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Google Docs to integrate project management tools

Google is not contented with Google Docs just being an alternative to Microsoft Word, they’re improving their app by adding more collaboration tools, which transforms Google Docs now into a Project Management Tool.

Google announced that they’re adding two new features to Google Docs: the ‘dropdown chips’ and ‘table templates’.

The Dropdown chips are used to indicate the status of your document or outline the different milestones of your project. The dropdown chip has two default options:

  • Project Status, which shows options for “Not Started”, “Blocked”, “In Progress” and “Complete”
  • Review Status, which shows options for “Not Started”, “In Progress”, “Under Review” and “Approved”.

You can insert a dropdown chip by selecting Insert > Dropdown. Aside from that, you can customize the options and colors of the dropdown chips based on what suits your project.

The Table templates are used to quickly create building blocks for common workflows like launch content tracker, project asset, review tracker, and product roadmap.

To insert a table template, select Insert > Table > Table templates. A sample row of content in the columns of the template will be included to serve as a guide to the user on how to utilize and customize it.

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Avatar for John Christopher Ilano

I'm a frustrated stoic, generalist and tech enthusiast. Service to humanity is the best work of life.

1 Response

  1. Avatar for Caroline Caroline says:

    Google Docs is a pretty good tool, but dedicated document management software is more in demand for businesses. This is because, in addition to saving documents and the same templates, it gives the ability to automate tasks, collect reliable data, structure and analyze it, conduct audits and so on.

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