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What is the best smartphone-tablet combo?

As we have mentioned in our past article, smartphones are getting bigger and tablets are getting smaller. While these gadgets try to meet half-way to become the ideal device, there’s still a good gap between them that convinces us to purchase them both. If that’s the case, what do you think is the best smartphone-tablet combo?

Another thing I would also like to consider is what OS is ideal for a smartphone-tablet combination. Is it Android for a smartphone and iOS for a tablet, or is it the other way around? To help start the discussion, I asked my fellow writers about what they think is the best combination based on their own experience.

Let’s start with Ron:

If I were to choose a smartphone and tablet combo, I’d go for the Nokia 808 and ASUS TF300T/TF700T. I still don’t have either of the tablet (I’m still saving up for that), but I already have the Nokia PureView 808. The reason why I picked this combo is because I have the best camera on my phone and I have a good mileage with my tablet (10hrs tablet + 16hrs with keyboard dock)

I think this setup will fit my needs especially when I’m out in the field because I can do my articles easier since the ASUS TF300T comes with a keyboard dock and my Nokia 808 can take very detailed pictures/video. But if you have extra money to spend, I suggest to go for the TF700T which has a better display and slightly faster processor.

To be honest, the question was pretty tough to answer because my needs may most likely be different from yours. In my opinion, knowing what you need out of your smartphone/tablet would help you determine the best possible
slate and handset combination.

For Bob:

If only I had so much cash to pick out two devices for a combo, I’d pick a Google Nexus 10 and a Nokia Lumia 920. I am making this decision based on what online reviewers said for the meantime as I haven’t got my hands on any of them yet. My reason is almost the same with Ron as I’d like my phone to carry a very capable camera.

The Nexus 10 would be my choice because I use my tablet all for my multimedia needs. A 2560 x 1600 display is more than enough along with a powerful processor. Whatever my phone cannot do with its ecosystem, the tablet can make up for. While its true that Windows Phone 8 won’t go well with an Android tablet, the cloud exists.

Another option I am currently thinking about is a Nexus 4 and a capable Windows 8 tablet. It depends actually. I didn’t invest much in iOS’ ecosystem as I’d prefer a more open OS, and I have yet to try new versions of Windows and Android. Mostly, it’s all about your needs and your personality.

As for my own experience, I currently use an iPhone 4S and a Kindle Fire running a custom Jellybean ROM. Aside from texting and calling, I use the iPhone primarily for taking photos, surfing the web, music and gaming, but due to its poor battery life, I’ve decided to delegate some of the tasks to the Kindle Fire such as Gmail, web browsing, eBook reading and some gaming – tasks that are better done on a tablet. To transfer photos and files across devices I just use apps like DropBox or Box. Aside from that, the iPhone’s iOS gives me access to tons of apps in the App Store while the Android tablet provides me with an optimized Google experience and the versatility of an open OS. Ideally, I’d go for an iPhone 5 and a WiFi-only Nexus 7 but if I’m going to reverse platforms I’d go for a HTC One X+ and an iPad Mini.

So how about you? What do you think is the best smartphone-tablet combo? Should it be of the same platform or different? Discuss it with us by hitting the comments below.

Diangson Louie
Diangson Louie
This article was written by Louie Diangson, Managing Editor of YugaTech. You can follow him at @John_Louie.
  1. NEXUS 4 and NEXUS 7 :)

    • +1 Agree! :)

    • +9000!

    • That’s already OVER 9000!!!!!

  2. Nokia 808 Pureview + Google Nexus 7/10 :)

  3. 4S & Win8

    • your an idiot

    • What’s wrong with a 4S and a Win8 tab?

    • Note 2 and Paracetamol 500mg. Nuff said.

  4. nokia lumnia 920 and xperia s tablet

  5. Upcoming ASUS PadPorn err, Padfone 2…

  6. SAmsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus.. no need for two devices, it can be a smartphone and a tablet in one..

