yugatech x infinix

Desperate Housewives jokes about Med Schools in the Philippines

Note: List of TV series and movies referring to Filipinos.

A recent episode of popular TV series Desperate Housewives (season 4) made a joke about medical schools in the Philippines that has been the cause for outrage by a lot of Filipinos.

See the short YouTube clip here:

The line goes “Okay. Before going further, can I check these diplomas cause I would just like to make sure that they’re not from some med school in the Philippines?”“.

Frankly, I found it funny, knowing a lot of people especially students go to Recto to fix their academic problems. Still, a lot of people have found this bit of humor offensive and racist.

Learned about this from Michelle Malkin (via a trackback) who shares her own take on the matter.

Note: direct tv versus cox cable

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. It wasn’t even a racist remark.

    It’s time for Filipinos to stop whining when a foreigner says derogatory remark about the Philippines or it inhabitants.

    Racist jokes against dark skinned people, gays, bisayans and Batangueno’s accent in the Philippines have been going on and accepted as normal.

    When somebody says “Yuck, hindi ako bisaya ha.” I find it offensive, but i received it with grace and self-control.

  2. Why they are keep on doing such racism comments.

    What is their problem?

    Ano bang nagawang masama ng Pinoy sa Kanila?

  3. It is kinda offending that they relate the philippines as a place where cheating is rampant pero there’s some truth to the matter din kasi. I just hope the writers be a bit sensitive nex time.

  4. I think if not because of the past controversies, this could have not happened.

  5. It only speaks of a reality..

    Instead of going to arms about the remark, I think we should focus on taking on the problem that spurred it, which is the rampant cheating in our country.

  6. shouldn’t we be glad Ms. Lois Lane herself at least knows about us? =) just kiddin’.

    my take on this is–it only hurts when it is true.

  7. Oh come on people…where is your sense of humor?! Why don’t you just take it with a grain of salt will ya?

  8. Just like what I said on my blog, people are a little oversensitive nowadays. There are even others who are calling to boycott the show! We must think first before reacting to the racial comment of Desperate Housewives.

  9. Reality is diplomas alone don’t make a doctor. The statement is invalid. Like I wrote in my blog, A lot of Filipino doctors migrate to the US and pass the same USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Exams) that US-educated doctors take. The fact that our Philipine-educated doctors pass the same examinations which requires a higher percentage score from them as foreign medical graduates proves that med schools in the Philippines are just as good as any other medical school in the US.

  10. If you put that clip in context:

    – “some” med schools
    – Caucasian doctor instead of Asian or Filipino
    – goes after the cabinet for the diploma
    – mentions Hardvard

    It now becomes obvious that the joke was towards “some” medical school in the Philippines, NOT the entire medical system in the Philippines or the entire pool of Filipino doctors working in the US.

  11. american suck !! don’t discriminate pinoy’s !! we rock !! and u guys suck….

    fuck back america !

  12. “bato bato sa langit… ang tamaan ‘wag magagalit…” Some Filipinos find it funny, some made them mad… Can’t we, Filipinos, really can’t take a joke??? or are we just really guilty…???

  13. my take is that the line is derogatory and completely unnecessary for the script. it could have simply been “a diploma from the internet” or some jungle elsewhere. I am not raged by this incident. But I understand how people from the medical profession might feel about this.

  14. I heard the senate are jumping into the controversy and demands an apology. Please don’t demand an apology please!!! This is a more shameful thing to do!!!

  15. “bato bato sa langit… ang tamaan ‘wag magagalit…” Some Filipinos find it funny, some made them mad… Can’t we, Filipinos, really can’t take a joke??? or are we just really guilty…???”

    haha. exactly.. and as Abe already pointed out.. they’re into the “some” med schools. Imagine.. you see a lot of med schools since the start of the “Nursing” booooom! and I think the whole world knows that… even us. We know that there are now 6 month courses that will make a caregiver. The Med schools of this and that and this has appeared… established in the year… 2005 or 2006 or even 2007

  16. It only speaks of a reality..

  17. Serves us right for tolerating cheats and fakes… cheating nurses, cheating presidents, fake diplomas, licenses, id’s… Instead of getting angry at the bearer or bad news people should get angry at the fakes and cheats…

  18. After all I can’t see racism on the scene. It was just purely humor.

  19. I’ll just reiterate what I said in my own article. “Desperate Housewives” is a TV show, a drama-comedy show, to boot. All they say there should not be taken seriously. We rage because it’s something directed against us, but we condone calling Indians “bumbay” or Blacks “baluga.” It’s time we quit having double standards.

    Anti-Filipino remark on “Desperate Housewives”?

  20. Noemi,

    I personally know two doctors who studied in provincial colleges who are well-placed in the US as doctors.

    I think even our papers exaggerrate the doctors-turned-nurses-in-the-US trend. Several of my high school batch mates are now doctors either in the US, Canda or Australia. So far none in the UK or Europe though there’s on in South Africa. Of course almost half of my WVSU high school batch went into nurses’ school. Most of them are abroad now as nurses.

