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BibViz, an online guide to all of Bible’s contradictions

The Holy Bible has been the foundation of Christian religion, as well as the other sects that originated from it. It is here that clergies base what they preach to their followers, and where some people get inspirations from during their dark hours. But what if somebody tells you that the sacred book has tons of contradictions and he’s got a proof to show it?

No he’s not the devil (although some considers him as one), but a computer programmer named Daniel Taylor who designed the website BibViz (Bible Visualization). The site provides a comprehensive look at all 463 inconsistencies that can be found inside the Bible based on the data from Skeptic’s Annotated Bible. His work also includes a detailed graph that maps each of these alleged contradictions, as well as the exact quotes and scriptures.


But before you stone Taylor to death, or throw him into the pits of hell because of his heretic work, he explains that BibViz isn’t intended to strip every ounce of faith from you, instead he wants provide an “interactive resource” for those who are seeking out the untold secrets hidden in the pages of the sacred book.

As a Catholic, and a person who’ve read the Bible many times, I think that BibViz shouldn’t sway anyone to against their belief in God and his teachings. Rather, it’s just another concrete proof that those men who wrote the Bible, regardless of how noble their intentions were, aren’t perfect beings. That doesn’t mean that the word of God is flawed though, or is it?

source, via

Ronnie Bulaong
Ronnie Bulaong
This article was written by Ronnie Bulaong, a special features contributor and correspondent for YugaTech. Follow him on Twitter @turonbulaong.
  1. I might be flamed for this but I am a proud Agnostic/Atheist – whatever you wanna call it. Raised by a strictly religious parents – they made me read the bible everyday until i finish it. Ironically, that is what made me an agnostic. Reading all the atrocities in the Bible really made me doubt if this book was written by an almighty being at all. Alas, the power of the internet – it opened my eyes to the real truth – and that is “nobody really knows”. All these stories are all made up.

    I really tried though. I really wanted to believe that an all powerful being is watching our every move, every decision, and will lead us to salvation. But upon closer observation of evidence, or lack thereof – i came to the conclusion that “no one can actually tell whether or not a supreme deity exists”..just my 2 cents.

    • AMEN to that! I share the same sentiments…

    • You can’t believe what you don’t understand. Reading the bible countless times doesn’t mean you understand it. Being raised by religious parents doesn’t follow that automatically know Him.

    • Never thought this discussion would blow up so fast. And thanks for not resorting to insults and name calling. I really can’t have a civilized discussion with my friends and families for the same reason. Once you’ve told them that you are an agnostic/atheist, they would automatically assume you are the worst. Most resort to name calling and insult – even once called a devil’s advocate.

      As I’ve said before. I really wanted to believe in the “afterlife” and “it’ll all get better soon”, but logic still got the best of me. We were raised to believe in God and label anything that is un-God to us, as Devils. This is the reason why this topic is considered taboo in our culture.

      I was a devout 7th Day Adventist, a militant religious person you can say. I would display prejudice to people claiming other beliefs. I know I was right, I just know. I don’t have proof, I just know. Nothing can change my beliefs – or so i thought.

      After seeing the world for what it is – with violent crimes, inequality, poverty, and sufferings. How can you still believe that an almighty being is guiding us? Either there is a God that does not care or there is no God at all. I prefer the latter.

      Becoming an agnostic is not an overnight change. It actually took me 5 years to accept what my mind is thinking. It all started with a simple curiosity. Just try to be openminded for once.

      You know what, just live your life happily. Do good deeds, inspire others and help others as much as you can. We don’t need a heaven to do kind things. If I can inspire as many people as I can to do kind things, that is heaven enough for me.

      Some of the folks below already referred to me “mangmang” lol.

      If you want, you can listen to this small clip.

    • atheists and agnostics are different from each other. atheists totally don’t believe in a supreme being, agnostics, well they need proof. i’d say you are agnostic

    • @tadaa yes. Agnostics and atheists are different, true.

      I am atheists towards the Gods referred to in our countless man-made holy books. I don’t believe in them. I’m 100% they are all man made.

      I am agnostic towards the issue of creator of the universe. We can’t say for sure whether there is one. No one knows. I’m agnostic about it.

    • I FULLY AGREE Voltes5

      and Also….

      1. The God that was mentioned in the Bible is a JEALOUS and INSECURE GOD (3 of the 10 Commandments were put to waste and share the same meaning w/c is ”WORSHIP ME, ME ME ME)

      2. It turns out that he is not a Loving God after all, but rather a mass murderer…a cruel God. He killed people like insects in Noah’s Ark Story and Parting Of The Red Sea story

      3. Why do these miracles happened only in ISRAEL and other neighboring countries??? It seemed like God didn’t care for the Chinese (Who were FAAAAR MORE ADVANCED THAN THE ISRAELITES) and the Africans back in the day lol


    • The bible doesnt condtradict itself, your interpretation does
      Di nyo kayang ilagay sa limited na utak ng tao ang lahat ng knowledge about God, kaya siguro di nyo maintindihan
      God is the giver of life, i think he has the right to take it if He wants to
      Jesus loves us, He died to save us from the consequence of our sins
      Sayang naman kung di mo tatanggapin, Sana ma enjoy natin lahat
      Bakit di natin subukan? Contented? Happy? But theres a space in our hearts that only God can fill
      Peace :)

    • Ancient Aliens …Season 6 na, nood na :)

    • @et nakakamiss ung bitaw ni giorgio tsoukalos na “but it was the aliens…” “therefore aliens!” w/ hand gesture pa yan

    • i respect your opinion.

  2. God helped the authors or writer of the Bible.

    • The history of the creation of the Bible is sketchy at best. Lots of weird rules here and there – not to mention authorized genocides too. There are already lots of documents debunking stories of the Bible yet people still believe in it. And believe it or not, the story of Jesus is just an altered version of many different myths present different cultures – see Odysseus, Horus.

      I am not quick to judge but if religion and the belief in God helps you in any way, then good for you. My problem is when religion gives prejudice to those not sharing the same faith.

      Disclaimer: I don’t really want to start a faith war. Please no insulting. Discuss in a civilized manner.

    • Yes. It seems sketchy, so with Big Bang, Evolution and the other theories atheist stick with.

      Yes. There may be stories debunked from the Bible, but how about those stuffs that agree with science long before known scientists discovered it?

      I agree with you that it’s really problematic when a certain religion/sect gives prejudice to those who are not sharing the same beliefs. But regardless of their beliefs, it doesn’t disregard the fact that there is really a Supreme being.

      Being an “Agnostic” why not try Pascal’s Wager Principle?

      “Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing.”

    • You don’t take the Bible too literally. It is not a children’s story book nor a mobile phone manual. You don’t judge whether a “person” or “being” is worth knowing just because of some specific texts that can be easily subjectively interpreted.
      That’s why you don’t stop with the Bible. You need people and circumstances to understand it. It’s like 100% theoretical without application. Through experience, you’d understand. When you get to that point where you think you have everything (money, success, etc).. a point where everyone is aiming to reach, as early as we are capable of dreaming.. only to realize it’s empty on top. And there’s this longing planted deep within us that nothing can ever fill but a personal relationship with Him. Only then will you understand what it is all about.

  3. Even the Devil could cite verses from the Scriptures. He even uses it to tempt God (e.g. Matt. 4:6).

    Bottom line? It isn’t all about the letters.

  4. mapagpaimbabaw! nagbabasa ka ng bible? bakit mangmang ka pa din? alam mo sabi ng bible sa katulad mong nagmamarunong at nagaaring ganap at nagmamatuwid sa sarili at sa paningin ng tao?

    Luke 16:15 Kayo’ng nangagaaring-ganap sa inyong sarili sa paningin ng mga tao; datapuwa’t nakikilala ng Dios ang inyong mga puso;

    Psalm 14:1 Ang mangmang ay nagsabi sa kaniyang puso, walang Dios: sila’y nangapapahamak, sila’y nagsigawa ng kasuklamsuklam na mga gawa; walang gumagawa ng mabuti

    John 8:47 Ang sa Dios ay nakikinig ng mga salita ng Dios: dahil dito’y hindi ninyo dinirinig, sapagka’t kayo’y hindi sa Dios.

    John 8:44 Kayo’y sa inyong amang diablo, at ang mga nais ng inyong ama ang ibig ninyong gawin. Siya’y isang mamamatay-tao buhat pa nang una, at hindi nananatili sa katotohanan, sapagka’t walang katotohanan sa kaniya. Pagka nagsasalita siya ng kasinungalingan, ay nagsasalita siya ng sa ganang kaniya: sapagka’t siya’y isang sinungaling, at ama nito.

    • Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

      2 Corinthians 6:14

      Hinay hinay lang po sa words.

  5. No one can rationalize or understand how the world was created. That for me is already enough reason to say that there’s a powerful Creator called God.

    If you still don’t believe that there’s God. Think about demons, there have been lot of cases that have proven demons exist. Demons are mentioned in the Bible. The reason why this supernatural entity exist is beyond our understanding.

    So face the fact that not all things can be explained and understood. There will always be something that is beyond us. The only important thing that we can do for this is to have hope and faith in Jesus Christ our Saviour.

  6. Don’t focus too much on the details, else you’ll miss the big picture.

    It’s like students complaining too much on the typo errors and on the little details they doubt on a text book written by a professor of a subject in college. You think, how can you rely on learning from school and these people who even commit typo or grammatical errors? After graduating and began to have jobs, they realized it’s not the textbooks they mainly gained knowledge and skills from, but from the experience and training they underwent during college that built their characters and confidence. Then you remember how that single small error on the textbook EVEN made you doubt the whole idea of education. :)

  7. Try to read books about Science and Philosophy and you’ll see that you cannot prove nor disprove the existence of what you call god/diety/force.

