yugatech x infinix

From my Inbox

Once in a while, a regular reader would send me topic suggestions for my blog. If I like the topic, product, service, or I see some potential I would plug them here. Here’s the first batch “from my Inbox” :

click-farm.com was created to provide a comprehensive listing of spam sites that use Google’s AdSense and other pay-per-click marketing software in a less-than-ethical manner. We maintain a dynamic, user-created listing of these sites and provide this information free to the public. Download this list today and add it to your competitive filter in AdSense to immediately see increased revenues.

If you’ve struggled trying to figure out why sometimes you may get a few high-yield clicks here and there while most clicks only pay a few cents then you’re a victim of the click farms. Their low-paying ads dilute the legitimate higher paying ads and keep them from appearing more often on your site.

Here’s a sample list of splogs advertising on AdSense you may want to include in your blocked list.

Web Dev Philippines (www.webdev.ph) is a new focus online community for web development. It includes a specific category called SEO Philippines for those interested to discuss search engine marketing, site optimization and related stuff. Another section focuses on blog marketing, development and blog monetization. I will be regularly lurking that area during my free time. Hop on a join us there. (Update: Just realized I was promoted to forum mod there. :D)

MillionDollarHomePage copycats. It is estimated that there are about 500 copycat sites of The Million Dollar Home Page of Alex Tew. There’s this one French guy who emailed me telling me about a similar projects called MonPremierMillion.com (French for My First Million). I liked the way he placed the pixels which is patterned from the map of France.

Anyone planning to put up The Million Peso Blog?

Abe Olandres
Abe Olandres
Abe is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of YugaTech with over 20 years of experience in the technology industry. He is one of the pioneers of blogging in the country and considered by many as the Father of Tech Blogging in the Philippines. He is also a technology consultant, a tech columnist with several national publications, resource speaker and mentor/advisor to several start-up companies.
  1. joined webdevph na din.
    thanks for the heads up!

  2. yay! awesome :) everyone sali na!

  3. nice the million peso blog. what if started that one. may magsusupport kaya? hehehe

    makasali nga sa webdevph…

  4. Yugs, regarding ads from click farms, how could they dilute ads for specific topics? Note that adsense programatically displays ads that will pay the publisher more, so the source of the ad is not that relevant. Unless of course if it does not invite clicks at all.

  5. Ahhh yes, diluting them in the sense that more lower paying ads will display instead one single high-paying ad.

    So, you have a chance that in a 4-ad display the one with the lower bid is clicked. That how I see it though.

  6. Inform me new updated news

  7. This is as simple as this:
    real unique visitors much cheaper than any other form of advertising.

  8. Le phénomène commence par arriver en France. Un étudiant Français de 17ans c’est lui aussi lancé dans l’aventure du Pixel Publicité. Ca semble plutôt bien commencer pour lui.
    L’adresse est http://www.lemegapixel.com


  9. Aidez-moi et visitez mon site: 1milliondeuros.com
    L’objectif: tenter de gagner 1 million d’euros en vendant des espaces publicitaires, de format 120×60 pixels, 10€ chacun. J’ai créé ce site afin d’ouvrir un compte en banque pour mon futur bébé d’1 million d’euros. Les intéressés peuvent acheter autant de bannieres publicitaires qu’ils le souhaitent, s’il en reste de disponibles. Quand vous achetez un emplacement publicitaire, vous pouvez afficher une image, publicité ou logo dans l’espace acheté. Vous pouvez également ajouter un lien sur l’image qui amènera les visiteurs sur votre propre site. Les bannieres publicitaires achetées seront affichées sur la page pendant six mois. Le site est déja garantie d’acces en ligne jusqu’en janvier 2009. Il s’agit véritablement d’un morceau d’histoire de l’internet.
    1milliondeuros.com est un nouveau concept et se veut vraiment original. En achetant des espaces publicitaires sur ce site, vous investissez dans un site web qui va recevoir du trafic provenant de magazines, journaux, reportages TV, radio, d’autres sites, etc. Soit une couverture médiatique importante. Cette publicité sur le site signifie beaucoup de visiteurs sur votre site. Beaucoup de visiteurs signifie plus de ventes pour votre site. Des millions de visiteurs potentiels dans les trois prochaines années. Garantie: le site est accessible en ligne pour trois ans minimum.
    L’adresse du site: 1milliondeuros.com

  10. Is it funny or not to see that click-farm.com is now a click-farm, the domain name has been hijacked. So I think you and other bloggers are making them some additionnal income by letting the links to that old nice initiative, but where is it now ?

    I’d like to use that list myself.

  11. J’ai créé un site Internet avec un million de pixels disponible. Le nom c’est la page millionnaire. Je vais tenter de rejoindre la clientèle du Québec et du Canada avec ce site Web.



  12. J’ai créé un site Internet avec un million de pixels disponible. Le nom c’est la page millionnaire. Je vais tenter de rejoindre la clientèle du Québec et du Canada avec ce site Web.


  13. I have already seen a similar pixel map of Australia :) Good ideas are always copied.

  14. asdasdasdadsads

  15. asdasdasdadsads

  16. Hi Yuga! I found this site while checking if my site appears on searches:


    Nice site you have here!

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