and unit manager. ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?

  44. http://jaysonlomboy.tumblr.com/post/1006713*****/as-a-kid-i-always-imitate-what-my-parents-do-i

    As a kid, I always imitate what my parents do. I used to cultivate the soil and plant palay with my father. Then, sometimes, I helped my mom in computing the change of her customers in her small sari-sari store. All I want is to see the palay grows, wait for the harvest time and let father sell them and ask him to bring home lechon manok from the market for dinner, also, to master Mathematics and assist Mother in giving customers’ changes.

    Now, I did master the basics of Mathematics as I passed the CPA Board Exam and picked public practice, however, Mother decided to close the store and focused instead on taking care of our mini family, while I asked Father to stop planting palay too and just wait for me to bring him lechon manok everytime I go home in the province.
    ?#?ExploreBeautiful? ?#?ExploreWorldwide?
    YugaTech Acer Philippines

  45. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=654449164652620&set=a.347945478636325.76301.1000026*****780&type=1&theater

    As a kid, I always imitate what my parents do. I used to cultivate the soil and plant palay with my father. Then, sometimes, I helped my mom in computing the change of her customers in her small sari-sari store. All I want is to see the palay grows, wait for the harvest time and let father sell them and ask him to bring home lechon manok from the market for dinner, also, to master Mathematics and assist Mother in giving customers’ changes.

    Now, I did master the basics of Mathematics as I passed the CPA Board Exam and picked public practice, however, Mother decided to close the store and focused instead on taking care of our mini family, while I asked Father to stop planting palay too and just wait for me to bring him lechon manok everytime I go home in the province.

  46. Here’s my entry:
    A dream came true :)


  47. Here’s my entry:

    A dream came true!

  48. Here’s my entry:


  49. Here’s mine:


  50. Here’s my entry:


  51. When I was on the Kid picture of me, I’m just pretending that i’m playing but when I got older as on the Guy picture, I became a Real Musician/ Artist! \m/ #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  52. On my Twitter! ;-)


  53. Here’s my entry. Thanks YugaTech!


  54. heres my entry


  55. Hi! My entry:)

  56. Hi! link on the previous entry invalid, please click this one, Thanks!:)

  57. Finally,I can explore beautiful,,,,,thanks ACER

  58. Good Day..Here’s my entry..Hope to win..instagram.com/p/ufyUFxq2Hj/

  59. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  60. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  61. here is my entry hoping you will read this :) <3


  62. As a kid! Now living the dream :)


  63. here is the link of my Entry

  64. Here is the link of my Entry…hope you like it! :

  65. https://twitter.com/vananamania/status/525671752932671488

  66. my entry:

  67. I’m concerned about my location. Is it okay to join even when I’m in Cebu? Thank you.

  68. Connecting dots from the past to the present.


  69. can i join

  70. it’s interesting

  71. Be inspired with my story. A story about conquering fear and a story full of realizations.

  72. My entry..


  73. Here’s my entry! :)


    Ever since i was a little kid, I have always wanted to be just like my mom, a housewife.

    Now that I have become a wife and mother, I am living my dream. And it feels good! God has placed the desire on my heart to be a Christian wife and mom instead of a career woman climbing the corporate ladder.

    I guess what has changed through the years is that I became more confident. You might think of me as someone who was always confident and unafraid. I really didn’t used to be.

    When I was in high school sometimes I used to think I was a nobody. I was really shy. I hate oral recitations and reporting in class because I was always worried of screwing things up.

    Things started to change when I started college. I took up nursing; and because of this I learned to become more tolerant, less judgmental, assertive, compassionate, and understanding. I became more outgoing & talkative and I have many more friends than I ever had when I was in high school.

    I only worked for a month as a registered nurse because I realized I don’t want to be employed anymore. I want to be my own boss and I wanted to spend more time with family. That’s when I started buying and selling online. I truly enjoy meeting different kinds of people and haggling!

    There is not a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for being a SAHWM.
    (Stay at Home Working Mom). #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

  74. My Entry @ Instagram


  75. My Entry posted in instagram


  76. Here is my entry! :-)

  77. here’s my entry:

  78. Here’s my entry :)

  79. MY ENTRY:


  80. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020474*****55768&set=a.1925616310519.2112384.1545491320&type=1&theater

  81. Here’s my entry:


    Thank you and more power!
    Good luck to everyone who joined!

  82. Here’s the link to my entry…

  83. Here’s my entry https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1521460321436199&set=a.1375572806024952.1073741828.1000071*****413&type=1&theater

  84. Hi, here’s my entry.. https://twitter.com/EllisonBoi/status/527338629207560192

  85. Heres my entry.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3074138*****756&set=a.289558884582255.1073741828.1000058*****412&type=1&theater

  86. my entry! posted it on my IG:

  87. http://instagram.com/p/uw3PLWJ1EW/

    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=847922451908987&set=a.69007241*****59.1073741839.1000007*****146&type=1&theater&notif_t=like

  88. Repost:
    *i posted my entry last october 22* hihi


  89. My entry


  90. my entry! https://twitter.com/jaggeraugustine/status/528181967720697858

  91. http://instagram.com/p/u1FW6omcDv/ ~my entry on IG

  92. Hello! My entry:
    Thanks :)

  93. my entry:

  94. Good day :)
    My entry :)


  95. Here’s my entry! :) please check if this is valid.

    http://instagram.com/p/u4UFRSGbmt/ ????

