The Philippines was reported to hold the title of having the slowest internet in the ASEAN, and a lot of people are not happy about it. Following Sen. Bam Aquino’s call for investigating why we have slow and expensive internet in the PH, we thought of things that we can possibly have to improve the services that we have here in the Philippines.
Policies are the first things that we should look into as the internet utility here is a huge business; tinkering with the policies that govern us will also tinker with how things work. To push innovation and progress when it comes to internet services, or for any other business even, the market needs more competition — and in our case, we only have a few players — an internet oligopoly.
To get a better understanding of why our policies are not working in the internet consumers’ favor and why Filipinos pay more for slower internet, you can check out our article here dedicated for that. A video by Michael Jacob that can be seen above also questions the same query, and we have all arrived on the same answer: we have no choice but to pay for internet service despite the steep prices because there really is no other ISP that we can choose from.
One way is that we abolish the 60/40 foreign ownership rule so that we can attract more investors to create more competition in the market. This will allow creations of new and independent networks, plans and promos for us consumers. Another thing is that we can have the government open publicly funded cable systems and international gateways effectively adding more neutral pipes. The government, via the NTC, should also demand local peering between ISPs.
If we want to go a bit further, we can have illegal torrents fully blocked to help decongest the network. This has proven to be effective in countries such as Japan. We’ve also noticed that this has been partially implemented by some local telcos (we are getting a lot of reports that mobile Supersurf LTE plans by Globe has throttled torrents down to 10Kbps while maintaining faster speeds for direct downloads and streaming).
For other little things, we can push to have service trials before signing into contracts to grant us actual experience before committing to a lock-in period (something similar Sky Broadband’s 15-day trial). Lock-in periods of 12 and 24 months can also be reduced to 3 months or 6 months so that subscribers can easily switch to another provider if they are not satisfied with the speed and service.
Truth in advertising. This is where a lot of subscribers have been misled. We know that the “up to Mbps” promise is technically accurate (no ISP can guarantee minimum speed unless you’re on a very expensive dedicated or leased line) but that also provides the service providers an excuse. Perhaps we can set the average minimum speed guarantee to be around 60% of the promised speed. Otherwise, subscribers will be entitled to a full/partial rebate.
And lastly, the most obvious way to improve the average speed of internet is when service providers invest more in infrastructure, perhaps cutting their profit margins for the next couple of years to make way for innovation in the long run.
For some people, these suggestions may look like a far shot, but hey, all changes and things started off as ideas, and all that ideas need is a little fire to start with, and eventually it gains enough traction for action.
If you have any more ideas on how we can push for faster internet in the Philippines, feel free to let everyone know in the comment section down below. Start the conversation, sign a petition, and if we do it loud enough, they might hear. is the largest and longest-running technology site in the Philippines. Originally established in October 2002, the site was transformed into a full-fledged technology platform in 2005.
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dodong says:
The best solution is to abolish the 60/40 rule but I don’t see this changing anytime soon. Which brings us to the next best solution: a National Internet Exchange (IX) similar to the European model (DE-CiX, LINX, AMS-IX) where a non-profit or the government establishes an open exchange (similar to a data center) where network providers and cloud players can interconnect/peer at no cost. We are paying expensive but mediocre internet primarily because of very poor latency. A classic example of you’re talking to a friend in another room on the same building via Skype but the data already hopped several times to a data center in Sydney, then HK, Sing or Tokyo, then back here. Ridiculous right? And the culprit? PL-fuc**ng-DT. PLDT has long opposed the establishment of a national IX here in the PH, much to the detriment of consumers. PLDT knows that if a National IX gets approved, they’ll lose money because their business model revolves around making money out of companies using their backbone, else they have the power to create all kinds of shi*t to make those who don’t want to pay suffer. I don’t like to give props to Globe but they are the only telco vehemently pushing this initiative for several years now. Too bad they don’t get support from an industry dominated by PLDT/Smart and a dysfunctional and corrupt government watchdog (NTC) turning the other cheek in favor of lobby money (aka bribe).
leypascua says:
This is indeed the way to go! I think that this needs legislation to force telcos to invest on this just like what the government did for SMS integration.
