yugatech x infinix

Should I stay with iOS or shift to Android?

Let me start this article by giving you a brief background on how I started shifting from one mobile ecosystem to another. Like most people, my first love was with Nokia and its Symbian OS. Not because it is a revolutionary OS but primarily because I don’t really have any choice.

On the positive side you get to choose from a wide variety of cellphone models since Nokia led the mobile hardware race back then.

I’ve had four Nokia phones before with the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic as the last one. It was also the device that introduced me to flashing custom ROMs, it was exciting. However, that excitement ran out when I had my first encounter with an Android phone. My then girlfriend (who’s now my wife) bought a Samsung Galaxy Spica running Android 2.1 Eclair.

I instantly fell in love with it but not because of the phone’s design or the widgets or the fluid interface. I fell in love with Android because of its threaded SMS system. If you’re an experienced Nokia user coming from the likes of 3210 then you’ll understand how wonderful threaded SMS is.

I immediately sold my 2 year old Nokia 5800 and planned to buy a Spica myself but for some reason I skimped and decided to wait for a better Android phone. I then had my sights on the HTC Hero until a friend came along with his iPod Touch 3rd Gen. I’ve seen the iPod Touch before and considered it as a great device. But I needed a phone, the iPod Touch is not a phone. And the iPhone 3G is too damn expensive at that time. I played with the iPod Touch and I fell in love again. This time because of the apps and the really neat UI. To cut things short, I went for the iPod Touch 3rd Gen and just used a really cheap “that-you-can-toss-it-around” Samsung phone that came as a freebie when my mom bought a refrigerator.

I was really satisfied with the iPod Touch and even went for the 4th Gen. If I have the resources I’d immediately buy the iPhone 4. All the while I kept in touch with Android with my wife’s Spica. I loved the idea on how you can customize Android in different levels – something that iOS cannot achieve even with a jailbreak. Like what I told a friend – “If you want elegant simplicity, go for iOS. But if you want complex badassery, go for Android.” I was lucky enough to play both worlds, until I bricked the Spica. Maybe I’m not badass enough.

And so I stuck with iOS and kept on tinkering with the jailbroken iPod Touch 4th Gen. Currently I have the iPhone 4S and things are great so far. I’ve jailbroken it and customized it to a point that it’s lagging and crashing. I was forced to restore it to its “pristine” state but decided not to completely go back. I want something better. I ended up updating from iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 6 beta 3. It’s neat, it has new features but I wasn’t completely satisfied. The geek inside me is screaming for something more difficult to tinker on. I flashed my wife’s Kindle Fire with a custom Android Jellybean and the voice subsided. What the fuck was that?? Is Android becoming the right kind of dealer for my needs?

I started comparing the philosophies behind iOS and Android. iOS is going for something that really works seamlessly but somewhat capped. Android, however, is accepted to be far from perfect but it is constantly evolving. A smartphone, in my opinion, is more than just a gadget. It’s an extension of who you are and its identity is how you want your life to work. As I remember holding the HTC One X on one hand and the Samsung Galaxy S3 on the other with my iPhone 4S in the middle, I just can’t reject the fact that I needed change. The question now is, it Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS that’s going to give me the satisfaction of change? Should I stay with iOS or shift to Android? To our dear readers, help me weigh in the options. Convince me, entice me, coax me. iOS or Android? Share your thoughts below.

Editor’s Note: At one time or another, we can all relate to this transition and have faced the same dillema. – Yuga

Diangson Louie
Diangson Louie
This article was written by Louie Diangson, Managing Editor of YugaTech. You can follow him at @John_Louie.
  1. go to android, get galaxy nexus (or wait for december for new nexus)

    4.1.1 is just as smooth as iOS.

  2. If you want your phone to be as flexible as a computer, go Android.

    If you want your smartphone to be as simple to use as can be, stay with iOS.

  3. If you like the simplicity and stability of Apple iOS and the strong capabilities and hardware variety of Google Android, Windows Phone 8 may be just that. I suggest you wait for it and see. After all, I don’t see you using a Google OS on your desktop anytime soon, do you? Plus, do you really feel comfortable with how Google handles your personal information?

    We don’t know all the features Windows Phone 8 will bring, Joe Belfiore made it clear that what they revealed back in June were not all there is to it.

    • I agree with you Lucien. WP8 is the way to go. Actually there has been a lot of leaked consumer features detailed since Joe Belfiore presented in the WP Summit.

      More especially, stick to the Nokia Lumia series of WP8 or wait for Pureview version of WP8 it will be so totally cool. I hate Google snooping on my data for advertising purposes and I feel Iphone UI is already boring even as IO6 does not bring any innovation in that department.

      Windows Phone 8 is the game changer I feel.

  4. “A smartphone, in my opinion, is more than just a gadget. It’s an extension of who you are and its identity is how you want your life to work.”

    AMEN to this~!

    I’m a person who truly loves to innovate and try new things, and a closed ecosystem like Apple will never work for me. And lastly, I could never support the ‘evil’ actions that Apple has been doing for the past few years. They went from underground hero to a massive corporate monster.

    If you love to tinker, you’ll never go wrong with Android.

  5. WP8! nyehehe

  6. android is not as good as ios in terms of stock roms.. but a fully customized android vs a fully customized ios, that’s different thing.. :) if you know what i mean..

    • Stock roms? When you buy your smartphone it comes with a stock rom. If you want to change the rom, you pick a better rom one that suits your needs. If you buy an iPhone you get your stock rom and you are stuck with it for all eternity. See the difference? Iphone is boring.

  7. You’re choosing between iOS and Android. You have an iPhone 4S. You just can’t reject the fact that you needed change.