  21. it’s just like any other racial jokes out there, pinoys are just being overly sensitive (yet does nothing about it, really.)

    if pinoys think this is derogatory, we should stop calling others derogatory terms too. lakas lakas naten manlait, pero pag tayo nilait, nagagalit. lol, i so don’t get it.

  22. this is so ******* hilarious. no, seriously, nakakatawa sya. and ang OA ng mga nag react negatively towards that. its a shame if some organization does a formal complain or whatevs about that, eh ung mga indians nga and the chinese hindi nag re-react against racial slurs thrown at them na higit namang mas nakakasuya, eh tayo pa.

  23. maybe she’s looking for a good Philippine med school, and she just wants to make sure that it’s not just any school.

  24. “The comments were totally outrageous. We are sending a complaint to the US FCC, the World Medical Association, and to the TV network and producers of the show to ask that the same be rectified because it is demeaning to the character and dignity of Filipino doctors,” said Castro. FROM INQUIRER.NET

    OMG! PLEASE STOP THEM FROM DOING THIS! MAS LALONG NAKAKAHIYA! this is so overacting. i cant believe our government sectors are acting this way. sasabihin pa nilang vehement protest ng buong sambayanang pilipino. protest their mouth.

  25. Abe, mas nabasa ko siya as “some med school” in the Philippines kesa “some” med schools in the Philippines. Para kasing may magkaibang nuance yun. O baka pikon lang talaga ako.

    Siya, titigilan ko na yang mga DH na yan. Mas mahalaga ang International Bloggers’ Day for Burma. :)

  26. pL
    Joana Palomar, Spokesperson, Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan, 212-564-6057, ugnayan****@****.***

    Statement of Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Linking the Children of the Motherland) on the Racist Comment Made Against Filipinos on Desperate Housewives

    Progressive Filipino American youth in New York and New Jersey strongly condemn ABC’s Desperate Housewives’ executive producer and writer Marc Cherry and the other producers, editors and the director of the show for the racist remark made against Filipinos in the Sept. 30, 2007 episode. We join the Filipino community and its allies in demanding from ABC a public apology and recognition of the existence of systemic racism in the corporate media and corporate-driven pop culture.

    In the Sept. 30, 2007 episode of Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher’s character is told by her gynecologist that she might be hitting menopause, to which she replies, “Can I just check those diplomas because I just want to make sure that they are not from some med school in the Philippines.” The comment reflects systemic racism at its worst. Targeting an entire education system (rather than targeting individuals based on skin color, which is how we have traditionally defined racism), the comment is based on the racist assumption that the products of a western education are far more qualified than the products of a Philippine education.

    Filipino youth, conscious and aware of our history, know that it was the US who set up the Philippine education system in the first place when the Philippines was a direct colony of the US in the early 1900s. We understand that the main beneficiary of this crippled Philippine education system IS the US, especially in the medical field. The US opens and closes its doors to immigrants based not on qualifications, but on the need for labor. This was the case at the height of the “Brain Drain” in the 70’s and 80’s when there was an influx of medical professionals migrating from the Philippines into the US, and US immigration laws were relatively lenient. However, once saturated with medical professionals, the US closed its doors by setting up stricter immigration policies.

    Filipino youth, conscious and aware of the issues of our community, know that the Filipino medical professionals who migrated in the 70’s and 80’s are becoming replaced by a new generation of service workers, mostly domestic workers, who hold the same degrees from the same colleges as the previous generation, but who are working much less desirable jobs. There is a systemic de-skilling of the Filipino community in which the primary beneficiary is the US, and in which the US corporate media and corporate-driven pop culture are complicit. This large-scale de-skilling of an entire population would never be acceptable to white Americans, but is so palatable that it is a punchline in a TV show. That is racism on a systemic level.

    Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan condemns ABC and the staff of Desperate Housewives for being complicit in the problems that plague our community and for perpetuating systemic racism. We support the initiative of so many in our community who are taking action on this issue and urge all to sign the online petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/FilABC/. We will take action if ABC does not heed the demands of the Filipino community.

    Ugnayan vows to continue the struggle of Filipino youth and all Filipinos against systemic racism; and to fight for the genuine development of our community and for the life and liberation of the Filipino people as a whole.

    Demand an apology from ABC!
    End systemic racism!

  27. @newyorker

    you dont have to post that here… I think alam na yan ng mga pinoy since it’s all over the net… and this is a “comment” section.

    anyway, just to add, instead na ayusin nila yung pagawaan ng fake diplomas sa Recto (dahil mukhang yun naman talaga ang ugat nyang joke na yan) gagawa na lang sila ng sandamakmak na letter and petition asking for apology since mas madali daw yun at mas makikilala sila ng public or mas maganda tignan sa public pag ganun. LOOOOL

  28. hahaha

    masakit bang pakinggan ang totoo?

  29. I believe they do that to everyone. Madamdamin lang tayo. hehehe.

    Instead of protesting it, why don’t we ask ourselves, Why other people perceive our Med Schools like that? The truth hurts.