Before DSL hit mainstream, we have a lot of dial-up providers. Not having the right infrastructure that will force telcos to share pipes is the biggest roadblock for this. Without government intervention, the only way for such a thing to happen is for a telco who values real customer service will start such an initiative. Unfortunately we have a solely profit-minded business culture in the Philippines where providing real service is just secondary
lolwut says:
True that the 60/40 rule must be abolished, but the thing about that are the elitists or the oligarchs. They will never adhere to taking that rule out for the reason of domination. If you guys could remember, nagsetup na ng business dati ang AT&T dito which was called PT&T, AFAIK it was bought by PLDT then got abolished for dominance, of course. Not to mention that the current governance is linked to an oligarch clan which is the Conjuancos. So in reality, every attempt that will be taken to improve telecommunications here in PH will be blocked by these oligarchs according to their interest. Remember also the NBN ZTE deal which aimed to create a network backbone in the country? Some unknown forces funded the conspiracy for corruption which lead to PGMA’s controversial corruption case. Not to mention that the NTC is a puppet of these ISP duopoly. In the end, we can only do as much but in reality all is hopeless.
korikongpinoy says:
hello kaya po mai 60/40 rule ang philippines ay para hindi ma take-over ng foreign firms ang mga businesses sa pilipinas.. maganda lang yan sa short term pero ang kalalabasan lang nian mga foreigner ang mai ari satin sa sarili nating bansa. imba utak mo kung tingin mo pag abolish sa 60/40 e biglang bibilis internet natin. kung gusto mo maging alipin ng mga banyaga ang mga anak mo e wag mo kami idamay
Darren says:
Here’s an article I read a couple of years ago:
“Hi all, I’m a foreigner living in Manila that has spent the last 15 years building large scale networks in Europe, with a heavy focus on northern Europe. I apologize in advance that I do not speak Tagalog (yet) so I’m only able to write this in English.
I’ve read a lot of posts here on the forums, and although they are mostly well meant, most are factually wrong. I contribute this to lack of knowledge in terms of carrier grade networking so it’s completely understandable so let’s start by defining what lag (latency) is. Also this is focused at our specific situation – playing LoL in Philippines.
For a game such as LoL you have 4 layers of possible latency:
1) Consumer end (PC/Router/Bandwidth)
2) ISP
3) Interconnect/Transit
4) Server end (Servers, load balancers etc.)
To measure latency end-to-end ICMP echo (PING) packets are not a reliable tool. There are many reasons for this but for us the main reason is that ICMP is a down prioritized packet type. Historically the ping tool was meant to see if a host was alive, not to measure connectivity – the reason it does have response times were to identify possible routing errors or DNS IP mixups. Remember this tool is older than most people playing LoL.
On Windows ‘tracert’ uses ICMP echo requests to probe the route of the connection to your destination. If you do want to trace the route using ICMP echo I can recommend WinMTR as a replacement for tracert that is a lot faster and more accurate. WinMTR can be found here. The UNIX version has an option to do UDP based packets which is more relevant for us as UDP is usually used in online gaming because of reduced latency and overhead as compared to TCP.
In Europe the infrastructure and government laws are usually very good and the laws enforced. This means that the most common causes of latency is on the consumer end. People mostly have ADSL connections and forget they have something running in the background (seeding is the main culprit in most cases) as with ADSL when you saturate your uplink you obliterate your downlink. But here in Philippines there are a lot of other causes for latency for us gamers – the worst being PLDT – yes you read that right, PLDT is intentionally disrupting online gaming in the Philippines. I will explain in greater detail below.
PLDT (and SMART) are actively fighting interconnect laws here in the Philippines. This is done mostly because of the mobile market but internet (and thus gaming) suffers as a result. Because SMART (and with the purchase of Sun) has the dominant market share, they are not interested in interconnecting with other Telcos, but specifically they do not want Globe subscribers to be satisfied with Globe so they will switch to SMART – this is why they are limiting the interconnect between PLDT and Globe, they are essentially throttling the data exchange between the companies. This is against the law here in Philippines but as with a lot of other things here, money talks – morale walks. I assume you’ve experienced long delays on texting between Globe/SMART?
Here is a recent article on the problem(
Keep in mind that that interconnection is standard in other markets and I’ve never come across any other Telco being as manipulative towards their customers as PLDT/SMART.
