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Globe 3G: 5 Pesos Internet and Disconnection Charges

Globe 3G may be facing some serious issues this month due to frequent disconnection charges on their 5 Peso per 15 minute rates. Last month, Globe introduced time-based charging on top of the previous kilobyte rates — a pleasant development to loyal Globe subscribers. Problem though is the arbitrary disconnection/reconnection charges.

A friend who’s a long-time Globe subscriber recounted that she got a call from Globe’s Customer Support telling her that her accounts has an outstanding balance of Php4,900USD 83INR 7,079EUR 80CNY 608+. More than half of these charges are from her mobile internet usage.

Globe 3GShe was informed that for a couple of weeks last April, she made several hundred connections to Globe 3G. She explained to the CSR that she tried using Globe 3G but hooking it up to her laptop while staying in the province. However, the connections never really worked because she wouldn’t get any internet to her laptop at all.

It turns out that despite the handset being able to connect to 3G, her laptop was not getting the shared internet connection. This prompted her to disconnect and reconnect multiple times, unknowingly being charged 5 Pesos for each try. All these time, she’s being charged for internet time she never really used.

The Globe Customer Service Rep was helpful enough and told her she can just make a dispute once she gets her next billing. It’s possible other subscribers may be experiencing this as well. My suggestion to Globe would be to not charge any connection that is dropped in less than 30 seconds. Another way is to cap reconnection charges — say if you made 5 connections in 15 minutes, they don’t charge you 5 x 5 Pesos (Php25USD 0.43INR 36EUR 0.41CNY 3) but only charge you Php10USD 0.17INR 14EUR 0.16CNY 1; or if you reconnected within 90 seconds, it will still be considered as one session and instead of two. I’m sure they can improve on their billing system to resolve this issue.

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. SMART has the very same problem. Despite telling all their subscribers that they charge for the continous 30 minutes despite disconnections, a lot of Smart subscribers still get charged another P10 after every reconnection.

    I’ve tried it myself. I have two identical Smart Prepaid SIMs and I’ve tried reconnecting within the 30 minute period. One SIM only got charged for the first connection but the other got charged for two connections.

    This is not an isolated case. Majority of the Smart subscribers that I know are being charged for every connection.

  2. i have a similar billing problem with my connecting my laptop to my smart 3G.

    rather harsh a lesson learned… especially due to the fact that it’s moolah down the drain.

  3. It’s GREED I tell you, GREED.

  4. @jhay
    capitalists? hehehe :D

  5. @Dusty – that’s a pretty sweeping accusation. I use Smart 3G several times a day (pretty impulsively actually) for surfing, twittering, and photo uploads. Yet my data bill is pretty low because I log in and out during the same 30 minute session. I also have a few Smart prepaid SIMs that I use for data connections with various phones and HSDPA modems. The load goes a long way – again because you can drop in and out of a 30 minute session at a single charge.

    Tell you what, next time you *think* you have a charging problem with Smart , contact me through my site (http://jimayson.com – oh and stick around for the articles too) – leave me your prepaid numbers and the time of the incidents and we can run a trace of those transactions so we can see what’s goin’ on.

  6. @Jim

    Sure, I’ll do the test again. It’s been months since I tried that and since then I don’t try to reconnect anymore after I get disconnected unless I really have to. Atleast not with the SIM that kept charging me.

    I’ll take some shots and send you the results.

    P.S. I remember reporting this to Smart Customer Support a few times and I got some pretty inconsistent explanations. Some saying that it should charge only for the 1st connection during the 30 minutes while other times they say that it really charges per connection. Hmmmmm …

  7. People have to file a class action. They’re raking in money but the service is very poor. We can do this together.

  8. Yes this is very much true becoz I experience the same problem. On their wap site it stated there that “10 pesos for 30min running time regardless of the number of connection”. But the truth behind this is there’s inconsistency on how they are charging us (both networks)unfortunately. I also tried to use another SIM from SMART but shows now problem at all bcoz its post paid hehehe(can they manipulate any discrepancies easily???hehehehe). As per customercare of SMART its for every connection(playingsafe). hahahaha DTI what do you think. hmmmmmm……

  9. @Jim

    hmmmmm… can really help us coz SMART customercare is not that very helpfull! last week Thurday May 1,2008 after 45 mins of very excruciating long talk, I told that gal that its in the newspaper and the promo behind using this internet. Unfortunately they really not helping me instead they advise me that this will be reported to the technical dept and wait for a call. Until now no call.