    As to the christian concept of god, or to any anthropomorphized concept for that matter, it is very obvious to the ‘matured’ mind that these notions of god are just implausible.

    So instead of debating the existence of a being believed to have created the universe, read science and philosophy. Because the more we gain knowledge, the more we become humble.

    Thanks and peace be with you.

    • Exactly, as posted by voltes5

      I am atheists towards the Gods referred to in our countless man-made holy books. I don’t believe in them. I’m 100% they are all man made.

      I am agnostic towards the issue of creator of the universe. We can’t say for sure whether there is one. No one knows. I’m agnostic about it.

  8. May I ask who do they get their info from to drive this Jesus-is-fiction crap? If you want HISTORY, you go to the real deal: academics and history scholars.

    Basing from HISTORICAL, NON-christian resources, a man named Jesus has been mentioned by the ff:

    Indeed the most remarkable reference to Jesus outside the Bible can be found in the writings of Josephus, a first century JEWISH HISTORIAN

    “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he wrought surprising feats. He was the Christ. When Pilate condemned him to be crucified, those who had come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared, restored to life. And the tribe of Christians has not disappeared.”

    – Josephus, Antiquities 18.63-64, cited in Yamauchi, “Jesus Outside the New Testament”, 212.

    Tacitus, writing around A.D. 116 in his Annals 15.44 – probably the most important reference to Jesus outside the New Testament. Reporting on Emperor Nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed Rome in A.D. 64, the Roman historian Tacitus wrote:

    “Nero fastened the guilt . . . on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. CHRISTUS, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…”

    Next important source of historical evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan’s advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians:

    “They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to CHRIST, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food–but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.{10}
    – Pliny, Letters, transl. by William Melmoth, rev. by W.M.L. Hutchinson (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1935), vol. II, X:96, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, 199.

    Even in the Babylonian Talmud, a collection of Jewish rabbinical writings compiled between approximately A.D. 70-500, there were a few clear references to Jesus:

    “On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald . . . cried, “He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy.”

    – The Babylonian Talmud, transl. by I. Epstein (London: Soncino, 1935), vol. III, Sanhedrin 43a, 281, cited in Habermas, The Historical Jesus, 203.

    And please to the Bible-is-just-fairytalebook smarter than thou joes, why don’t you contradict the TRUE historians and scholars which acknowledges its authencity. Historical details are found in the Gospels and the other books of the New Testament. These include numerous mentions of secular rulers and leaders (Caesar Augustus, Pontius Pilate, Herod, Felix, Archelaus, Agrippa, Gallio), as well as Jewish leaders (Caiaphas, Ananias)—the sort of names unlikely to be used inaccurately or even to show up in a “myth.”

    • I rarely read the Bible, but I have good strong faith in Catholic church. Thanks for this info. :-)

      Sa akin lang, a strong faith, and respect lang naman, plus being a good or batter person is important.

      Sabi nga nila, what we understand sa bible is just the tip of the iceberg…and still alot of lessons, life changing, meaning na we can uncover in it.

    • Whether Jesus existed or not, it has no bearing to the issue of existence or non-existence of god.

      There are thousands if not millions of religions out there that it would be presumptuous to claim that the religion to which you belong is the true one.

      Again, take time to read other books, take time to study different religions, and take time to contemplate.

    • YOU cannot use the Bible as a reference to your argument to support your claim!!!

      Because NOBODY knows if the Bible is really authentic (it happened as it was depicted) and fully accurate

      it’s like defending yourself in the court of law just by using hearsays and shady eyewitness accounts LMAO

      get a life nutjob!

    • @abuzalzal. Wow so astounding to claim that Vatican officials are the biggest crooks on earth! So SUE THEM and present your evidences in court. Have you heard of ENRON or Ponzi or Bernie Madoff? If the Vatican is corrupt, then it should have been non-existent CENTURIES AGO.

      The Horus parralel is manure!

      If we simply came from a water-born organism to evolve into a complex animal, WHERE IS THE SOLID SCIENTIFIC PROOF? Has there been any scientists who were able to PRESENT and DEMONSTRATE it as fact besides postulating a THEORY?

    • May I ask you rain, sino ang mas papaniwalaan mo, yung mga Hudyo na nagpapastol ng tupa na nagsulat ng bibliya o yung mga siyentipiko???


    • “the way the people, especially in the Western world, look at the nature of reality, which is based almost solely on what science regards as real, has long been in need of some rethinking, if not revision…
      The main problem with mainstream scientific method is that its assumptions are true or correct only as it pertains to physical reality. It does not include the nonphysical world. That is its main limitation.”



      The Bible does not contain all truth though as “the
      Orthodox Church obviously did not want the faithful to know.”

    • “May I ask you rain, sino ang mas papaniwalaan mo, yung mga Hudyo na nagpapastol ng tupa na nagsulat ng bibliya o yung mga siyentipiko???

      ANSWER ME”

      I smell someone’s ignorance. Just because you learned something and has made full of your small brain, means you already know everything.

      Bible authors are not all shepherds. There’s King, Judges, Prophets, former prince of egypt, physician, etc. They even know more than what you know without google :D

      I pity you.

  9. And just because God “commanded” these atrocities made you agnostic? Well, why don’t you pour your brains on the HORRORS of Hitler”s Holocaust, Mao Ze dong’s Cultural revolution and Pol Pot’s Killing Fields if it can revert you back to being a christian?


    The God-Son-Virgin Birth-12 Apostles thingy existed many many years even before the Hebrew God that was mentioned in the Bible , Nauna po ang story ni Horus (Egypt) at Mithras (Persia) bago si Jesus (Israel)…hence, isa pong ”rip-off/blatant copy” or Pirated yung istorya ng Kristianismo…Christianity is a CRAZY fairytale concept made to control/influence and manipulate people. Ever wonder kung bakit may 10 percent ikapo at offerings (which doesn’t make any effing sense?)

    The VATICAN Officials are the world’s biggest crooks or kawatans, they are the most corrupt people in the world wolf in sheep’s clothing ika nga, countless scandals have been recorded throughout history, some are well-documented, some were dismissed/covered-up like a corpse hidden under the basement.

    All of the Stories in the Bible are flat out ridiculous and ill-paced, no different from Greek mythology or other cannabis-inspired fairytale stories like Joseph Smith (Mormonism) or L . Ron Hubbard’s Scientology. Man was NEVER conceived out of magic just like what was depicted in Exodus, God NEVER created the universe.We simply came from a water-born organism evolved into a more complex animal.

    • so abuSALSAL pag nagka problema ka ng mabigat wag ka magdadasal at hihingi ng tulong sa taas ha :)solohin mo na lang . hahahahha

    • paano mo nasabi na galing ang tao “simply came from a water-born organism evolved into a more complex animal.” ? Sige nga bigyan mo ako ng example na change of kinds na sinasabi mo na theory of evolution? For sure wala kang maibibigay na example kasi maski yung mga scientist wala silang maipakita na example.

      Ang tawag sa sinasabi mo na “simply came from a water-born organism evolved into a more complex animal.” FAITH yun.

  11. If God really knew what he was saying or doing, why would he tell his people that the earth is flat instead of ”circle/round”?

    Daniel 4:11 “The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the ENDS OF ALL THE EARTH” (How could one tree be seen by all the Earth if they knew the Earth was round.)

    Isaiah 40:22 “”He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.” (How could the “heavens” be spread out over the Earth like a tent if they believe it’s a sphere? They believe the sky literally came down and touched the edges of the Earth.)

    Job 38:44 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?” (If they thought the Earth was a sphere, wouldn’t they say “around it”… not “across it”?)

    Job 38:13 “That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?” (How can you “take hold of the ends”…of a sphere?)

    Job 38:15 “The earth takes shape like clay under a seal.” (Clay when stamped under a seal is flattened and round in shape)

    They could only believe what they saw. If you didn’t know better, and you were standing in the middle of a desert where you could see the horizon all around you, it would appear that you are standing in the middle of a large circle. That’s what they thought.

    Yeah, God told them that the earth was FLAT ayt!

  12. the earth was flat until magellan circumnavigate it.

  13. @abuzalzal. Wow so astounding to claim that Vatican officials are the biggest crooks on earth! So SUE THEM and present your evidences in court. Have you heard of ENRON or Ponzi or Bernie Madoff? If the Vatican is corrupt, then it should have been non-existent CENTURIES AGO. Why pounced ONLY the Vatican? Funny how the “intelligent” people always bring up the sex scandal as if it is exclusive to the Catholic. Church. Why don’t you poke your nose and rant on the other religious sects which has scandals greater than the Vatican but only gain minimum media mileage?

    *In a 1984 survey, 38.6 percent of ministers reported sexual contact with a church member, and 76 percent knew of another minister who had had sexual intercourse with a parishioner.[xiii] Dale Neal, “Methodist Clergy Instructed in Sexual Ethics at Conference,” Asheville Citizen-Times, May 14, 2002, p. 1B.

    * Rabbi Joel Meyers, executive vice president of the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly, reports that 30 percent of rabbis who changed positions in 2000 did so involuntarily, and that sexual abuse was a factor in many instances.[xxiv] The Awareness Center devotes an entire website to “Clergy Abuse: Rabbis, Cantors & Other Trusted Officials.” It is a detailed and frank look at the problem of sexual abuse by rabbis.[xxv]

    [xxiv] Roger Lovette, “Religious Leaders Must Learn to Handle Conflict Constructively,”Birmingham News, April 28, 2002.
    [xxv] See http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/clergyabuse.

