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Jony Ive to leave Apple, forms new company

Apple has announced the resignation of its Chief Design Officer, Jony Ive, from the company to start an independent design company.

“Jony is a singular figure in the design world and his role in Apple’s revival cannot be overstated, from 1998’s groundbreaking iMac to the iPhone and the unprecedented ambition of Apple Park, where recently he has been putting so much of his energy and care,” said Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Jony Ive will form an independent design company to pursue his personal projects; however, Apple will still be one of his primary clients.

“After nearly 30 years and countless projects, I am most proud of the lasting work we have done to create a design team, process and culture at Apple that is without peer. Today it is stronger, more vibrant and more talented than at any point in Apple’s history,” said Jony Ive

The company’s design team leaders comprising of Evans Hankey (Vice President of Industrial Design) and Alan Dye (Vice President of Human Interface Design) will now report to Jeff Williams who is Apple’s Chief Operating Officer (COO).

Jony Ive started working in Apple back in 1992 which means he left the company after 27 years of being in the company.

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Vaughn is your go-to person when it comes to comparing gadgets especially smartphones. He's also a gamer by heart and the "Hackerman" of the team.

1 Response

  1. Avatar for M M says:

    how i wish they they will do a remake if their of their IP4s.. i like its size.. the reason why i dont buy new iPhone (still using the iPse) is due to its larger sizes.. cant manage to have a single hand operation when needed..

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