So what does SMS delays have to do with LoL latency you ask? Well the biggest problem here is that by default PLDT routes all domestic traffic via an IX in HK. This means if you send data between a PLDT DSL subscriber and any other major ISP here it goes via a Hong Kong Internet eXchange. There is a law passed in Philippines that all ISPs have to interconnect freely via an Internet eXchange so data can flow freely between the customers of the ISPs. Mind you this does not mean that a Globe/Sky/Bayan/Eastern customer can access data/servers outside PLDTs network, through PLDTs network – this is entirely between customers of the ISPs. This is common practice all over the world, even in dictatorships – except in Philippines.
ISPs buy transit traffic through backbone providers like PACNET, Level3, UUNet etc. – these are the services that connect your ISP to the world, it’s too expensive for all ISPs to run their own international backbone fibers.
Because of PLDTs enormous power they have been able to defy the laws of interconnection and because of this keep prices up and bandwidth down as a whole in Philippines. I’m not saying that the other Telcos here are angels but at least their obey the law of interconnection. Doesn’t it seem odd that Philippines is so far behind in terms of bandwidth/price for internet? It’s literally 10 year behind Europe in it’s current state.
It’s worth noting that Globe has a stake in the worlds most powerful sea fiber. This is why PLDT is scared that if they loose their stranglehold on the consumers here that they will realize that the competitor offers a superior product. Unfortunately Globe has some of the least educated support staff/customer service in Philippines so it’s not all roses on the ‘other side’.
I can give you a concrete example of how full PLDT is of themselves – I was involved in a project in Philippines (which is when I fell in love with the country and moved here afterwards) that also involved PACNET. I was dumbfounded why the routing in Philippines was all over the place, I was trying to understand whom or what was the cause of this terrible infrastructure so I could fix it, eventually I narrowed it down to PLDT being incompetent. As I met with the senior technicians from PACNET regarding a multi-gigabit transit setup here in Manila I asked them why PLDTs routing was all over the place, as they are the major operator it was important for us to have good connectivity with PLDT. The PACNET technician and the senior sales manager explained to me that of all the countries they do business in, Philippines was the only place where a Telco willing and carelessly broke conventional international norms. PACNET had been dumbfounded when PLDT asked PACNET to pay PLDT when PLDT wanted to buy backbone capacity from PACNET. Their reasoning was that without PLDT you could not service the general public in Philippines properly so that’s why PLDT should get money for allowing their customers direct access to PACNET. I’ll let that sink in a little.
PACNET is a company who’s main business is SELLING backbone capacity across South East Asia and PLDT wanted PACNET to pay so PLDT could get backbone capacity from PACNET. It is so stupid that it completely blows my mind.
Everything else they explain perfectly matched what I had seen examining the Philippines’ internet infrastructure. Unfortunately to remedy this situation you need non-corrupt representatives that also understands technology or the need for improving the infrastructure as a whole in Philippines – not being able to vote here was a relief as I doubt there are any.
To summarize:
Garena needs to supply us with an IP where we can do UDP based pings to have reliable connectivity diagnostics.
If Garena is relying solely on the standard connectivity at VITRO (ePLDT), then they need to invest in their own connectivity to Globe and Bayan/Sky.
The Filipino government needs to create a unified IX, that mandates you have to interconnect a certain bandwidth pr. subscriber with a minimum bandwidth of 1 Gigabit. Make it so that you loose the right to do Telco services if you are not connected to the public IX. (this would solve all connectivity issues for someone like Garena at zero cost to Garena and all other companies doing online services in Philippines).”
Additional info here in 2 posts:…l=1#post842031
credits to mikl0s of LoL PHL forums
sT says:
Love what you shared, Darren!
Pukeman says:
That is perhaps the most comprehensive explanation I’ve ever heard. Thanks for sharing
kein says:
Now I know…thanks for sharing this…
archie says:
Great article. As always, corruption is the root of our country’s downfall.
Hen-Sheen says:
I am enlightened to hear that big telco corporations in the Philippines don’t seem to care about how the customer feels anymore. Quantity is everything, but Quality? They have threw it out the window! In this day & age I set my expectations to bare minimal….. These guys should play the PC game, “BIG RIGS”.