    Or the Boys Scouts of America or teachers :

    The American Medical Association found in 1986 that one in four girls, and one in eight boys, are sexually abused in or out of school before the age of 18. Two years later, a study included in The Handbook on Sexual Abuse of Children, reported that one in four girls, and one in six boys, is sexually abused by age 18 -Michael Dobie, “Violation of Trust,” Newsday, June 9, 2002, p. C25.

    Just because horrific acts were committed by some members of the Church do not change or alter the identity of the Church herself, just as a bunch of kids wrongly adding numbers doesn’t change the truthful equation. Corona was corrupt BUT it does not diminish the importance of the Supreme Court.

    The Horus parralel is manure or for any other deity. Where are the followers of these so-called deities now? Are there churches for Horus or Mithras being built today?

    Nobody knows if the Bible is authentic? So is that a SCIENTIFIC CLAIM or just an opinion? Have you ever heard of biblical scholars and historians who are even agnostics and non-believers but acknowledges the historicity and authencity of the Bible? Hello Dr. Francesca Stavrakopoulou.

    If we simply came from a water-born organism to evolve into a complex animal, WHERE IS THE SOLID SCIENTIFIC PROOF? Has there been any scientists who were able to PRESENT and DEMONSTRATE it as fact besides postulating a THEORY?

    @enlightened1 just because there are “millions of religion” out there claiming to be the “true one” DOES NOT diminish the fact. Just as there are many scientific organizations established by physicians all around the country does not diminishes the importance of the Philippine Medical Association.

    • @rain, communism is not the same as atheism. Please bear that in mind. And, your choice of words such as ‘parasite’ sounds unchristian to me.

  14. The bible doesnt condtradict itself, your interpretation does
    Di nyo kayang ilagay sa limited na utak ng tao ang lahat ng knowledge about God, kaya siguro di nyo maintindihan
    God is the giver of life, i think he has the right to take it if He wants to
    Jesus loves us, He died to save us from the consequence of our sins
    Sayang naman kung di mo tatanggapin, Sana ma enjoy natin lahat
    Bakit di natin subukan? Contented? Happy? But theres a space in our hearts that only God can fill
    Peace :)

  15. @rain

    Christianity is a byproduct of the Jewish people’s megalomaniac and narcissistic mentalities, hence the GOD that was being described in the Bible reflects their attitudes and attributes, they have a massive superiority complex, they took no shame of ripping-off other God-Son-Resurrection stories by incorporatiing it in their own. Why is it soo hard for you to understand it?

    I will say this again and again, the Scientists are a million times more CREDIBLE than those tent-dwelling nutjobs (like YOU) who wrote the bible…Scientists have TOOLS and TECHNOLOGY to support their claim, what does you Jew authors offer? Oh I see, God himself talked to them HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so in that case, they are most likely to be more believable.

    Christianity is a money-making whackjob of a corporation.

    • So abuzalzal, how do you even know that these scientists are even credible? Did you yourself test their scientifc findings to be able to conclude that their experiments were indeed true? Don’t you think FAITH is required to even conclude that these scientists are credible? Uness you experimented their research and proved it to be credible, then you are limited only to having FAITH on them.

    • First Off, they (the Scientists) are trying to point out that MAN wasn’t created out of Sorcery and Magic, kasi dun ka naniniwala eh, sa fairytale

      Creationism = Fairytale

      Get some SANITY please, you need one

    • physical reality is only limited to what can be scientifically measured..”It does not include the nonphysical world.” There are many things in this world though that science cannot simply explain that they consider it as not real or fake or even trying to cover it with another truth..like abobozalzal’s brain for instance..

      abobozalzal’s brain=fairytale

      kulang lang sa open mindedness kasi si abobozalzal kaya limitado rin pag-iisip niya..

    • Abuzalzal, where is the sanity in believing that a water-borne organism evolved into a mammal then a dinosaur then into a monkey then into a human that can rationalize, WITHOUT SOLID SCIENTIFIC PROOF? Last check, monkeys are still dwelling in trees or cages.

    • I have a question for you @rain

      Was the SHAPE of the modern human skull the same as it was 2 million years ago?


      last time I checked, it resembles the shape of an Ape’s skull….Oh baka hanapan mo na naman ako ng ebidensiya niyan ha

    • @abuzalzal we dont need evidences to prove something, all we need to do is have faith. ngaun kung may napatunayan ang science edi ganun,tatanggapin namin un eh kaso di pa naman napapatunayan ng science na nanggaling sa unggoy ang mga tao. ikaw na nagsabi, na kahugis ng bungo ng tao dati ang sa unggoy.kahugis lang naman,di naman ibig sabihin nun unggoy na rin mga tao dati. tska bakit may mga unggoy parin?anu un pili ang mga mageevolve at hindi?sa huli nasa sa tao na yan kung anu ang paniniwalaan mo…parang magasawa lang naman yan eh pag tinanong ka kung nambababae ba ang asawa mo xempre sasabihin mo hinde kahit di mo pa talaga napapatunayan dahil nga may tiwala ka sa kanya

  16. @abuzalzal

    Basically you are just spouting off your opinion. If you want to dispute the Bible, do it in a scientific away – through research from credible scholars and not from urban legends.

    So what is that TOOL and TECHNOLOGY that will demonstrate that we came from a water-borne organism? Can you duplicate what happened millions of years ago and present it then as SOLID SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE?

    • You sounded like you need a solid photographic evidence lol. Well unless, man can invent a time machine. Sorry to disappoint you. GOOGLE is your friend buddy, I’m not going to copy-paste all of my arguments here (which you WON’T believe anyways)…mas papaniwalaan mo Bibliya, tama ba ako?

      Even if Scientists cannot support their claim by presenting photographic, empirical evidences, Your belief is *STILL* a million times more flawed than theirs…There’s no place for a Hebrew Mythology in the modern world.

  17. There you go abuzalzal. If scientists cannot duplicate what happened millions of years ago to PROVE that we evolved from a water-born organism, then by your own criteria, your belief is a MYTH. Hahaha

    • as his brain is

  18. Hello, is it me you’re looking for? I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your smile. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, and my arms are open wide
    ‘Cause you know just what to say And you know just what to do And I want to tell you so much, I love you… jill rose

  19. LOL chill mga cultists, Hindi ko kokontrahin paniniwala ninyo kung bababa ang Diyos at maghuhukom sa sanlibutan.

    We both Cannot present empirical evidences, but the likelihood of an evolution happening is 1000000000 times MORE REALISTIC than your bullshit MAGIC creationism belief

    lmao, shabu pa. Praise Jeebuz and his Magical father

    • If the theory of evolution is correct… why di ka pa ng evolved?

      If your scientist are so good. but until now nde pa cla makahanap ng cure/vaccine sa simpleng sipon?

      God is a spirit. and His words can only be understand by our spirit. So we cant read the bible like reading a novel. Say to me that your already contented on your life. Yung totoo ah… bec. that empty hole in your life can only be fillef by God.

    • @ryana

      you just don’t tell people like abuzalzal about God completing their lives or whatever as he won’t simply understand you. Definitely he will fall on deaf ears. He needs proof as what science needs.

    • You still havent answered my question @rain

      Was the SHAPE of the modern human skull the same as it was 2 million years ago?


  20. True or False?

    The Story of Moses, Noah’s Ark, David and Goliath, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jonah Swallowed by the Whale, And Jesus’ Miracles are all byproduct of crazy Jewish imaginations (they lacked creativity btw) so they have to borrow some plot/storylines from the Persians, Egyptians and Greeks, voilah. Jewish versions, we are the original! lmao


    • Its a work of art full of symbolism – a literature based on sacred ancient knowledge. :)

    • Which , didn’t happen of course, I mean, the authenticity of the stories :-)

    • Basically, we translated the bible using the language we have now. It is therefore limited and will create confusion. Some words in English, you can’t find words in Tagalog. So you invent one, but losing the whole idea of that word. :)

      Let it be known that I do not know it all. These are just my understandings of the understandings of some persons.

    • Wow abuzalzal. Just wow. Story of Moses, Jonah et all are incredible but the story of a water borne organism evolving into a human that can rationalize or that can invent the iMac is even more ASTOUNDING! So I guess some acanthamoeba floating in the pacific might evolve into a cuddly baby somewhere in a remote island Fiji and breed intellectuals. Now that is more believeable I guess.

    • evolution does not happen overnight..organisms merely adapt to its environment..

      malay mo in the future, if magbago talaga ang world due to climate change maging mutant na tayo..tas mga isda maging dinasaars ulit

  21. I agree with the maxim “As above, so below.”

    and check out Joseph Atwill, who is the author of a book entitled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’

    Believers are pacified with the use of the bible while their “priests” take their 10% monthly income and some rape their children.

    • Finally, a SENSIBLE post!

      pero teka, lagot ka kay @rain, hahanapan ka ng ebidensiya nun lol

    • You see, albuzalzal, some of our ancestors are experts in mind control for their own benefit.

      You cannot pacify “@rain” with your CAPITAL LETTERS and your exclamation points!!!!

      You have to tell a story.

    • di ko alam kung may napatunayan na na may nagrarape na pari…pero kuha ko punto mo na may nagkakasalang pari,at bilang isang catholic inaadmit ko naman un kasi lahat naman tayo ay tao lang. mabuti ang Simbahan, napapasama lang dahil sa mga nagpapatakbo nito. sabe nga sa isang movie,”the church is composed of saints and sinners”, ibig sabihin kahit matatawag natin na abanl ang mga tao ng simbahan ay tao parin cla na nagkakasala…pero ang pinakamagandang gawin ay ang magbago,may pagkakataon naman na magbago eh. tulad dati, binabatikos ang indulgence,sadya namang di maganda un kaya tinaggal na un sa simbahan.


