As a result of LG and Hyundai’s partnership, the LG CLOi GuideBot will now be greeting and assisting visitors at the Hyundai Motor Studio in Goyang, South Korea.
Developed by LG, the CLOi GuideBot is a personable robot that can answer questions and offer information. The robot has been in use at Incheon International Airport, the largest airport in South Korea, assisting travelers and becoming an airport ambassador as well. In Hyundai’s experience studio, guests can interact with CLOi via voice or the built-in touchscreen.
Visitors can ask the robot for directions, be escorted by CLOi in certain locations, and the like. Selfies with CLOi are also welcome as well. To help visitors easily interact with the CLOi GuideBot, the robot’s interface is available in three languages – English, Korean, Chinese. At the moment, there is only one CLOi GuideBot at the Hyundai Motor Studio Goyang; both LG and Hyundai plan on increasing the number of GuideBots in the following months.