    Sounds like you want us to convince you to go android. Anyway I suggest a Nexus or a proofreader >:D

  8. Shift to android. im like you yuga, i tinker a lot with my phones, i like the installing custom roms, “extending” the lives of my phones because i get to install android versions like Jelly Bean even if it’s not officially supported by the phone. i like troubleshooting, i like getting new features like google now even when almost all phones dont have it yet. i always like something new, without the spending for a new phone. installing a custom rom gives you the feeling that your phone is a spanking brand new one, eventhough it’s already a year old. i like overclocking my phone, seeing if it can run the amazing spiderman flawlessly when it’s at 1.6ghz. i like playing my games with a bluetooth ps3 controller, etc etc etc.

    i have been an ios fanatic myself, i have jailbroken my 3gs, installed numerous homebrew apps, had installed gestures and stuff way before apple introduced the “persistently on the foreground circle accessibility thing”. but when i got to android, i found it better.

    not only are my geekiness appetites satisfied, but my productivity appetites are also being served well. say i have a ppt file to show, it is VERRRRYYYYYY easy to save it locally and show to others with an android, even if it is not rooted. i tried doing that with an ipad 2, and after an hour, i only had 1 or 2 options to show the ppt, and i didnt even like it.

    OH plus one more thing, i read days before, that one thing that beats ios flat is android’s notification system. nothing beats a notification bar on top, wherein you get updated at a glance alone. unlike with ios, where you still have to make an effort to slide it down.

    i am not someone who has all the free time in the world. i am no longer a student. i am already working, 5 days a week. was a management trainee. yet because this is my passion, which i believe is yours too, id still give it time. even if i dont get enough sleep sometimes, it makes me happy.

    go for android. ios is boring.

  9. I’d say both if you have the capacity to buy phones with Android and iOS- just to eliminate the endless curiosity of the feel and what not of both OS’.

    I’ve been with the iPhone for 3 years now and I have no problems with it. I also handled several android phones – Samsung Ace and Young – and believe me, when it comes to capabilities, they have the edge since you can fully customize it in infinite number of ways. HAHAHA where am I going?

    If you want to KISS (Keeping It Short and Simple) – go for iOS! It’s a dumb man’s smartphone! (not in an insulting way)

    If you want to maximize its capabilities and unleash your inner IT side -go for Android devices (and I would recommend the best ones)

  10. Go for an android. You know YOU WANT IT.

  11. Im no fan of iOS but im a android lover.

    I didnt owned a iOS phone but i love the physical design of it like “premium”. But i hate their OS which is close source.

    I really love android because it gives me what i want of my phone. The exciting part is flashing some custom ROMS. i ownned samsung galaxy mini and ACE. Even if its a lower end phone but android expands the usage of my phone.

    TRUE. If you want simplicity and premium like go for iOS. But if you’re geek enough go for Android.

  12. If you have the means, then why not have both.
    I own Nexus S (though nasa Samsung repair shop siya ngaun at sana makuha ko na mamaya dahil taon ng aking kapanganakan bukas hehehe) and I must admit there were lags and all but I’m still satisfied with how much customizable the phone can be. Same with you, I also get to hold an Iphone 4S and I must as admit that its damn smooth. Well Nexus S is mid-range android phone so I cannot complain. With project butter and all, i dont think this should something to worry about specially if you buy a galaxy nexus though thats not advisable as we are just few months far from seeing the light of the new galaxy nexus.

    So if you want the smoothness of iOS and the customizability of Android, then buy the best google android phone (not just android) out there. You’ll never regret it.

    Make your own mobile OS!!!
    Thats the best solution…
    the disadvantage is
    your the only ONE using it…

  14. “I just can’t reject the fact that I needed change.” <– you answered it yourself, so ditch iOS and go Android… I'm an iphone 4 owner and I started with ipod touch 2g way back 2009 and from the looks of it I'm also bored with iOS (jailbroken), even with the upcoming iOS 6, it does not bring anything new. Also I miss bluetooth transfer and easy to load music without using itunes which an android can do.

    I've tried S3 from my officemate and I definitely say that I want to taste android in the near future. Very smooth interface and the screen size is just perfect.

    The only good thing I see with iOS and all other apple products are it's resale value, great international warranty and lots support form other iOS users if ever you encounter a problem.

    Nevertheless if I'm in your situation now, I'll definitely give Android a go.

  15. iOS is sooo 2007. Nuff said.

  16. Dear Louie,

    I extensively compared both os’s when i finally decided to settle with galaxy nexus, for the ff. reasons:

    1. As for the UI, there’s nothing android cannot do that ios can, but there’s a lot of customization that you can do on android but not with ios (i.e. Keyboard – swype is ghe best fo onscreen
    keyboard followed by SwiftKey, home screen layout, etc.) However, as for the smoothness of some apps, truly, its ios hands down.

    2. You have a variety of handsets to choose from and based on your need you can choose a phablet phone, like the Samsung note, which is best for gaming, videos and web surfing. Or one which you can operate comfortably with one hand like those with 3.7″ to 4.3″ screen. Or perhaps, one with physical keyboard for quick typing.

    On the other hand, since android is the fast evolving os at present, the value of your smartphone depreciates very fast. That’s why its really a good a idea to choose an android smartphone that has the latest os, just to future proof your investment for the next 2 years.

    This is just my opinion, hope i was of help :-)

  17. I have an iphone 4s which is my second phone. I am using the galaxy note as my main phone. Just like you the geek inside me wants more than what the ios can do. I had to buy a really good android phone. I dint wait for the galaxy s3 though but my note is already more than perfect. I use its glorified features alot especially in my masters. And whats getting me more excited is jelly bean. Knowing apple’s history, they will always be limiting so i say get an android. Need i say more?

  18. Android, one-word-reason:


  19. Android. I started with Spica too. I want freedom.

    Gingerbread and up are the standards. Lags come from poor hardware, not optimized code of app/poorly written, or both.

  20. stay with ios… the next version will have bluetooth

  21. yuga, go android, you can never be at peace with a handicapped software.

    im a die hard iphone loyalist back then, but that relationship drastically ended when one day gf gifted me a desire hd. then on smartphone has never been smarter in that sense.

