Apple has just announced that it wants all of its products to be carbon-neutral by 2030.
In a post on its newsroom portal, Apple shared that its manufacturing partners now support over 13 gigawatts of renewable electricity around the world, which they say is a nearly 30 percent increase in the last year.
This means that more than 250 suppliers operating across 28 countries are using or planning to use renewable energy for all Apple production by 2030.
Carbon neutral or carbon neutrality means that there is essentially no net release of carbon dioxide emissions to the earth’s atmosphere.
This represents more than 85 percent of the company’s direct manufacturing spend and more than 20 gigawatts in commitments.
The smartphone manufacturer shared that 27 US-based suppliers are already having great success with adopting Apple’s Clean Energy Program. It mentioned Bemis Associates, which has achieved 100 percent renewable electricity for all Apple-related production, and Coherent Corp. which is currently using a green utility program to get to that 2030 end goal.
One of Apple’s main efforts in its carbon-neutral plan is its $4.7 billion spending on Green Bonds, which is financing the expansion of clean energy solutions and emissions reductions around the world. Apple says that its Green Bond spending for 2022 will focus mostly on investments in large-scale solar, low-carbon design, energy efficiency, and carbon removal.{ margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: 30px; } .lwrp .lwrp-title{ }.lwrp .lwrp-description{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-container{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container{ display: flex; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-double{ width: 48%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-triple{ width: 32%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container .lwrp-list-item{ width: calc(25% - 20px); } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item:not(.lwrp-no-posts-message-item){ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item img{ max-width: 100%; height: auto; object-fit: cover; aspect-ratio: 1 / 1; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item.lwrp-empty-list-item{ background: initial !important; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-link .lwrp-list-link-title-text, .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-no-posts-message{ }@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {{ } .lwrp .lwrp-title{ }.lwrp .lwrp-description{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container{ flex-direction: column; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container ul.lwrp-list{ margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-double, .lwrp .lwrp-list-triple{ width: 100%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container{ justify-content: initial; flex-direction: column; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container .lwrp-list-item{ width: 100%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item:not(.lwrp-no-posts-message-item){ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-link .lwrp-list-link-title-text, .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-no-posts-message{ }; }