  10. @atty-in-law : yup, if you think something screwy is happening, send me the mobile number and the approximate time of the incident via email and we’ll do a trace of the call records.

    Contact me thru my sites:

  11. @atty-in-law : yup, if you think something screwy is happening, send me the mobile number and the approximate time of the incident via email and we’ll do a trace of the call records.

    Contact me thru my site.

  12. @jim

    no offense but I don’t just give my number specially to a total stranger just preventing to get SPAM. If you can really help advise them to improve what they are doing. right now I rate them zero out of 10. By-d-way I already called them and give all the details. Better to talk to your guys and check if my concerns are being escalated.

  13. Teka Globe Issue to ah??? My share I have a problem with myGlobe as they say it is, but its not. As much as they would like to be flexible to us subscribers they just made it worst. I watch youtube on my mobile but for every disconnection i am charge for the new one. i can say I am a pioneer of this flexible browsing rates since it was out and experience all you guys have told. Globe also have poor CS and After sales. What if they thing of a unlimited flat rate internet charging for a month in a more attractive price that would fix their billing issues. from the looks of it we all look for convenience here and right now we all are not satisfied.

  14. @dusty & atty@law,

    Been using Smart 3G using my prepaid SIM for over a year now and have only had a few occasions where I think I got overcharged. Never had to deal with Customer Support though so I can’t say much on that department.

  15. @yuga & @jim

    yuga tolerable charges 4 sure. But when it reaches 5-6k for this service in a month. This is unacceptable!

  16. i remember the “drop call” days… LMAO!

    i hope that there is a “special number” in mobile internet connection that offers seconds charging like 232 + mobile # so that we will not be charged with the minutes na hindi natin nagagamit. deym all phil telcos! >=(

  17. Mine or their problem is the Globe broadband:

    Been without internet and phone connection five days. I reported it five times. Five times no action.

    Their apology is getting hypocritical to my hearing.

  18. Globe should adopt the scheme being used by dial-up internet cards. Instead of tracking the disconnections, why not simply track the time the user have ACTUALLY USED? That is relatively easier coz Globe can track its users based on their SIM card, just what Mozcom and others are using based on the username/password on the internet card. And the billing? Users will be charged from their load in advance. Simple, isn’t it?

  19. 3G is expensive and slow . Wifi is free in any coffeeshop.

  20. I think they should really drop the disconnection charges, and just charge P5 for 15 minutes; never mind how many times you have to disconnect/connect.

  21. Dispute, on next billing? Good Luck.

    We did that numerous times already and guess what Globe gave us? A 2-digit discount. In other words, Globe still forced us to pay for Internet we did not use, and forced us to pay for an Internet Service that is most of the time below the 2/3 connection ISPs are required to give to their customers.

    But what can we do? If we jump to PLDT’s, it is the same thing. And there is no Eastern or Bayantel here in Makati, regardless, people also report the same issues.

    So talk about multi-monopoly.
    No Consumer Protection Laws
    No Anti-Trust Laws
    No, nothing, not-a-thing

  22. @Jeffrey

    Mine or their problem is the Globe broadband:

    Been without internet and phone connection five days. I reported it five times. Five times no action.

    Their apology is getting hypocritical to my hearing.

    Haha, I have a list of their apologies and explanations. Example, “nasagi nung isang kasamahan namin ung connection ninyo sa box”, yeah right. Then second time around, “nahugot nung isang tao namin ung connection ninyo sa box, nag-che-check kasi un every week baka may illegal connection”, yeah right again.

  23. they should definitely fix this problem. when i was still with smart, i was never double (or triple) charged for connecting more than once within my 30 minutes of use.

    btw, has Globe’s 3G connection gone worse or is it just me?

  24. Serving prepaid mobile data services for GPRS is a real challenge. Using PARLAY or CAMEL helps in terms of billing.

  25. To ALL!!!! As of 6:00 AM Monday May 12, 2008 from may last checkdown and balance ionquiry ni Globe. And there is a big screw up on my billing the breakdown of my consumption and the total charges did not tally for 1Kplus. madaya talaga Globe. Di reliable ang billing… I am making now a formal complaint coz Globe is not willing to help.

