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How’s your DSL in the Philippines?

Joey Alarilla asks “Do we actually have broadband in RP?”. Yeah, we do, it’s called Digital Substandard Lines. *heh*

Been hooked up on DSL for about 4 years now. Before that, I languished in crappy dial up connection. I started with Greendot at 256Kbps for Php2,750USD 47INR 3,973EUR 45CNY 341 for about a year before I moved to PLDT DSL paying Php1,995USD 34INR 2,882EUR 32CNY 248 at 384Kbps speeds. They then upgraded the accounts across the board and my Plan 1995 got 512Kbps, went up to 786Kbps and now at 1.2Mbps.

If you think about it, the 384Kbps cap is now 1.2Mbps after 4 years at the same monthly rate. I should be happy right? Well, in a way yeah. Them DSL providers would make you think/feel the same. The premium residential packages now are at 2.2Mbps and 5Mbps (Alabang area only).

However, those free upgrades to higher speeds aren’t any good at all when you’ve actually checked the actual speeds. Ever since I’m on the 1.2Mbps line, I’ve always checked my bandwidth on different days of the week and various times of the day. Here’s how it fared via Broadband Reports:

It’s like it’s just half of what I was told my supposed connection is. The only time I’d get that promised 1.2Mbps is when I ran the bandwidth test via PLDTPlay. So, the line from my place to the PLDT servers tops at 1.2Mbps but my actual DSL speed from PLDT to the outside world is just half of that. Great. So those upgrades we’re all getting all these years were a farse?

When do we get Singapore’s 100Mbps speeds to their homes? In the year 2020?

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. i just had my pldt dsl connection cut after more than 6 years with them.

    feels kinda different without internet at home. sarap. ;)

    now on the hunt for a new connection in the pasig area. except pldt.

  2. hayy yan ang connection speed ko. a crappy dial-up speed via a 3G phone. maybe i should move to singapore?! he he.

  3. Until the Philippines get better connections going outside the country, getting more than a 1Mbps connection is not much worth the additional charges.

  4. I have 2mbps bayantel dsl connection here at home. but when u check your bandwidth from the us u get half or less.

    Anyway, DSL connection doesnt give you the pure 2mbps internet connection. it just gives you a connection to their 2mbps port. You have a shared connection with other people so if somebody’s hogging all the bandwidth u get stuck with a crappy connection.

    I am quite sticking with bayantel dsl. although sometimes their techs thought people who ask technical support are idiots at least they get the job done. and they have 500 pesos rebate for every 24 hours of downtime :D

  5. I got the smallbiz starting package of pldt dsl (3k a month) and it sucks bigtime. I only get a max of 200kbps(usually 120+) from a promised 2Mbps and that’s even from the pldt play site. The connection is choppy specially in the afternoon.

    The Internet plays a vital role in our business since we moved a big part of our workflow online, Gmail for email, Google calendar for bookings, Basecamp for managing our staff and office communications and Gallery for online proofing.

  6. Well, I hope we could also experience that “100MBPS DSL Connection” in the mere future. ;-)

  7. I also want to ask you guys what should we expect from a third world country.

  8. Expect third world services?

    I still love our bandwidth here in .ph comparing to india. I saw a lease line in india getting 400 ms of ping time to the US. Compare here in .ph that we are getting about 180ms on lease lines.

  9. We’re an archipelago and getting additional fiber-optic support will cost a lot of money. The outsourcing industry needs the connection so maybe the Philippines can come up with something.

    Bimbo. I have globe innove at home. Checked it with Yugas speed test link. Just 336kbps download is just 50kbps. But on skyinet and globe’s speed test I’m currently 1.3mbps and 1.2mbps. I’m paying for 2mbps.

    I’d like to move back to Iloilo (I’m living in Ortigas right now) for cheaper accommodations (read: free) so maybe I can travel, but I’m afraid Globe or Sky is not as good there as it is here. Maybe Yuga can tell me.

    BTW, innove’s 2mbps only costs 1900 PHP

  10. @Edwin, thats exactly my point.