    WHEN YOU FEEL SOMETHING’ KIND-OF-BIT-WEIRD wrong, GO and make the move. You deserve something better and ye kno’ that dude

  22. i think i’m the only one whose gonna dare… hihihihi for something new… go Windows Phone… :D

  23. Ah… ANOTHER android vs ios post.

    I have been a long-time ios user (never owned a mac), and also am an android developer. It really depends on your wants and need.

    If you’re looking for content that can be provided to your phone (apps, movies, songs, tv series etc..), then you go ios. because the googleplay store can’t even touch the amount of content on the itunes store. (Amazon has even more content on their store than googleplay).

    If you’re not looking the content, but for a great phone, in paper atleast, itself. Then you go android.

    Much comparison have been made, but what they really focus in their platform is different.
    iOS focuses on a seamless experience, they rarely release features that are half-baked. They play it safe. They offer a great experience with not so much technical aspect to it.
    The Problem: It can be boring for people who likes to tinker with their handsets.
    Possible Solution: Jailbreak.

    Android on the other hand is aggressive. They give you options. They release feature after feature, OS versions after another. And OEMs also release different handsets like crazy.
    The Problem: No support. With the amount of phone models and custom UI they release, they can’t continue to support all of them.
    Possible Solution: Custom ROMS.

    If you’re more on the adventurous side, then you can go android because it provides a wide room for tinkering. BUT if you’re more of a conservative user who simply wants a phone that can do its job well, (a little tinkering as well) then you can go ios+jailbreak.

    Just my 2 cents.

  24. If you want a phone that can play games, go for IOS. But if you want a true SMARTPHONE, Android is the better choice

  25. Based on your article,you’re really into customization and so on,go for Android. :)
    But honestly, iOS has far more dedicated apps and games which runs really smoothly compared to Android based on my experiences as well.

    • ^ Agree, iOS (Smooooooooooooth)

  26. Based on your article, you’re really into customizations and so on, go for Android. :)
    But honestly, iOS has far more dedicated apps and games which runs really smoothly compared to Android based on my experiences as well.

  27. In my opinion, almost, if not, all the features present in the iOS are also available or better on the android or can be made available by some mods. Go for android, you’ll never regret it if you are into modding to satisfy your techie mind. Just choose the right unit which has the most development support.

  28. why not fit in 3 ecosystem? (Apple, Google and MS)

  29. Do you still have your Spica? Planning to sell it? How did you brick it?

    We got ZTE Blade, a Spica, Optimus One, SGS III, Hyundai A7HD in the family, and another Spica if you sell yours to me..

    Oh, and Linux and Android all the way!!! Sharing is the concept behind all these, unlike others that are proprietary and locked down despite whatever jbreaks you do..same with their other devices..

  30. Thank you for this article! I thought I was the only one with the same thoughts. I remember I had both ipod touch 1st gen and iphone 3g on its early years. Some ios apps don’t support our country. Now i have samsung galaxy tab7 which even shows peso amount on paid apps! Leave apple products in the US, love android which fully supports SEA consumers!!!

  31. never. you will never be satisfied. there will always be a feeling na something kulang. its a never ending thirst.

  32. I symphatize with your situation. IOS is already becoming boring with the same UI since Iphone 3. Android is not complex for me as I was used to the same customizability of WinMobile but seems very inconsistent and always problematically laggy.

    I suggest you go for Winodows Phone 8 when it comes out for a fresh look and experience. I think this platform is very promising especially that it will share core kernel with Windows 8 RT.

  33. iOS s so boring. Like you said sir yuga nageevolve ang android.iOS nageextinct. Hehehe

  34. both my parents have iphone4s and i own a samsung galaxy s3.im a iphone user before long long ago and still have my iphone 2g.but if you ask me i’ll go for the samsung galaxy s3 (android) because they have more options and i love the “widgets” and how you can tweak your phone the way you like it to be, like what icons and widgets you only want to display on you home screens” in my opinion iphone is a very decent phone, but now that i think of it i cant imagine my self using an iphone 4s, especially when i hold one now that im used to my big galaxy, it feels like a small toy for me and the ever simple just icons display are too simplistic for my taste.

  35. luckily for me, i have experienced using several mobile OS.. Simplicity of IOS makes it rock solid. android’s flexibility makes it loved by many..including me.. but after i had a windows phone 7, i forgot IOS. a lot will disagree to me. but i believe microsoft has something to show more when windows mobile 8 comes.. windows mobile connection to social networking is way better than any mobile os.. and the simplicity of it comes way better than ios.. slick and fast. just have a look :)

  36. I had a great run with the former big shot of mobile phones which is Nokia. I had an Xpressmusic 5300, which was sooo cool 5 years ago. I think it was the “in” phone to own back then. Then my Mom came back from Dubai with a gift, a Nokia N95 which back then was as expensive as today’s iPhone 4. People bought phones not for their OS, but for how loud can your phone go.

    I sticked to my phone for a year or two, then my Mom bought me a Samsung S5230 Star. It was my first touch screen phone, and it sucked. I didn’t like the pixelation of the screen, but ended up sticking to it. Christmas in 09 I wanted an iPod 4G, and obviously I got it. This time I was sure what I want. I was gaining knowledge from the mighty internet what to buy and check for reviews this time.

    The first time I held the iPod on my hand I was scared I might drop it. Just because of how thin the device was! My mind was blown with the iPod’s resolution and how high the PPI was. iOS was superb, just the transitions from page to page was butter. I instantly became a fanboy of Apple, Steve Jobs was God. Let’s do a recap, Nokia 5300, Nokia N95, Samsung Star and the iPod. I have been using the iPod for 2 years now. For me, iOS is getting boring, and I’m not even interested in iOS 6. The UI looks like the same for years and I think it won’t change with the iOS 6.

    This is why I switched to Android. I’ve been using the SG3 for a month now and it is awesome. Android is totally different, it’s much more customizeable. Flash ROM’s, APK’s, Hacks it’s all there. iOS is more restricted which is boring. Although you can also do those stuff with iOS, it’s still getting boring.

    From an iFanboy to a Droid.

    P.S. Sorry for some crappy grammar and everything with the word “tions”. ex cotations

    I haven’t slept yet. Insomnia, you know how it is.