    1. Something good/fortunate happened to them = God’s blessing

    2. Something bad/tragic happened = God’s plan/blessing in disguise

    Really? Can’t you Christian nutjobs believe in perseverance?

    Yung mga nangyayari sa ating buhay, walang external forces (ie GOD) na nagma-manipula ok?

    Kung tinamaan ka ng malas, malas ka
    Kung tinamaan ka ng swerte , swerte ka, yun lang yun LOL

    • dahil lahat ng bagay na nangyayari ay may dahilan. for example, nakita mo bf mo na may iba kaya nakipagbreak ka.matatwag mong bad happening un,pero kung iisipin mo mas okay na nakita mo na un agad sa bf mo kaysa naman umabot sa puntong maanakan ka o kaya makasal bago mo pa malamn,dba?

  23. Abuzalzal anu naman masama kung a tragedy is a blessing in disguise if a person has that perspective compared to someone who can’t cope one and end his life? Eh ikaw kaya mo yun?

    • ano yun?

  24. Wow. When nothing else to hammer on, it all goes back to the priest’s sex scandals. But I guess the sex scandals hounding the Boys Scout of America, Penn State American Football and some other religious sects wouldn’t matter for the “thinkers”.

    IF a group of atheists scientists working at a reputable organization abused teen boys, should we therefore conclude that scientists are abusive as per the “LOGIC” of these “thinkers” who always demean the whole of the Catholic Church by the horrific acts of some?

  25. shun the non-belivers! lol

    as they say “there are 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs, and the truth”..and probably the people who don’t really care..

    Stories depend on the viewpoints of people and how they interpret the truth.

  26. @letmebecalm the priests sex scandal is so old news. Yawn. If you have evidence at hand that priest rape children, go to the Supreme Court and file a case. That is the right way rather than rant and accuse priest based on a news story. Well, why don’t you hammer also the Boys Scouts of America and Jerry Sandusky of the Penn State football. Oh so by your LOGIC, I guess you won’t let your children attend boys scout camping or play football because of the scandals. YAWWNNNNN…

    • Hehe news which are evidences that you over looked. Bible was written by humans for humans. Your god has nothing to do with it.

  27. Kaya pala ganyan pag iisip ni abuzalzal. That’s why. Labas ka naman ng bahay mo. lol

  28. Honestly this argument is going nowhere. Yup there are three sides of the story. Sadly no one is actually 100% truth. Agnostics and Aetheists in my experience can’t really understand the other side; that’s why they’re called so. This conversation actually is going nowhere. This life is crap. Those knowledge, fame, power, money and intimacy is nothing because we all will die at the end of the die unless we are on a great and noble purpose. And we Christians see it in the Bible.

    • Continuing with the twisted Christian logic…

      1. Non-believers of the Christian faith will perish in the final judgement = Whoa, wala palang ligtas ang mga Muslim at Buddhists!

      2. ..that Satan is real, and there is indeed a lake of fire aka HELL as a place to punish the sinners = Meron palang ”nerve-endings” ang mga kaluluwa para makaramdam ng sakit bwehehehehehe

    • Never thought you were an atheist too mr.abuzalzal. I agree with all your points but your delivery is somewhat harsh. True, but harsh. lol. But then again, truth hurts and ignorance is bliss..

      The thing that bothers me about this whole issue is that i can never prove my point to close minded religious minds. They will die thinking they are right – thinking “seeya in hell”. When I die, i could never say “Ha!I told you so!” – because to me this life is all i ever get.

      I don’t know about you, but i would never subscribe to an almighty deity that will burn you in fire – not for 1 day, a week , but for all ETERNITY! Imagine burning in fire for 5 seconds – that’s nothing. But keep in mind, he is all merciful and loving, what???

      That is the genius of the bible. It adheres to our ignorance and fear of the unknown – and that is death.

    • Yup, that sums it up..Ignorance is bliss indeed, they would rather believe in magic and sorcery

      BTW, deity worship was an evolution within itself. Deity worship is ”just” a more sophisticated/complex form of Sun worship, this time with Holywood plots and post-Apocraplyptic doomsday bullshit lol

      really have no clue on why modern people would believe in these fcking wives’ tale….

    • And that goes to you too..Ignorance is bliss..You do not believe because you are open to such..and only believe in science which cannot even prove everything that is beyond their capacity.

  29. @abuzalzal paano mo nasabi na galing ang tao “simply came from a water-born organism evolved into a more complex animal.” ? Sige nga bigyan mo ako ng example na change of kinds na sinasabi mo na theory of evolution? For sure wala kang maibibigay na example kasi maski yung mga scientist wala silang maipakita na example.

    Ang tawag sa sinasabi mo na “simply came from a water-born organism evolved into a more complex animal.” FAITH yun.

    • cavepeople..how they learned their languages i dont know. May chinese cavepeople ba? baka alien tayo. arrrghhghg..too much to think about.

    • Awesome Crash! Babylon tower eh? Some things are not for humans to understand. Thats the truth.

  30. Ang dami nang naglabasan nito sa net at lahat naman ay nasagot na

  31. Never thought that this discussion would blow up so fast. While I stand by my ground (that is, all religions are man made), i don’t have a problem with religious people. The problem I have is with religion itself. It gives people superiority complex – the “I am right, others are wrong” syndrome.

    Honestly, this argument is going nowhere. There is absolutely no way you can prove or disprove a deity. But the way Gods are presented in many holy books is very improbable. Highly unlikely. Ever wonder why these so called gods highly mirrors the society in which they were created? Well, it is because these religions/gods are all man made. To control the masses and ignorants.

    While I am an atheist towards religion, i don’t display the same prejudice as other atheists. I simple do not care as long as you don’t meddle with my beliefs. Just keep your beliefs to yourself and you will have no problem with me.

    Just live your life as best you could. Do kind things, spread good influence and just be a good person overall. People do not need a heaven to do kind things. If I influence people in a good way, that is heaven enough for me. Contrary to religious minds, religions do not have exclusivity when it comes to morality.

    • I think belief has nothing to do about having a superiority complex. A person’s character is what dictates his attitude. Pushing one’s own belief down the throat of a stranger is not exclusive to religion. A quick look on the discussions in this forum is a great example.

  32. Devout (brainwashed) Christians will simply deny everything Science tells them…that’s what they are,that’s their nature and that’s what they are PROGRAMMED to do trololololololol tanggapin na natin walang mananalo sa debate na ‘to

    All hail king Jeebuz and his Magical faja again!

    • At least I’d die believing in God rather than to have believed in nothing..

      I’m not against science nor deny any of their studies as they have proven quite a lot already.

      What they are missing though are those that they can’t explain and those they think are fictitious.

      You are the one brainwashed by science which only believes things which have been proven true by instruments.

      also, is it not fun to think that after we die, we go to some place really amazing? Well, not for you i guess.
      you’d just rot in your own grave with your mind still intact.

      you dont believe in your own existence and all of these are all just a figment of someone’s imagination.

  33. Nakakaawa tayong lahat,pinagtataluhan natin ang mga bagay na wala tayong lubos at sapat na kaalaman.

    Salamat sa Diyos dahil may mga ilan na pinagkalooban Niya ng pananampalataya.
    Anong palad na mga taong iyon.

    Kaawaan naman sana ng Diyos ang lahat ng hindi nakakaunawa pero inaakalang matalino at marami silang nalalaman, tama marami nga silang nalalaman tungkol sa mundong ito, pero ang lahat ng iyon ay walang silbi sa paningin ng Diyos.

    Masasaliksik lang natin ang nilalaman ng Bible gayundin yung lahat ng Words ni God, by Spirit, at hindi sa sarili nating kaalaman o kakayahan.

  34. Bible Contradictions (?) Answered.

  35. Hay abuzalzal, you or for any scientists for that matter could NOT even prove that a simple water organism evolve into a a complex organism would have the audacity to poke fun at the “mythical” beliefs of christians. Please siino ngayon ang may superioty complex?

    Haha. Only christians are saved? This really HIGHLIGHTS your ignorance and prejudice. That is NOT what the Catechism of Catholic Churches teaches:

    Article 9, 839

    “The Catholic Church recognizes in other religions that search, among shadows and images, for the God who is unknown yet near since he gives life and breath and all things and wants all men to be saved. Thus, the Church considers all goodness and truth found in these religions as ‘a preparation for the Gospel and given by him who enlightens all men that they may at length have life.’

  36. Abuzalzal, eto naman ang itinuturo ng Simbahang Katolika sa mga Muslims:

    “The Church’s relationship with the Muslims. “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day.

    ” – Catechism of the Catholic Church, Article 9, 841

    O diba, atacke ka ng atacke pero wala kanamang alam actually. You’d rather gobble anti-catholic urban legends masquerading as facts.

  37. God is not a separate entity, rain. God is inside of you rain at the same time outside of you.

    God is the universe. God is the infinite possibilities that. God is 1,2 and 3.

    God is the universe as one. Everything is connected and all things are one and the same.

    God is duality.
    male female, science religion, etc.

    God is mind, body and spirit.