    @BrianB, you are correct, thats why where lucky we are enjoying such connectivity right now because of those Outsourcing industry which prefer philiippines since its much more cheaper when it comes to Human Resources.

  11. Well at the countryside home I enjoy this 3mbps connection while on my apartment in the city we got this 20mbps connection which isnt that expensive. Only cost like 59 to 60 dollars per month

  12. As`several have correcly pointe dout, it is not the DSL or wiFi connection between the user’s home and the ISP server that is typically the problem. It’s the fact that the servic eproviders have not provisoned a large enough “pipe” to serve the customers they sign up with these phony plans … my SmartBro is cheap … 999 a month, compared with about twice that for a cable modem connection in the US … but lately Smart hasn’t bene providing 99 pesos worth of service.

    The only way I can even maintain a minimal blog publishing schedule is to get online at 0430 every morning, the connection is below dialup speed by 0900 and to add insult to injury they have now decided to start blocking Port 25 access to myUS-based webservers. It is sad how many folks just accept this poor service … it has nothing to do with the Philippines supposed “3rd-world” status, the money being paid is sufficent to provide decent profit … it’s about feeding people sub-standard service and pocketing the difference … in my personal opinion of course.

    Do you think people in a Convergsys office have connections this poor … better believ they don’t.

    @ =>BrionB, you have bought into their excuses … fiber connectivity is cheap in today’s world and the fiber capacity to and from the Philippines is no where near capacity … but you do have to pay ATT&T, PLDT, KDDI, et al to _use_ their bandidth and it’s cheaper just to make the user suffer and offer up lame rethoric.

    Aside from that, I’m having a great day, how ’bout ‘youse guys?

  13. some or maybe most ISP just accepts accepts accepts customers kahit na di na kaya so ang result ay mabagal ang connection lalo…

    Parang jeep na pang walong tao lang ginagawang pangsampu

  14. BrianB,
    I’ve already inquired with Globe Innove, they don’t have any remaining port open daw in my area. Sucks big time.

  15. Need your advice. I am currently on dial-up and not a heavy user, personal use only. Would you still recommend that i get a DSL? and which is the cheapest and best?

  16. What about getting other DSL providers like Mozcom DSL or Pacific DSL (corporate only?)?

  17. Reminds me of a conversation I had with some NTT engineers, in my previous job. I was complaining how I had such a slow 512 broadband connection.

    One engineer asked, wide-eyed, “Mbps?”

    I said, “No, kbps,” to which they looked at each other and snickered, as if to say, “you call THAT broadband?”

  18. wow. I didnt know about these things. I was planning to upgrade my connection. But after reading this, why bother?

  19. Hi!
    yung eastern telecom matino kaya?
    ano kaya best bang for the back ngayon?

  20. If you’re on Globelines’ broadband service, you’re lucky if your connection doesn’t go out every 2 months.

  21. It’s not like I have a choice here in the boondocks. There’s only PLDT DSL here. The solution every time the service goes sucky — kulitin lahat ng tao sa PLDT and make sure that the issue is as widely publicized as possible.


  22. Hey guys i just dropby here coz im doing comparative analysis of Bayantel,Eastern,Globe Innove and PLDT BizDSL for a corporate account. Right now, by ranking, Bayantel nd GlobeInnove is on the first rank…Any suggestions or experience on their best or worst services?

  23. I subscribe to Zpdee which is actually a cable internet provider. I have the 1Mbps pack which costs Php1,999.month. The service is pretty good actually. They performed some maintenance in my area recently (makati) and my down speeds have been in the ranges of 850-950kb/s. I go to dslreports to test it. My up speeds are usually within the 300kb/s range. I’m content with my down speeds but up speeds should usually be around half your down speeds, but all in all I don’t see myself switching to any other ISP soon (especially after hearing all the Pldt DSL complaints). So some of you might want to consider cable internet too, since I haven’t heard anyone suggest it yet.