  26. since many Smart subscribers have spoken (even if this post is really meant for Globe 3G), all i can say is.. i have never been overcharged whilst using Smart 3G, GPRS services both on my phone and laptop from d time they offered a flat rate

  27. hi jim
    i also agree with you since I have tried to access the internet using my Smart phone and I was charged accordingly. If in case I encounter a questionable charding can I also give you the prepaid number so you could help me out? btw, do you know anyone from smart? since i can see that you’re capable of tracing the call records : ) Just a quesion. Thanks : )

  28. I just want to file a complaint against globe telecoms for my charges on my postpaid phone bill . I dont know who I can approach to help me.

    My phone line (Mobile Postpaid) has just been activated and after a few days i was billed for about 4 thousand plus because of my internet usage for about less than 2 hours only. I have just used the phone (postpaid line) as my modem in browsing the internet not knowing that they will charge me for this huge amount of 4 thousand.

    The customer representative has confirmed to me after browsing the internet that their internet charges will be Php 0.15 per Kilobyte (15 Centavos per KB) not per minute or per hour. I was shocked because I just browsed the internet for less than 2 hours and this is what they billed me. Unrealistic statements given to me by Globe Telecoms which I am not happy about as this is not right. They do not have any standards on charging people in browsing the internet like per hour basis. YOu’ll soon find out that your bill has elapsed your monthly limit which is the plan that you signed for.

    It seems like I have a broadband service installed for a month for a 10 based computers. This is more than expensive for me. 2 hours on the internet and billed for 4 thousand pesos? This is a scam!!!

    First and foremost, I was not aware that they are charging per kilobyte when you browse the net. Secondly, they did not discuss to me the charges I might incur in using their service when i signed up with them and lastly, I am not an internet business with 10 business computers.

    I have tried speaking with their centre several times and I get just 1 answer for my question, “the charges are valid!”

    This has not happened to one person only, I knew someone too who was charged for huge amount because of using the postpaid line in surfing the net.

    I am willing to pay the said amount but please investigate on this matter as many subscribers might be charged with huge amounts if they are not aware of this.

    This charges should be discussed to new postpaid subscribers!

    I thought I can set my budget on postpaid lines, I was wrong!

    I hope the Senate Committee can also bring this issue up with the Globe personnel.

    My monthly billing statement has not yet arrived so I am not able to submit any evidences yet.

    I hope you can help me with this.

  29. Hey Taro! Did you get your problem settled yet? I thought maybe we could file a complain on this believe it or not but the charges you incurred is too small with what I just found out.

    I went home to our province for the weekend because of the US holidays so friday was pretty much an off day. Since I still had some emails to cover I borrowed my sisters globe tattoo but inserted my postpaid sim card in it. after using it over the weekend and when I inserted my sim back to my phone I found out my line was redirected meaning I could no longer make any calls or send text. I did not bother to check on it until I was driving back top Manila yesterday and while I was on the road I used a Smart cellphone to get in touch with Globe’s customer service hotline. Lo and behold, I found out that my line was temporarily disconnected due to my internet usage over the weekend which amounts to over Php56,000.00. I could not believe it at first and I almost forgot that I was driving but the representative I was talking to told me the exact same thing I was billed on 15 cents per kilobyte usage. I told her it was ridiculous, I could already buy a server and run my own website on that, or run a 10 pc internet cafe for goodness sake. I asked the lady to note that I will be filing a claim against it.

    In addition I will be checking if I can get to DTI and file a complain against Globe Telecom for misleading the customer. If I had known I will get charge with that amount I should have just went into an internet cafe and rented.

  30. I have the same experience of how Globe robbed me of my internet surfing charged to my post paid account (plan 800 + 250 only and a credit limit of 3,000.00). I had 3-hour net surfing last May 31, 2009. All I knew i should be charged with the 20.00/hour rate as Globe always offer on bilboards and other promo ads. NEVER that they post a KB browsing default setting. Later on the first week of June,Globe told me I incurred a net surfing fee of P 32,849.36. This is much much higher than my monthly salary. I hope we can be given due justice of this. Very indecent!

  31. I too have the same problem, I am billed for P 16,000 using my postpaid line for web browsing 2 hours only. We need a good assistance here for web browsing billing. Please update the site for solution.