  38. Cannabis pa!Ahahahahahahahahahaha

    Ang labanan na dito..Logical Thinkers vs Supernatural Religious wackos

    • May I ask you sir, what`s supernatural with what we believe? Have you ever thought that the evolution thing you believe into is also supernatural? What is so logical with believing a scientist who cannot explain everything in this world knowing that you yourself cannot even make your own disposition relying also into something like the ones that the scientist makes? I dont expect everything to be understood. This universe is just so vast for us to argue on. What we believe may be “fantasy” to you but tell me do you even know us to throw such accusations? Science is the explanation of the supernatural things. Or in other words there is no such thing as supernatural; its just that humans are ignorant on things happening to this world because their knowledge cannot fathom such and so dont expect to understand everything. I understand how you feel. Things that cannot be proven are not worth believing but some of us Christians have been through experiences that you just cannot understand. I wont convince you to believe me but I hope you do know your purpose.

    • You’re funny. U believe in such just because somebody who`s so human say so. You’re no difference to us. Both of us believe in a supernatural information being passed through people. The difference? We are comfortable to what we believe as matter of fact it has made our lives better while you, well i dunno if you are comfortable considering yourself a plankton. Its not a problem to me if you yourself evolved from fish-food. :-)

  39. LOGICAL thinker? Or someone who is openminded that he’ll believe in ANYTHING except religion? Wacko me? Hahha. Look who get’s trump with facts rather than pre-conceived notions. Ok since you are LOGICAL THINKERS kuno, then how come you abuzalzal CAN’T even back up with solid empirical scientific evidence that “water organism can transform into a Paris Hilton” belief of yours? So logically, if a thing evolves, the former disappears. Yet why are there still monkeys, amoebas, planktons around? Since humans evolve from these tiny creatures, they should have been non-existent already. Logic dictates you need to present scientific proof because logically that is what you believe.

    • Heto…but of course hindi ka rin maniniwala dahil hahanapan mo na naman ako ng evidence hahaha


      PLEASE TAKE TIME AND WATCH…don’t be shy, 5 minutes lang ito, it is a well-explained animation video that even 7 year olds can understand and COMPREHEND (but I doubt if Religious wackos would, most probably not) XD

      Huwag mong sabihin na mas marunong ka pa sa nagsulat ng video?

      Cannabis pa @rain

    • 3.8 billion years? Gaya ng sabi ng ibang commenters dito supernatural din ang iyong pinaniniwalaan. Ibig sabihin nasa parehas lang din kayo ng footing sa mga tinatawag mo na mga “religious wackos”.

      Evolution theory.

      theory – tentative insight, a concept that is not yet verified

  40. Please letmebecalm & abuzalzal, if you are “logical” thinkers, you don’t resort to taunts and insults. In fact the burden of proof of that “magical amoeba thing turning into a princess” belief rests on you. Logically, you need to present a solid scientific proof for your beliefs. I’m levelling with you on the scientific aspect.

  41. To abujakol and voltez5, I see progress in you guys. In this catholic/christian dominated country, its hard to find people who can think freely. Most filipinos are slaves of preconceived ideas taught by religions.

    • @enlightened1. The truth is, you are like parasites in a society established on Judeo-Christian principles. Enslavement? What are you alking about? All the freedom you are enjoying her in this country is based on a Godly constittuion which invokes the Almighty. Why don’t you and your ilk migrate to NORTH KOREA. Walang Dios dun let’s see kung magenjoy ka dun.

    • I dont reeally care if people pray to other gods, chairs, birds, or nothing at all. So as long as we can live in harmony and in peace without the thought of our conflicting beliefs. Respect lang diba sa paniniwala ng mga tao. Di yung parang binabastos at ginagawang parang tanga ang mga taong naniniwala sa kung sinong god. amen. peace to all water organism.

  42. Oh. So you based it on a youtube animation.? Did you even question where did the professor based it from? All he did was basically postulate what happened. With the prokaryote, he even started the statement with LIKELY. Logically he is postulating here because how on earth was he able to say it was indeed the prokaryote? Where did the prokaryote come from? The professor is a historian. Good but logically you have to be able to PROVE that happened billions of years ago, the professor would be able to duplicate that to state a conclusion. Basically, he is just postulating.

  43. When you present solid empirical evidences, you study and experiment how a thing develops. Just like the DNA which is made up of a double helix structure and the pairing of nucleotude subunits because it has been studied by Watson and Crick. It is a good example of a theory backed up with solid scientific evidence. But a “simple water organisms evolve into a complex organism” belief, where is the proof in that?

    • Totally… I have to laugh… Hahahahahahahahahahahaa!

    • Best guess is that we were once intelligent water creatures. Naextinct na yung last water creature kasi nainom na silang lahat at nakain ng mga isda.

    • But then again you would all rather choose to believe in that book that was written by animal farmers that barely knew the earth’s real shape.

      Oh how hilarious you people are…..LOL

    • they eventually learned the truth about the shape though.. but they still believed in God.

  44. I sometimes think we humans are the aliens to this world. We crash landed all over earth. There are chinese alies, american aliens, etc. We got amnesia and forgot our origin because of whatever i dunno. After that, to cover up the blank space in our minds, we invented religion. Then hooray, we’re here now arguing about our differences about our beliefs.

  45. 1st: There’s no contradiction in the bible,there’s only misinterpretation, misconception and mistranslation.

    2nd: Thats’s why the bible warned about having to omit or to add something to its teachings would be a sinful act.

    3rd: Not everyone is capable of understanding the true meaning of the bible because it was hidden in mystery and only the chosen can decipher it by the guidance of God and the help of the holy spirit.

    4th: The bible also taught lots of scientific, geographic and historical facts about human evolution which the scientific community is just reaffirming or rediscovering nowadays.

    5th: Mostly the reason for being an Agnostics and/or Atheists is the result from being misguided by different sects or religions, and that someone haven’t reach the truth or conviction that they’re searching for.

    6th: CONCRETE EXAMPLE.. At the BibViz http://bibviz.com/how-many-gods-are-there-sab.html#at_pco=smlre-1.0&at_tot=4&at_ab=per-4&at_pos=0 , there’s a contradiction regarding how many god’s are there? and the answer is, there’s a lot of god’s being worship around the world like by the muslims, buddhism, hinduism etc. but among them, there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD which is the Father in heaven. so definitely its not contradiction, the bible only teaches the fact that there are other entities being called god by different group of people and that’s a historical fact. which in that case, makes the bible and its teaching, a very relevant and concrete piece of evidence for its authenticity.

    7th: Now the question is, how relevant is the 3.8billion yrs evolution video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndIGM5xrS38 posted by abuzalzal to this matter?? does the scientific community have proof of their claims?? and the answer is NONE!!! not a single one… unlike the bible which tells the story of each regions and generations that it covers and leaves a lasting mark of evidence.

    8th: yes, u read it right. a lasting mark of evidence. why? because the Philippines is one of the regions which have been prophecised..

    Isaiah 24:15
    New International Version (NIV)
    15 Therefore in the east give glory to the Lord;
    exalt the name of the Lord, the God of Israel,
    in the islands of the sea.

    Isaiah 43:5-6
    New International Version (NIV)
    5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
    I will bring your children from the east
    and gather you from the west.
    6 I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’
    and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’
    Bring my sons from afar
    and my daughters from the ends of the earth—

    here’s the rest.. happy reading..


  46. ganito lang kasi yan,hindi naman mismo ang religion at science ang nagaaway-away, kundi ung mga taong naniniwala dito. ang pinakamagandang gawin eh dapat lahat ng tao ay bukas ang isipan…kung may mapatunayan ang science na di kayang mapatunayan ng faith edi be with it,tanggapin un kasi pagbaliktarin man ang mundo un pa rin ang katotohanan and vice versa.

  47. dun sa mga mejo confused eh try nyu manood ng angels and demons, sobrang ganda ng movie na yan

  48. Proofs of the “TRUTH” always start from the center of one’s OWN RELIGION and work outwards. The result is a BIASED WAY OF THINKING which we are brought up to accept from childhood. -Erich Von Daniken, Chariot of the Gods

  49. you always ask for proof. but you’re the one contradicting yourself. prove first your beliefs. the one with the closed mind is yourself as you are already identifying that the book is already a fact.

    one example of how people viewed things before.
    before we didn’t understand weather and considered it an act of god. then now we know what weather is and consider it something explainable .

    you think you’re the one looking for evidence. you’re the one doing nothing. it shows how ignorant you are.

    • OMFS!!!

      SAPUL si @rain Hahahahahaha


    • wed ont need evidences, we only need our faith. because i believe that science cannot explain everything…pero kung dumating ang panahon na maexplain ng science(therese really a concrete explanation, not just a theory) at macontradict ang nakalgay sa sacrede scriptures, we will be open to that new idea pero it doesnt mean na hindi na totoo si God. tandaan, isang aspeto lang ang napatunayan ng science hindi kabuuan…

  50. So what’s next- an online guide to Torah/Qur’an Contradictions? The Ayatollah would probably put a price on the writer’s head. LOL

    • Probably an online guide to Abuzalzal’s contradictions. I know “Cut & Paste” knowledge when i see one.

  51. simple lang yan, pag namatay kayo, malalaman nyo ang tamang sagot, kaya yung may malakas na paniniwala sa dios, pwede na kayong mamatay bukas, total safe na kayo diba? langit na yan bro!

  52. At the end of the day, its faith.. Either you have it or you don’t.. I have looked into these facts and had the same questions.. but I still believe that there is a God.. That there is a purpose in my puny Life.. If not.. whats the point of living at all..

