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Business World: Earning Money through Blogs

Just got word from Business World contributor Anne Nerissa Alina that the feature article about problogging is now out today and tomorrow (September 22-23 issue). The column can be found Section 3, page 2 of BW Weekender and entitled Earning Money through Blogs. The online version (downloadable PDF format) is exclusive to subscribers though.

In it were interviews with Filipina-Aussie b5media owner Shai Coggins, problogger Ruth Schaffer and some reference to Darren Rowse.

Grab a copy of Business World tomorrow. I’m got one free at Starbucks. :D Just a note though that this feature is just a primer on problogging so if you’ve already reading my blog here for a year, there’s not much to learn from it (except the one that Ruth revealed about pulling in Php30,000 for her problogging sideline).

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

14 Responses

  1. Avatar for Anonimus Anonimus says:

    photo gut

  2. Avatar for ruth ruth says:

    nothing surprising about the P30K. i know a few pinoy bloggers earning much more than that, and from just one blog at that.

    for us based in europe (or for those in the US), $500 to 600 is not much, actually. those of you in pinas have much more buying power, i guess…

  3. Avatar for Basang Panaginip Basang Panaginip says:

    The free online article can be found here:


  4. Avatar for Shai Shai says:

    Thanks for the heads-up, Abe. I didn’t know about this article. I don’t remember granting an interview. I only heard it from my sis yesterday. My family in Manila couldn’t find a copy as of yet, as we weren’t watching out for it. I was hoping to read a copy online at least. Oh, and by the way, the link to BW seems to be down.

    Interesting comment from Dave Starr, about ProBlogging being linked to Australia. I never really thought of it that way because I see so many probloggers from all over the world. Having said that, b5media.com is 75% Aussie-owned even if we’re based in Canada.

    Ahhh… maybe that’s why Darren was attributed as being North American. :-)

  5. Avatar for Dexter Zafra Dexter Zafra says:

    I know a couple of guys here in LA that made a living through blogging. These guys made $3,000 and living a very good lifestyle, not really the Amercian dream but a comfortable lving. If I can pull out $6,000 a month from blogging or my portal site. I will quit my job.

  6. Avatar for Dave Starr Dave Starr says:

    You are, of course, correct, Sir Abe.

    I’ll be Joe, you be Juan de la Cruz ;-)

  7. Avatar for Ben Uy Ben Uy says:

    cool article

  8. Avatar for Paul Paul says:

    The link to your article is free.

  9. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Hi Dave,

    I was going to text her as well and correct that Darren was Aussie. And I guess, all white men are kano. *hehehe*

  10. Avatar for Dave Starr Dave Starr says:

    Kind of an interesting piece, a creditable job of trying to cover a big global subject in a relatively short business journal article. However, it gave me a bit of a shock to find that she described Darren Rowse (ProBlogger.net) as “US-based”. Darren is a born and bred Aussie, liivng in Melbourne with his wife “V” and new-born son “X” (Xavier) in the “house that Google bought”… one of Darren’s more successful blog stories where he described how after several years as a paid minister in his church and other part-time work, he and V were able to buy a small house with their income from AdSense. All this is common knowledge and/or available right off Darren’s “about” pages. I’m sure Darren will be a bit amazed that he’s been transformed overnight into a Yank ;-) (or are all us Caucasians really Kanos? LoL)

    There’s actually a very good story there for someone who wanted to write it (blog it)… why the relatively recent phenomena of ProBlogging is so central to Australia. Several big blog networks developed from and/or are headquartered in Oz and a number of “celebrity bloggers” are Australian.


    Great blog!
    Fore more nostalgia, check out:


    Maraming salamat!

  12. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    Oops, I failed to mention I’m in it too. :D

  13. Avatar for Noemi Noemi says:

    You should be featured next. You practically inspired clueless bloggers to take the leap. :)

  14. Avatar for Miguel Miguel says:

    So now blogging is in the “business papers.” When’s the Yuga feature?

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