  32. that’s the problem of screwing the customers, it greediness, they are thinking a strategy to earn fast,to win but loss the valuable users, i supposed to use internet on my mobile when i’ll be back there but it’s so disgusting guys, because i used to have a per minute charging here in thailand.
    Well, sad to say, thailand has good marketing strategy towards internet than in our country folks.. yucks… greed!!!
    If they want to win the costumers,think win win, not win loss

  33. big bully investors think of these:

    THINK WIN WIN and both the investors and customers can enjoy, think win loss, or loss win at the same end it is loss loss…

  34. Hi Taro, Elf, Angelita and Rich! How did Globe respond to your concerns? I, too, am in the same boat.
    We were having problems with our sky broadband connection since thursday last week so we decided to borrow a friend’s visibility modem and used my postpaid account to connect, confident that it would only cost P5 per 15 mins as advertised. Imagine my suprise this morning when i checked my unbilled charges thru 2312, my internet usage amounted to about 12K+ for a few hours of internet connection over the wkend. It turns out, you have to manually switch settings to Time-based charging, otherwise, the default mode would still be the per kb charging. Now, who in his right mind would still use a per Kb charging if you can browse at P5 per 15mins?!?!
    Anyway, I filed a request to reverse charges and bill me on time charging basis. Customer Service has informed me that as of now, the charges remain valid, and they cannot act on it until after my cut-off date as soon as the official billing statement is generated. I am hoping that they will act on it favorably. Pag hindi, mga Putang Ina nila!

  35. Good grief this is a scheme of Globe to rob the customers!

  36. As of this date, Globe still insists I have to pay the KB browsing rate. I kept sending the network of arguments why I should not pay but to no avail. As of August 31, I was disconnected and obliged to pay the monthly service pay (1,050.00) without enjoying any outgoing contact… Masaya kaya ang Globe dito? My subscription still ends October next year, so imagine the monthly collection Globe gets from a lowly paid employee,a consequence of their own mistake (failure to set an option to clients unfavorable to KB browsing rate) which they passed the burden to subscribers. Sana yayaman at gaganda ang buhay ng mga officers ng Globe who have the discretion to decide of a such an anti customer prerogative….

  37. Any news about your disputes to globe on the outrageous internet charges?

    I find myself in the same situation and have been billed more than 8k for my internet usage. What’s ironic about it is that I went online to download freeware – powerpoint reader and acrobat reader. I thought that by using my phone as modem it would cost me at most P45 for the download – and got the shock of my life when somebody from globe called me 3 days later that my unbilled balance for internet usage was more than 8K!

    I am determined not to pay this amount. I hope that all of you have had positive results with your own disputes with Globe regarding this matter.

  38. To Taro, Elf, Angelita, Rich and Presy. I just had the same experience as you guys. I was charged 14K+ last month for browsing the internet for an hour. I used my postpaid SIM (using Globe tatoo usb drive) to browse the internet. I wonder what happened to your complaints. I already got a disconnection notice from Globe. I still have to call again but after reading your predicaments, it seems that there’s no assurance or whatever that Globe will reverse all these charges. The first time I called I was also told that I was charged based on a per kilobyte basis. I really think this is a SCAM!!!. There was no supporting document that would say such thing. Even when I inserted my SIM to the Globe tattoo, there was no warning or whatsoever regarding the charging scheme. It was only after they charged me of 14K that they told me to shift to TIME-based scheme. I told the CS that how come that customers were not informed that there exists such scheme. It was really disappointing for a company like GLOBE to do this.

    Is there anybody here who can help us? Where or whom can we raise this concern?

    This problem has been really causing me too much stress already. I have been a Globe subsriber for more than 10 years and I can’t believe that I will encounter this.

  39. DMD – Its been over six months now and all globe customer service can tell me is that they will be working on it. Everytime I call them they tell me that they will get me feedback but I have yet to hear anything from this company. My line has been redirected for a few months now and I have not payed my monthly due since then because I specifically told them that unless they get my problem corrected I will not pay it. The have tried to negotiate with me to pay half of it by I insisted that they really fix or I will not pay. My line has just been permanently disconnected today. I will be calling them again today to follow up and I am very sure it will be again an unpleasant conversation with this company.