  53. According to probe.org, which is a site dedicated to defending the Christian Faith, most of the supposed contradictions are either

    copy errors made by those who propagated copies of the Bible or the different books in it (although the originals are error free, we only have copies, if memory serves me right, dating 50 to 100 years after the apotles)

    Also many supposed contradictions could be easily explained by the different vantage points where the authors of the Bible were at that time. This is similar to testimonies of different witnesses varying in some details due to where they were and what they saw. But that does not mean that their accounts are wrong. Note that ommissions are not contradictions as many claim that the gospels contradict each other

    Only very few supposed contradictions can be classified as hard to explain away. Most of these are not even central to Christian faith

    It is important that we know how to answer when confronted by those who do not believe that the Bible is full of errors. But that does not means we should be confrontational, we should share to them with the intention to lovingly correct them.

    Some links about this (Not complete):



    • Correction:
      It is important that we know how to answer when confronted

      **by those who are not Christians that **

      the Bible that it is full of errors. But that does not means we should be confrontational, we should share to them with the intention to lovingly correct them.

    • I guess GOD didn’t help those writers/compilers to correct those errors huh?

      Where was his allmighty Spiritual intervention when the writers/compilers needed one?

  54. Humupa na ba ang cultists’ rage dito??? LOL

    This begs for Part 2, sana may part 2 ito hahahahaha

    Nakakatuwa kasi basahin ang mga reaksiyon ng mga cultists, puro sila counter-punchers eh…eh wala namang maipakitang concrete ”PLAUSIBLE” theory kungdi yung faith nila sa sa Hebrew mythology and of course the so-called book that was written by cattle herders who thought the earth was flat.

    SHABU PA MGA CULTISTS Wooohooooo!!

  55. @anti-rain & abuzalzal. Oh so you wanna prove to both of you the existence of God through solid scientific proof? It is like asking to provide a solid scientific evidence of FAITH, HOPE, TRUST which I believe you won’t deny they exist. Hehe. Science CANNOT prove God just as scientists CANNOT verify if indeed our ancestor is a “water borne organism”. Hehehehe

    Science CANNOT prove God because it is futile. It is best left to the METAPHYSICAL aspect. If you ever heard one.

  56. anti-Rain wrote:

    ”you always ask for proof. but you’re the one contradicting yourself. prove first your beliefs. the one with the closed mind is yourself as you are already identifying that the book is already a fact.”

    ”you think you’re the one looking for evidence. you’re the one doing nothing. it shows how ignorant you are.”



    ansarap ulit-uliting basahin, EPIC comment brother! Respect

    • “we don’t need proofs to believe something, we only need our faith.” pero kayo na naniniwala sa na dapat may scientific evidence ay wala namang maipakitang proof, puro theory lang naman

  57. The problem with the “ENLIGHTENED LOGICAL THINKERS” is that they will believe ANYTHING that their brains fall out! They will gobble up anything except religion. They don’t sift through the facts. As long as it looks legit, they believe. (ie. Youtube animation? LOL). I may be a “religious wacko” but I work in the medical field.

    Hey for the “logical thinkers”, don’t you know that it was “religious wackos” who brought forth the advancement of science? Here is a list:

    1.Gregor Mendel – Augustinian friar, the Father of GENETICS
    2. Roger Bacon – Franciscan friar, significant contributions to mathematics and optics and has been described as a forerunner of modern scientific method and proposed to rectify the errors in the Julian Calendar
    3. Christopher Clavius – Jesuit, mathematician, chief architect of the Gregorian Calendar ( as commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII) which remains the internationally accepted civil calendar to this date.

    and so on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_Catholic_cleric–scientists

    • You are contradicting yourself here buddy lol

      ”The problem with the “ENLIGHTENED LOGICAL THINKERS” is that they will believe ANYTHING that their brains fall out! They will gobble up anything except religion. They don’t sift through the facts”

      Oh the IRONY

    • Did you even wonder regarding your youtube evidence how did your professor was able to say it was the Prokaryote? Where did the prokaryote come from? He said “it was LIKELY a prokaryote”. That is an example of POSTULATING! And you believed it like it was fact.

    • Calling pot kettle black, calling pot kettle black

    • Abuzalzal your best solid scientific evidence came from YouTube animation? Please. Hehe. Plausible does not mean it is already verified. The DNA was a plausible theory but it was VERIFIED by Watsons and Crick by presenting how its double-stranded structure was made of. But a “water born organism turning into a Jony Ive” is indeed… Supernatural.

    • And how about you?

      Bible verses? REALLY?

    • Oh where is your proof I presented biblical verses?

    • Your thoughts are based on Biblical verses..Nigga please, dun ka nagbubungkal ng arguments mo eh, Belief in the Christian God, Belief in the Holy Book…Oh don’t tell me you don’t believe in the Bible now?

    • Where in the thread that said I backed up my arguments through biblical verses? I just pointed out in the previous threads that the bible is also a historical book by saying it is acknowledged by historians and scholars in the academe. Being a Theist and a Catholic is the driving force but since the issue you were pummeling on before (re: Bible is myth, fairytale), I just presented you HISTORY.

    • Teka,teka,, don’t TWIST the truth here

      You are essentially here, nakikipag-debate, contradicting our Agnostic/Atheists views right?

      Which MEANS, you are muscling your way through to prove us wrong because you believe in the HOLY BIBLE.


      Oh don’t tell me hindi ka naniniwala sa Bibliya hahahaha

    • Look who came in crashing first trying to dismantle the Holy Book based on some chapters in the Old Testament.Did you even care to read the New Testament? Talk about cherry picking to suit their liking. Did you even care to read the context of God’s wrath? So you mean to say you’ll only believe if He was just all loving and cute? So following your logic,is that how you would like your parents be like even if you commit debauchery? You woundn’t want your parents to be angry at you and punish you if you murder somebody? So by your logic,you want your parents to allow your debauchery to continue and not be wrathful.

      You know that I-dont-believe-in-God-cz-he-allowed-mass murder-when-he-is-supposed-to-be-all loving and cute line of reasoning is at best SHALLOW. If you follow that logic then you should be angry at your parents too.

  58. I’m seeing a pattern here :

    Cultists : ”No Proofs,empirical evidences… just a theory, you’re an idiot for believing that”….


    I guess these cultists doesn’t understand what ”plausible” means lmao

    • Cultists? Please. lol. Why don’t you research on to your scientific resource : youtube, where scientists were able to present FAITH, HOPE, TRUST with solid scientific evidence.

    • Christianity is a CULT

      DEITY Worship (in General) is a cult-ish act

      Whoa? I’m really surprised you didn’t know that

      OF COURSE YOU DIDN’T!!!! lol

    • Cult? Ha! Isnt your “simple organism evolving into a jony Ive” theory purported by scientists also like cultish worship? Not all scientists believe that theory you know.

      Why I say it’s like cultish worship? Cz you didn’t question it. As long as it looks plausible to you BUT UNVERIFIABLE, you accept it as FACT.

    • Offreakingcourse Christians like YOU don’t want to associate themselves with that word. Heck kung naging Christian din ako ayaw ko ding matawag na kulto, ha! Cult..uhm, full of negative connotations.

      Essentially the same as Sales Rep. na ayaw na matawag sila na tindero or maglalako

    • Ok if you want to call Christianity a cult FINE! Can you say that to the muslims too? What is pathetic about “logical thinkers” like you is they always ram christians because were “too gentle” but so silent against Islam. Because alams na kung anu mangyayari sa katulad mo.

    • And abuzalzal what do you mean by cult? Like we christians or for any believers for that matter are robots? We are enslaved? Our constitution was established under Judeo-Christian principles invoking the Almighty and since you are living in this society, so by your “LOGIC”, you are embedded in a “CULT”. So do you feel like a robot in this Christian country? If so, why don’t you and your ilk migrate to North Korea since it is a godless society. Let’s see if you’ll enjoy the benefits which you are taking for granted here. If you can’t migrate then I’ll label you a HOOKWORM living in this cultish society.

      You and your ilk are so one sided. Why only us Christians labeled as a cult? Even the secular world has “CULTs”. Why dont you bash Apple or Samsung for its cult following. Isnt what the fanboys do by buying what these companies are producing every year even if the thing is a year old? Why don’t you bash the TV companies for producing telenovelas that have a cult following that makes people hook to them.

      You see it is not being a cult. It is being organized.

  59. Just as expected, the comments section of this article is on fire! Topics to really heat things up: Android vs. iOS, God vs. No God. :-)

  60. all I can say is,


  61. As much as I applaud efforts like this to bring the truth to the masses, believers don’t want to hear the truth as it destroys their delusions. It’s very hard to explain to someone they a devoted their life to a myths, lies and fallacy.

  62. A very long time ago, there was a civilization whose government simply kills everyone who opposes them.

    Eventually they (the government) realized that those they have killed simply comes back and begins to fight them once more.

    So what they did was create a device that would capture the spirits of these enemies of the state, brain wash them and then send them here, to Earth.

    So the spirit was to start all over again with no memories of his/her past every time he/she dies.

    It did not took long before this government was destroyed by another more powerful race of beings from another galaxy. However, their brain washing operation was left running on auto pilot. Neighboring civilizations took the opportunity to also dump their unwanted citizens here. Murderers, rapists, psychopaths, liars, thieves, war criminals, etc.

    Now you know why there are different races and so much hatred and violence on this planet.

  63. no one is correct on both parties.. we live today not a hundred years ago.. no one sees and no one knows.. we only have FAITH on what we BELIEVE. therefore we should have RESPECT on each one of US..

  64. To atheist

    Do you thing God will unfold the truth to you? fools!

    Even to the angels, He denied it!

    (Job 4:18 [KJV])
    Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly:

    (Luke 10:21 [KJV])
    In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

    We cannot know God unless He calls us.