    Unfortunately, putting up a school has become a money making business to some group of people. In fact, you can a franchise a school now. :)

  30. @newyorker
    I wont specifically support the Filipinos’s anti-racism stance, i support the anti-racism struggle for all races! Be it Black, malay, caucasian, indians etc.!

  31. what medschool? gawang recto lang yan miss! loooool!

  32. Years ago in a sitcom of Lucy Torres, one of her scripts goes like this:

    “Ang pangit mo naman, Igorot siguro parents mo”

    The one non-Igorot guy from Starstruck 3 is famous for his line:

    “Gusto si Marky ang maalis kasi mukha siya Igorot”

    With these lines, aren’t we more ‘racist’?

    Nagagalit siguro ang Pinoy dahil guilty sila.

    Why is so easy for Filipino to get offended by vague ‘discriminatory(??- supposed-to-be-daw -)’ statements by other people when we ourselves practice blatant discrimination against each other?! And the way we discriminate each other isn’t funny at all.

  33. It should serve as an eye opener to the government and authorities responsible. Fake diploma mills still abound in Recto and even in broad daylight these ‘fakers’ offer their diplomas to passersby. Why haven’t our authorities pounced totally on these fake mills?

    The government should start cleaning its backyard instead of getting to sensitive on its neighbors’ criticisms.

  34. Apology has been made here

    North America New Bureau chief Ging Reyes, meanwhile, reported that some members of the Filipino community showed discontent despite the apology.

    Reyes said Filipinos are demanding for a retraction of the insulting line in one of the episodes of the TV series. Filipinos want to see a scene where the medical profession in the Philippines is being praised by one of the characters.

  35. hehehe…true, bato-bato sa langit, tamaan wag magalit. its about time we CLEAN UP our act and learn tos stand up with our head up high with clean conscience…it all starts with the supposed-leader-of-this-country! sad thing is that people are only good with lip service, ningas cogon, etc, then it all fizzles out…back to square one…then anther scandal crops up!…no ending, hence, we are the most famous when it comes to scandals – from DH moonlighting as prostis, to laborers being boylets of gay or frustrated wives of people from oil-rich countries…again, why dont we just examine ourselves, and prove them wrong!..its well known fact that they have to import English teacher from us! hmmm..come to think of that….

  36. Are we really that insecure that we react to every slight? This is just like a dumb kid calling you fat.

    Even if you’re fat or not, will you whine that some dumb kid call you fat?

    It was from a fictional tv show. Not a documentary. Not a newscast.

    Will everybody please stop whining?

  37. From my understanding the comment is in line with the character. That is key, the comment is the character’s and not the networks or the shows.

    The comment is ignorant and thoughtless, but when we are upset how often do stop to consider our words?

    Ano gusto ninyo? Stepford Characters or will we have all TV shows like Geico Commercials where the butt of jokes and insults are an extinct form of man?

    Way too much is being read into this comment.

    I know one thing, in our locale Pinoys are treasured by patients and health care providing organizations.

  38. Kris,

    Iba sa America.

  39. I’ve gotten flak for commenting that I found it funny. Frankly, there are bigger problems in this world for me to worry about.

  40. don’t we say nasty generalizations about other groups as well, especially about Americans, Indians, and the Chinese?

    Plus the only way they’d know about these things is if they have a Pinoy staff writer.

  41. At Brian:

    Are you suggesting that we should shrug off blatantly racist comments against our own minorities. Racism is racism. The country doesn’t matter. The fact that we offend and discriminate our minorities here, make fun of them, deprive them of equality. And what’s worse here, such jokes permeate the mind of many Filipinos.

    Now, Filipinos think that these people are indeed inferior and that people who have more native look are ‘ugly’.

    Ang masakit pa dyan, it’s towards our OWN people whom we should be respecting, understanding, caring for.

    Double standard ata tayo?

  42. Filipino doctors are one of the best and respected professionals in the US. They are not from Nigeria or Nicaragua where they fake crednetials and open up back room clinics in NY only to be arrested and imprisoned! Theses fakes do not take the state board exams and submit medical credentials and take further studies. These FAKES dont make it in the US and they are big new in US tabloids.
    Whereas, Filipino doctors and medical professionals almost always pass the state boards and academic credentialing and state clinical internships. They are most respected.
    ..some fake med schools in the Phils….this doesnt come easy..and it doesnt happen. THATS THE OUTRAGE!! If a fake filipino doctor exists in the US, you can bet my dollars, 5 filipinos will report him to the nearest US immigration themselves even for a measly $300 reward.
    Recto diplomas are those for contractual workers who need high school diplomas to get dirt jobs anywhere.
    Cheating in nursing exams? you think our students knew about this? It was the work of crooked officials in the PRC (Professionals commission) selling out exams to review centers for money at the expense of students who burn the midnight oil studying for the exams. These officals have been sacked!
    AS a fact, anywhere in the world, Filipino medical professionals are the best,very communicative, caring and damn good at what they do!!!MABUHAY and FILIPINO.
    Dont take Desperate Housewives slur sitting down!
    Take a stand and be counted!