Karl says:
Hi! Thank you for supporting the call for economic liberalization and getting rid of the 60/40 provision of our Constitution! I am one of the supporters of the CoRRECT Philippines Movement, a group dedicated to educate the people of the need to do these necessary reforms in our Constitution that will greatly help move the country forward. You can visit the website Thanks again!
jip says:
be generous dapat ang mga telco,parang ganto oh sobrang generous!!!
kaya naman nila ayaw lang nila!!!
burgz says:
Hmm.. For my opinion business talaga usapan jan. Since wala gaanong competition, hinahayaan lang nila. Pag may dumating na bagong player, gagawa ng “promo”. In short natitigil na yung pagiinvest for faster service at kikita na lang sila since no choice ang mga consumers.
Parang meralco lang din yan, since sila lang ang distributor here (manila), nagagawa nila yung gusto nila gawin, pagpasa ng charges sa consumers, increase ng singil, etc. Papansinin lang yan ng government pag may issue na sa media.
O kung hindi ba na issue sa media yang slowest internet in asean region, papansinin ba ng government natin yan? Hindi di ba? Kasi kuntento na sila sa tax na binabayad ng players.
Yusuf Ali says:
The telcos are not to blame here. If we are to bark at someone, it would be the government and the horrendous 1987 Constitution Aquino has made. I am one of the supporters of Charter Change, including the abolition of the 60-40 ownership mandated in the constitution. The country needs economic liberalization, I do think it is time for us to give what it needs. The world in 1987 is far too different compared today (2014); Since that year, the constitution has NEVER been ammended. What even.
kingzyke says:
I dont agree with the abolition of the 60/40, this is one of the things that protects most of us from being controlled by other nations or groups. I think what we need to do is make a provision that in certain sectors(like ISPs and power)that we can lower it or create a limited amount of slots or licenses to operate here in the PH to create a competitive environment or industries. In that provision we should also state that after 30 years or upon of investments and a profit of 35% of capital or whichever is higher, we would have to revert back to 60/40 by option of a buy back from filipino investors. of course in not a lawyer or politician so this can also be revised but no to abolition.
ariel says:
Tanong po. kung ikaw ang investor, papayag ka kaya sa pinagsasabi mo knowing na liliit ang kikitain mo dahil sa competitive environment? siemprre hindi …dedma ka lang para tuloy tuloy ang ligaya…
Yusuf says:
If you were a foreign investor, what would you say? Laws such as the 60/40 ownership belong to the Dark Age (in case we forgot, it’s 2014 already). This also happened in Japan before Emperor Meiji (research: Meiji Restoration). Look at Japan now, their economy just keeps getting better and better. It’s time for us to open the doors to other foreigners and stop being a such a hermit country.
korikongpinoy says:
@Yusuf @ariel if i were an investor with way deeper pockets than the businessmen here in the philippines id rather take over the whole market than simply being a competitor. i was able to take over other countries’ markets because i can take full ownership of my businesses there. Pero tignan nio naman ang kalagayan ng mga bansang iyon, unting galaw lang ng international market babagsak ang ekonomiya ng mga yan dahil wala silang local economy
Alphere says:
Block torrents. Or at least block torrents on peak hours. Naiinis ako sa iba na magdamag nag dodownload sa torrent kahit tanghaling tapat, hindi nila alam apektado ang iba.
abuzalzal says:
By your logic, i block na rin natin mga bandwidth-intensive streaming sites para ang matira na lang yung mga websites that doesnt host any downloadable data and videos.
Hehe, maraming ma u unsubscribe brad pag nangyare yan
wew says:
@abuzalzal but torrents are illegal,kahit na alm natin na nakikinabang tayo dito eh mali pa rin para sa akin kahit ako na nagDDL din ng torrent eh ok lng na iblock to.pero hindi lng dapat yan ang gawing hakbang,cguro para sakin gawin nila itong pagboblock pag nagawa na nila ung mga ibang suggestions sa article =)
liwetan says:
Torrents are not illegal. The content many users submit are the ones that are illegal. Torrents are even supported by some MMOs to distribute patches and installers.
Toto says:
I am for internet neutrality, so I am against blocking torrent. People paying for their bandwidth should be able to do what they want to do with it. Its almost the same as people with “unli-calls” calling everyone everytime. We cannot decide what they do with what they paid for. If the outgoing bandwidth of the telcos cannot accommodate then there is a problem with their bandwidth. If they offer 3mbps, it should not matter if that person is maximizing what they paid for. If other subscribers of the telco is affected by maximizing your bandwidth it is already a problem of the telco not the subscriber. They should not be offering a deal if they cannot back it up.