  96. Here’s my entry! :) please check if this is valid.

    http://instagram.com/p/u4UFRSGbmt/ ????

  97. Here’s my Entry :)


  98. Hello here is my entry thanks

  99. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=863252680385852&set=a.1621029005*****.35263.1000010*****221&type=1&theater

    • https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=863252680385852&set=a.1621029005*****.35263.1000010*****221&type=1&theater

  100. My entry:

  101. my entry. hope to win :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020337*****16615&set=a.3089118*****1.2120838.1138043234&type=1&theater

  102. Here’s my entr:

  103. Hope to win

  104. Here’s my entry. :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020493*****54842&set=a.1919283509882.113557.1475868243&type=1

  105. here’s mine :D https://twitter.com/WendsJunio/status/529231427494096896
    When I was a kid, I was not fond of smiling. I grew up with that habit until someone noticed and told me not be serious all the time. I learned to smile and I realized that smiling can brighten up my day. And who knows, maybe someone is falling in love with my captivating smile.
    #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

    PS: ang cute po ni sir Louie nung bata pa sya. hehe

  106. Here is mine. http://instagram.com/p/u8MctCi8Gu/

  107. REPOST:
    From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  108. http://instagram.com/p/u8ZynGpWxg/

  109. here’s my entry. Good Luck to me :)

  110. here’s my entry. Good luck to me :)


  111. Good day po! :) Here’s my entry po


  112. my entry, hope to win…

  113. Hi, here’s my entry.. https://twitter.com/EllisonBoi/status/527338629207560192

  114. Reposting my entry :] https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1577617499134956&set=a.1386928328203875.1073741828.1000066*****206&type=1

  115. my entry :)


  116. I hope you’ll choose my entry. Please do!!!! Im also posting alot of pictures of Acer. Cause we support Ms. Toni Gonzaga as well. Please choose me. thank you!! :) God bless!

  117. Please choose my entry. Plssssss! I beg you, Please! :) thank you!

  118. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4267033308*****&set=a.111982478960589.21121.1000044*****315&type=1&theater
    here’s my entry plss i hope you’ll choose me. Thank you and Good luck everyone! :)

  119. Time flies fast..these pictures were 2003 vs 2014. Many things has changed. The way I look, think, decide, believe, motivation in life, status, almost everything but one thing I made sure that wont change..
    Life’s too short.. Enjoy.. Explore.. Evolve..
    #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide #Acer

    here’s the link to my entry

  120. Here’s my entry.


    PS. I really had fun doing this.

  121. http://instagram.com/p/vEYcz4L7xH/

  122. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=15030701*****252&set=a.1494569480797318.1073741827.1000073*****233&type=1

  123. great throwback picture with my lovable mom!

  124. this will lasts forever

  125. it was just happened. I didn’t expect…

  126. Explore different sides of me



  127. http://instagram.com/p/vEYcz4L7xH/?modal=true


  128. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=847922451908987&set=a.69007241*****59.1073741839.1000007*****146&type=1&theater

  129. Entry ko po ulet :) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=876353769055855&set=a.1688077164*****.36608.1000004*****371&type=1&theater

  130. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=976746035685494&set=a.1053864*****791.11632.1000005*****594&type=1&theater

  131. my entry: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020501*****43939&set=a.1020073*****63390.1073741826.1520527492&type=3&theater

  132. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4267033308*****&set=a.111982478960589.21121.1000044*****315&type=1&theater

    My entry

  133. Here’s the link to my entry


  134. Here’s my entry …


  135. Hi, this is the more readable version of my entry :] Thank you! https://twitter.com/EllisonBoi/status/533178414870458369




    • Here’s my entry!!!
      #ExploreWorldwide Acer Philippines

      “Looking back, Moving forward”

      This is the only picture that i have. Because when i was young i have a complete family, we celebrate the christmas every year in our own home.. Were so happy that time, and suddenly time has past my parents become separated.. Me and my two brother live independent.. And now i have my own family, i will do everything to be a better parents.That’s why my theme for my picture is Looking back, Moving forward..!!! Go for #AcerLiquidJade


  137. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  138. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  139. I want this badly, please tell my idol that I love and thank her a lot for inspiring me for 9 years!