  65. Abuzalzal my friend. you believe in qoran is perfect and no flaws right? you believe there is allah and no god right?

  66. I’m guessing that abuzalzal was molested by a priest during his childhood :)

  67. “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”


    • @Abuzalzal… You just lost the debate with your spoiled brat comments.

      @Enlightened 1 … Obviously Rain believed that God exists. That is his/her BELIEF OR RELIGION and he or she does not have to prove anything to anybody. I could ask you the same thing if you do not agree with Rain, can you prove that God does not exists?

    • @zarne THUMBS UP TO YOUR STATEMENT =) abuzalzal can just accept the fact that science cannot explain all things…sampoolan kita abu panu mo malalaman na masaya ang isang tao?na malungkot?pano mo malalaman using scientific evidence na may pagasa ang isang tao? kung tutuusin tong mga examples ko ay hindi naman bible o religion related pero alam kong di mo kayang iexaplin ang mga ito.

  69. it’s getting chaotic here. let’s get formal.
    @rain your position is, there is a god. right? the burden of proof is on you. now, what is your proof to back up that claim?

  70. what the… I’m having a hard time commenting using opera mini.

  71. While I agree with all the points made by abuzalzal, the tone of the delivery is belittling and insulting. That is not the way, bro. But one can always use your username and troll away – i see that happening in many posts around here.

    That being said, you can never win an argument against a devout Christian since they already made up their mind long time ago. Through years of brainwashing and ignorance.

    Raise a child believing that avocados are poisonous. Tell him every Sunday morning that avocados are poison of the mind – tell him never even think of eating an avocado. Proofs of avocados being healthy and all- are in fact, a product of the avocado evil man. Now, tell him that people eating avocados are crazy. On top of that, tell him that people telling him otherwise are crazy and are misinformed. Imagine what kind of child would he grow up to be? What will he think of avocado eaters? See the point I am making here?

    No proof or evidence is going to make them doubt their convictions. To them, we’re just some sort of a devil spawn spreading malice and misinformation. What’s the point of spreading misinformation – what can we get from that?

    They will only cite references that supports their claims. They will only use scientific references that support their argument and will never use a science reference against their ideology. Once you provide them with valid points, they say something along the lines of “..it’s just a theory” or “..scientific theories just assume stuffs yadda yadda and must not be treated as facts”

    • Christians are ignorant idiots created through years of brainwashing.. the system is fool-proof and we cannot win against these idiots. Let them be.

  72. The system isn’t foolproof. I was once a sincere christian. But through exhaustive reading, contemplation, and passage of time, I was able to wake up from my infantile delusion (false belief).
    Bart Ehrman, once a devoted christian and a new testament scholar, became an agnostic after extensive study of the bible. He said that if there’s really a god, he’s quite sure that that god is not the one described in the bible.

  73. @enlightened1. God CANNOT be proven through solid empirical evidence just as NO ONE can prove the CONCRETE existence of FAITH, HOPE and TRUST. Can you? Or should you deny that TRUST does not exist because you cannot touch it thru your senses. Asking if God does exist is a METAPHYSICAL query, not a scientific one. On the other hand, can you even prove that God does not exist?

    @Voltes5, you said

    “They will only cite references that supports their claims. They will only use scientific references that support their argument and will never use a science reference against their ideology. Once you provide them with valid points, they say something along the lines of “..it’s just a theory”

    But isnt that “water organism evolving a complex organism” a theory? How can you say it is a FACT? When to be able to conclude that it is fact, one has to be able to experiment and produce an observation. As Fr. Robert Spitzer pointed out that “there is NO WAY of reaching back in time and finding empirical evidence of that fact.”organisms are tremendously complex objects.” To RECONSTRUCT even one hypothetical organ is a task beyond any scientists at present, and, of known organisms, only a fraction of their total adaptive complexity is understood.

  74. @enlightened1 Exhaustive reading? You must have been reading on the wrong resources or been just skimming thru the pages. If we christians are in a state of delusion, then how come clerics specifically Catholic priests in the MAJORITY brought forth the advancement in science?

    The Roman Catholic Church gave more financial aid and support to the study of astronomy for over six centuries, from the recovery of ancient learning during the late Middle Ages into the Enlightenment, than any
    other, and, probably, all other, institutions. The fact that thirty-five craters on the moon are named for Jesuit scientists and mathematicians shows the Church’s commitment to astronomy.

    Do you know the FATHER OF GENETICS Gregor Mendel? He was an Augustinian friar.
    Robert Grosseteste Lorenzo Albacete (1941) Physicist and theologian
    José de Acosta (1539–1600) – Jesuit missionary and naturalist who wrote one of the very first detailed
    and realistic descriptions of the new world
    François d’Aguilon (1567–1617) – Belgian Jesuit mathematician, physicist, and architect.
    Albert of Saxony (philosopher) (c. 1320–1390) – German bishop known for his contributions to logic
    and physics; with Buridan he helped develop the theory that was a precursor to the modern theory of
    Albertus Magnus (c. 1206–1280) – “One of the most famous precursors of modern science in the High
    Middles Ages.”[6] Patron saint of natural sciences; Works in physics, logic, metaphysics, biology, and
    Giulio Alenio SJ – Italian theologian, astronomer and mathematician. He was sent to the Far East as a missionary and adopted a chinese name and customs. He wrote 25 books including a cosmography and
    a Life of Jesus in Chinese.
    José María Algué (1856–1930) – Meteorologist who invented the barocyclonometer
    José Antonio de Alzate y Ramírez (1737–1799) – Scientist, historian, cartographer, meteorologist;
    wrote more than thirty treatises on a variety of scientific subjects
    Francesco Castracane degli Antelminelli (1817–1899) – Botanist who was one of the first to introduce
    microphotography into the study of biology
    Giovanni Antonelli (1818–1872) – Director of the Ximenian Observatory of Florence; collaborated on
    the design of a prototype of the internal combustion engine
    Nicolò Arrighetti (1709–1767) – Wrote treatises on light, heat, and electricity.
    Giuseppe Asclepi (1706–1776) – Astronomer and physician; director of the Collegio Romano
    observatory; The lunar crater Asclepi is named after him.
    Roger Bacon (c. 1214–1294) – Significant contributions to mathematics and optics; forerunner of
    modern scientific method.
    Academy of Sciences
    Giovanni Inghirami (1779–1851) – Italian astronomer; there is a valley on the moon named after him
    as well as a crater
    François Jacquier (1711–1788) – Franciscan mathematician and physicist; at his death he was
    connected with nearly all the great scientific and literary societies of Europe
    Stanley Jaki (1924–2009) – Benedictine priest and prolific writer who wrote on the relationship
    between science and theology
    Ányos Jedlik (1800–1895) – Benedictine engineer, physicist, and inventor; considered by Hungarians
    and Slovaks to be the unsung father of the dynamo and electric motor
    Georg Joseph Kamel (1661–1706) – Jesuit missionary and botanist who established the first pharmacy
    in the Philippines
    Otto Kippes (1905–1994) – Acknowledged for his work in asteroid orbit calculations; the main belt
    asteroid 1780 Kippes was named in his honour
    Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680) – The father of Egyptology; “Master of a hundred arts”; wrote an
    encyclopedia of China; one of the first people to observe microbes through a microscope
    Wenceslas Pantaleon Kirwitzer (1588–1626) – Jesuit astronomer and missionary who published
    observations of comets
    Jan Krzysztof Kluk (1739–1796) – Naturalist agronomist and entomologist who wrote a multi-volume
    work on Polish animal life
    Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897) – One of the founders of the Naturopathic medicine movement
    Marian Wolfgang Koller (1792–1866) – Professor who wrote on astronomy, physics, and meteorology
    Franz Xaver Kugler (1862–1929) – Jesuit chemist, mathematician, and Assyriologist who is most
    noted for his studies of cuneiform tablets and Babylonian astronomy
    Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (1713-1762) – French astronomer noted for cataloguing stars, nebulous
    objects, and constellations
    Eugene Lafont (1837–1908) – Jesuit physicist, astronomer, and founder of the first Scientific Society
    in India
    Antoine de Laloubère (1600–1664) – The first mathematician to study the properties of the helix
    Bernard Lamy (1640–1715) – Philosopher and mathematician who wrote on the parallelogram of
    Pierre André Latreille (1762–1833) – Entomologist whose works describing insects assigned many of
    the insect taxa still in use today
    Georges Lemaître (1894–1966) – Father of the Big Bang Theory
    Thomas Linacre (c. 1460–1524) – Humanist translator and physician
    Francis Line (1595–1675) – Magnetic clock and sundial maker who disagreed with some of the
    findings of Newton and Boyle
    Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz (1606–1682) – Prolific writer on a variety of scientific subjects; a earlier
    writer on probability
    Jean Mabillon (1632–1707) – Benedictine monk and scholar, considered the founder of palaeography
    and diplomatics
    James B. Macelwane (1883–1956) – “The best-known Jesuit seismologist” and “one of the most
    honored practicioners of the science of all time”; wrote the first textbook on seismology in America.
    Paul McNally (1890–1955) – Jesuit astronomer and director of Georgetown Observatory; the crater
    McNally on the Moon is named after him.
    Pierre Macq (1930– ) – Physicist who was awarded the Francqui Prize on Exact Sciences for his work
    on experimental nuclear physics

    Yes indeed, Christians in general and Catholics in particular are delusional and backward in thinking.

  75. @Rain, read my wordings carefully. Have you seen from my comments any statements such as, “god does not exist”? I did not claim that. On the other hand, it seems that you are cocksure that god exists but I cannot see any good arguments that can back up your claim. You’re just putting a whole slew of fallacy called ‘argument from authority’. I can also give you a list of prominent and well-respected atheist/agnostic scientists with enormous contributions but I won’t waste my time doing so because it doesn’t prove anything except that humans are intelligent beings.