  43. Nakita na ninyo mga kababayan? napaka-sly and sneaky ang ugali ng mga dahuyan!!!
    Napakaunlad ang China sa lahat ng bagay..sinabihan ng USA na ihinto ang piracy ng maraming bagay na gawa china…bags,cholthes, shoes, music/video etc. hindi nakinig ang china….Tinamaan lang ng isang consumer issue sa lead content ng children toys n clothing…anong nagyari…halos total awareness ang nangyari sa “made in china”. Buong mundo alam na ang ibig sabihin ng ‘lead content’!

    Ang issue ng medical profession invasion sa US ay isa rin..Halos lahat ng kabataan including doctors, ay umaasa na maghanap buhay sa aMERICA. Halos lahat ng filipino ay napakaganda ng buhay sa america kc kilala tayong proffesionals. Wala DH doon!! Alam ng US businesses ito!!! Sila ang nawawalan ng kabuhayan dahil sa galing natin..Kaya,,isang patama or derogatory slur against filipinos…magigising ang false awareness
    contra sa filipino.
    Tama ba yan???? Iba tayo sa mga chikanos,latinos, etc. Matalino at masipag at NAKAKAINTINDI TAYO!
    We fully understand US humor but this is clearly below the belt!!
    Ayaw na ayaw na ayaw ko yan!!
    Did you know that a US president has a filipino cardiologist to take care of him?

  44. @ mae “Iba tayo sa mga chikanos,latinos, etc. Matalino at masipag at..”

    see what I mean.

  45. IMO, when I watched that video I actually didn’t feel what most filipinos felt. Most Pinoys need to learn a thing or two about this “incident”. For one, if it hurts them so much to be labeled like that then why not take it as a constructive criticism? We all know the reason why we as Filipinos are being labeled like that by SOME in the first place. Why not do something ’bout it to change that perception of theirs instead of whining and asking for apologies. That is just total crap. Most pinoys are just too damn sensitive about these matters and we sometimes forget that we ourselves are doing it amongst our fellow countrymen. We make jokes about our presidents and other political leaders. THat in itself is saying a lot about its people.

    A word of advice to all the pinoys who got affected by this: Stop being overly sensitive about the matter. Stop whining. Learn from it and try to change yourselves for the better.

    If I had a dollar for every racist comment I’ve heard that came from a pinoy’s mouth, I’d be a millionaire now.

  46. To Berlin:

    When I mentioned chikanos and latinos, understand it in the context of professionals as i intented. Nothing derogatory.. They came by outrunning the police by jumping the fence and crossing the american borders. We, pinoys came by plane with ONLY an education to be proud of! Enough in our heads to understand the language of America and how it is said. You dont see filipinos gathered in a street corner looking for jobs in the early mornings to do someone’s lawn or paint someone’s fence, do you? It’s because we have the qualified education, and not just from some med school in the Phils. that doesnt exist. That “Desperate Housewives” episode really hurt!
    Dollar for dollar, we work hard! not only for ourselves but for our families back home! IBA TAYO TALAGA! DONT YOU AGREE?

  47. I think Sen. Santiago’s “Intsik” corruption generalizations are far worse than Teri’s script. Point of clarification: neither one is acceptable. I’m just comparing them in terms of magnitude, context, source, and situation.

  48. to jeffry..
    can’t believe your sorry ass saying that about filipinos. I can tell you’re this backward thinking filipinos who were acting, talking exactly like you .. talks like a loser and takes descrimination as if it’s really a way of life… you’re sitting in your couch and don’t even care? don’t speak for filipinos because we are not even close to be like you .. we are the new generation of filipinos who care about our well being and our image and our country.. uwi ka sa bundok gago..

  49. READING OTHER PEOPLE COMMENTS NOT ONLY MAKE ME CONFUSED BUT RATHER MADE ME SHOCKED!!! ganito ba talaga tayo kawatak watak na kahit sa ganitong sitwasyon! How much more sa ibang bagay??

    ang ganang akin ay lahat tayo ay may karapatang makaramdan ng kahit ano pa man ito may kasiyan or kalungkutan–may mga dahilan ang ating mga reaksyon depende ito sa ating paniniwala!!!

    sa palagay ko walang karapatang ang sinuman na manakit sa kahit anumang paraan unless ito’y kaylangan. tipong buhay ang nakataya o karangalan…. pero sabi nga nila ang katotohanan ay masakit, pero kaylanangan ba itong ipangalandakan OO, sa tingin ng iba o maaring sa tamang medium…

    anyway bago ko mapalayo sa topic natin ang gusto ko lng sabihin ay may mga tao na nasaktan sa episode na yun ng desperate housewives kung hindi ka man isa sa kanila at hindi mo gustong makisimpatya at sa tingin mo eh nakakatawa ang pagbuhos ng kanilang damdamin yung tipong para sayo eh over acting! its up to you pero sana igalang natin kung anuman ang damdamin ng mga apektado. Hindi ito ang tamang panahon na kapwa Filipino eh i-down natin…. We should be open to criticism yah pero kung ikaw ay isang tao na Honest at dedicated sa iyong propesyon at binatikos ang iyong edukasyon/propesyon sa anumang anyo o porma I believe it’s unfair for you hindi ba?.