Alphere says:
It’s okay to download torrent if really pay per GB of download. That is why I am against the unlimited bandwidth scheme. Torrenters will just abuse it.
Krypton says:
@Alphere, so it’s like saying it’s okay to have unli rice if you pay per cup? Lolz! People are paying for unli internet, so it’s up to them on how they will use it.
Krypton says:
@Alpher, they’re not abusing it, they’re just maximizing the unli internet that they paid for. That is why they call it UNLIMITED. Maybe you can google the meaning of UNLIMITED for you to be able to understand it.
Marvin Ramos says:
I agree that people who leased said bandwidth should be able to do whatever they want to do with what they have and be able to maximize what they have been promised. Kudos.
TorrentKing says:
tama si Krypton mina-maximize lang ang unli internet. at bakit torrent lang ba malakas makaapekto ng bandwidth?
Kami says:
Good job Bob for this article.
This is one of the more complex issues in our country, evidently, yung struggle among politics, economy and social welfare.
Obviously, we know na naman na namomo-nopolize ang provision sa consumers and i do believe na the fastest solution would be an introduction of a competitive competition. I havent read the 60/40 thing mentioned above, but i do understand that it hinders foreign investments. Thus, we may need to dwell on it. Maybe hindi naman para i-abolish but to make it more enticing.
And of course, there is no one all-in solution.
But of course, kasama sa dapat solution is babaan ng current telcos ang subscription costs. They are earning billions. Ganid masyado.
Marc says:
Great write up and great comments as well! The discussion here is way different from the troll-laden comment section on other articles here in yuga.
psikick says:
The 60-40 issue is a long ways off from being resolved since it involves alot of industries… And even then, I think it wont solve our expensive internet since business is business. I think part of the issue is due to our government agencies not having enough police/enforcement powers. Remember the DTI memorandum saying cash prices must equal credit card prices? Nothing happened. Because even if a store violated that memorandum in front of the DTI office itself, the DTI can’t do anything about it. They can’t sue the store. Same with the NTC.. Notice all the NTC does is have these ridiculous hearings and nothing comes out of it. Parang Senate hearings lang, walang napupuntahan.
beef_jerky says:
Really informative and fascinating article. But honestly it has been raised many times since that dawn of Smart WiFucking-Fi and fucking hell NTC can barely notice this problem. If you collect the amount of reports from users and convert it into a sack of rice you can feed the poor. Since internet service(oh slow service) is now available now a days compared before as long as people can post Instagram fucking selfies and tweet or browse Facebook or watch cats do cute stuff this issue will certainly fade like you after watching The Son of God. The only thing that I can say is good fucking luck and if you ask the giant providers why?! why?! why?! They’ll just respond with “Fuck you that’s why!”
Marvin Ramos says:
While I agree with abolishing the 60/40 ownership rule of business between local and foreign entities, the internet connection issue in the Philippines is actually just a symptom of the real problem of businesses in the Philippines. TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT, TOO LITTLE FREE-MARKET.
No. We can’t ask these companies to sacrifice profit. It’s like asking they’re employees to also agree to a pay cut or to freeze hiring or to reduce their workforce altogether.
We can, however, support Sen. Sonny Angara’s Senate Bill 2149 to cap the income tax rate to 25% across the board and Sen. Recto’s bill to return VAT to 10% for starters. This will enable people to keep more of their money and increase the number of those able to afford internet connection. In the business side, less operating cost that opens doors to upgrading equipment and hiring more competent engineers.
Secondly, the government needs to welcome more entities (foreign or local) to invest or to enter our energy market thereby reducing costs in power generation through competition and improved techniques in generation. Heck! Let’s start talks again to open the country to nuclear power.
What is internet except the application of electric power towards exchange of information? I know it’s an oversimplified explanation but who can say that there is no industry more solely dependent on energy than the telecomms industry?
In these solutions, we let Free-Market forces solve our problems and the government only has to step back, take less and take out a few regulations. Plus it also benefits more industries than telecommunications.
At a time, these solutions may cost more at the start but it also promises businesses of better profits in the long term. In the end, everybody wins.
dodong says:
The 60/40 rule exactly promotes TOO LITTLE FREE MAKRET, the context of TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT needs to be laid out. Mind you, we have existing laws and pending legislation to promote better competition and protect consumers. However, it is purely rhetoric and is not being strictly implemented, which is the problem. Add to that, people in government positions who are supposedly the implementors have no idea about how things work. Here in the country, the concept of a government CIO is foreign when in fact, that is what we need, something like an IT equivalent of the MMDA (just an example). We have clueless old lawyers handling top IT government positions, wtf is that?