  140. Here’s my entry. I hope I’ll be chosen. Thanks for this, Yugatech! :)


  141. Hi Yugatech and Acer! Here is my entry: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020442*****71734&set=a.4527162950094.168832.1621544756&type=1
    Thank you! :)

  142. Here’s my entries:



  143. http://instagram.com/p/vh930qvGsB/

  144. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020565*****54709&id=1316103056&set=a.1727156421500.2096842.1316103056&source=48&ref=bookmark

  145. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=949782685051630&set=a.1025117*****735.5881.1000005*****775&type=1&theater

  146. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1015464*****30538&set=a.1015089*****95538.751059.563805537&type=1&theater

  147. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020446*****63416&set=a.1424082769559.57809.1457440478&type=1&theater

  148. Hi! I’m not sure if my entry was sent last time. Here it is once again. Thanks. :)


  149. Here is my entry.. Hope to win this time.. please god help me


  150. Another link ok my entry please i wanna meet toni gonzaga in person.. help me god please thank you


  151. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  152. From what used to be a timid child who would always stutter when speaking in front of a crowd, is now an intern of ABS-CBN News & Current Affairs. #ExploreBeautiful


    Thanks & God Bless! :)

  153. Hello! Reposting my entry again :)) Good luck to all of us! Thanks Yugatech, and Acer:) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1577617499134956&set=a.1386928328203875.1073741828.1000066*****206&type=1

  154. I joined! Here’s my link.. :D https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020438*****64749&set=a.3130126105442.138946.1633426382&type=1&theater

  155. https://twitter.com/EllisonBoi/status/533178414870458369

  156. I joined too! Here’s my entry link:

  157. Hope to win this time.. Thank you Lord

    Here is my link:


  158. here’s my entry Good Luck to all of us guys :)


  159. Repost I’m not sure if my first entry was recorded.


  160. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=668038316*****8&set=a.347945478636325.76301.1000026*****780&type=1&theater

    As a kid, I always imitate what my parents do. I used to cultivate the soil and plant palay with my father. Then, sometimes, I helped my mom in computing the change of her customers in her small sari-sari store. All I want is to see the palay grows, wait for the harvest time and let father sell them and ask him to bring home lechon manok from the market for dinner, also, to master Mathematics and assist Mother in giving customers’ changes.

    Now, I did master the basics of Mathematics as I passed the CPA Board Exam and picked public practice, however, Mother decided to close the store and focused instead on taking care of our mini family, while I asked Father to stop planting palay too and just wait for me to bring him lechon manok everytime I go home in the province. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

  161. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1020442*****71734&set=a.4527162950094.168832.1621544756&type=1

  162. Here’s my #ExploreBeautiful entry. #ExploreWorldwide


  163. Get some tissue and take some effort and time to read the short story of my life and here what it goes like…

    #ExploreWorldwide #ExploreBeautiful :)

  164. Here’s my entry po…

  165. Here’s my entry …

  166. Here is my entry:


    When I was a kid, at school, I remember our teacher asking us what we want to become when we grow up. My classmates would say they want to become a teacher or a doctor or an engineer. As for me, I didn’t really know. Maybe I would be a teacher, a doctor, or an engineer like them too. Or maybe I would be what my parents want me to be. But then again, I know my parents would want me to be who I really want to be. I admired how at such a young age, my classmates already had an idea of what they wanted to become in the future. Fast forward to now, I’m proud to say that I already know what I want to be and that I am on my way to becoming that. I am currently taking up AB Political Science and in the future I hope to be one of those noble men in our government who truly serve the people and lead our country towards progress. I think that by being a public servant I can use the knowledge and skills I learned in school as a way of helping others reach their dreams, same as I have reached mine. It sounds idealistic but I know it is possible. I think that’s the beauty with life. It is knowing where you want to be, taking concrete actions to get there, and never forgetting to make a positive impact in the world, or at least in my corner of the world. #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide

  167. http://instagram.com/p/vqB7drljNR/

  168. IG:@cathdolalas

  169. Reposting. Sorry po nagkamali nung una :)
    IG: @cathdolalas
    Twitter: @CathyToniFvr

  170. Repost po Ulit akala ko kasi ung link sa Website ilalagay sorry :) ??????
    Link: http://instagram.com/p/vqNyd-B6H8/
    IG: @cathdolalas
    Twitter: @CathyToniFvr

  171. http://instagram.com/p/vqGWhTsWKh/

  172. We are not rich, nor famous.. but i have worked hard to reach where I am right now to help my mom. please give me a break yugatech friends.. this has been my dream for 9 years.. to have a nice memory with her, Clstn! :) http://instagram.com/p/vqY21Cveeq/ here’s my link guys :)

  173. So many has changed for the past 20+ years, but one thing is constant: Change! From an introvert child to a more open minded person: Leaving no stone unturned and always looking forward for a brighter future with a more positive attitude on things.In this chapter of my life, I am seeking to reinvent myself, from being an accomplished corporate worker, to a freelance artist/photographer/cinematographer/musician and do hope to travel more to acquire more knowledge in the process and see more awesome places around the globe! #ExploreBeautiful #ExploreWorldwide


  174. Here’s my entry! :D


  175. http://instagram.com/p/vquxd7GgAZ/

  176. Sana mag extend pa po .. Please :(((

  177. Sana po mag extend pa ang dami pa po gusto sumali ee . Please po :(

  178. We’re now closing the submission of entries for the #ExploreBeautiful contest. Please stay tuned as we announce the winner in a few days. Thanks for joining guys!

  179. http://instagram.com/p/vqzy78AkTj/

  180. http://instagram.com/p/vqzy78AkTj/ pls

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