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Why Probloggers want more traffic?

While blogging is all about content and conversations, we cannot avoid the fact that each blogger has their own motivations on why they blog. As they say, “whatever rocks your boat!“.

As for professional bloggers, traffic is one of the top indicators of a blog’s success. Jason Calacanis of AOL and WeblogsInc would jump up and down whenever Engadget, JoyStiq and DownloadSquad would hit all-time highs in the 10 Million pageviews a month.

For probloggers like J and I want more traffic for the sheer idea that it might translate to revenues. (Notice those eBay ads all over?)

Take for example the Adsense Site Targetting feature where advertisers can advertise on your site on a CPM basis (Cost Per Thousand impressions, the letter “M” in the abbreviation is the Roman numeral for one thousand). That means advertisers pay/bid for their ad to be shown on your blog based on the number of times their ads are shown. Let’s say with a CPM rate of $8 and a total pageviews/impressions of 3,000 per day, you get $24 ($8 x 3). So the more traffic you get, the higher your earnings for the day.

With CPM, you no longer need to have your ads clicked before you earn from it, however, you also don’t earn extra if someone did click on the ads.

Inq7.net has a similar advertising scheme at $7 CPM and at 41 Million pageviews a month, you can just imagine how much they earn from it (potentially 41,000 x $7).

So there, traffic is essentially that important. :)

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Avatar for Abe Olandres

Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.

15 Responses

  1. Avatar for r3k0mz r3k0mz says:

    actually… i am just new is this way of earnings.. my questions are:
    1. what are the best ways of getting more hits.
    2. how to increase traffic in a blog.
    3. is using a autohits site degal or illegal.
    4. if it is legal, can it also add some hit points?
    5. can you recommend a very effective ways of creating and boosting a blog..


    and your my IDOL sir Yuga

  2. Avatar for Adelaide Adelaide says:

    Nice..nice post.

  3. Avatar for Abby Abby says:

    Looks nice

  4. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ little light

    My point is in the context of “problogging” and not “blogging” in general. That means blogging as a career much like journalists, copywriters, medical transcriptionists.

    Actors get bonuses when they hit a certain amount of ticket sales, singers get the same if their album hits gold or platinum… I haven’t met a professional artists who doesn’t want more “hits”.

    Probloggers want more “hits” as well.

  5. Avatar for little light little light says:

    sorry. it’s your, not you’re. :P

  6. Avatar for little light little light says:

    i don’t think so, mister. some people refuse to compromise the essence of their beings to the demands the market.

    were you at the blogging summit organized by PCIJ? you’re url is familiar. i think it was mentioned there.

  7. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ jobert

    You’d be surprised a lot of people/organization are emailing me telling me that they take PinoyTopBlogs very seriously. ;)

    Hits is one thing, converting the hits is another.

    @ arn

    With regular contextual ads like Adsense, CPM fluctuates a lot because it depends on the value of the CTR over ad impressions. However, I notice that CPM tends to even up as your traffic increases.

    @ kzap

    I placed a link up there.

  8. Avatar for kzap kzap says:

    whered you get 41million from? thats a good number though
    $7 is quite the norm for direct ad buys on authority sites like inq7.net

    traffic is good if it pays for itself, if not it hurts your wallet

  9. Avatar for Miguel Miguel says:

    Getting there!

    Anyway, to get back to the topic… while revenue is good, traffic is also a measure of influence. That influence can earn them even more in real life.

  10. Avatar for arn arn says:

    One of my sites (myblog) has a CPM of 0.01 dollars in some days, while my other site (service oriented hosted in blogspot) has a CPM of 207.00 dollars in certain days – the CPM fluctuates. What could be reason for this fluctuations? hehehe because I wanted the 207 CPM most of the time.

  11. Avatar for jobert jobert says:

    US$7 per cpm? Wow that’s a lot.

    Truth to tell, I wasn’t really aware of what problogging was all about. I had the assumption it was just a new catchphrase to drop in a conversation to make one look cool.

    I guess it’s now the multi-level marketing model for the 21st century. Instead of downlines, it’s hits.

  12. Avatar for Abe Olandres Abe Olandres says:

    @ Manuel

    There will be highly performing blogs and there will be some that won’t. Yes, her main blog might not earn enough for the dedicated server, but it’s not her main blog that caused the hiccup (see PinoyTopBlogs for stats reference). ;)

    @ Markku

    When the Adsense introduced Site Targetting last year, I already noticed several “direct Adsense advertiser” on my blog/s way back in September pa. I guess you need not look for them, they will look for you. Maybe the more “focus” blogs you have, the better the chances of being targetted. Remember that site targetting spreads across your entire Adsense account and not just a single site.

    @ Migs

    Ahhh, compadre, I’m nowhere near their league. :D

  13. Avatar for Miguel Miguel says:

    How about John Battelle’s Federated Media? You’re in his league.

  14. Avatar for markku markku says:

    So where do we get high paying cost-per-impression ads? :)

  15. Avatar for Manuel Viloria Manuel Viloria says:

    Hi Abe,

    I read that one of Sassy’s sites hiccuped a couple of times. I’m assuming it’s from the high traffic. Yet it doesn’t earn enough to cover the dedicated server costs.

    Perhaps up to a certain point, traffic is great. Beyond that point, it’s just a cost (from a problogging point of view).

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