    One thing I found out recently is that, even though you have switched to TIME based duration scheme is that it will expire after sometime. I been able to get copies of documents that I can at least present to some people in this company when I got to one of their business center personally and try to at least get this settled. If you guys are anywhere near Gateway Cubao, we can at least try to gather up and be in group to complain about this SCAM from this shame of a company and condemn this bad practice.

    You may contact me at mornings****@****.***

  40. For me, twas November 2009 when Globe permanently disconnected my postpaid plan due to that kb browsing very invalid rate!. I suggest we have to send online complaint to the NTC website. I have the idea that if we all complain, it means that there is really wrong in that KB browsing rate anti-customer/ client promo strategy. I heard feedback that when a complain is made by only few customers, Globe does not mind at all and even tells the customer that “not many has the same complain”, hence’ no support from the network.. I received also the Globe letter from their attorney, threatening me for lawsuit.. I also stopped paying my monthly bills since December last year. I am wiling to join all those who have the same situation as mione. At any rate, all we wish is to have a fair treatment by anyone. Please keep in touch

  41. To Taro, Elf, Angelita, Rich and Presy, had the same experience 3 days ago. my total unbilled usage was Php 8.6k for tattoo usage 4-6hrs only. Very poor internet speed, and i get to pay this absurd amount.
    It is a betrayal of public trust. This company should be given what is due for them.

  42. Globe telecome has so far sent me legal letters through law offices they have hired perhaps. I consider the act as harassment! I t is a threat that for those who are trapped will just pay. I still insist I must not pay. If you have taken favorable assistance, just share me thru this email address: deliver2_ajp****@****.***. Hope to know updates from all of us.

  43. Although I Have different scenario than the others. Mine internet provider is globe, and the came up with a new promo for my current plan which is 512kbps for Php795. But currently i’m still paying the old rate of Php995 per month. My contract with them is over a year ago and the didn’t mind to inform me of their new rate, i.e., should be paying the new rate 795 instead of 995. I don’t see any concern at all from their side….
    I leave it up to you to decide.

  44. i have the same problem guys, i was charged almost 11k in wap. God! i dont what else i can do. I Tried to send an email to ntc but the website is not available. Shit!

  45. Hi. I have P13,058.35 bill for internet/wap. I just saw it on my bill online. Ludacris! My line’s temporarily suspended. Just want to know if you have any luck having these charges waived, reversed or trimmed down? It was ignorance in my part, I know. But come on! I will be writing a letter to our our account officer. Hope you can give some pointers on what to include just to back up my claim. Thanks!

    (just like most of you guys, I was also unaware that I was on kb browsing having been used to timed browsing from smart)


  46. Hi. I have P13,058.35 bill for internet/wap. I just saw it on my bill online. Ludacris! My line’s temporarily suspended. Just want to know if you have any luck having these charges waived, reversed or trimmed down? It was ignorance in my part, I know. But come on! I will be writing a letter to our account officer. Hope you can give some pointers on what to include just to back up my claim. Thanks!

    (just like most of you guys, I was also unaware that I was on kb browsing having been used to timed browsing from smart)


  47. Ngayon wala na talaga akong tiwala sa GLOBE, twice na ako naka try na mag overcharge sila sa akin.
    1ast sa share-a load then ngayon naman sa internet usage sa phone na hindi ko naman ginagamit.

    Last September 21 & 24 naka tanggap ako ng update sa 290 kung magkano ang unbilled usage ko so far
    okay naman on track pero noong last September 26, 2010 which is 1.5 days lang since I receive my last update
    na shock nalang ako that my unbilled usage is P2,051 pesos. Nagtext ako agad sa PLAN UNBILLED 2312 to know
    my breakdown usage at doon ko nakita na they charge me P1,743.86pesos of internet usage. I decided to transfer
    my postpaid sim to my N2330 assuming na mag stop ang charging sa internet. Unfortunately, hindi pala kasi nakatangap
    na naman ako ng update on the following day na ang unbilled usage ko is P3,210pesos at naka received na naman man ako last
    October 2010 total of P3,653pesos

    I went to SM globe to complaint on this matter at ng expect ako ng positive feedbak pero disappointed ang mga after sales
    para nakinig lang sila sa akin na wala naman ginagawa na para-an o suggestion man lang kung paano ma solve ang problem.
    I explain to them na may lapses ang charging nila at babayran ko lang ang mga usage na ginagamit ko except sa internet ang
    sinagot lang ng babae sa akin “Ma’am hindi man kami ang gumagamit ng phone mo” na kakainis talaga.grrr!!!!