  24. am not seeing a drastic price drop in dsl broadband access in the near future or any big upgrades on your bandwidth for the same price. if ever they’ll tell you that, it would be like 80% marketing and only 20% technical.

    trans-pacific cable routes going to the US is still very very expensive and is not likely to come down unless new cable routes are built to add additional capacity.

    internet here is still expensive and sometimes lousy due to the fact that telco’s squeeze in subscribers to maximize their international capacity investment. our internet is also not yet matured, very few contents within the country, not so good inter-connection/peering within major telco’s and Filipino’s being US centric, we normally host outside the country because it’s cheaper, and it’s US contents who usually satisfies our web surfing needs.

    many countries with very cheap internet access have local traffic in multi-Gigabits per second, here in the Philippines, I am assuming a mere

  25. Hmm.. Globe might have upgraded their plans again… my connection is now averaging 3mbps, for the same price 1,500 a month.

    Its going on for more than a month now.

  26. I think this telcos need to provide customers with beta-test before they let their customer sign with their internet plan. customers will be tied for a year i believe upon sign up, even if the internet connection is so crappy.

  27. My connection has been running on super slow for 3 weeks now. Funny thing is it slows down around 8:00pm – I suppose when call center agents start working on their east coast accounts. Clearly a case of bandwidth throttling where Globe redirects precious bandwidth to higher demand, higher paying customers such as the call centers. Should be ok though, except they are using bandwidth previously allocated to a customer segment to serve another – most people would call this stealling!

    Well, these people obviously do not know the power of the consumer… so send your hate mails to the bosses of Innove…

    dexter.baut****@****.***, boboy.ro****@****.***, tinamarie.o****@****.***, customer****@****.***, allan.cu****@****.***, gil.g****@****.***, annalee.guev****@****.***, marko.u****@****.***, lino.cua****@****.***, maremee.velez-mati****@****.***, cherryann.franc****@****.***, cocoy.clara****@****.***

    Oh and did you know that Manny Pangilinan actually responds to each and every complain that he gets when he still owned PLDT? Never get that from the bosses above. To think that MVP is so up there… interesting.


  28. I do understand that the Philipines is a 3rd world country. I was just in Tarlac and hundred Islands area.

    I am in the USA and our DSL is one of the best. Rome was NOT built in a day. I am sure that the DSL speed in the Philippines would get better soon. It is a great country and I love the people. They are very friendly.

  29. I don’t like it.. Very disappointing… To be honest we are paying for nothing, we used to have a dsl from another network and they are ok and very nice.. We moved to a new place and the connection of the internet is very very POOR…. And we could’nt have the old network that we used to have because they are not available in our new place.. If I could ture back time I will not live here just because of POOR internet connection…

  30. by the way I forgot to tell the internet connection that we are using right now.. it is PLDT which is suppose to be 56 kbps but we always get 16 kbps..

  31. Do you have any suggestions on what internet is good to get in Binan, Laguna? I’m currently using bayantel wireless and i tell you… it smells. I couldn’t even play a game decently anymore.
    I’ve tried using Digitel which was better yet more expensive at 1-2k a month. And there was one time when they got the net fixed after…. TWO MONTHS!

  32. I’m currently using BayanTel under Intelco in Laguna and it always disconnects and has times when it works after a certain interval. I’ve tried Digitel plan 1.5k or 2.5k and it works better but it also disconnected often. Is there any other reliable ISP in Binan Laguna?

  33. hello(^_^)V.. I have plan 999 DSL on digitel, and then sabi nila up to 512 kbps ang speed, eh hindi nga umaabot sa 200 ang speed nang internet ko eh,nakaka inis cla, mga muka clang pera, ang pinaka mataas na speed ko lng ay 100+ khit na madaling araw ay mabagal parin, grabeh!.. kahit na bagong format pah PC koh!. and kht na inoptimized kona ung internet connction… kya panget ung internet connection nang DIGITEL..

