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Cloud Storage just got better on DropBox and Box.com

Two of the more popular cloud storage apps have received a much needed shot in the arm that could potentially give it an edge over the competition. Two of the more widely popular services are Box.com and DropBox.

Last week, the iOS version of Dropbox got a minor update from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 adding a handful of features and some that were only previously available on Android.

Besides the slight facelift on the UI, Dropbox 1.5.2 now offers automatic upload of your clips and stills on your Camera Roll. Another good thing about it is the more you upload your videos and photos; your free storage increases as well, getting additional 500MB of space whenever needed and can reach up to a total of 3GB. In addition, this version of the app allows users to upload any files regardless of its size.

Though these features have been enjoyed by Android users long before this update was done, it’s good to know that DropBox developers are making an effort to make their iOS version at par with that of their Android version.

It’s clear that Box.com has one thing in mind and that’s to stay ahead of the game which is evident on the latest offering. The California-based cloud storage provider has initially launched OneCloud solution solely for iOS users back in March with support for 15 applications from the get go. Noticing that majority of their clients are Android user, they’ve recently brought OneCloud to that platform with a wider range of supported apps.

Just to let you in on how this works, OneCloud syncs the documents that you made on your mobile device using one of the supported apps to your box.com account. This in turn makes viewing or editing the files on a computer or any other device for that matter which is plus for people on-the-go.

Cloud service providers have really been stepping it up to further improve their product and offerings to be more competitive. As one product gain a slight advantage, rest assured that the others are brewing something to better their rivals. With these additional features and integration of other mobile apps, we can definitely expect more enhancements in the future. And as their services get better, so does the productivity of their users.

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Avatar for Ronnie Bulaong

This article was written by Ronnie Bulaong, a special features contributor and correspondent for YugaTech. Follow him on Twitter @turonbulaong.

5 Responses

  1. Avatar for Meyer Meyer says:


    It will sure be. I swear. On a device that has a limited storage (i.e. iPad) with 32GB, you will be able to access 50GB or maybe even 100GB of files when you have cloud storage.

    You can use this link for dropbox: http://db.tt/TBOchJr (and if you signed up using this link and installed dp in your device) we will both have 500MB of additional spaces, nice right?

  2. Avatar for Dippin Slash Dippin Slash says:

    I haven’t tried any cloud storage yet but I’m planning to have one on DropBox soon. I think this is gonna be useful to me soon.

    • Avatar for Meyer Meyer says:

      It will sure be. I swear. On a device that has a limited storage (i.e. iPad) with 32GB, you will be able to access 50GB or maybe even 100GB of files when you have cloud storage.

      You can use this link for dropbox: http://db.tt/TBOchJr (and if you signed up using this link and installed dp in your device) we will both have 500MB of additional spaces, nice right?

  3. Avatar for Meyer Meyer says:

    I use db a lot, I just have problem with it on my tablet. It says that it does not store data on my tablet, but upon observing the app, it’s size is increasing. Any idea about what’s happening? And one more thing I didn’t starred any favorites.

  4. Avatar for Fanatico Fanatico says:

    Hey Ronnie, I was already having a great deal of disliking on how you reply (obnoxiously) to your readers but hey, you’ve got some really interesting articles and quite honestly, i’m starting to like you! Another plus definitely is that you reply as far as you can!

    You should still learn more from Abe.

    Keep it up!

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