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Spotify now features auto-generated transcripts for podcasts

Spotify celebrated International Podcast Day by introducing new features by being the most used audio podcast platform around the world.

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Firstly, they are rolling out auto-generated and time-synced transcripts for podcasts with them continuing to add ways to add media to transcripts in the future.

Users can simply scroll down the Now Playing View to find the transcript and tap the card to go full screen as they listen to the episode.

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Other improvements include its expansion of Podcast Chapters that make it easier to jump into episodes of a specific topic or section.

It is now available globally on mobile by scrolling down the Now Playing View.

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They will also be updating the Podcast Show pages that help users learn more about podcasts before listening to them fully by having additional content available.

Users will now be able to click the “About” tab to view descriptions, images, and episode recommendations from its creators. As well, users can get recommendations for similar podcasts by hitting the “More Like This” tab.

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This also comes after Spotify introduced that it’s piloting a new AI Voice Translation for podcasts that will translate podcasts into different native languages around the world, all in the podcaster’s voice.

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Avatar for Val Jose Mendoza

Hi! I'm VJ Mendoza! Although I just finished my Bachelor's in Nursing, I've always loved tech and to just to get an idea of me, some things I like are anime, video games, sports such as basketball, volleyball and fencing.

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