  34. recently nag upgrade ako sa 800kbps ng digitel or 700++kbps, napansin ko din na di ko natatanggap ang speed na kanilang ina-advertize,I reported it to their customer service and the response i got is di daw nila tinatanggap results ng speed test kung di rin lang sa server nila o sa bayantel,I’m paying 1290 yata a month for their false service,wala ba tayong malalapitan para i-address man lang tong predicament natin?

  35. While I do agree that our country provides us with very expensive yet shitty net services, we are not a third world country.

    If we were, DSL wouldn’t even exist here yet, 3G phones would be for the uber rich, and public servants wouldn’t be tried for stealing P700M from the gov’t funds.


  36. PLDT myDSL is very disappointing.. frequenty lost its connection.. here’s a blog regarding PLDT myDSL: http://thebloggerspage.blogspot.com/2009/03/pldt-mydsl-blog.html

  37. 100Mbps = in the year 2100. greedy companies who provide crappy services even to those that work for them. How do I know? I work for a distributor of Smart and the SmartBro that we use is crappy. At home, I use PLDT the only time I got a 2bmps speed was last year. They should upgrade whatever needs to be upgraded to provide better service.

    Better Services = Happy customers
    Happy customers = more money/revenue

    bad services = tolerated until a marginally better one comes along

  38. smartbro nga dito sa manda 10Mbps daw pero 0.05Mbps lang talaga. bongga diba? :))

  39. anyone giving pldt a chance with qik? Quick Installation Kit o kung ano man yan…easy access daw. they got this huge ad in the papers recently and i saw the commercial. looks great at sana, salvation ng pldt ito. i can’t go on sky as iba ang cable namin at hindi accessible sky dito kung saan ako.

  40. metronewsone: check out this website of PLDT QIK. http://myworldmydsl.com/qik/home.aspx I heard it was nice din. a friend of mine has it. wala daw masyadong slow down. looks like PLDT has cleared resolved past problems and sana wala ng problema. if that’s so, i might as well get one for my apartment.

  41. so far mga dudes, wala pa ako problema with QIK. connection is okay naman, despite the occasional internet traffic.

  42. check out the new TVC of QIK with Ryan Agoncillo as endorser. a friend of mine knows ryan and i don’t know kung totoo na ginagamit talaga niya yung QIK. here’s the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHI7hMlqcGU

  43. nakita ko na yung commercial. ID lang pala kailangan. tinamad ako tawagan yung hotline dahil parang di naman accessible. pero well matawagan na nga. hehehe

  44. i saw the commercial too! great marketing strategy of PLDT.

  45. yeah, it’s awesome. but it would be more awesome if PLDT can really get their services in general improved.

  46. barca boy, of course everyone’s hoping for great service. and as far as i’m concerned, wala naman talaga perfect service eh so sasablay at sasablay din ang mga companies. i’m not going to waste my time on transferring from one service to another.

  47. well for some reason pldt gives me good service and bad service at times eh. tama ka nga na minsan talagang sasablay at sasablay ang mga companies. dadating din talaga yung point na ganun pero dapat bumawi sila sa mga downfalls nila. ganun yung nangyayari sa kin with pldt before, bumabawi naman.

  48. are you guys talking about the new product of DSL, the QIK one? haha! Get it, QIK one? Anyway, i heard it’s a good product at relaunch daw ito.

  49. ^^ yes and no, kasi last year na nila product yan. pero relaunch lang yung ngayon. check it at their website http://myworldmydsl.com/qik/home.aspx you can read all about it there. otherwise, might as well call their hotline 101-885 about it.

  50. ah talaga? is it really worth it? checked the website and i tried dun sa part na icheck kung accessible ang qik sa lugar namin, hindi naman gumagana. may pldt phone naman ako. what gives?!

  51. yo global dude! just call 101-885. it’s qik’s hotline. cool?

  52. Barca, i agree with your thoughts. well said. But people would still expect good service all the time, only to be disappointed in the end. And why wouldn’t they be expecting many things? On the other hand, these companies should at least be at par with how they organize their marketing strategies, how good they are in marketing is should also be equal to that of service. Then again, i’m being idealistic on this one. The thing is, consumers pay these companies for their quality products and great services, not some crap that we know about. And I hope these reach not only pldt but to all companies as well.