  37. The article was written not by Yuga. See author at the end of the article. For me, go Android. I would have to agree – iOS is 2007. No significant innovation really from their end since then.

  38. Cant see why you cant have both..

    iOS is good basically for its apps. so get an iPod touch.
    I have my sister’s 2nd gen iPod and I’m still using it as a music player, etc.
    you know, that thing you’ll remember to use only when you see it sitting around.

    But as my primary gadget, I have Galaxy Nexus. This thing do what my iPod can’t. Text, call, and amaze people.

  39. Should I stay with IOS or shift to android? The next question is why not have both IOS and android?

  40. Android’s the way to go. Had my first Android phone last year; never had a dull moment with it. Unleash the full techie in you… Android! XD

  41. android! it has freedom , freedom that you need, but eventually will never use after sometime.. at the end you will realize that you want the basic and simple stuffs because its all about the apps you use and how they work on your phone .

    • then comes….IOS… again :p

  42. android

  43. why not have the best of both worlds sir? as much as I enjoy tweaking my GNex, I also cannot deny the fact that I do love having the iPhone 4 around :)

  44. I rather go for Android, it’s the thing for the geeks and those who love to customize.

  45. Yup you are right, IOS has good features but capped at some point, yet android gives you the freedom and flexibility of the device. (ex. 5MP vs 8MP camera, 3.7 vs 4.3 and up screen size and so on.. DUHH!).

    Android= Freedom is endless.
    Iphone= Limited/pointless.

    Happy HTC sensation XE user here. (+bundled iBeats Audio earphone.) can Apple give you that? :)

  46. buy an android, use both of them for a month… sell one after, thats how I got rid of my iphone 4…

    I’m happy using berry android, mahirap maglabas ng galaxy note sa labas…

  47. Why don’t you consider Windows Phone instead? Right now I own a Nokia Lumia 800 and a Sony Xperia S. I chose Sony because most people in this country owns a Samsung Galaxy line of phones or Apple’ iPhone. I fell in love with Microsoft’s new mobile OS. I heard an update is coming to old Nokia Lumias and new line of Lumias are coming with the new Windows Phone 8.

    My opinion? Go for Windows Phone.

  48. Android for me, since i bought my very first android phone x10 mini, I already tried almost all of the existing custom ROM for it. It’s like playing with your toy, you have to try and update it to check if it will suit your taste. I love playing with it. Currently I’m using the MINICM7 ver 2.1.5 with NAA kernel and it suits my daily needs. (I found no custom ROM with the stablest camera so far but this ver only. yes it is stable no camera FC’s)

  49. I have iphone 4s and galaxy s3. I’ll buy a Windows 8 phone when it is available locally. So there, I am rich ..in smartphone OSes.

  50. iOS! android well its good but I think iOS is better..

  51. I had the same problem before. I used to use nokia and then I got and ipod touch 4th gen. I loved ios i thought it was the best and at that time i wouldve chosen an iphone over any other phone at that time. My itouch got stolen in cubao and to be honest there was nothing lost i never really felt like i missed it or that i needed a new ios, and when the time came for me to get a new phone and ditch the nokias i was given the dilemma of choosing between a blackberry, anan iphone or an android. I opted not to get a blackberry, because i didnt really want to sacrifice the apps, and so I was left torn between ios and android. In the end i chose android. It was newer to me….. fresher and if i ever got bored with it i could just customize it. Heck, I could even make it look like a windows phone if i wanted. Though the hardest decision for me was choosing wich android device i wanted. I had my heart set at the HTC One X, but then the Samsung Galaxy S3 came out and long story short I got the s3 and im in love with android.

    Though you’ll be happy with either, I say choose Android.

  52. Wait till the Iphone available in the market and see or test the NEW phone, there you will maybe decide which do you prefer IOS or Adroid. But mine is IOS. Very chalenging and r

  53. IOS = Simple, Fast, Secured. But lacks in Customization

    Android = Limitless Customization,Sometimes laggy even on high end devices, Continously evolving. But lacks in Security.

  54. an entire troll article?

  55. tinkering with the custom roms, kernels, skins, etc., for me, is therepeutic. i’ve done the same with my old nokia and motorola handsets. i’ve repeatedly bricked and unbricked my devices too.

    the dark side beckons…get dat sIII!

  56. I feel for you dude. However I’ve tried both systems in my mobile phones and tablets. The simplicity of the iOS works as a phone, but I’d definitely go for android as a tablet. I love my phone. I have a nook but I’ve rooted it before to a droid. (But changed it back to its stock software, it’s cooler.haha ^_^) I don’t like complicated stuff especially when I’m moving around and mobile. I want the customized stuff for when I’m just sitting back and relaxing. ^_^

  57. Get both, if possible. Each one offers something that the other doesn’t. I have a model from each os, and as far as I see, they actually complement each other. No product can really be perfect and complete.

  58. I’d say go for Android! The OS itself lets you feel that you OWN the phone. That being said, you are free to have it customized. The lack of widgets and iOS being too outdated are only among the many factors for me to say pass on Apple’s products. Also, you might find yourself bored with iOS in the long run. You see the same crap over and over again. How silly! Sorry fanboys!

  59. Android offers more function for me, i prefer it. But battery life to me isnt as good. But at least the battery can be changed out and you can expand with micro sd on most phones

  60. I understand your pain. I have been on Android after I dumped my Symbian from Sony Ericsson. So far I still enjoy the experience that I have from my Galaxy S3. I also experience iOS thru the iDevices of my friends.

    With my experiences with iOS, it feels really limited. I came from Symbian after all and some of the features of Symbian aren’t on iOS. I couldn’t get transfer songs, videos, or pictures from my friend’s iPhone or iPad to my own phone.

    With how I see it, you are basically just picking between a PC or a Mac. Go with how you feel about that and you will never regret it.

  61. You fail to mention two important elements: your age and what do you want to use the phone for.

    Age: if you’re 18-20 yo I understand. I’ve been there and it’s fun wasting time playing with gadgets for no particular reason. Kills time and makes you look smart. If you’re past that age I would say: grow up.