    Karapatan nilang mag-react dahil apektado cla.
    at ako din bilang Filipino sa anumang bagay o usapin, katotohan man o hindi mag rereact ako kung lahi ko na ang pinaguusapan.

  50. some people who posted here about the ethnic slur of terry hatcher just don’t have the clue of what is racism really is.. jeffry said, it’s not even a racist remark… i am a filipino and i would like to say that this is downright racism. and for anybody who’s fine with that slurs, you are not speaking for the whole filipino community.. speak for yourself and don’t claim you’re from the philippines..

  51. I think Pinoyblogero’s (Karlo) approach to the issue is the best I’ve seen. We should take the issue objectively and think things through before reacting violently which is to say the least the instant reaction that most Filipino’s do.

    I found a comment on Karlo’s post that best defines my stand:
    All they say there should not be taken seriously. We rage because it’s something directed against us, but we condone calling Indians “bumbay” or Blacks “baluga.” It’s time we quit having double standards.

  52. Racism/discrimination of any form IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. PERIOD!

    These producers/actors in the US better pray that they wont have a Filipino doctor handling them when they get sick…or else…

    Time to quit this post, time to reflectAND MOVE ON:

    As filipino, i will demand respect wherever I go:
    -i will not smile when there is nothing to smile about but remain courteous.
    -i will respect the presence of other people wherever i go esp. in restaurants where other peole also exist and be in subdued conversation within the limits of my table esp. with friends.
    -i will stand tall and answer clearly kahit pango pa daw ako.!
    -i will listen first before i speak and have the last laugh.
    -i must learn to move on and enjoy life, delete senseless programs and look back with pride at where i came from.
    -as filipinos, we always remember to thank the Almighty for evrything that comes our way. Dyan tayo naiiba,
    -lastly, thank you everyone for airing your views in unison that made ABC realize that we exist, we matter and we do have sensibilities. Hindi lang pala ako nagiisa.

  54. I think the remark is degrading to the Philippine Education in general and Philippine medical education in particular. The line could have been: “Okay. Before going further, can I check these diplomas cause I would just like to make sure that they’re not from med school in a third world country?”. Mentioning a specific country (like Philippines) in this case is very racist and discriminatory.

  55. i think that it was offensive because it involved professionals and the things that they get through before becoming a “professional” is really hard, i mean come on they deserve some respect as a professional and as filipinos.

    they may be sorry but the damage has been done. oh well, they should be more careful next time.

    all i know is that despite all these…..
    i am proud to be pinoy!!!!

  56. Look. it’s not Teri Hatcher’s fault, overall! It’s the writers! She was just hired to ACT OUT THE LINES OF THE SHOW! Now stop whining and BLAME THE WRITERS! And the people who tolerated it which resulted to AIRING worldwide –

    wait, Teri Hatcher didn’t find it offensive, so

    What a fucking cunt you are, America!

  57. If you think the joke is degrading Philippine education and our med schools, it’s because you think it is. Maybe I’m dense, but I don’t see how or why that joke does any of that sort.

    However, I pity the fool who believes that and takes it against a Filipino worker for a joke that’s not necessarily accurate and true. OTOH, that’ll be one less employer to worry about.

    Well, ABC finally apologized for it, folks. Can we let it go now?

  58. The implication that Filipino doctors are not qualified is insensitive and completely disrespectful to the thousands of Filipinos who have served all over the US. The derogatory TV episode has created a negative impression and racial stereotyping of Filipino doctors. This has undermined the integrity of the country’s medical profession. Their apology isn’t commensurate to the damage creted by their remark made in the show.


  60. chinoy y ray whoever you are..

    pinoy ka talaga. bato bato sa langit. pang medieval ngang thinking mo..

    chinese ka ba o pinoy..

  61. I like what Michelle Malkin said…

    Where were all of the Filipinos when she was getting abused with curses against her heritage?

    Every so often she posts some of the stuff people say about her and the Philippines. This stuff would make Satan flinch. I doubt if Bush even gets cursed as bad.

    They always seem to start at calling her a monkey prostitute from Olongapo and work down from there. Even the Kos kiddies aren’t usually that venal.