  7. Asus PadPhone 2.. that’s it.

  8. wp8 + nexus 7

  9. nokia 808 pureview, coz of the camera + samsung galaxy note 10.1 for e magazine, docs on the go, video chat and net surfing :-)

  10. Surface and Lumia 920

  11. I am currently using a Blackberry 9810 and an iPad 2. I was actually thinking of ditching my BB but my love for BBM and the good keyboard was more than enough to make me keep it. My iPad 2 is more than enough for my multimedia and gaming needs, however, for reading books it is quite hefty. I am deciding on buying the Nexus 7 (or a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 with 3g for reading) and just an iPod Touch 5th Gen (for multimedia and because I can’t let go of iMessage, I don’t like the iPhone, sold my iP4), and have my BB on my bag for my BB messaging needs. :) Gee, the problems of today! :P

  12. iPad 3 and Samsung Galaxy S3 :)

  13. interesting…

    im currently using a note 2 and an old ipod touch because i want the best of both worlds (in terms of apps, specially in my line of work)but to answer the question more appropriately, i think a note 2 and an ipad would be a great tandem.

    note 2 pwede din, sya lang, hehe smartphone + tablet = phablet = note 2

    or iphone + nexus 10, pero d ako fan ng iphone =)

  14. Samsung Galaxy S3 + iPad Mini. Best of both worlds and very portable

  15. I agree w/ Louie.

    If only I have the money, id grab a HOX+ and an iPad mini right away.
    HOX+ for anything a smartphone is dedicated to do, and with its 2100mAh battery and Android 4.1 it shouldnt fail to impress. Plus it has this gorgeous LCD2 display and build.
    iPad mini for everything iOS. Most great apps come to iOS first and some with no news of availability in other platforms. And we can’t deny that some if not all iOS apps are fare more better looking than their Android counterparts.
    (got the idea on an article in the verge)

  16. iPad 4 and Nexus 4. Problem is the memory expansion for N4, better get HTC One X+. Prefer iPad more than Android tabs coz of optimized apps dedicated for iPad unlike Android tabs using an enlarged apps from Google Play.

  17. mine is galaxy note 2. you carry both functions in one gadget and you bring it everywhere without the hassle.

  18. Padfone 2 nalang kaya para hindi kayo mahirapan

  19. I will go for the powerhouse combo of SGNote2 + Nexus7 32GB.

  20. I have a BB Curve 9320. Planning to buy an iPod Touch 5th Gen this December (not really a tablet).

    If I can buy anything I want – HTC One X+ & an iPad 4.

  21. My combo which i have right now is Samsung Galaxy SIII and iPAD 3. Perfect! LOL

  22. Nexus 7 and a Galaxy S3 :D boom!

  23. Mine is the Lumia 920 + Nexus 7 3G. Since Lumia 920 is not yet available so as with Nexus with 3G, i would have to choose Pureview 808 and iPad Mini. Cant let go of android though. dont know what device i will be using just to have android :)

  24. Xperia SL and Nexus 7 3G. :)

  25. Acer Iconia A500 (or any branded tablet with adapter/dongle to support full size USB) and Nokia Lumia 920. With full size USB support, I have no problem transferring photos from 920 to Iconia even without internet, charge my 920 on Iconia (or other USB powered devices), and watch movies on my external 1TB. About Lumia 920, Pureview, ‘nuf said.

  26. LUMIA 920 + NEXUS 7 32gb HSPA+

    having an Android Phone and Android Tablet would just be redundant

    the Lumia 920 with its awesome Camera would be complimented by the rear camera-less Nexus 7 with all the Apps lacking in Windows Phone 8 and NFC will allow seamless transfer of data

    and with a price tag of $449+$299(+tax) thats a hell of a deal

  27. In my case, it’s an Android tablet (Google Nexus 7) and a non-Android phone (iPhone 4S). I heavily use iPhone for music, Internet on-the-go, and some gaming. My Nexus 7 caters productivity. That’s what I use for Web browsing and writing papers due to its flexibility.