    Use: comes after growing up. The smartphone is just a tool. You have to figure out what use you have for it. Email? Documents? Certain apps? Then you will know what to chose. If you need a phone to text and call people then you don’t even need a smartphone.

    But yeah … grow up. Reasons like “i like to flash the firmware everyday” and “i can jailbreak and customize a lot” look cool when you’re in college. After that it’s just silly and it might lead others to believe you have nothing better to do with your life. I’m just saying.

    • Agree!

    • Use: comes after growing up. The smartphone is just a tool. You have to figure out what use you have for it. Email? Documents? Certain apps? Then you will know what to chose. If you need a phone to text and call people then you don’t even need a smartphone.

      in this category … i like windows phone a lot … more comprehensive than any other OS and integration in a day to day use…

  62. You have a high regard for Steve Jobs, so stay iOS.

  63. Come over to the dark side. We have cookies.

    After using a larger screen, like the S3, GNex or htc One series, going back to a 3.5″ screen (even 4″) feels like going backwards in time. I use all the devices, but the larger screen clinches the deal for me. Plus, with JellyBean the OS is faster and smoother than ever.

  64. try to use a blackberry for a month… kung bumalik ka sa iphone, you will see thats it’s still very good…

    cause anything is good compared to a blackberry

  65. Windows Phone 8 :)

  66. Three words, man.



    P.S.: Avoid the next iPhone. Leaks suggest that it will look essentially the same as the current iPhone 4S, just stretched out.

    P.P.S.: And no current Android device ticks all the boxes for what a perfect phone should be, but that’s subjective. (Samsung Galaxy S3 looks like a cheap phone; HTC One X has no usage flexibility [storage; removable battery] at all; Sony Xperia S, Exceptional design, but Sony botched it with an outdated processor and Gingerbread(!) )

  67. I have been an avid reader of this site and I have been too lazy to comment. I spend time reading fanboy comments though, well until you asked about our opinion.

    You’ve seen how Jellybean works and how Android is constantly evolving… there’s a downside to that however. Updates are harder and harder to get especially since Android’s Hardware is evolving too. Can you imagine that we got to Quad-Core as fast as a few years, beating netbooks? I have an Xperia Play and a Asus Transformer Prime and I’ve held a lot of devices but there always comes a time where you need to try new things and updates have been very slow. Flashing ROMS may be a solution but bugs will be found with unstable ones. I’ve been with many Android devices, Galaxy Vibrant, Captivate, Atrix 4G etc and I never got contented but I still loved Android.

    My sister on the other hand, who is a starting celebrity btw, just sold her iPhone for a Galaxy Nexus and I’ve seen her very happy with it.

    We all need a new breeze once in a while. I, being a name at concept-phones and all that, am a very die hard Android fan, but right now I have made a decision to keep my Asus Prime but sell my phone for money – planning to get an iPhone 5 or the PureView Lumia soon — OR a Nexus. The Nexus Line really is the best around… The Galaxy Nexus with JB owns the S III. Or you can also wait for the Next Nexus which will be out before 2013 comes. Speculations say it will launch on Android’s 5th Year Anniversary on November 5.

    Thanks for keeping this Philippine Technology Site Active! If by any time you need a contributor, you can contact me! :) Thanks,

  68. Stay with both, if possible. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and they sort of complement each other, actually.

  69. “If you want elegant simplicity, go for iOS. But if you want complex badassery, go for Android.”

    — I believe the above statement says it all! ;D

  70. IOS = for kids, and the wifey. Simple, easy, captivating and more entertaining selection of aps. Being an Android loyalist, I;m now considering the iPad simply because it’s got richer apps for kids ( Mickey Mouse, Dora, etc. )that might take years for Android to get. I’m getting one, not for myself but for my wife and my kid.

    Let me enumerate why I will stick with Android for my personal primary phone.

    – Practicality, Android might be a notch below IoS in terms of selections but the Android Grey Market virtually offers all Android apps for free. This means you can have life-saver apps without spending a dime. ( GPS, Navigation, Flightrak, etc.)

    – Productivity: As an IT or a business professional, you just can’t live without flash enabled on full browsers. This lets you work as if your’e working on a desktop PC, without resulting to mobile-versions of websites or apps dedicated to improvise content for the lack of Flash.

    – Photography – Android phones have better cameras, better camera utilities and the ability to replace a real digicam in the absence of one.

    – Micro-Firmware updating: you can even update your modem’s driver. True Story: I was getting 2.5-3MBPS max on my phone with H+ data. When I found a kickass mod for my phones modem driver… I all of a sudden got max speeds dwelling into the 4-5mbps range off-peak. Which means, there are tons of thrills you might experience which will never happen on an IOS. Sky is the limit for what possible update or download that can appear any minute to improve your phone’s abilities. With IOS, you are almost at the mercy of updates from Apple.

    SD Card Slot: Self explanatory.

    Replaceable Battery: you can upgrade to a 3rd party manufactured batt, 3x your phone’s stock battery capacity. Who does’nt want that??? Again, this goes to your productivity as a professional.

    USB connection – Explorer Drag and- drop abilities.

    Play all media formats without crappy itunes software.

    Really Useful Accessories: IOS wins with most cute looking accesories, but there are tons of accessories the Android phones have that Iphones will never get, USB on the go cable adapter, HDMI connector, Controllers.

    — Deep integration of almost all popular social networking apps.

    –Seamless rock-solid data connection tethering


    Android: Freedom, Practicality, Upgradability, Productivity and flexibility.

    IoS: Simplicity, Entertainment. Worry free easy software updates.

