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Facebook to demote posts that bait engagement

Facebook has announced that they have developed a new machine learning model that can detect posts that use engagement bait tactics, such as those that ask for likes, shares, comments, etc. These posts will then be shown less in people’s news feeds.

In line with one of their “key News Feed values”, which is authenticity, Facebook has warned owners and admins of pages that continuing to use these types of engagement bait tactics will merit a decrease in the reach of their posts.

The company also claims that this implementation will not affect posts of those who are merely asking for “help, advice, or recommendations, such as circulating a missing child report, raising money for a cause, or asking for travel tips”.

Facebook will be rolling out the post-demotion model over the coming weeks.

Source: Facebook Newsroom

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Avatar for Joey Maceda

Joey is YugaTech's Video Production Manager. He constantly puts effort towards his aspirations to be a filmmaker and journalist... when he's not riding his bike, playing games on his PC, watching anime, cooking, and petting his dogs.

1 Response

  1. Avatar for deuts deuts says:

    It’s Facebook’s way of saying “pay up if you want to reach more people”!

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