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How do you migrate a 20GB site?

I’m moving over the entire Motorcycle Philippines site into this server. The problem is, it’s over 20GB worth of files, databasess and whatnots (17GB when tarred/gzip-ed.

The usual cPanel server to server transfer just wouldn’t work this time (times out just before it finishes). FTP cannot handle files over 2GB, scp and rsync could take hours and hours. Before this, the largest site I ever handled in this kind of situation was houseonahill.net at just about 1.8GB. This one is 10 times bigger.

Been at this since 3pm this afternoon and I’m on strike 3 already (splitting up the files into 17 1GB parts).

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Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. all the best and good luck!

  2. 1. maybe you can try exporting the tablespaces piecemeal for that particular DB via FTP if it’s below 2 GB per table.

    2. Use phpmyadmin to export the tables individually

    unless it’s not the tablespaces/DB that comprise the entire 20GB


  3. Here’s a quick breakdown: 500MB DB, 4GB forum files, 1GB classified ads files, 1.5GB photo gallery files, then there are the attachments and other core site files.

  4. Hmmm… that is a problem really, post about your solutions will ya?

    Anyways heres an idea, I worked with a big site before (I just dont want to mention their URL coz their a private internal site) .. Which had their own hosting, but the Outer parts for public visitors are hosted by an external host located cross-country away. I issued an order to the dept. to send a request to the external host to send us a collection of the backup files written in discs and labeled appropriately, boxed and sent via a freight service. We paid for the overhead cost as well as service fee (affordable considering all the work that needs to be done) …

  5. how bout clean it up first, im sure theres a lot of unneeded stuff there

  6. I usually run optimize table in phpmyadmin to defragment the tables and reclaim some unused disk space. This might help to bring that DB down further

    Maybe you should work with the smaller tables first and see how much it brings down the file size…

    I’d suggest preventing access to the DB while optimizing if incase you go down this path to prevent corruption of the DB.

    then once you’ve uploaded the DB to the new server you can dump the old DB so that all you have to worry about is the 1gb classifieds and 1.5 photofiles


  7. There are FTP clients that can do FTP-to-FTP transfers. I’m sure that would take some time, but possibly the best solution right now, without requiring you to work on the site immediately.

  8. What we did was to backup the whole site via ssh (./scripts/pkgacct) which resulted into a tarball of about 17GB file. Copying took about 5 hours.

    Once in the ne server, we did a manual restore via SSH again (./scripts/restorepkg) and the un-packaging took about 2 hours and the restore another 4 hours.

    During this period, if your own net connection blips for one second, the process aborts, which happened once.

  9. well it certainly took its time! ;)

  10. Ah the ever reliable SSH, nice to know it can handle that much data without any corruption or termination… this is a tip that will come in handy in the future


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