    I’m fancying a Windows tablet and an Android/iOS smart phone though. Guess Windows can fully handle productivity tasks. :)

    IMHO, having a tablet and a smart phone of the same ecosystem is redundant. Besides missing out possible experiences offered by other OSes, there are sure overlaps which can practically be addressed by owning only one device.

    If one cannot decide between having a tablet and a smart phone, Android offers compromises with a phablet. Dell has earlier produced a phablet but see how Samsung successfully creating a market/demand for Note.

    Bottom line: Do NOT get two devices of the same OS!

  28. My current combo: Galaxy s2 and Tab 7.7

  29. dream combo: HTC Droid DNA + Future iPad Mini W/ Retina Display :D

  30. currently playbook + s3 walang probs

  31. i’d go for the nexus 7 or the upcoming nexus 7 3G model, and Nokia Lumia 710 or the Nokia Lumia 800. Nexus 7 for my multimedia and gaming needs and the Nokia Lumia 710 or 800 for my texting, calling and music needs plus it adds ”porma” because of its sleek and wonderful design and these devices is more cheaper than the others. But if my parents will won the lottery, my dream combo is the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and the HTC 8X. OR the Galaxy Note II and the Ipad 4. But these devices ar FAR out of my budget, currently saving for a Sony Xperia Go because of it’s awesome waterproof technology =]] and BTW love your website[exlamation point x10] [shift not working] haha =]]

  32. Ainol Fire and Samsung Galaxy Y

  33. Now i have my s3. planning to buy an ipad mini for my son. bcoz for now ios apps are optimized for tablets :) and also they ar many apps for kids for educational purposes.

  34. I currently own a HTC One X and Nexus 7. Both have 32GB storage, IPS display, etc., plus I can play all my NVIDIA TegraZone games on both device with ease.

  35. I own a HTC One X & ASUS Nexus 7. Both powered by NVIDIA Tegra 3.

  36. i have samsung wave + samsung galaxy tab 7.0 plus,
    using wifi tethereing of samsung wave to share net to galaxy tab

  37. Nexus 7 + iPhone 4S would be a great combo

  38. I would go for the CDR-King Tri-Sim Phone with built-in FM tuner and TV!!!

    As for the tablet, nothing beats the CDR-King tablet in price. Very affordable, with ICS and SD-Card slot.

    You also have the option to use the infinite CDR-King accessories like power bank, etc…

    Now that is the perfect combo!

  39. My combo would be Lumia 920 and iPad mini. Another would be Note 2 and iPad mini again. Lumia 920 and Note 2 are my dream phones. S3 was also my dream phone but I like 920 more. I wish at least I can use one of those even for just a day. Exept for 920. I’m definitely going to buy that!!

  40. I would go for that new HTC Droid with full HD screen out now in Verizon and an Asus TF700.

    It’s getting the best of both worlds. Very slight compromise. Sure both are running Android but that’s the good thing, the openness and the flexibility of the operating system.

  41. Asus Padfone 2 for me. I just want a single device that “does it all”.

  42. iPhone 5 and iPad mini would be for me.

  43. xperia acro s and ipad 4

  44. Nexus 4 and 10 FTW! Or HTC Droid DNA and Nexus 10! :D

  45. s3 and nexus 10

  46. Mine is Blackberry Playbook 64GB and Torch 9860. Unbeatable BB plan at 599/month for unlimited internet.

  47. BB Bold 9930 & PlayBook especially if you’re registered on BBMax tapos naka bridge. Perfect combo!

  48. i currently have a samsung galaxy s3 and i am going to buy the ipad 4 this christmas. the perfect combo!

    • indeed. android for phone and iOS for tablet. the perfect combo.

  49. I have an android phone (xperia mini) that I would love to pair with Nexus 7.

  50. Padfone 2!

  51. For me the perfect combo would be the iPad mini together with HTC’s Droid DNA! Under-powered tab for web surfing playing Cooking Mama with and powerful phone for the rest of stuff I need!