    Furthermore, i’m not limiting you to concrete and empirical proof of god. Mathematical truths can also be proven without the need of the senses. Faith, hope, trust can be felt. I know they exist. But what about god? I cannot feel god. What is the feeling of god? And, in the first place (and this is necessary), what is god?

    Now, please define god and give some valid arguments to prove your case. The burden of proof is on you because I did not claim anything yet.

    “You must have been
    reading on the wrong
    resources or been just
    skimming thru the pages”

    i feel the air of arrogance here. I know my resources very well. I’m not that naive to just trust everything i have read without verifying from other materials. But how about Bart Ehrman? How about Richard Carrier? How about francesca stavrakapoulou? All of whom are prominent scholars? Can you accuse them of reading from the wrong resources that’s why they became atheists?

    • what is the feeling of god?well theres no exact feeling…it depends on the person,situation, and many more factors. just like hope,happiness,sadness we feel it and they do exist but theres no exact definition if what we feel is happiness and so on. in my perspective, i feel god all the time. whenever i got in times of trouble and be able to get past of it, i feel god. whenever im hopeless then suddenly something happened that brought back my hope, i feel god. whenever im happy, i feel god. even when im sad, i feel god because i know he will comfort me.

  76. @enlightened1

    Indeed, you did not claim that ‘God does not exist” but you ask for proof over something which science cannot prove just like FAITH or TRUST.

    The POINT of the list of Catholic priests-scientists is my refutation of your assertions that christians must be in “infantile delusion” which you woke up from! If we are in a delusional state, then these priests would have not brought forth the advancement of science LONG BEFORE the modern thinkers came.

    Some scholars-atheists are still grappling with the truth that is why they do not crossover to being a theist. It requires FAITH!

  77. @enlightened1

    Defining God is in the METAPHYSICAL realm. I am NOT philosopher but the best definition comes from St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica:

    Reasons in Proof of the Existence of God, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/aquinas3.asp

  78. @enlightened1

    This is more easy on the eyes to read.

    St. Thomas Aquinas SUMMA THEOLOGICA

    Article 1. Whether the existence of God is self-evident?
    Article 2. Whether it can be demonstrated that God exists?
    Article 3. Whether God exists?


  79. To those former believers whocouldn’t fathom why an all loving God would allow natural disasters, evil people, diseases in this world, here is a good answer:

    “Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, UNLESS His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring GOOD even out of evil.” This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and OUT OF IT produce GOOD.’

    – St. Augustine, Enchiridion XII

  80. I was able to
    wake up from “MY” infantile
    delusion (false belief).

    Please read my wordings carefully. The key word is ‘my’ because I am limiting it to myself. And by delusion, I mean ‘false belief’ that’s why I have included ‘false belief’ parenthetically. It has nothing to do with mental disorders. I’m apologizing, however, if such word offends you guys.

    As to your links, it’s just the prime mover argument. The latest version of which is the cosmological argument whose minor premise (the universe began to exist) is problematic because we know how volatile cosmological theories are.

    And if there is really a ‘force’ or god if you want, where is the proof that that force or god is the god of the bible?

    your comment implies that god is just a state of mind and has no external existence.

  81. By the way, having a false belief does not mean that one cannot do great things.
    Aristotle believed in ether (already disproven) but that did not hinder him in doing great things such as logic.

  82. “Indeed, you did not claim that
    ‘God does not exist” but you
    ask for proof over something
    which science cannot prove
    just like FAITH or TRUST.”

    again, i’m not limiting you to science. Prove it anywhere you like as long as it is reasonable.

    Faith can be felt and therefore demonstrable (especially if you have a wife hehe). As for trust, there are scientific studies that link trust to a molecule that is secreted from the posterior pituitary gland called oxytocin.

    @wew, parang nahugot ko sa utak ko, nung nag-aaral pa ako ng pharmacology na may mga neurotransmitters called, dopamine, norephinephrine, serotonin which are responsible for mood regulation such as happiness and depression.

  83. @enlightened1 You said “The latest version of which is the cosmological argument whose minor premise (the universe began to exist) is problematic because we know how volatile cosmological theories are.”

    The Kalam Argument

    P1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

    P2. The universe began to exist.

    C. Therefore, the universe has a cause.

    How can it be problematic when on the contrary a lot of the “logical thinkers” would readily embrace the “simple water organism evolving into a complex organism” as FACT? Didn’t they even wonder HOW on earth those simple water organisms begin to exist in the first place?

    The Kalam argument is NOT a scientific BUT a PHILOSOPHICAL argument. Atheist should believe P1 because LOGICALLY, something CANNOT come from nothing.

    If we trace this series of events back in time, then what do we find? Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, a self-described agnostic, stated that:

    “The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion…The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen.” http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth18b.html

    “several different models of the universe that dodge the need for a beginning while still requiring a big bang. But recent research has shot them full of holes (see page 6). It now seems certain that the universe did have a beginning.”
    – Editorial: In the beginning , New Scientist 213(2847):3, 14 January 2012

    “All the evidence we have says that the universe had a beginning.”
    – Cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin, Tufts University, Boston (USA), January 2012

    “Death of the eternal cosmos—From the cosmic egg to the infinite multiverse, every model of the universe has a beginning.”
    – Grossman, Lisa, Death of the eternal cosmos, New Scientist 213(2847):6–7, 14 January 2012.

  84. @enlightened1

    Can you touch FAITH? Smell it, hear it, measure its length? If NOT, then thru solid empirical scientific evidence, therefore FAITH does NOT exist. So why have faith in your wife then?

    As the great novelist-poet C.S. Lewis said:

    ?”Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen, for physical or chemical reasons, to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But, if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It’s like upsetting a milk jug and hoping that the way it splashes itself will give you a map of London. But if I can’t trust my own thinking, of course I can’t trust the arguments leading to Atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an Atheist, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I cannot believe in thought: so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.”

    • THIS. @enlightened1

  85. “The
    Universe flashed into being,
    and WE CANNOT FIND OUT what
    caused that to happen.”

    Exactly! See? No one knows what happened even those persons whose life have been devoted to studying the cosmos.
    And if you’re going to use this as an argument for god’s existence, it would look like this:

    I don’t know, therefore God.

    Hence, the ”god of the gaps argument.” one of the most unacceptable argument for theism.

    As to the beginning of life, scientists say it came from stardust. As to the beginning of life on earth, there’s no single theory to explain it. But for me the more plausible among those is ‘directed panspermia’. Science is still studying this and more experiments are taking place in hope of discovering our true origins. It’s just one of the gaps in science which is being abused by believers who are fond of the ‘god of the gaps argument’. And please, read about evolution with unbiased mindset. It doesn’t happen overnight.

    Granting, there is a force/supreme being/god that triggered the big bang, how can you prove that that ‘force’ is the god of the bible?

    About ‘nothing,’

    what do you mean by nothing? Science has a different view of ‘nothing.’ for science, nothing is something. Try to watch some science programs about ‘space’ and you’ll see. I had seen one hosted by Brian Green and it was very interesting. And also, about quantum mechanics because it tells us that common sense can be wrong sometimes.

    About ‘faith.’

    yes, I cannot touch it, smell it, hear it, taste it, but I can FEEL it, and I can even confirm it by asking my wife! So are mathematical truths! So is reason! So is MIND! They exist! Nobody will disagree (though some materialists will reduce that to material stuff).

    But how about god? You can’t see it, smell it, hear it, touch it, and taste it. And you cannot even feel it. And if one grew up without the concept of god, one cannot know even the word god.

  86. The problem with the god of the gaps argument is that, it doesn’t prove anything. And, it’s kind of ridiculous too.

    See Giorgio Tsuokalos (ancient astronaut theory enthusiast) with his ‘flashy’ hairstyle everytime he would say, “It’s aliens!” and you’ll know what I mean.

    Rain, I have nothing against christians. I know what it’s like. I was once a devout christian. But as I grow up, as I look around, I realized there’s something wrong here.

    I contend that we are both agnostic.

    Supposed someone said that December 13, 2014 will be a rainy day,

    both of us DON’T KNOW. The only difference is, you choose to believe that it will while I choose to remain clueless.

  87. And before I forgot, you still haven’t given me a sufficient definition of god.

    You just gave a link which doesn’t define god, rather it suggests “relational attributes” such as god is the prime mover.

    When I asked, “what is god?” i mean, what is the nature of god? What is its essence? I’m not asking what god can do or what are its properties.

    If you cannot know the nature or the essence of god, how can you establish “secondary attributes” such as, omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent? How can you establish “relational attributes” such as, creator and prime mover? Clearly, in order to establish secondary and relational attributes of something, you should know first the nature or the essence of that something. Otherwise, secondary and relational attributes can be regarded as meaningless or false. And that something can be considered nonsense and therefore can already be dismissed.

  88. shut up and dribble. in tech terms, keep your stupid religion out of a tech website. ineepal mo lang yang putanginang diyos mo, na-butthurt ka lang

    ni hindi mo man lang i-examine. you think daniel taylor would conjure those contradictions out of thin air? excuse me, but the reference for those contradictions is your bible itself

    your style of writing here is disingenuous. ‘But before you stone Taylor to death, or throw him into the pits of hell because of his heretic work’. teh, that’s just you. not all yugatech readers are christian. you can’t even guarantee that all christians would ‘stone taylor to death’ for it. sige, with state laws in force, subukan mo

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