  62. derogtory itong script na ‘to. bakit? dahil napakagaling ng medical professionals natin, especially UP trained dosctors. dalin mo ang american doctor dito sa pilipinas na kulang kulang sa technology at gamit, mangangapa sila for sure. every step of the way foreign doctors rely heavily on lab tests. sa PGH highly trained ang CLINICAL EYE ng mga doktor. mahihirap kasi mga pasyente kaya hindi pwedeng kaliwa’t kanan ang mga medical exams. dalin mo sa states ang PGH trained doctor and he/she will likely be able to function just as well. dalin mo dito ang american doctor na nakasandal sa mga advanced equipment at tignan mo kung kaya nila idaignose ang sakit ng pasyente ng kasing husay ng pinoy. SINO NGAYON ANG MAS MAGALING? pagamitin natin ng manual drill ang US trained neurosurgeon and see kung hindi nya madamage ang utak ng pasyente. sisiw lang ang paggamit ng manual drill ng mga local neuro surgeons natin. pagamitin natin ng electric drill ang neuro surgeons natin and they will more likely be able to do the job faster, better.

    he situation has to be rectified.

  63. ho-hum……

  64. Bullet points for EZ reading [for the tard to understand]

    -Miriam racial slur on chinese >>>> this [did the chinese community go up and arms and rally their asses outside the senate?]

    -We got mass cheating in med school exam [FACT]

    -Mass med schools w/o even a 4 yr program [6mo caregiver? really now..]

    -The Filipinos are overreacting

    -Even we Filipinos call other filipinos “jologs” and loathe the “asa attitude”

    oh and despite all this, the Filipinos will keep kissing American ass NO MATTER WHAT.. face it: tuta tayo ng kano

    lastly, they already said sorry wtf is it that u want?

  65. What’s the big deal? It’s true, and i’m a Filipino living in the Philippines.

    Sometimes, making fun of reality makes you wonder and realize what you did wrong.

    Reality sucks, deal with it.

  66. to kaz..

    speak for yourself tuta ng kano.. not me and the rest of the people i know…. the new generation
    of filipinos now are getting better. kung ikaw yong tuta tuta whatever .. deal with it but don’t speak for the whole filipino community..

    we have descipline..
    ..i wait in line not like others in philippines who will jump infront of you
    …we don’t make fun of other cultures in the philippines

    just to name a few..

  67. LOL malou you obviously have been living under a rock

    discipline you say? Yea you sure know how to wait in lines but what about the other filipinos? remember ultra stampede? What about road discipline? Friggin jeepneys and busses cutting each others ass off

    and if jaywalking had a death sentence then there would be 0 pinoys left in this country


    What about our election scams and cheating in medical exams?


    oh and about the “tuta ng kano” thing i wouldnt really want to argue with something as obvious as this.. just go to the US embassy and you will see how much of a pup we are to the americans

  68. Chino yray replied on Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:30 am (28)


    you dont have to post that here… I think alam na yan ng mga pinoy since it’s all over the net… and this is a “comment” section.

    anyway, just to add, instead na ayusin nila yung pagawaan ng fake diplomas sa Recto (dahil mukhang yun naman talaga ang ugat nyang joke na yan) gagawa na lang sila ng sandamakmak na letter and petition asking for apology since mas madali daw yun at mas makikilala sila ng public or mas maganda tignan sa public pag ganun. LOOOOL

    To Chino Aray, este yray:

    First, I believe, if you trace your genealogy, your not too far-off only a couple generations from your forefathers who have fled China because of poverty and other forms of injustices that rip the latter of their human dignity. And now, you suck; suckin’ like a LEECH this Phil. economy until it runs dry!

    With your pseudonym, I won’t blame you to have such a MYOPIC view of the issue. You ARE CONDEMNED to manifest the GENETIC ABERRATIONS of your FOREFATHERS because of their systemic INVOLUNTARY STARVATION that have deprived them of the necessary nutrients to support LIFE itself.

    Well, as a consolacion, some of them have had survived traversing the openseas, as SMUGGLED HUMANS and a palm-full of rice good for a rice-pudding meal of ONE WEEK!

    So my two cents to everyone else who have the same view “assed” Mr. Chino here:


    2. Look at the WORLD within the CONFINES of your PERIMETER FENCE; which you probably have in your house; coz your kind is so DARN PARANOID who have SUCKED everything in the LAND and secure those resources within the closed-confine of your VERY HOUSE; or is it FACTORY? Ahhh, it ALWAYS SEEMED INDISTINGUISHABLE, anyway; so it dosn’t MATTER; Your kind is worth the PIG PEN accommodation. bwhahaha. Please don’t be an AZZ-HOLE!

    3. Don’t Particularize things!

    Well, ABC writers and producers, are so darn “brilliant” to have the word “some” and people have particularized it to the Recto “thingie.”

    Of course, in the U.S., they don’t have a Recto-thingie, beacuse that place is called “ghetto!”

    4. Lastly, This is a FREEDOM BOARD, for which someone could freely express their sentiments on certain issues. No matter how simplistic the thoughts of the individual.