Your 2nd paragraph is flawed because we’re not asking PLDT, MEralco, MWSS etc to sacrifice profits. What we’re asking is better service for the money we’re paying.
On the second point, how can we invite foreign companies to invest in energy? In fact, how can we invite foreign money in any industry? 60/40! Corruption! You just have to look at the gall of that Vitangcol guy from MRT suing the Czech ambassador who had nothing to gain from his expose. We are being held back by people in power. That’s the government for you.
You cannot rely on laissez-faire because as much as we’d like to think we are a capitalist, free-market economy, we are being abused by monopolies — chronies of the past who were allowed too much free reign among themselves without government intervention that they now control this country. It’s all up to us to say enough is enough when it is indeed the truth.
pukeman says:
Philippines, or in particular, this administration reacts very well to shame. This can be clearly seen in the incident where NAIA was voted the worst airport in the world. I have to say that the improvements made in the last few months have been much more than what I have seen over the last 20 years travelling here. It is still by far anywhere near a decent, international airport, but you still have to give credit where credit is due.
Now that there is a published survey conducted not by a party within the country, let’s hope it will stir up the same nationalistic fervor in this administration to fix the issues that everyone knows of, but have always been swept under the carpet. Let us lend our voices to this and any other forums advocating change in the way things get done in the country.
liwetan says:
We only act when we are caught stark naked with our hands deep in dirt. Us Filipinos only react with some sense of unity when the truth is too huge to turn a blind eye. And even then, we only act on crowd mentality only for a certain time. When the cameras and the attention fades, we fallback to our easier more convenient, faulty ways. We react well to shame only as a crowd and only for a limited time. Individually, we bark at our detractors and react negatively to criticism, as if our selves have been deprived of dignity; an attempt to justify and deny our own inequity.
Mario Crespo says:
Best advice would be having Nuclear Power here in the Philippines.
xdarkx says:
“One way is that we abolish the 60/40 foreign ownership rule so that we can attract more investors to create more competition in the market. This will allow creations of new and independent networks, plans and promos for us consumers. Another thing is that we can have the government open publicly funded cable systems and international gateways effectively adding more neutral pipes. The government, via the NTC, should also demand local peering between ISPs.” – BULLSEYE!!!
On another note, should we post this on Bam Aquino and Noynoy’s FB pages? :P (P.S. If they suspended us for it, they’re either just plain stupid or in-denial. :P )
wew says:
agree ako sa alhat ng suggestions sa article maliban sa isa,ung pagabolish ng 60/40 rule.alm naman natin na pag inabolish to hindi lng naman ung internet industry ang maaapektuhan,pati ung walang kinalaman sa internet eh maaapektuhan din,maaapektuhan ung mga local players.hindi ako expert pagdating dito,pero sa tingin ko pwede naman ienforce ung 60/40 rule maliban sa ilang industry na nagkakaroon ng monopoly tulad ng sa internet industry satin.kumbaga ieexempt ung mga industries na nangangailangan ng mas malaking competition para bumaba ung presyo ng serbisyo.
e30ernest says:
On data caps and network congestion, a good video explaining the basics of how TCP/IP works and why the amount of data you use isn’t what causes network congestion:
Data caps won’t make your internet faster because your internet speed is dictated by how many other users are sharing that connection.
Solving the problems @Darren posted on the following link is probably the best course of action to solve the expensive slow internet services we have here. How to get to that solution is an entirely different problem.
RandomGuy says:
Why our internet sucks big time.
vico1706 says:
i am a foreigner from germany and i live in davao city…i tell you some thing….the internet speed here i can only laughing then for the same price i have in germany 64 000 mbps….and in the philippines with luck 1000 mbps….but now i check my internet connection…ping is 140 ms…download speed is 0.19 mbps….upload speed is 0.20mbps…and the smart bro is the biggest gangster when the new month start is my connection a bit quickly and in the middle from the month smart block me and i must wait and wait before the website is open…make me crazy the shit…i think by my self i know the philippines is the number 1 world wide for corruption and i think is a money problem in the goverment…the why is all so slowly here….