    Marami akong hindi maintindihan sa services sa globe aside sa overcharging ang “CUT OFF”. Suppose to be ang cut of ko is
    every 26th of the month pero naka tanggap pa rin ako ng update September 27 & October 2 at yun “credit limit”na binigay nila
    parang wala lang sana kung magkano ang credit limit ng isa customer kung mag exceed na ang customer i-cut sana nila ang line
    then tawagan nila ang customer na over na sila sa credit limit bayaran muna nila kahit half para mabalik ang line.

    At dahil dun nagtanong2x ako sa mga friend ko kung may kilala sila na ng work sa globe kasi desperada na talaga ako at na
    apektohan na ang work ko sa kaiisip sa charges na hindi ko naman ginagamit. At my friend ako na tinulungan nya ako kasi
    may kilala siya sa luob wala question at walang investigation o something hiningi lang nya ang original billing ko at sinabihan
    niya ang friend ko na e adjust lang namin toh one time at tanggalin namin ang APN I think sa system nila kasi natanggal naman
    ang APN sa phone ko. Then one time week after sinabi ng friend ko 741pesos nalang ang babayaran ko mo reflex ang adjustment
    ko daw sa next billing ko.

    Sabi na manager ko na naka experience din ng overcharging sa smart na hanggan ngayon under
    approval pa ang adjustment na mas swerti daw ako kasi may kilala ang friend ko ng work sa globe paano nalang daw ang
    mga ordinary customers na walang kakilala na magtiis na magbayad sa malaking amount na na charge ng network.

    Gusto ko sana mag reklamo sa NTC regarding overcharging ng mga network on mobile internet para ma stop na tong SCAM na toh.
    kasi hindi talaga nakakatulong sa mga customer nila pero hindi ko alam kung sino ang lalapitan ko kahit maglog ako sa site nila
    may error. Kung may plano kau lalapit din sa NTC count me in tutulong ako na ma stop na toh.

  48. I just want to share with you the same experience, im using postpaid sim , under corporate account, for seven years I never experience such huge amount of billing. Last November 2010, my HR approach me about my globe billing and found out that it was incurred a Php18K , internet usage is 10k which I have to pay thru payroll deduction, I was so shocked about it but I cant do anything bec I know that I used my sim for internet connection in my house but i only used it once, so Im still bothered and cant accept the fact that I have to pay Php10K wow. Me and my husband are still not comfortable for that huge internet charges, so we went to globe service center in sm southmall on Dec 31, the customer rep is not giving us the full details bec the full detailed report is not downloaded yet in the system, so we went home thinking the next bill might be adjusted. Until Jan 5, 2011 , we still want to have an assurance and we found out that my December billing already incurred PHP 130K , hah! we are so shocked and I feel so cold and abt to fall in my seat when I heard that, cust rep says for 2days, Globe is charging me for Php 130K, NO WAY! thats why me and my husband is searching the same thing Ive experienced thru this. I just hope that the act rep who handles our company’s acct can help me bec if not we will definitely raised this up to higher authority NTC, DTI,Senate etc. Hope we can help each other as we have the same sentiment with GLOBE! btw, my officemate is a new victim having been billed with PHP28K for internet usage. We are all victim we should not pay them for this. they have to fix their problem , we are being trapped with their system, P.15/KB ridiculous if we are aware of time browsing but still too high for me. PLEASE we can help each other and stop this modus of Globe.

  49. i never received billing statement from the october 2010 to present….

  50. I am shocked that this is still a problem. Globe must be raking up a lot of money from its consumers that it does not do anything to rectify or address this problem publicly -there is not even one ad on this in any of their media announcements – in my case, after I got hit with that 9k bill for 30 minutes of internet usage in November 2009, the customer service person who called me up told me that i could change the internet connection setting by just texting an sms message to their server — it was that simple and i would automatically get the lower internet rates — but even after several months of haggling with them I could not have the 9k bill reversed — so I did what all of you should do — I paid the 9k bill just so they can’t sue me or take any legal action against me and gave up my postpaid plan with them.

    Now I am so much happier with SMART for calls and text messages and using Sun mobile to connect to the internet.

    If all of us move to their competitor, and it hurts their bottom line, then they will probably see the light.

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