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Twitter partners with eToro to bring real-time tracking and trading for stocks and crypto

Twitter and eToro have announced a partnership in bringing real-time prices on stocks, crypto, and other financial assets to the social media platform.

Currently, Twitter allows users to view trading data on stocks and crypto via the “Cashtags” feature or simply put a dollar sign “$” before the ticker symbol such as $BTC or $SPY.

Etoro Twitter

As reported by CNBC , the new integration is said to cover even more asset classes and instruments for users to view market charts as well as buy and sell stocks, crypto, and other assets from eToro by simply clicking on the “View on eToro” button.

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Avatar for Val Jose Mendoza

Hi! I'm VJ Mendoza! Although I just finished my Bachelor's in Nursing, I've always loved tech and to just to get an idea of me, some things I like are anime, video games, sports such as basketball, volleyball and fencing.

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