  71. my opinion here is that coming from ios what really gives me a hard to give up my iphone 4 are the wide variety of apps aside from that wla na ako naging reklamo lalo na nung niregaluhan ako ng xe naenjoy ko din lahat lalo na yung customization that never fails to surprise me mga bagong launcher that never fail to give me a brand new look di nman ang lag nmn kasi sa android telerable na di tulad dati na sbrang bagal if your into apps stick with apple if your into customization at kung ayaw mo magpalit ng magpalit ng phone go for the highend droids kasi customization pa lng feeling mo parang nagiging bago yug phone mu every time you change themes and launcher yun ung astig yung itsura kc ng apple interface nakakaboring na eh kung galing ka sa apple di mahirap magustuhan ang android kng sa android ka galing hira magustuhan ng apple..

  72. Simple lang yan, piliin mo kung ano mas feel mong gamitin.

    But for me, I’d definitely choose android. Android teaches you to be adept with the evolving technologies unlike Apple that spoon feeds you almost everything. You can say that apple offers simplicity but android could do so well at the right settings and you could always customize it to your liking.

  73. This will make you decide real quick.

    Keep your iPhone 4S, hold it tight, and never let go, caress it, whatever, then send over your S3 and One X!

    Here’s my address:



  74. Widgets.
    Different launcher options.

    If you want an ‘it just works phone’ go for the iPhone but if you are bored easily and want to spend time tinkering things go for an Android phone.

    You can change widget styles every week. Change your launcher every month. Adapt a new animation of the launcher if your bored with the horizontal-sliding icons.
    No need to root nor flash.
    With just widgets and launcher options your customization is almost endless.

  75. iOS.

  76. I have a Google Nexus 7 Tab, Iphone and a BB Playook. I am not being biased since ang first phone ko was Android but based on my experience Ill go for iOS simply because of the apps and the quality it posses, but this is just my opinion although I do love my BB and Android.

  77. iOS for its straightforward / simple UI and for its resale value.

    Android for customization, etc.

    I’ve owned both before. iOS – Android – then back to iOS. I call myself techie too. But you know what? I got bored tinkering with an Android as well (that’s just me though). Yes I know it continues to evolve but something inside me just wants to go back to the simplicity of the iPhone. Even though the iOS may get boring, at least the HUGE selection of apps on the App Store makes up for it. Apps are one of the things that make a smartphone fun. Sadly, Google Play’s apps are nowhere near the number of apps in the App Store. That’s probably the number one reason I switched back to iOS.

  78. I have an LTE Galaxy Nexus. I didn’t even consider the iPhone since its screen is tiny and stuck in slow-poke 3G.

  79. iOS is solid, cool, sturdy and simple while an android device is crazy, fun and no dull moments :)

  80. This is a very stupid article. I can not imagine that a staff writer from an American owned BPO company can write a waste article like this. My 8 year old nephew was able to decide by himself without asking for help or writing an article. You should know better than him.

    As I read your article, I took note of the ff:

    1. You have high regard for Steve Jobs
    2. “I instantly fell in love with it but not because of the phone’s design or the widgets or the fluid interface. I fell in love with Android because of its threaded SMS system”
    3. “All the while I kept in touch with Android with my wife’s Spica. I loved the idea on how you can customize Android in different levels – something that iOS cannot achieve even with a jailbreak.
    4. “iOS is going for something that really works seamlessly but somewhat capped. Android, however, is accepted to be far from perfect but it is constantly evolving.”
    5. ” I just can’t reject the fact that I needed change. The question now is, it Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS that’s going to give me the satisfaction of change?”

    Your article is already very conclusive. You are tired of a simple and restricted OS and has a jealousy of Android capabilities. Isn’t obvious?

    I think you will not leave the ios system because you have high regard with Steve Jobs. Good luck! You are stuck in mediocrity!

    • Good morning Phil,

      Thank you for reading the article.

      As for your comment this is the most helpful so far: “You are tired of a simple and restricted OS and has a jealousy of Android capabilities.”

      You’re right. That’s why I’m a little inclined towards Android but I’m considering what the new iPhone or WP8 can offer. Maybe I should wait a little more.

  81. If you are a Software Engineer, then grab them both, develop apps, and generate money. If not, don’t complicate things. Just simply go with what you feel. After all, based on your article, you’re just tinkering not developing.

  82. late(as in 2012) adapter + old man perspective:

    you just have to have something that works and you’ll like using all the time for your needs

    cupertino fans will recall the words “intersection of arts and technology and user experience” ….this from a man who also said

    “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong,”

    “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.”

    ‘course you have the inner geek in you and just want to really tinker around….do things your way….because that’s how you’re wired.

    but when times comes you just have to put the phone down and really spend some face time with……(insert your dog, wife or kids’ name)

    well….they’re just phones….

    even if it REALLY is the Jesus Phone

    • reminds me of the saying “Galit ang magnanakaw sa kapwa magnanakaw”

  83. yOne thing I noticed, there are some apps which work well without any problems on my Iphone 4, but which either crash often orwon’t function at all on my galaxy nexus. Viber, facebook, tipidcp are only some of the apps.I don’ know if mine is an isolated case.

  84. I have been tinkering with my iPad for some time now, and never had my geek cravings been satisfied. iOs isn’t perfection for me..it needs a lot of room for improvement. Only android can satisfy our craving for customization.

  85. technology is never simple.

  86. just wait for windows phone 8 and you will get half android and half ios.

  87. Go for the android ecosystem.

    It seems you thrive from complexity, and when it comes to complexity, android delivers.

  88. I own a jailbroken iPad and an android phone (SGSII). What I can say is that even though SGSII is only a mobile phone, it still feels more of a handheld computer than my iPad which has all the cydia tweaks, boosters, customizations etc. that I like. What iOS delivers, Android does more. Android can mount USB flash drives, download everything off the internet, flash video player (only in ICS, but you can still integrate it in Jellybean by installing the adobe flash apk found in several sources in the net), send files over bluetooth to other devices, access file systems, files can be viewed between apps and view almost all file formats available; all these out of the box. If ever some features are still lacking, you can just flash or tweak stuff from xda-developers.

    Yes iOS has cydia and its tweaks. But I still find it lacking.