  52. for me, its a BlackBerry Torch 9810, New BlackBerry 10, Nokia N9, Nokia 808 PureView, Nokia Lumia 920 and with BlackBerry PlayBook, iPad 4 and Nexus 10…and iPod Touch 5th gen

    i want them all actually! and im willing to carry them all!!! i dont want to invest on one ecosystem only!! i want to invest on atleast 3 or 4 so namely the BlackBerry, iOS, android and Windows Phone… i choose 808 PV and N9 coz of the unique experience that you’ll get!! and it will be rare to get one in near future…and it will be a collector’s item from a nokia fan!

  53. owns an Alcatel 918n and an iPad 1. poor boy :)

  54. kailanagn pa bang i-memorize yan? syempre
    LG Optimus ‘G’

    abangan ang LG Optimus “G2”

  55. got an ipad2 for more than a year now, i’m happy with it, i use it for my presentations and notes and just got an iphone 5 to replace my old BB fone…

  56. My Xperia TX and a Vaio Duo :)

  57. iPhone 5 plus Samsung ATIV samrt PC, sweet. Christmas bonus there you go…or there it went..hehe

  58. iPhone5 plus a samsung ATIV smart PC….sweeet. Christmas bonus there you go…..

  59. still got the samsung galaxy s2 and planning to buy an ipad mini next month. para android (still waiting for the jellybean) and ios 6 gamit ko.

  60. My cheap combo is a Nokia X6 16gb and the Nexus 7.

    X6 for calls,texts and playing music (it can play my flacs).
    Nexus 7 for browsing,reading,playing movies, and for Android apps.

  61. U8150 IDEOS & Decolgen

    (down with colds T_T)

    later will get Acer Iconia or an Ainol

  62. I currently own an S3 and an iPad 3.

    I would have liked to have the Nexus 10 tablet because of its gorgeous screen display, however, the iOS market have more apps optimized for tablets compared to the android market/play store.

    I would also like to own an MS Surface tablet.

    I will install the Windows 8 in my PC in the very near future. for now, that’s enough windows 8 experience for me.

    Phone = Android
    Tablet = iOS
    PC = Windows 8

    the best of the THREE worlds. ;D

  63. The perfect smartphone + tablet combo for me could be:

    iPhone 5 64GB + Galaxy Note 10.1
    iPhone 5 64GB+ iPad Mini 64GB Wifi 3G
    Google Nexus 4 (by LG) + Google Nexus 7 (by ASUS)

  64. My current combo is a Sammy S3 and a first gen iPad. When it comes to phone apps, iOS wins hands down with its wide array of apps in the appstore, but as a phone, I think the iPhone is paltry compared to Android ones such as the Sammy S3. Granted it takes some time to learn how to navigate with the Android OS as there is a learning curve to it, but as a phone OS it excels better because you can curtomize it as you like and it has features such as file beaming via BT or NFC which are all handy, and that’s what we want in a phone right? For a tablet experience however, it is a totally different story. Apps in the PlayStore lacks the fun factor compared to the apps for the iPad in the appstore. And I think, a tablet experience shouldn’t be cluttered. Widgets in a tablet, imo, is messy.

  65. Nexus 4 for the phone because it’s nexus. Galaxy Note 10.1 for the tablet because I like to draw. :)

  66. for me..

    1) Galaxy Note 2 + new Ipad
    2) Galaxy Note 2 + Nexus 10
    3) Galaxy Note 2 + Microsoft Surface

    either of the 3 :)

  67. I am currently working with iPad2 and BB (8520 to 9780) for almost 2 years. BB for short emails, messaging,calls and Twitter. iPad for long reads, browsing,FB, note-taking and writing. Works pretty well for me. Can’t find an excuse to upgrade my smartphone and iPad as this current combination covers my needs.

  68. Cherry MObile Omega HD + Nexus 7 32GB

  69. I like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 paired with an ipad air.

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