    5. So… Bato-bato sa langit, kun matamaan wag mabukol! Heheheheh

  69. we complained because we are Filipino Doctors in the U.S. who were offended. It questioned our credibility and pride. If the producers/writers of the show did think it was referring to the NURSING exam fiasco last year then they are mistaken. Not Doctors. Hence the need to Correct it, lest we further propagate it (not based on facts or even fiction). I am happy with the ABC apology. Thats it. No further. Other issues and racial slurs regarding the Philippines…might have some historical context…But MD is a noble profession, for it to be tainted by careless remarks..needs to be challenged and corrected. I am for free speech…but this was clearly a mistake on the writer. Now if you guys think that the petition was wrong. Then you do not understand us. If its regarding what was requested afterwards ex Donation…then i agree with you that it sounds too much. I praise all the Doctors who supported us. Also the non-doctors who helped. But let us keep it regarding Filipino MD and their schools. The rest(non-MD – who are opposed to the petition) cannot understand us anyway, so whats the use convincing them.

  70. Guess what???!!!

    The ABC apology over the Desperate Housewives slur agst. us(Filipinos)was JUST a written apology transmitted to the Philippines BUT was not aired in the U.S. where the damage was done.!! THAT’S NOT FAIR, is it?

    I demand that the apology be said on U.S. national television and also to include deleting the infamous quote from the series.

    The apology was carried and broadcast only in the Philippines. Is ABC trying to save face by issuing a selective apology???

    NAKAKAAWA TALAGA TAYO. Para tayong LAGAM na kumakagat sa HIGANTE….

  71. I am a Filipina-American physician who has been in practice now for 8 years in Chicago. I am a graduate of a “med school in the Philippines”, and my medical education was at par with or even superior to some US medical school education. Ironically, I almost took a position at the same Harvard mentioned in the show (believe it or not, there are Filipino physicians there, too). I have since trained US medical grads during their residency as an attending physician, and still handle US medical student rotators even though I have since left the academe. I am board-certified, whereas some of my US grad colleagues are not. Teri Hatcher’s line is a ridiculous line that SHOULD be struck. Now, over some lame show, impressionable patients may come to doubt my competence from the get-go solely because I came from Manila and not from somewhere else. They’re “in the know” about the medical schools over there since they watch DH. There have been thousands of Philippine-trained physicians rendering excellent care in the United States since the 60’s, which is precisely why this is an outrage. Neither of Mrs. Malkin’s Filipino parents must be an MD, or she would know better on both this issue and the vaccine issue. I am a Republican in a very Democratic city, but I can see why the Jesse Jackson approach works—ABC wouldn’t have dared pick on an African nation. Let’s say Filipinos instead! They won’t complain! Both liberals and conservatives like myself should think this is inappropriate simply because it is. Did a specific nation have to be mentioned to make it oh-so-funny? Anyone who knows Filipinos would know that we love a good laugh and we are the first ones to laugh at ourselves, but this crosses the line. Whether you like/know it or not, arrogant attitudes behind statements like these contribute to why people the world over are turned off by the United States.

  72. A lot of the reaction has been mostly emotional than rational. However, I found an interesting perspective on the subject from another Filipino blog here:


    Some food for thought to digest, certainly.

  73. To those who raised that line from Miriam Santiago, don’t you find it funny that the woman who said that the Chinese invented corruption is one of the Filipinos who said an apology is not accepted? The Chinese should sue her! But they were nice enough to just demand for an apology, not scholarship, or whatsoever.

    Double standard ang Pinoy.

  74. To Kris:

    How can you say that Filipinos are double standard in THIS particular issue????
    The ABC apology was only WRITTEN and BROADCAST in the Philippines…who needs the apology in the Phils?? Not even our President Gloria Arroyo needs it!!!! No one needs to hear the apology here in the Phils.!!
    The slur was committed on U.S. television,seen globally by cable television… so, the least ABC can do is apologize ON TV in the UNITED STATES where they hurt most the medical professionals themselves and that would be enough for everybody.
    In that way, a broaodcast TV apology in the US will be picked up globally by cable and the ABC error would be rectified properly.

    There is no double standard here, sis!!!

    Miriam did not go to China to apologize but apologized in the same media forum.

  75. let it go and move on……… history na yan………… let’s talk about gretchen barreto.. kumusta na yan? hiwalay na ba yan kay boy cojuangco? bwehehehehe…

  76. @mae

    Does it have to be worldwide that it should only be declared as offensive??

    Why is it hasrd for Filipinos to accept their own mistakes? PRIDE? Wrong sense of nationalism

    How many times have our media made fun of the Visayans? Of the Igorots? RIGHT IN FRONT OF FELLOW FILIPINOS. Now that kind of discrimination is being practiced by many Filipinos. Many non-Visayans think that all Visayans have a funny accent. Many non-Ilocanos think that the Ilocanos are really ass-stingy and too dark. Now, tell me if it needs to be worldwide to be offensive and discriminatory.

    We blow out Desperate Housewives issue out of proportion but we hardly care kung dito sa Pilipinas, Pilipino mismo ang naglalaitan?

    What about that racism statement by Miriam Santiago right in front of the Chinese officials and Filipino-Chinese community despite all their contributions to our economy, culture and country! Imagine how the Filipino-Chinese feel that their own kababayans(non-Chinese) are the ones who discriminate on them. Imagine how the Visayans feel that it is their own countrymen who mock them? Many non-Igorots think the Igorots are dirty and barbaric. Many non-Muslims think the Muslims are outrageous.