    Having experienced both OS and surmising from your post, I’d definitely suggest Android to you. iOS maybe a little bit more stable than Android out of the box which is why it is a famous choice for casual buyers but Android’s capability and its community tweaks are what makes it wonderful, thereby it truly the star choice of geeks. :P

  89. If you’re just after the apps of iOS then just get an ipod touch or an iPad.

    I dont see the point of buying an iPhone with its microscopic screen just because of the iOS apps.

  90. It is called lust of the flesh. Have them both, you would be still not satisfied.
    Having everything best in this life is not contentment.

  91. If you want to be simple go for iOS.
    If you want to tickle your ass go for Android!
    Get high on Android everyday!

  92. go for android. I have the samsung s3 and its almost perfect. not saying that apple’s phones are obsolete (hardware wise) but you can do so much with the android phones. seamless fluidity goes to iOS however at the end of the day its what and how many things you can do with your phone.

  93. Had a 2 Nokia at first, then a Samsung phone, then a Blackberry then an Android. I have the HTC Sensation right now, and I’m inlove with it. I still have the days wherein I want to switch back to a BB since I’m a social butterfly -person chorva and I miss the type phones. Though Android gives complete customization which I prefer. My mom has an iPhone though I prefer not to tinker with it since it’s glass back makes me want to be 100x careful (lol) and it’s hardware is “secured”.

  94. I am also facing the same dilemma right now. The only things keeping me from making the switch is the cost of a new phone and the time it takes to setup

  95. I have nokia n8, but i got to play with ipad and android phones of my classmates.. c’mon… I love nokia, though it lacks a fast processor, yet it is cheap, and you got a high quality camera at the same time…

  96. if you want simplicity go with ANDROID but dont tinker with it

    if you what customizations go with ANDROID and go all out with it

    in short ANDROID can be both while iOS ca onle be simple

  97. if you want simplicity go with ANDROID but dont tinker with it

    if you what customizations go with ANDROID and go all out with it

    in short ANDROID can be both while iOS ca only be simple

  98. for me, if you want a long term gadget, go for iOS, because of the software updates, 3GS will have iOS 6 while S1 has only Gingerbread.

  99. i’ve never felt attracted to iOS for some reason. i have a ton of friends who have iPhones amd iPads, and i’ve tinkered around with them. although i love the ecosystem and the variety of apps, the fact is that i can’t make it my own. i’ve owned a sensation xe and i’m now using a HTC One X, and i’ve never been happier with a phone. when i bring out my phone, people tend to ask what my phone is because they admire how i’ve set it up to cater to what i need.

    • How’s the HTC One X? I’ve read complaints about the white model easily getting stained and some units having WiFi problems. Have you experienced any of those?

  100. android can has the native ability to handle torrent. thats it right there! :D

    I’ve been an iOS and android user since the original iPhone and the G1. 2012 saw me adapt to a HOX, 4s, and S3 – what I can say is that iOS apps are more polished and the 4s just functions out of the box. Android presents you with the option to push your mobile experience a bit more, with some compromise on the android apps’ “spit and shine”. It also requires you to know what you’re really looking for and where to look for it (i.e. rooting, roms, kernels et al)

    if infinity blade 2 gets ported for android, that would be the end of iOS. :))

    • *android has the native ability to handle torrent files.

      sorry grammar police :)

    • Infinity Blade: Dungeons for Android – i’m in!

  101. WAIT FOR FIREFOX OS! (f.k.a. boot to gecko)
    this OS will sooth your geeky nerves.
    Firefox OS will rock your world. (based on some anonymous leaks)

  102. Don’t make it complicated, you can’t have everything in one device, that’s y there’s pc, laptop and smartphone. You can play in each, not do soft devt and not even 3d stuffs, if you’re not content with one smartphone feature, get the other kind.

    After all, it’s all but getting contented or giving in to ur tech porn. Follow you heart, dig in if you can get all those gadgets.

  103. All I can say is, if you have this geeky, tinkering appetite, then you should go for Android. The iOS is great and simple at the same time. Android focuses more on the preference and creativeness of a person..

    You’re right when you said that Apple works seamlessly but is somewhat capped. It has this perfect interface and smoothness like no other. Pero parang may kulang. Android on the other hand is like the iOS, only with a few extra kicks.

    and it’s upto you po, sir abe! kung ano mas trip nyo :))

  104. If you want something that “just works”, definitely go for iOS, but if, like me, you love tinkering with your phone in, as you say, “all levels,” then definitely Android is the way to go. The latter platform is still growing and will continue to evolve in the coming iterations. :)

  105. perhaps you are just overthinking. both android and iOS are great platforms with their own pros & cons. :)

  106. I’ve been through symbian, WM, back to symbian, then maemo, ios and now to android. All I can say is that perfect is what you make of it. Each on of the devices I used are perfect at the time I used them until I found something more perfect or I gave my unit to my wife or my smartphone got stolen. I loved each one of my devices and still thinks fondly of each one of them.

    It is imperative that you understand what you really want first, get all the details about it. Buy it and never regret your decision. Make the most our of your gadgets. Me, I go to the extent of getting all possible accessories that I find useful and use them to the fullest.

    This way, I maximize my gadget and at the same time, enjoy it. By the way, I am no expert and I do not understand the computer language. But I do learn to jailbreak my Iphone and flash ROMs as early as my WM devices and now to my SGN, just to keep them interesting.

    On hindsight, the reason I gave up my Iphone 4 after a year or so of using it, is that even with all the advancements made with the IOs from the ipod gen 2 to iphone ios5, I got bored with it. I love change, I love improvements. If things get as stable as the IOS, I feel like something’s going to go wrong because I’m being complacent and rely too much on something. I don’t like that feeling. I like to be on my toes. I guess that’s what I crave. That’s why I shifted to using Android.

    It is the cold finger feeling that you get when you thought you bricked your device and also the euphoria when you finally brought your device back to life. It is the feeling of not knowing what you are doing but also the feeling of wanting to get something and being able to do so. I guess that’s what I love the most.

    This is for me, perfection. Perfection in the most basic form. Perfection in the most unexpected places. Perfection in the most unperfect world.

