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LG announces development of fingerprint scanner under the screen

We usually see fingerprint scanners at the back of a smartphone or embedded within the home button. This time, LG Innotek, an affiliate of the South Korean phone giant, announces that it has developed a new sensor that could be placed under the handset’s display.


The company has been proud in letting the people know that it was able to slip a fingerprint sensor into a tiny 0.01-inch space under the smartphone cover glass. The development of this technology would no longer require the security sensor to have a dedicated space for it and could open the possibility of waterproofing the entire device since it could now be designed in such a way that there will be no gaps for water to seep in.

According to LG, using this kind of fingerprint sensor is comparable to the ones used now and will even help reduce smartphone malfunctions. There are still no word when we’ll be seeing this innovation on smartphones but a spokesperson from the company mentioned to Korea Times that they are in talks with smartphone manufacturers about commercializing the new sensors this year.

{Via }

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Kevin Bruce Francisco is the Senior Editor and Video Producer for YugaTech. He's a Digital Filmmaking graduate who's always either daydreaming of traveling or actually going places on his bike. Follow him on Twitter for more tech updates @kevincofrancis.

1 Response

  1. Avatar for soon_soon soon_soon says:

    I see a possible G6 for this one. And I’ll be waiting for it!

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