  53. true true. well i respect your point of view. as far as i’m concerned, i read a column this week regarding the Senate, NTC, and the telcos. talk about a big mess. the columnist said one of the telcos’ internet sticks (probably those with USB connection) has something to do) doesn’t work shit at all. lol! It’s only Smart and Globe who has those right? Or has Sun joined the bandwagon? What about PLDT? The WiFi connection I only heard about from them is when you get 3mbps package. But Smart and Globe’s sticks are convenient you can connect to anywhere with them. But they don’t work properly? That’s strange. haha!

  54. sun hasn’t joined the stick thing just yet. sa lahat daw, smart ang pinakaokay. siguro bibili na lang ako nun when i go out but i downloaded wigo pero selective places naman. pero iniiwan ko lang laptop ko dito when i go out as i have one at the office so no hassle at all. and this qik thing is hilarious! well not really, pero up and down battle siya (minsan ang bagal pero more often mabilis).

  55. hilarious isn’t the word. probably insande? weird? oh well, panapanahon lang naman daw eh. haha!

  56. http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/209374/a-qik-quiz-ryan-agoncillo-s-internet-use here’s the article regarding the press conference of QIK. Ryan really must believe in what he endorses huh?

  57. nabasa ko na yung article na yan. no comment pero okay lang. haha! What am i saying?!

  58. i’ve read that one as well.

  59. yo! what’s up fellas? DSL’s fine! As in baby! haha! Sorry for that, I feel like such a whack. Anyway, I’ve been a subscriber of PLDT. Yeah they can get iffy with their service, and I’d rather not comment on it. HAHAHAHA!! That’s the only BS I can think of as regards their work or whatever. Connection’s fine as a baby but i don’t know if i’ll be getting one of this Quick Install Kits. I’m still gathering information about it. Anyone reckon so far?

  60. yo ty! hyper na hyper ka ata. You an american? Anyway, if you want solid access, go for hte 3mbps. It’s a sweet package as it comes with a wifi router. Having QIK in comparison to other plans, you don’t have a tech guy to come in and do connection job for you.

  61. hi guys! I did what you told me to do. Just got connected with QIK yesterday. I just browsed away. ZOOM! ANyway, to those who want to connect, just call the hotline at 101-885.

  62. yo pepper, lay it off. haha! What does ty’s citizenship have to do with internet connection? Hey Ty, forgive the guy, and feel free to join us in our conversation (As everyone is). But anyway, yes it’s true you don’t have to have a tech crew to do stuff for you. besides they take days before going to your place.

  63. haha! I’m just playing around. Ty, take it easy, i was just playing around. and no i have nothing against americans. just the thought of asking. maybe you can tell us more about it when you got the qik product ayt?

  64. I think ty can do a review on this, at least on an objective standpoint. why can’t you do it pepper?

  65. i’m just playing with you guys. you bought it. i’ve actually availed of the product. and no i’m not an american. hyper lang ako tonight. I’m not the guy to do reviews. writing isn’t my thing. why don’t you guys do it.

  66. nah not me man. mahina ako diyan. tiyaka hindi ako mateknikal na tao to do such review. no way, not me. hahaha! Besides, PLDT has to pay me to do this sh*t. YEAH!!!

  67. see? Same same. I’m not very much technical myself. hahaha! and If i want to write about something, i do it on my own free will, unless someone has to pay me. SAME SMAE!

  68. igoogle niyo na lang. I think tha’ts easier. On the other hand, wala din naman ako makita so someone has to do it anyway. probably they’re waiting for pldt to pay them hahaha!

  69. yeah i thought so. Maybe about a blog regarding DSL in the Philippines, on an objective standpoint. i’m not saying this one’s not objective but perhaps on a personal note. that’s what reviews are all about anyway,

  70. hello DSL lovers, loathers, haters, and typical subscribers alike! what’s up?! Anyone here?