  107. couldn’t help but smile while i was reading this…naubusan ng topic?hehe.parang nagpapapansin lang ah;)peace man…u know ur needs better than anyone :)

    • Tama! If don’t meet your needs with one device, grab the other, after all u seem to be capable of going for the gold! Haha!

  108. No harm done. To each his own. Everyone’s entitled to his opinion. Though I was kinda sleepy when I was typing. Guess I got carried away. lol. :)

  109. seems to me that you have the money to spend on. So here is my advise, stay with the iOS by having the latest iPod touch, with it you can still experience ur beloved iOS, ika nga asawa mo yan eh. Then get a flagship android phone, one to sawa kalikot gawin mo dyan, parang kabit lang, tapos pag me bago bli ulit. haha.

    • Haha! Nice analogy. Thanks!

  110. Hi Louie. I suggest you maintain both devices within your reach and use it to your liking, cost of ownership aside. Sooner or later, you’ll realize which platform and hardware better suit your needs. You may (or may not) drop the other in the long run. It can never be simpler than that I guess. I hope that helps.

    • Hi Marco, Zo, thank you for the suggestions. I was thinking of taking that route. I think I have found an economical way of doing this so hopefully I’d be able to buy a flagship Android soon. The One X is really attractive.

  111. Had this dilemma too. Actually i keep having it, with regard to my phone choice.

    But am happily sticking to my Galaxy Nexus for the coming months.

    I am someone who lives to tinker with things and so android really suits my cravings.

    But I also love the simplicity of Apple..so how did i go about this?

    Bought the new iPad. So now I have a really reliable android phone and the goodness of iOS. Not the most budget friendly of solutions but hey it works.

  112. both are great platforms but Android is really better because of OPTIONS not unlike iOS… you dont have any option except for 1 – which they provided you.

    iOS has no simple and should-be-present stuffs like microSD to expand and copy paste function

    • Matagal ng may copy paste ang iOS. Don’t tell me you’re still using the 2007 iOS device?

  113. You should have created a poll Abe. Landslide Android!

  114. i agree that andoid OS is the one for you. but keep an iOS gadget like the iTouch for other purpose like gamings :)

  115. Go for both. I have an Android as my daily driver. The homescreen that gives you access to many functions, agenda info, news, shortcuts is just indispensable. Android does a better task at integrating with 3rd party apps (i.e. open a link and it will offer you a choice between different browsers; open a file and it will offer you a choice of the different viewers/readers you have).
    The iPad is my top choice for a tablet. I use it for reading books, mostly. and for that I need a device that requires minimal tinkering. I personally think that iOS is optimized for the iPad than the iPhone.

  116. Almost all commenters here go for Android for…


    And that’s not the reason why most of us buy tablets or smartphones…it’s the quality apps and how they perform on the device, that’s the main life of these gadgets…

    Android apps? Never mind…

    • 4 Thumbs up. :)

      Customization, is a really good thing to do in a phone. But we should focus more on the performance. :P

      I am no android hater but it’s like having a B&W phone and then being able to customize it to do “thread messaging, customised ringtones, etc” but it takes 4 seconds or so to open every command. :)

      Just a come back, Android is catching up with iOS faster than everyone has amticipated. If MAC wouldn’t do something about that, they should start saying their goodbyes on their LOYAL consumers. :)

  117. Here try to watch this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMiY1kSTHZw might shed light to your agony hehe

  118. i dont care about the OS. i care about the quality of the screen/display (i dont care about the size either)


    fk that AMOLED/IPS crap and their over saturated fake colours..

    still iOS for its Apps and Retina Display.

  119. i dont care about the OS. i care about the quality of the screen/display (i dont care about the size either)


    fk that AMOLED/IPS crap and their over saturated fake colours..

    still iOS for its Apps and Retina Display. owo

  120. well, with out steve jobs.. how can apple continue? remember when they kicked out steve jobs from apple? they thought they can sustain it.
    right now apple doesnt know where they’re going..

  121. having 2 smart phones at the same time, is normal nowadays. keep one each of ios and android, get the best of both worlds.

  122. When it comes to fluid UI and high class apps then iOS is the clear choice, iOS in general is simplicity at it’s best unfortunately its aging from iOS version 1 to 6 and still having the same UI. However Android is completely different its something like an iOS merged with Symbian(RIP) more options more freedom (connectivity options & PC sync), memory card support, easy to modify, etc… its like Symbian an open OS but with the same UI experience as iOS but not as fluid “laggy at times” and not the same class of apps “specially ported apps originally made for iOS” (but with new version of android “JB” it could change).

    So if you want a touch phone with more options you can play with then go with android, but if you want high class and apps/UI and simple to use and CAN AFFORD then go with iOS (iphones)

    Another thing with android is the problem with their versions, it doesn’t support all models ICS/JB for example supports only select high end android phones most mid-range android phones aren’t even supported by ICS. So if you want the best of Andriod OS you need to have a high end Android phones.

    • What’s with this high class? An app is an app, there are no low, mid or high class. Its just the pricing. And android can be more fluid than iOS. if you compare an iPhone 4s to a android device with lower specs then it is normal that the latter will be inferior. Try to compare iPhone 3gs with Samsung Galaxy S2, or with the older Samsung Galaxy S. Its obvious which is which. You are commenting as if you compare both hardware and software of iPhone to the android OS. I used both platform and I really liked the iOS but flexibility and multiple support is what the android is all about. Combined with a beastly hardware, it is better than the latest iPhone and iOS today.

  123. Daniel – there is copy paste in IOS.

    I have both IOS and Android, and enjoying both of them.

  124. For me it’s always been android. From the term android alone you get this notion that it is smarter than most phones. The only disadvantage of having a smartphone is the battery life. But now companies are coming up with cellphones that have 3300 mah batteries like Motorola Droid Razr MAXX. Now android has become THE ultimate phone.

  125. http://youtu.be/65Dd1idikAo watch this..at first I love my s3 but when I watched the vid..it makes me wanna buy iphone 5..

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