Rockstar just announced that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City will be coming to Google’s Play Store and the Apple App Store by the 6th of December to celebrate its 10th Anniversary.
It promises to deliver high-resolution graphics and several enhancements such as updated character models, lighting effects and more gameplay options. Rockstar also said that it will feature native support for devices with a Retina Display.
The controls and the interface will probably be similar to the previous game ported to mobile, Grand Theft Auto 3, which also celebrated its 10th Year Anniversary back then.
The game will be compatible with most dual-core Android devices including some other 1 GHz devices. The iPhone 4, 4S & 5, the iPad and the 4th & 5th Generations of the iPod Touch are also compatible with the game.
The mobile gaming industry is really trying catching up with full-fledged gaming systems. In fact, the portable gaming industry is on the decline because of mobile gaming.
Time after time, we can still see some computers that have Vice City installed. Maybe sooner or later, we can see Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas run on more powerful mobile CPUs and GPUs.{ margin-top: 40px; margin-bottom: 30px; } .lwrp .lwrp-title{ }.lwrp .lwrp-description{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-container{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container{ display: flex; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-double{ width: 48%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-triple{ width: 32%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container{ display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container .lwrp-list-item{ width: calc(25% - 20px); } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item:not(.lwrp-no-posts-message-item){ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item img{ max-width: 100%; height: auto; object-fit: cover; aspect-ratio: 1 / 1; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item.lwrp-empty-list-item{ background: initial !important; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-link .lwrp-list-link-title-text, .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-no-posts-message{ }@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {{ } .lwrp .lwrp-title{ }.lwrp .lwrp-description{ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container{ flex-direction: column; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-multi-container ul.lwrp-list{ margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-double, .lwrp .lwrp-list-triple{ width: 100%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container{ justify-content: initial; flex-direction: column; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-row-container .lwrp-list-item{ width: 100%; } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item:not(.lwrp-no-posts-message-item){ } .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-link .lwrp-list-link-title-text, .lwrp .lwrp-list-item .lwrp-list-no-posts-message{ }; }
Yuja says:
I love this game but i think it wont run on my current android unit. oh well. :) Hope its FREE app