  71. hello pepperoni, fancy seeing you here still around. I heard someone over the net universe had recently gotten an almost 2mbps connection with a plan 999. Something to raise eyebrows about?

  72. no offense but i’m not surprised at all. my dsl connection is okay. i’m not ranting about it, although i used to way way before (like two years ago i think) but now it’s not that bad anymore. I don’t get lagged as well.

  73. I can relate man. Truly, I can relate. But you seem agitated or whatever. hahaha! Kidding. Well for me I was caught by surprised since I didn’t know that it would be almost 2mbps the connection speed.

  74. ah okay. Well, as Pacquiao said, now you know. LOL! But I doubt it’s consistent, as in almost 2mbps all the time. Dami pa ring factors.

  75. I’m not surprised as well dun sa connection na almost 2mbps. it has happened before with the first plan i availed from pldt. it can happen again.

  76. surprised to see pepperoni not around. What’s up Ty! wow, you sure are positive about the connection of pldt, even if sometimes it gets jammed or lagged or whatever.

  77. All good Barca Boy! Yeah of course I have to be positive. There’s always a solution to every problem so why fret about it? But my patience, if stretched to the limit, can only be so much, so I trust that these pldt guys can do what it takes to repair problems and stuff. Well, none to repair yet that’s for sure so i’ll just take my time and enjoy surfing stuff around.

  78. great to hear man. Pepperoni still not online but i’ll catch that dude tomorrow. I’ll just leave this all day enjoying the downloads and stuff for the meantime.

  79. yo Barca boy and Ty, I’m going to do a handful of reviews, like this QIK thing, Smart Bro, Globe’s, and Sun’s broadbands. Know where I could start guys or anyone here can make a suggestion or two?

  80. I can attest to the fact that plan 999 goes from 1.3mbps to 1.8, give or take. I forgot the figures and I didn’t get any lags and whatnot.

  81. true true. It’s been like that for this week. I saw it over the internet and didn’t believe my eyes until i had it speedtested. On to the weekend and i hope it’ll be the same. Expect internet traffic though.

  82. in our place we got the VERY fast digitel damn it! just kidding ofcourse i alwaays go to a speedtest and u know its really slow but every night it gets alot of speed. DSL is good but i have never tried to use broadband but i know dsl is good because you get the speed you want with ur modem unlike cables u know ?hehe..i hope optic fibers will come soon in pinas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. lost our DIGITEL DSL connection an hour before that deadly storm hit the pasig/cainta/marikina area. i do live in cainta and when the power went up 4days after the flooding, everything followed after that EXCEPT THE SUCKING DIGITEL DSL CONNECTION. it had been a week and a half now since i started calling day and night and getting promises that they would send a technician to check out the connections here at our subdivision. until now… NOTHING! i have already tried to be patient with their poor customer service reps, even though i know when they say pasensya na po was just so robotic and scripted na. i lost my patience yesterday and cussed one of them shouted at the top of my lungs out of desperation… and still… N O T H I N G ! ! ! FUCK DIGITEL. i should have known that their service was crappy…. crappy is an understatement… i dont know what else to call this poor low life internet service

  84. Just wanted to share how awesome my internet connection is here is Singapore.


    So whenever I go home to Pinas eto yung namimiss ko kasi walang kwenta yung net connection namin sa Binan, Laguna. Digitel Sucks!!! Ala naman kami other choice kasi PLDT and Sky Cable internet ay abot sa area namin.

  85. Hi all

    Net speed in the Philippines is so very very slow and so very very expensive, on top of all this, the cost of electric is one of the highest in the world, and customer service is so lacking, and Noynoy does not seem to be doing anything about it, I love the Philippines, but it is run by capitalistic families, the Philippines is being dragged down by such corruption, and it seems to be getting worse by the day, Mindanao massacre will never be sorted, and most will go free for Murder, where else in the world would they send a tank into a Hotel, ha ha ha.

  86. take a look on netindex’s world ranking of internet download and upload speeds, we’re ranked 154th and 157th respectively, out of 172 countries. Kinda ironic for number #1 BPO country.

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