    Double standard it is. Fortunately for Teri hatcher, she’s predominantly Caucasian. If she was black, it is not far from possible that many Filipinos will use that degrading “N” word against her.

    Think of the Filipino minorities and indigenous people that our local media and a lot of our countrymen are mocking EVERYDAY?

    Double standard, indeed.

    I’m not saying that the Filipinos in the medical profession do not have the right to complain. But heck, in the Philippines, the discrimination toward our own people and hardly many Filipinos care at all. Why, is it beacuse it’s okay to make fun of them because hindi naman kayong mga hindi bisaya, hindi Igorot, hindi batangueno, hindi Chinese ang na-ooffend?

  77. Let me add. Why is it that despite the call of the Visayans and ethnic minorities to put a stop to racism in the Philippines, no one would even dare listen. Not even our media. Only a few NGOs whose voice are not even heard?

    An example how such mentality has permeated the Filipino mind

    A recent episode in game ka na ba:

    One of the contestant was asked abnout the name of her daughter. She said they chaged the supposed THIA to THEA because THIA sounds “Bisaya”. That was in national television and right in front of Edu, who’s part Ilonggo(an ethnic group in the Visayas, just in case you don’t know). It would catch my attention if she said “|kasi hindi magandang pakinggan”. But no, she said “parang Bisaya”.

  78. It wouldn’t catch my attention if she said “|kasi hindi magandang pakinggan”. But no, she said “parang Bisaya”.

    Let me correct that statement.

  79. Don’t you also know that there is a institutionalized discrimination in the Philippines?

    The PRC will not grant you your licence if you have foreign sounding surname even if your birth certificate and baptismal certificate states that you are Filipino and so are both of your parents? My cousin who was a quarter Chinese and has Chinese surname had to get additional documents just to prove that she is Filipino? Isn’t that institutionalized discrimination?

    What’s funny here is that they forgot to define what is a foreign sounding surname! if they are referring to non-native surnames, they should ask Filipinos with Spanish surname addition documents too! But no, people who have Chinese and Anglo surnames(and other surnames but Spanish) are being compelled to submit additional documents to prove their citizenship kahit ilang generations na silang Filipino citizens and nationals! Imagine the burden that our Filipino-Chinese kins go through just because of their Chinese surname na sobrang common din sa Pilipinas. As if naman sa Pilipinas lang matatagpuan ang mga apelyidong Garcia, Cruz, Lopez, Arroyo, de la Cruz, etc…

  80. Like what Jeffrey said, it such a sad thing that Filipinos fight against racism against Filipino which is not a bad idea(a good step in fact) but the very sad part here? Many of our kababayans practice racism against each other and is accepted AS NORMAL and when our object of racism react, rathe than saying their apologies, sasabihin “ano ka ba, hindi ka na mabiro” “Ang pikon mo naman”. And then after uttering those words they continue with their insulting jokes even though they are aware that the other party is being deeply offended.

  81. So next time if a filipino racist says something like “ano ka ba naman hindi ka na mabiro” after saying demeaning remarks towards bisaya or whoeversay, it’s not funny and if you find it funny go find someone else to tell the joke okey?

    a start to end racism in that poor country.poor country,poor attitude and poor discipline.

  82. Can we all please stick to the main issue of this forum? Its precisely why we click on it and join this because of specific concerns.

    There are other forums addressing other issues of concern in Topix or just log on Philippine Forums and we can address these other issues independently.

    Like reading a book, we go chapter by chapter. If we are face to face in a debate, a moderator would say:…excuse me, you are OUT OF ORDER!

    If we were all seated in a cafe, discussing this issue…wala na…LABO-LABO na ang usapan!!sabay, sabay pa magsalita….labas na ang karamihan.

    Anyway, for purposes of ease and clarity, this forum happens to be just one of about 20 forums related to the infamous slur.


  84. Yes, I think I have to agree with what this guy says on his blog:


    I will end my commentary on the whole issue by simply asking why we think it is perfectly alright for us to do this:


    and this:


    and even for one of our most respected politicans to say this:


    but when anyone dares to poke fun at a segment of our population like


    everyone immediately cries racism and discrimination?

  85. Frankly, i agree with everything you said to be true in the philippines. I AM BISAYA bisaya and frankly, it’s like a bang against the wall if you fight back because if we react and say something, they will say WE ARE SO SENSITIVE… and on the news one time, this bisaya guy really hurt a person for mocking him right and you know what NOLI DE CASTRO DID on his tv program? mocked the poor bisayan community more for being sensitive. and he even said he can’t vote a bisayan candidate because we might change the national language to bisayan.. isn’t that gross? to hear fellow filipinos say that.well, glad this is becoming a talk and we have internet because we can express the sentiments 24/7 if we want too.
    i’m based now in the US and happy to be here.feel respected and free at last..

  86. Your analysis (10) of the remark is by far the most objective comment that I have encountered regarding this issue. Honestly, I feel like some people are just unnecessarily magnifying the whole situation.

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